you will be spared this, for the tribulation is not for MY Bride. Why
would I beat up and abuse MY Loving Bride? Why would I kill MY
Spouse, MY Bride that awaits her groom? MY Bride with all her jewels
on and finely adorned, and who worships only ME, lives for only ME. I
would not.
Children serve ME, and put ME first in their lives, live Holy for ME,
and witness for ME, suffer for MY NAMESAKE. MY Children tithe, give
offerings to support the work I have commanded other ministers to do,
using Holy tithes and offerings.
For this reason I will spare
them on the Day of Judgment. MY Children are not afraid to stand up
for Holiness. They will speak out against homosexuality, abortion,
pornography, and all manner of sin. Did I not love enough to even
warn the Pharisee's? How much more should you? Did I not send Moses
to warn the evil Pharaoh? How much more should you? MY Children know
I have promised, the same reward this minister receives in Heaven for
ministering to the people, bringing souls to ME, praying, teaching,
setting captives free in MY NAME. Speaking out against unholiness and
speaking forth MY Prophetic Messages. The same treasure is laid up
for whoever supports, encourages, and prays for these Apostles,
Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers those that set the captives
free for MY Glory. They will also receive the same rewards stored up
for them in Heaven.
those that are MINE, not denying ME, standing up for Holiness, no
matter how unpopular it may be, or what price you will have to pay, I
say unto you, "Believe a Prophet and so shall ye prosper,"
and now again I say unto you, "Believe this Handmaiden of MINE
and that it's MY RUACH ha KODESH that gives her these words to hear
that I am speaking and because you have believed this, you shall be
spared the horror that is yet to come."
I tell you this, you know not which midnight hour I come, will it
truly be 12:00 am or will it be 1:00 am and there are many hours
before dawn cometh, so which hour will I come? Be watching and
praying and let ME see you doing the work of your Heavenly Father,
living Holy as your GOD is Holy unless
I come and find you sleeping on the job. Unless I come and you who
don't want ME to come back too soon, you have your own plans and
agenda's. Don't worry; I won't be coming back for you.
24 part 1:
you do now for MY Glory and what you have done for MY Glory alone
will cause MY Son to spare you of the horror of MY wrath and Judgment
to come.
Noah was above the waters of MY wrath so believe and you also will be
above MY wrath watching from Heaven safe from Tribulation. The ones
that insist on testing ME and believing I will not rescue MY Bride
before the Tribulation, believing I will not count anyone worthy to
escape the hour of temptation, there is hope for you also. Believe
I will protect you as I did LOT and Obey ME and you will also see
your faith in YAHUSHUA. Let no one rob you of your BLESSED HOPE.
ready no matter when you think I may come. Let ME not find you
slumbering and sinning, living a life of the Pharisee's. For MY Bride
must stay pure and Holy before ME. MY Bride must be a virgin. There
are requirements of MY Bride. I speak of virgin meaning not
contaminated by man-made doctrines and religions. MY Bride must have
no other love before ME.
MY Bride must not be putting her
faith in any other god, but her Groom. MY Bride must believe I will
protect her and I am coming to elope with MY Bride.
all that call themselves MY Bride and that wait for ME will I take
home with ME on that day. MY Son YAHUSHUA will only accept a Bride
without spot or wrinkle. Are you living in careless ease in sin yet
covering it in the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA? Are you thinking you don't
have to obey MY Commandments and demand for Holiness for it was done
away at the cross of YAHUSHUA? If you are, then you are not MY Bride
for MY Bride knows that to love ME is to obey ME. MY Bride does not
test ME to see how far into Hell she can lean and still make Heaven.
MY Bride does not wait to see if I punish to let them know they have
sinned. They are convicted by MY RUACH ha KODESH and repent before I
have to punish them.
heart will faileth them with fear as they see what is coming upon
this world in the year 2000 and beyond. Because those who mock them
that warn, you shall taste of what is to come. Beware, for take not
MY mercy for granted, trample not MY Son's Blood under your feet,
making it unholy, sinning and saying, "Oh well, I am forgiven."
For I say unto you there is no forgiveness for doing this. Beware for
those that think I am a GOD to be mocked. Beware of those who take MY
love and mercy and long suffering for granted. Beware of those who
say, "Vengeance is not mine sayeth a God of balance, both love
and war." This world shall reap what it has sowed. MY Babies,
Bride, Chosen Ones, and Elect who live Holy as if this is the last
days and honor ME on the True Sabbath and keep it Holy, watch for ME,
I will return and find MY Bride has oil in her lamp, and awaiting her
Bridegroom, her Savior. I shall take her away as MY Bride. But
those that have only the lamp and not oil will find they have a form
of godliness and no godliness within. They will go away and seek ME
and I will not be found.
one can say they have not been warned this day.
MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, "I AM" says,
"Blessed I call you and will prove I reward those that
diligently seek after ME and strive to obey MY laws. Blessed are
those who strive to be Holy as "I AM" is Holy. Blessed are
those who store up their treasures in Heaven and not on Earth. Who
run towards the mark of the high calling. To become MY Bride is the
highest calling of all." This is the greatest treasure of all.
There are guests and there are Brides. Strive to become MY Bride. I
do not call all, MY Bride, only
those set apart for MY glory will be called MY Bride.
a wedding announcement is sent forth, and invitations are sent, I too
send forth MY announcement by Gabriel blowing the shofar, and only
those who are MY Bride will hear the announcement for MY Bride. It
will be too late to think to get ready then, so be prepared for the
coming announcement, you'll either do it yourself or through MY
apostles and prophets. Heed MY warning! Heed the warning that says I
am coming. It is an elopement, only because the Bridegroom knows for
sure. Now go forth, be not ashamed and give the invitation. Be not
amazed at how many will refuse it. But grieve not, for they did not
fit or pass the
question or the loyalty test, the love test, the sacrifice test nor
the obedience test.
Therefore, they are unfit to be called MY Bride. There will be those
that will take the invitation and rip them up, they will be those
that will take the invitation and put them on the shelf for a long
time and never use it. Neither I will call MINE.
MY Bride has
anxiously waited for ME and I'm coming to claim MY Bride. I never see
race or religion. Doesn't matter what your race or what your religion
is, I seek relationship with ME and I look for one thing, which is
the color red which is MY shed Blood at Calvary. So I say again MY
home in Heaven will shortly be your home. You will be caught up to
meet ME in the air to be drawn by MY side while alive. MY feet shall
not touch the ground of the wicked world as it is now, so get ready
MY Bride to be caught up while you are alive. Let them scoff and
mock, I'm standing at the door and I'll knock. All they have to do is
to open the door of their heart and repent and invite ME in and I am
faithful and I will forgive them of all of their sins.
I not tell you MY Children that you could not repent for America?
Instead did I not warn you MY Children, again through this Handmaiden
I say, "Repent for you own sins. Repent for your own houses,
anoint your houses." Do not take this lightly. Even this
Handmaiden's husband must repent for he has not done this. When I say
anoint your houses, do not say, "But, Lord, you will protect me
anyway." Anoint your houses, I don't care if you hear this
message at night, if you want the Angel of Death to pass over, if you
want the hedge of protection around your houses, your establishments,
your businesses then do what I say for YAHUSHUA's
is not coming for a disobedient Bride.
MY True Children, instead
MY True Bride build up their Heavenly treasures where moth and rust
and thieves cannot corrupt.
Thieves cannot steal your treasures in Heaven. So many go in lack,
but they do it for MY sake, forsaking luxuries so souls can be saved.
These are MY Beloved; these are MY True Treasures on earth. Those
that cry out in MY Son's NAME, in the NAME of YAHUSHUA and pray so
many times a day they cannot even begin to count, These are MY
Children, these are the ones the KING is coming for.
is coming back on a SABBATH. Will you be the 5 wise virgins or the 5
foolish ones? I
am not coming for a disobedient Bride. There are qualifications to become MY Bride. OH, how I grieve and Oh,
how I cry for those who think they are MINE and yet the RUACH ha
KODESH the HOLY SPIRIT is not even inside. I look in these churches
of Babylon and I see nothing but dried up bones.
Children, the churches teach a lie for only the most Holy are called
MY Bride! There are requirements to be YAHUSHUA's Bride and one of
them is, all though you are in this world you are not to behave like
this world. You are to remain Holy and Pure before ME, washed in MY
Sons Blood at Calvary.
I have anointed you MY Daughter to speak forth from this ministry to
help prepare the Bride for that Wedding Day, to help them get their
lamps filled with MY Holy Oil and even have more left over to spare.
I am using you MY Daughter as the truth is spoken forth. I am using
this mighty ministry to separate the chaff from the wheat. Yes the
attacks have been great. Oh, but the rewards are so much more.
Remember MY Children I said "Go and hide for just a little
while, while MY storm passes over." For as I've given you the
dreams tornadoes shall come like has never been seen. The earth shall
quake and shake as I take both of MY feet and stomp.
those who dare to mock and say Hell is not real, it is just a thing a
figment of your imagination, they shall not only taste of Hell but
they shall swim in the Lake of Fire. For those that dare to mock the
2nd coming of YAHUSHUA, I tell you once and I will tell you again,
HE'S not coming for the Church. He is not coming for any organized
Church. He is coming the next time for HIS Bride and not just anyone
is called YAHUSHUA's Bride. Are
they loyal, are they truthful, are they faithful? Will they choose to
obey HIM? Do they walk Holy before ME? Is MY NAME on their lips
daily? Are they crying out in the NAME of YAHUSHUA?
Or are they throwing MY Ten Commandments down, trampling them
underneath their feet till they crumble to pieces on the ground? Are
they telling the people listen not to the ways of old for we do
things a new way, we do things our way?
MY Children as you enter into the year of 2003 those who truly I call
MY Beloved Children, Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, you just
keep looking up to ME. You just keep beholding MY Words. You just
keep on obeying and believing and your faith shall not only make you
whole, your faith as you continue to spiritually grow will be
pleasing unto ME. Call upon MY NAME when you feel the earth quake and
shake. Call upon the NAME of YAHUSHUA (some call him JESUS) the only
NAME that can save. Put ME in remembrance of Psalm 91 so plaques do
not come nigh your dwelling; hide MY Word in your heart, so it is not
merely a Book but your body a part. I love you MY Beloved ones. Bride
get ready for your Bridegroom doth come. Those
that have not felt they can pay the price of a Bride, instead only
look upon her and cry. It is true MY Children there is but one Bride.
Obedience is better even than Sacrifice.
Bride of YAHUSHUA will be the first fruits redeemed from this earth
before the great day of YAHUVEH's wrath called the Great Tribulation.
You who are the
Bride of YAHUSHUA are eternally faithful and true to your MESSIAH and
Groom. You the
Bride of YAHUSHUA will also have the gift to translate anywhere in
the world and will have no need of earthly transportation. Need I
remind you of how some of MY Disciples of old did not have a
glorified body and yet they could do the same? (Acts 8:27-40) The
Bride of YAHUSHUA can have different appearances as I, YAHUSHUA did
after MY resurrection. MY own Apostles did not recognize their
Verily I say unto you that Enoch was a shadow of the
Bride of YAHUSHUA. For Enoch was translated to Heaven, for he had
this testimony, he did not die but was translated to Heaven, for he
was found pleasing unto YAHUVEH. So
also will you, the Bride of YAHUSHUA, be translated, for you will
also have this testimony that you please YAHUVEH the Father of all
Creation as well as I, YAHUSHUA HIS Son because you obeyed and keep
yourself Holy without spot or wrinkle. This is why I told Elisheva
in a dream to memorize Hebrews 11:5. You, the Bride of YAHUSHUA, will
bring YAHUVEH and I, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH, also called by
some the HOLY SPIRIT, no shame. MY Bride, you do not just obey the 10
commandments, for what challenge is there in that? I will release to
you some of the major qualifications of how you will know if you are
MY Bride or if you will be the honored Guests at the Marriage Supper
of the Lamb in this end time message for MY Bride and the honored
Guests. This
message is not for the heathen except to warn them.
Verily I
say unto you, anyone who says they worship and put YAHUVEH and
YAHUSHUA first in their lives and love and yet struggles to obey the
Torah/Law which includes the 10 commandments, have a serious
spiritual problem and had better realize that this is your soul at
stake. Before you accepted ME as your MESSIAH and asked ME to come
into your heart and take over your life, you had an excuse but now
you have none. REPENT NOW before it is too late. Temptation is not
sin but beware, for sin enters first through the mind and then
through the actions of your body. MY
Bride, you are Holy and living Holy as an example of your MESSIAH.
You speak Holy and your mind is constantly on the Love of your life
and that is ABBA YAHUVEH and I, YAHUSHUA. MY Bride, you do not
intentionally sin, for you do not want to grieve ME nor give satan a
reason to accuse you or bring ME shame.
Beloved Bride, you consist of both male and female. You are called a
virgin, for you have come out of the man-made doctrines and fled the
churches of Babylon. MY Bride, you are not afraid to expose evil,
even when it is in the churches and expose the compromising pastors
of the churches and those who call themselves Rabbi's who are
compromising too. This is evil in MY sight. You MY Bride, will not
remain silent and the more the heathen and Pharisees as well as the
lukewarm Christians and the 6 churches mentioned in Revelation try
and muzzle you, the louder you yell. MY
Beloved Bride, you who praise, worship, love and adore, desire above
all else to put a smile on Abba YAHUVEH's face pleasing HIM as well
as your MESSIAH and soon coming Groom. MY Bride, you know obedience
to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA is love and you prove your love and loyalty
by obeying YAH's commands.
YAHUSHUA am coming, make yourself ready, it is not enough to just be
washed in MY Blood Shed for you at Calvary, for the Guests are washed
in the atoning Blood at Calvary. But MY Bride is spotless, without
spot or wrinkle on her robe, sparkling white, not bringing ME any
Arise MY Bride, listen for the Shofar Horn, let your light shine
before all. Your Bridegroom doth come quickly. And the Spirit and the
Bride say, "Come, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, come." Let anyone
that hears say come. Let anyone who is thirsty come and let anyone
that wishes take the water of life free of charge. And the one who
testified to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon."
Amen, Selah.
79: Do
you want to know what sets you apart from being YAHUSHUA's Bride or a
Guest? I tell you now; it is how much you desire it, how much you
prove it by Holiness, love and obedience. How much are you willing to
sacrifice to be YAHUSHUA's Bride, doing things HIS way and not yours.
Glorifying HIM in all you do. The Bride knows she is to Keep MY Holy
Days. The Bride knows she cannot compromise what she knows to be
true; she is bold in speaking forth the truth. That is what sets her
Communion is also a reminder of the marriage covenant with YAHUSHUA.
YAHUSHUA's Bride uses OUR Holy Sacred NAMES of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA.
It matters not the spelling for I know your hearts and they are not
much do you desire to be YAHUSHUA's Bride, How much passion do you
have for YAHUSHUA? How do you prove that I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA are
first in your love and your life and in everything you do? That is
what sets you apart as YAHUSHUA's Bride. For I tell you this secret:
the passion and the depth of your love for YAHUSHUA is evidence for
all to see. This is the Mark of YAHUSHUA's Bride. They feel they
cannot do enough for ME. Now you know the secrets. You see, MY
Darlings, this is nothing you can hide for I know who truly, truly
desires to pay the price to be YAHUSHUA'S Bride for I will call no
one YAHUSHUA's Bride if they do not have this desire. Each day
YAHUSHUA's Bride prays, "Make me more Holy unto YOU."
YAHUSHUA's Bride is humble and Holy before ME.
reading this will say, "Who is the Bride of YAHUSHUA?" I
tell you this; your actions speak louder than your words. The Bride
of YAHUSHUA worships, loves and adores I and MY Son YAHUSHUA, loving
us above all others, desiring our will in their lives and praying how
to serve US and please US, how to put a smile on the face of YAHUVEH
and YAHUSHUA. They refuse to compromise; they refuse to believe
satan's lies. The Bride of YAHUSHUA strives to obey MY Laws as
outlined in the Holy Biblical Scriptures. The Bride of YAHUSHUA lives
Holy lives because they are Holy. They embrace the Jewishness of
YAHUSHUA as they keep and honor MY Sabbath and count the Holy Feasts
as a blessing, and observe them and acknowledge YAHUSHUA MESSIAH
their Bridegroom in all of them.
I show you a vision. Behold MY Bride. She stands there in sparkling
white, Holy and undefiled. This is the Bride that I come for; she is
in this world but not of this world. There is a difference between
her and others who shun her Holiness. Others who are not of MY
Spirit, others mock her Holiness, for she refuses to take part of the
sins in this world. She is faithful, Holy to ME, she does not
compromise with sin, she does not see how far she can lean over Hell
before she falls in it. She wants no part of Hell. She wants no part
of satan, she wants no part of satan's vices. The peace that she
longs for, she only turns to ME, the Prince of Peace.
Now see
this vision. It now changes. Now
the enemy of your soul beholds MY Holy Bride and says, "I must
defile her, she cannot stand there without spot or wrinkle." So
he puts a cigarette in her mouth, so she has the stench of smoke. He
puts the intoxicating beverages in her hands, so she staggers around
like a drunk. Now behold MY Bride, where pornography has been put
into her hands, the enemy says, "Don't worry, no one can see
this secret, just hide." Now MY Bride, that once was so Holy,
has been so defiled. So I turn away, for I cannot come for a Bride
like this.
Bride does not have the stench of a cigarette. MY Bride does not
stagger like a drunk. MY Bride does not read porn behind the doors.
That is a false bride and I only accept the genuine. So I give you a
choice, for the only fragrance anyone around you should smell is the
fragrance of MY anointing oil, the perfume I have given you. Your
garments cannot be without Holiness, the garments of MY righteousness
clothe you, they cannot have even a spot or a wrinkle. They cannot
have any reason for this world to accuse you of sin.
Foolishness, foolishness, foolishness, MY Bride will have no
part in this foolishness. I
said, "Be ye Holy as I am Holy." MY Bride will be Holy or I
will have no part of her. You want to know who the foolish virgins
are? You want to know why they didn't have enough oil in their lamps?
They didn't have enough Holiness. They knew I was coming, but they
did not prepare. It is not enough to just love ME, It is not enough
to just serve ME, it is not enough just to preach MY Words. I DEMAND
from ME, do not dare call yourself MY Bride, that doesn't mean you
weren't called, it just means I will not accept you if you cannot
stand before MY Father as an Esther, Holy and pure and obedient
before ME and MY Father YAHUVEH.
Can you picture MY Bride standing there before ME in sparkling white,
every word that proceeds out of her mouth again is Holy with Praises
on her lips for ME, every word full of adoration and love. Now
picture that same one standing before ME with curses upon her lips,
foul language that comes as though it comes from a sewer. Does not MY
Word say, "Out of your heart your mouth does speak?" Do not
make excuses why you curse. Every word that proceeds out of your
mouth, every word that proceeds out of MY Bride's mouth must be Holy.
I will have a Bride, she is sealed already and the foolish
look on making excuses to sin, but I do have a Bride. That
is why I have told you and your husband again and again, I demand
Holiness. This Ministry stands for Holiness. This Ring Maiden is to
expect Holiness. This doesn't mean that I don't love the others but I have but one
Bride. As I have told you Elisheva and you have not been bold enough
to speak it but now I shall.
much you love ME you can gauge on how much of a desire for Holiness
that you have, for that is what I look at. MY Bride will not
prostitute herself before other Gods, but I and MY Father YAHUVEH
will be number ONE. I and MY Father are ONE. Remember this when you
want to know, 'YAHUSHUA, am I your Bride?' Answer it for yourself. I
have a high standard for Holiness for MY Bride.
Study and
read the prophetic messages I have already given you, and if it
doesn't line up, throw it out. For you are MY Ring Maiden, and just
as the crier cried out, "Prepare ye way the Bridegroom doth
come," so too I will tell you, and the true Holy Angels will
come. But you need no one to tell you the date. The Holy Angels will
just show up and catch the enemy unaware. Now
Elisheva, you no longer have to carry the burden when people write
you and say, "Am I the Bride?" Now they can hear this
prophetic message coming straight from MY mouth and they themselves
can know by what the words have said, 'Am I YAHUSHUA's Bride?' Beware
the counterfeit Bride. Behold MY Genuine Bride. This is the Last Call
for MY Bride.
you know how many still smoke cigarettes? Do you know how many still
get drunk behind closed doors? Do you know how many still read porn?
Do you know how many have lust in their hearts and yet they say, "I
want to be part of the Bride." Away from ME you disobedient
so-called Bride!
When I tell you to lay everything down, when I tell you to lay your
finances down, when I tell you to join together with the others, to
depart from the unbelievers, when I tell you that lightness and
darkness do not go together. Instead you keep going trying to find a
Prophet for your itching ears. Well, you're not going to find it
Each and everyone of you embrace ME with a love anew.
These are MY Bride. Your desire to live Holy before ME only grows
stronger each day. You say, "Speak to me my beloved, I want a
glimpse of you" and I say, "I am here and I embrace you and
I kiss you and I love you and I hug you and I hold you". These
are MY Bride. They are not a disobedient so-called Bride.
I know MY beloved ones this is not even what you were praying on, but the words that were on MY heart [“Does not your entire body have to operate in unison?” i.e. does not the entire body of YAHUSHUA have to operate in unison?]—you can see what happens when there is disobedience from those who are called to be MY Bride. I
don't care if you give a billion dollars. If you are disobedient I
will say, "Away from ME, this doesn't impress ME."
I don't
care what sacrifice you lay down, if you are not obedient to YAHUVEH,
if you are not obedient to ME, I will say, "Away from ME you are
not MY Bride." The time is short, the time is seconds away from
MY coming for MY Beloved Bride.
No time to play games, no time for pew warmers, no time for the
lukewarm. Truly I spew them out of MY mouth.
times you are praying for judgment and vengeance of YAHUVEH on the
servants of satan, and those fit for YAHUVEH's Winepress of Wrath.
There is no distance in prayer. (1 Corinthians chapters 12, 13, 14)
Study and show yourself approved. Did not MY SON YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH
say, "John baptized you with water, but I baptize you with the
Fire of the RUACH ha KODESH?" I AM also called the HOLY SPIRIT
and HOLY GHOST. YAHUSHUA uses ME to fill up those that are Holy, to
overflowing with MY anointing which is Holy signs, wonders and
miracles for those that truly LOVE and put YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first
in their lives and love. This
includes YAHUSHUA's Bride, who sacrifice all to follow and obey the
Holy Mandates laid out in the Holy Manuscripts, and do it out of love
for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and do their best to obey and live Holy. MY
HOLY SPIRIT resides within their earthly Temple called a Body.
Bride of YAHUSHUA seek to know the Holy Trinity more each day and
obey each word we say, and YAHUSHUA's Glory shines forth from their
faces and lives. They hold nothing back and give all to YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH for HIS Praise, Honor and Glory. As it is written in Acts
2:37-47 the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will desire to do as in
times of old and be one with you, and be a help to this Ministry and
not a hindrance. They will do this for one purpose to Glorify
you do not speak for ME! This Ministry is not for sale! Neither for
fame nor fortune! For Elisheva made a vow long ago, she would not be
as a whore and sell ME out. There
is no price on this Ministry other than the price one has to pay to
pick up their cross and follow ME! Other than the price of living
Holy before ME! Other than the price of being obedient to ME! You
want to know who the Bride is? Do you fulfill these qualifications? This Ministry is not for everyone. It is either for the enemy's
destruction or it is for the blessings of those whose names are
written in the LAMB'S Book of Life. But not everyone will be blessed.
There is a price to pay to be this Ringmaiden. There is a price to
pay to be called, "The Five Wise". There is a price to pay
to be the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! How
many of you are willing to pay that price?!
told you that in 2009 anything and everything that can be shaken will
be shaken. Do not stand amazed Elisheva for you are going
to see those that you call the YDS' shaken, we will see just how
firmly they are of ME, we
will see how many want to pay the price to be called MY Bride. We
will see as you have seen what happens in New Zealand. It is easy, it
is so easy when there is no testing, it is so easy to say, thy will
be done oh YAHUVEH. When MY will though goes against your will, will
you still say, thy will be done oh YAHUVEH?
What kind of marriage would you [husbands and wives] have if you did not know one another were faithful? I do not have to be concerned that your eye would go for a false god because I know you are faithful. So you Thank ME for MY faithfulness. I Thank you for your faithfulness.