I rejoice at coming to take MY Children out of this wicked world, to
carry MY Bride home in MY arms, I weep and I sob for I am torn in
half. So many will be left, so many that call themselves MINE and yet
MY Spirit is not in them. They will be left to suffer the wrath of
Almighty GOD YAHUVEH. Tell them MY Daughter, tell them for ME. Warn
them, many will listen and obey this prophecy. I weep for the
churches that are overflowing and people stand in line to get in the
churches. Yet MY RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) is not in these
churches. These people call themselves MINE, and they don't know ME.
They are the church of the pretenders.
will be left to suffer the wrath of Almighty GOD YAHUVEH if they
don't repent. What a tragedy.
bring shame upon yourselves as you hunger and thirst after signs and
satan gives you what you desire. What will you do when satan says
bring me your pennies and I shall turn the metal into a pile of gold?
Don't you yet understand your greed is blinding your eyes? Don't you
discern the churches that have opened themselves up to this also have
the laughing, mocking spirit of chaos in their churches? Can't you
see that this is another form of deception to keep you from being
without spot or wrinkle? This is another deception to get your eyes
away from MY coming? You who have been deceived and not repented, you
are not MY Bride.
are some who call themselves MY Bride, but they are not MY Bride.
They are the Church of the Pretenders who claim to know ME and yet
don't know ME. Their fragrance is an imitation and is a stench to MY
nostrils. The counterfeit bride wears off white. Her jewels are just
cut glass. Her tiara is made of tin. She claims to love ME, and no
love is there. Why does this counterfeit bride say they love ME but
won't obey? They say they do miracles in MY Name, but their strange
fire brings ME shame.
any Pastor does not line up with MY Holy Word then run from this
Pastor. The church is not the building; the church and the Temple are
MY People that gather together in MY NAME. Be not deceived by fame
and fortune, by the size of a church or Temple or congregation. Be
not deceived by the false manifestations of what some call miracles
and yet I tell you it is Sorcery and Alchemy. I tell you it is the
occult that fills so many of your churches and yes, Christian
airwaves. How
long MY Children must I wait to come and get MY Bride? I tell you how
long, until MY Bride stops being disobedient and start obeying what
they know to be true and starts fleeing from the evil in the majority
of churches that preside. If you hear MY voice in this prophecy and
flee now the Babylonian churches then you will not be sitting in the
counterfeit churches when the antichrist comes in these churches and
is worshipped and resides.
those who dare to mock and say Hell is not real, it is just a thing a
figment of your imagination, they shall not only taste of Hell but
they shall swim in the Lake of Fire. For those that dare to mock the
2nd coming of YAHUSHUA, I tell you once and I will tell you again,
HE'S not coming for the Church. He
is not coming for any organized Church. He is coming the next time
for HIS Bride and not just anyone is called YAHUSHUA's Bride. Are
they loyal, are they truthful, are they faithful? Will they choose to
obey HIM? Do they walk Holy before ME? Is MY NAME on their lips
daily? Are they crying out in the NAME of YAHUSHUA
Or are they throwing MY Ten Commandments down, trampling them
underneath their feet till they crumble to pieces on the ground? Are
they telling the people listen not to the ways of old for we do
things a new way, we do things our way?
Beloved Bride, you consist of both male and female.
You are called a virgin, for you have come out of the man-made
doctrines and fled the churches of Babylon. MY Bride, you are not
afraid to expose evil, even when it is in the churches and expose the
compromising pastors of the churches and those who call themselves
Rabbi's who are compromising too. This is evil in MY sight. You MY
Bride, will not remain silent and the more the heathen and Pharisees
as well as the lukewarm Christians and the 6 churches mentioned in
Revelation try and muzzle you, the louder you yell.
MY Beloved Bride, you who praise, worship, love and adore, desire
above all else to put a smile on Abba YAHUVEH's face pleasing HIM as
well as your MESSIAH and soon coming Groom. MY Bride, you know
obedience to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA is love and you prove your love and
loyalty by obeying YAH's commands.
I say unto you, the True Bride of YAHUSHUA, you know all of this and
your sole desire is to obey YAHUVEH's every word and I am that Word
that was made Flesh. I am the Living Torah. Verily
I say unto you, that you the Bride of YAHUSHUA seek to obey and go
the extra mile, what ever it takes to obey Abba YAHUVEH, to do what
others deem foolish such as observing the Holy Feast Days and keeping
the true Sabbath and flee man-made religions that changed the Sabbath
to Sunday.
MY Bride you know anything that is corrupt or perverted is not Holy
and is an abomination unto YAHUVEH such as abortion, homosexuality
and same-sex marriages. MY Bride, you do not remain silent but loudly
protest these things and condemn anyone who does not do so, calling
them a coward and a hypocrite.
foolishness, foolishness, foolishness! I am angry, I am angry, I am
angry, I am angry, I am angry! How many of you who desire to be MY
Bride, who I called to be MY Bride, have forsaken Holiness? How
many of you make excuses for sin? How many of you know MY Word says
honor the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy and still you fill the
churches on Sunday.
is the only reason any of YAHUSHUA's Bride should be attending a
Sunday church, to teach the sheep and lambs the truth where the
pastors have refused, even if it is one person at a time.
Here is the good news: just as MY Beloved Children, whose names are
written in the Lamb's Book of Life and are preordained, so too is
satan's book of the damned. YAHUSHUA WILL NOT LOSE ONE SOUL WHOSE
THIS WORLD. You cannot accidentally choose to accept the Mark of the
Beast; you will know not to do so and rather die before doing so.
know MY Beloved ones this is not even what you were praying on, but the words that were on MY heart [“Does not your entire body have to operate in unison?” i.e. does not the entire body of YAHUSHUA have to operate in unison?]—you can see what happens when there is disobedience from those who are called to be MY Bride. I don't care if you give a billion dollars. If you are
disobedient I will say, "Away from ME, this doesn't impress ME."
I don't care what sacrifice you lay down, if you are not obedient to
YAHUVEH, if you are not obedient to ME, I will say, "Away from
ME you are not MY Bride." The time is short, the time is seconds
away from MY coming for MY Beloved Bride. No time to play games, no
time for pew warmers, no time for the lukewarm. Truly I spew them out
of MY mouth.