Beloved of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA,
This Ministry has many mandates given to us by YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. One of the
mandates is to encourage the Bride of YAHUSHUA in these end times. We are
encouraging them to keep their garments spotless and White with the shed blood
of YAHUSHUA. We are being introduced to many of the Bride of YAHUSHUA,
especially during the beginning of the Year 2003.
YAHUSHUA spoke to me an audible word to warn the people, "I am not coming for a
disobedient Bride." Remember the parable of the ten virgins and only 5 obeyed
and kept not only enough oil in their lamps for themselves but more to spare as
they waited for their Bridegroom to come and His name is YAHUSHUA. The Parable
of the ten virgins represents the rapture or catching away of the Bride of
YAHUSHUA. Will you be ready?
That question is easy to answer. Just be honest with yourself and YAHUVEH. Are
you doing the best you can to put YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first in your life and
love? Are you doing the best you can to please YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA in all ways?
Are you being obedient to YAHUVEH'S commandments? Are you grieving or weeping
over the ungodliness in not only in America but this world?
On 2.15.2003 we were being led by the Ruach Ha Kodesh to read Ezekiel 9- 12. Are
you one of those that the Man in the Linen Cloth who is a scribe is sealing so
you will not be harmed when YAHUVEH calls forth Judgment on this earth? Do you
realize YAHUVEH'S judgment first came upon the house of the Lord? This will be
the Churches and temples that are already filled with the spiritually dead.
On this last Shabbat, I was thanking and praising YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA for
delaying the war with Iraq. For when You hear "World War III," this will usher
in the antichrist as well as the coming of YAHUSHUA. This war will be unlike the
other wars. America is like a disobedient and stubborn, spoiled child and
YAHUVEH is going to spank her before the whole world. This I prophecy in the
name of YAHUSHUA. It will not be a pretty sight.
I feel led by YAHUVEH to again ask you to read the 76 prophesies. Access them
from the index page.
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We really enjoy hearing from more of the BRIDE of YAHUSHUA. For all those that
have the revelation that they are part of the 144.000 of the twelve tribes, we
would really like to get to know you. Please email us at: Contact Us
We need each other in these end times.
Thank you for whoever linked us to anti abortion sites because we have gotten
the most encouraging email just in this last week. Please Partners, ask other
anti abortion sites to link to also.
What people don't know is on February 15th Shabbat, we were praying and thanking
YAHUVEH for delaying the war with Iraq. And YAHUVEH spoke forth Prophecy 71 but
we didn' have the tape recorder with us, so it will have to be another time when
he speaks it forth again as HE said HE would.
The most intense anointing came upon me. My hands were held up toward Heaven and
while praying in the Heavenly Tongues with a vision of the spiritual rod in my
hand like Moses. The message came forth. Please pray divine Protection around us
as we wait for the same powerfully anointed prophetic message to come forth
again and this time we will be prepared so we can deliver it in full to you our
Brothers and Sisters in YAHUSHUA.
Delay of what has been prophesied will quickly come to an end, for this world is
not repenting and YAHUVEH chastises those that He loves as well as destroying
HIS enemies.
Still, we live in America and cry out for MERCY in the name of YAHUSHUA, for not
only our Brothers and Sisters but for us also. Canada has followed in her
sister's footsteps and YAHUVEH also has a word for Canada.
Prayer Intercessors, PLEASE PRAY like never before! We are at a code RED alert
when it comes to the WRATH OF YAHUVEH falling on this World.
I know I offend those who don't want to hear the truth, and enlighten those that
do want to hear the Truth.
Much love your Sister in YAHUSHUA,
Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu