No one has a right to name a ministry after themselves, only the Son of
YAHUVEH who paid the price at Calvary. When the minister who does this falls,
the ministry falls, and the sheep scatter where the wolf can devour them. Warn
them, I AM a Jealous GOD and do not share My Glory with anyone. I give this
warning to you so you will not commit this sin and you will warn others."
I was in shock for NEVER did I even know GOD still spoke audibly to his
children. I said why are you warning me I am only a mother and I don't even have
a ministry I am just an evangelist preaching in other churches. Now I understand
why that is why this ministry is only named after the Alpha and Omega and the
Holy Spirit.(Ruach ha kodesh) YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA is the only name lifted up.
Later that day I watched tv and heard Jimmy Swaggart repent for getting caught
in sin.
The next day during prayer meeting after praying in tongues the Holy Spirit gave
me another message to send to the top evanglists, 10 of them and I sent them to
each of them in a cassette tape under the anointing. Only Oral Roberts
personally wrote me back and thanked me for speaking forth a word from YAHUVEH
yet he continued to keep the name Oral Roberts Ministry at that time.
Others I sent the warnings to were Robert Tilton, Jimmy Swaggart, James
Robinson, Dwight Thompson and Rex Humbard.
There were ten ministers I forgot the rest of the names.The burden was so great
I begged GOD to remove it after I sent the warnings to the above ministers.
Dwight Thompson changed the name of his ministry, James Robinson also.