I say unto you, look up, your redemption draught nigh. MY
coming is closer than you can even imagine, but the enemy knows this
and now tries to speed up evil.
one will give up anything for MY sake, that I will not give back at
least double fold in this life and in heaven.
year I will give you the desires of your heart for I know the desires
of your heart are the desires I have given you.
MY Sons and Daughters, you will be gathered around that banquet table
sooner than you know or think. First start gathering in the harvest,
for it is so great and the laborers are so few.
more time I choose to speak forth and say the end is in sight, if
only you could see how close MY coming is. Whatever you have been
called to do, do it now, with all that I have equipped you with.
There are spiritual gifts locked within yourselves that you know not.
I see your heart. I hear your cries to ME. I feel your brokenness
when a leader you trusted deceives you. But I have called and
ordained you. I will sustain you. I, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH
(Holy Spirit) are training you. I will not send you forth to the
front lines till you are able to withstand and endure the hardships
you will endure. But many are your blessings.
your Bridegroom doth come, yeah I am even now at the horizon. You can
feel ME at this very hour, be prepared.
am coming for MY Bride to tenderly carry her away and lovingly
protect her. She is not worthy of MY wrath, for she loves and obeys
ME. She trusts ME. She is relying on ME to save her.
your eyes on the eastern sky and know that MY arrival is imminent.
Can't you feel the excitement for your Bridegroom doth come? But for
you MY Bride there is no fear, only rejoicing.
not, your Bridegroom doth come.
you think you are stepping down for ME, you have really just stepped
up and forward.
Mighty Warriors, one day ye shall hear, "Thou good and faithful
child enter now in and rest but for a little while longer and your
Bridegroom doth come."
Beloved, Oh how I long to cradle you in MY arms and I shall one day.
For when you feel the loneliness is when I am the closest. I am
standing with you as you stand for ME. The gates of hell shall not
prevail against MY Church. You are MY Church. When you feel forsaken
and forgotten though you can't see ME, you will know I am there. I
will never leave nor forsake you and love you with a love no human
can begin to compare with. I know MY Children, MY Warriors and MY
Bride. You are all of this and so much more, I Prophesy to you now
through MY Handmaiden who knows not what she will say next.
your Master YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH am returning sooner than you think.
I am coming to take MY children home OH so lovingly! I know who are
MINE; those with MY Spirit in them already have the unseen wings to
them, all who have ears to hear, and eyes to see, pass on these
messages I have spoken to thee, so you will on the coming day be
worthy, as I gather MY Elect in MY arms and take them home, you will
know because of your words you're
not going alone.
them MY Children, tell them for ME, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH IS COMING
QUICKLY! Tell them MY Child, tell them for ME.
know not which midnight I send YAHUSHUA, MY Beloved Son. Get ready
Bride, your blessings are yet to come.
is little time so warn the people.
vices you have used as a crutch but I am going to deliver you from
anything you feel you need to bring you peace and comfort for I am
all you need. I YAHUVEH am sufficient in all things. But everything
has a time and a season and I will not put on you more than you can
bear. Yes MY Beloved, you have suffered for MY NAME sake. Yes you
have been called mentally ill but those that call you these names are
spiritually ill. You weep but they are MY tears. You sigh but it is
MY sighing. You grieve but it is MY grief. Those that say they love
you know not the true meaning of love or they would understand this.
Do not judge them harshly for they are doing the best they can do
with the spirits inside of them.
too shall pass though it seems the rivers of despair are overflowing
MY Beloved. This too shall pass. You shall rejoice once again. Your
life is not over. It has just begun. Miracles are just around the
corner. Why do you think satan tells you to give up now. You have
fought this long don't give up now.
last one I have MY Servant remind you of is men's heart failing them
for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on
earth, for the powers of Heaven shall be shaken; Luke 21:27, and they
shall see the Son of Man coming in a cloud of great Glory. And when
these things begin to come to pass, look,
uplift your heads and know your redemption draweth nigh.
I tell you this, you know not which midnight hour I come, will it
truly be 12:00 am or will it be 1:00 am and there are many hours
before dawn cometh, so which hour will I come? Be watching and
praying and let ME see you doing the work of your Heavenly Father,
living Holy as your GOD is Holy unless I come and find you sleeping
on the job. Unless I come and you who don't want ME to come back too
soon, you have your own plans and agenda's. Don't
worry; I won't be coming back for you. Prophecy
MY Children shall hear Gabriel's shofar horn. Some have already, only
as a prelude to tell MY Prophets, speak it forth to encourage others
for the next time they hear it all MY Children shall hear it at the
same time.
the truth is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's NAME is Victory and I am coming
again to prove it. Shout it from the internet; Shout it from the
Housetops. Proclaim it in the streets and churches, radio and
television YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is on the way!
24 part 1:
those that call ME Beloved and I call them MY Beloved Bride, MY
Children. Come believe once again in your BLESSED HOPE, Your ALMIGHTY
GOD, Lord, Savior and BRIDEGROOM. Believe in the BLESSED HOPE. I will
rescue you from the wrath that is to come. For those that refuse the
BLESSED HOPE, MY coming for MY Beloved Bride, eloping with her in the
midnight hour.
bodies shall be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye. The
dead in YAHUSHUA (Christ) shall rise first and you which remain will
be caught up to meet YAHUSHUA in the air. But you shall walk in your
glorified bodies witnessing for ME, warning NOT to take the Mark of
the Beast for 40 days. Then you shall be the greatest witness of MY
Word. Yet for the ones not changed they will grieve for they will
know they must go through the Tribulation.
Then you will come
with ME to meet ME in the air and together we shall meet in the air.
MY Bride is not appointed unto MY wrath. Satan shall be cast down to
earth in great fury with his demons falling from the sky. Woe be unto
the inhabitants of earth. MY BRIDE WILL REJOICE AT MY APPEARING!
MY Babies, Oh MY Bride, I am coming to bring you home by MY side. You
shall not walk in destruction, MY Babies, MY Bride. You who are
ready, waiting and living Holy, I will bring you home.
your faith in YAHUSHUA. Let no one rob you of your BLESSED HOPE.
am coming for MY Bride without spot or wrinkle. Learn now how to
please ME. Learn now to obey ME. Learn now to lay all on MY altar of
sacrifice. What I return to you is meant for a blessing, what I
remove you were not meant to have, for it will only harm you. I am a
Good GOD. I am your Heavenly Father and I watch carefully over those
that cry out to ME to speak to them, show them what to do, when to do
it, where to go. Don't think for one moment your prayers have not
been heard. It merely is not yet the time to speak forth the answers.
I am waiting, as you wait, patiently I wait as each day more souls
are turning toward YAHUSHUA as their deliverer and redeemer.
this world all is not what it seems to be. In this world the god of
lies and destruction is ruling many countries. But the GOD of Truth
is YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and I have placed in all those that worship,
serve and obey ME and the RUACH ha KODESH and WE will separate the
truth from the lies. WE will shelter you from the coming destruction
and devastation. Do not allow your eyes to only be focused on the
darkness, the negatives of this world, but rather think on the good
thoughts, the protection, the miracles I will do to save MY Children.
Just as in the time of Moses, so I shall do it again. In a new way,
with new modern day tools, but nevertheless I will protect MY Babies,
Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect. I will
not only protect but I will bless MY Beloved Bride in ways they have
not even dreamed of. Just TRUST ME!
Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, and Elect who live Holy as if this is the
last days and honor ME on the True Sabbath and keep it Holy, watch
for ME, I will return and find MY Bride has oil in her lamp, and
awaiting her Bridegroom, her Savior. I shall take her away as MY
just recite the prayers you speak Israel, but believe the prayers you
recite. Don't just celebrate 'Passover'
believe it is your 'Passover.' This goes for all MY Beloved Children
who seek to please ME, who obey ME, who serve ME, worship ME, putting
ME the great GOD 'I AM"' and YAHUSHUA above all things. I am
sending forth this message and have already spoken it to multitudes
through MY RUACH ha KODESH. If you want Passover deliverance from the
hands of the enemies, then you must celebrate and believe and
encourage one another. This is your Passover and you will be counted
worthy to escape the wrath of 'I AM' that is to come. The plagues
will Passover you and not touch you, all the plagues, as in the time
of Moses it shall be again but you will have a way of escape. You
shall have a Passover once again. The Blood of YAHUSHUA is your
'Passover.' If you're reading this
then you're held accountable for what you know. What will you do with
Beloved think not I am saying none of you will suffer, for in this
world there is pain and suffering but I have sent a way of escape. I
am sending MY Son as I have promised. Yet, that does not mean sit
back now and do nothing. Now is the time you must gather in the end
time harvest while there is yet time. Use your paper and plastic as
seed to bring ME Glory. Support with your prayers and alms,
ministries I have you intercede for and labor with. Not so these
ministries can store up riches on earth, for these ministries that do
this, I will personally see to it that all they do become stubble fit
only for destruction.
you go I will keep you safe. Whatever is to happen know that I am
with you, and I will keep you safe. Does a Groom allow any harm to
come to HIS Bride? You are MY Bride, I am your Groom. Yes, I am
coming soon but until you see me do not think I will not shelter and
protect MY Bride. Does not MY Word say though 1,000 fall by your
side, though the dead surround you, I will keep you safe? Remember
when the Israelites and the Egyptians were surrounded by darkness and
light? Remember when the Egyptians had plagues and the Israelites had
none? They lived side by side did they not? Yet the Israelites were
protected. So it was then, so it shall be again.
MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, "I AM" says,
"Blessed I call you and will prove I reward those that
diligently seek after ME and strive to obey MY laws. Blessed are
those who strive to be Holy as "I AM" is Holy. Blessed are
those who store up their treasures in Heaven and not on Earth. Who
run towards the mark of the high calling. To become MY Bride is the
highest calling of all." This is the greatest treasure of all.
There are guests and there are Brides. Strive to become MY Bride. I
do not call all, MY Bride, only those set apart for MY glory will be
called MY Bride.
ME, Learn of ME, desire ME; obey ME, more each day. Get under the
shelter of MY Father's wings like a baby chick and you will see ME.
Realize nothing can happen MY Father has not ordained. He will
provide an escape on that evil day when it seems like all is lost.
Look up your redemption draweth nigh. Look up and see ME coming in
the eastern sky. Hearken your ears and know no fear, you will hear
the shofar horn of the redeemed, with your eyes MY glory you will see
if only you can believe.
40: Prepare
to go home. Go home. Your Homecoming is waiting. My Bride must be
ready to go home. Tell MY Bride to prepare to go home. I am preparing
MY Bride to go home to be caught up by MY side while you are yet
alive. Tell them far and wide; warn them by land, by air, and by sea.
Prepare to go home with ME. I'm coming for MY Bride. Prepare to go
home, to come to the marriage supper of the Lamb. I can't wait for MY
Bride to come home to Heaven for I have waited so long. Tell them I
am coming for MY Bride. I'm coming, tell them far and wide. Spare no
expense. Lay down your pride, give the message, and tell MY Bride to
get ready to prepare to go home.
41: Ask
them, why do they want to be tortured in hell or to be burnt in the
Lake of Fire? It was not created for them. It was created for the
evil ones. I paid the price at Calvary and to snatch from satan's
grip for all mankind to be set free. But I am a gentleman. I will not
break down the door. I just knock and wait to be invited in. So one
more time, I will tell them that YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH others call me
Lord Jesus Christ, is coming again. Tell MY Bride I'm coming again to
take her home. Prepare to go home for MY home is your home. Prepare
to come home, because I am coming to take MY Bride home! Shortly you
should hear Gabriel's horn, and you will be caught up to be by MY
side as I call you forth as MY Bride. You shall hear the words come
hither like a voice of the archangel as he blows the shofar horn.
Prepare to go home for I'm coming for MY Bride! One will be taken and
the other left.
in closing I want to comfort MY Babies that come to ME in tears, and
fearful of what is going to come to pass. If these words of wisdom go
unheeded 'I AM' did not give you a spirit of fear, but of power,
love, and a sound mind. Thank ME ahead of time for your Glorified
Bodies. Bodies that no bars will be able to hold, bodies that cannot
be killed, bodies that will still do what the saints did when MY Son
YAHUSHUA rose from the grave. So arose also the saints in Jerusalem
as their Spirits joined with their bodies and they arose in the first
resurrected bodies, to be a witness YAHUSHUA lives, rules and reigns,
he is MESSIAH. Again, I say as it was then so it will be again.
First came YAHUSHUA then the saints rose and witnessed to
Jerusalem. Read MY Holy Word as it was then so it shall be again.
This is the dead in the MESSIAH that will again witness to this
world; YAHUSHUA is MESSIAH, along with those that are alive and
called MY Bride. Watching, waiting, yet doing the work set out by
your Heavenly Father, will be caught up to meet YAHUSHUA in the air.
Bodies of flesh and blood no more, but Glorified Bodies, that will
accomplish more for 'I AM' than in the mortal bodies of clay.
you believe MY Holy Word then you will know this is not the first
time 'I AM' has done this, remember Elijah of Old, and remember
Enoch? Why do you think I can only do this two times, is not 'I AM'
able to do this again and for those that can believe in faith I shall
do it. When the children of Israel were next to the children of
Egypt, and yet the plagues did not come nigh them, even the darkness
did not befall them. The blood of the sacrificial lamb was over the
door posts, now you have another Sacrificial Lamb, the only Holy Lamb
without spot or blemish. No sin was found in YAHUSHUA. So all those
who have washed their living Temples in HIS shed Blood at Calvary,
for the remission of their sins, repented and turned away from sin,
loving and seeking YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first in their lives, filled
Just as in the times of the Evil
Pharaoh, when the spirit of the evil pharaoh comes again, so too will
the miracles come again, like Moses and the children of Israel. If
thou can believe, then miracles yet untold you will see. I will still
have martyrs for it is predestined and they already know in their
spirits and are prepared, but MY Children who put their faith in 'I
AM' and hearken to MY voice, will know what to do, and where to go,
and will escape the hand of the enemy time and again. Not all will
get Glorified Bodies, for not all believe. Some want to test ME and
stay with their unsaved loved ones. Have faith for the miracles
needed, to try and warn them not to accept the Mark of the Beast,
others know they are going to get Glorified Bodies, this is why there
is such division, both are right. I have already put it in your
spirit if you are MINE, whether you will be martyred, or whether you
are to be the dead in MESSIAH, and you will die first, arise, or
whether you are caught up to meet ME in the air while you are yet
AM' has warned you this day, be grateful and bless MY Handmaiden that
has a mandate to help prepare the Bride of YAHUSHUA for
the Bridegroom doth come sooner than any of you think.
you will reap what you are sowing. Again I repeat, the hedge of
protection is not around America. The hedge of protection is around
MY Beloved, MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect. Look
up MY Children, deny not your faith, deny not the NAME of YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH. Deny not the NAME of YAHUVEH. Deny not the anointing of MY
RUACH ha KODESH. Deny not MY Commandments and MY Laws and MY
Statutes, and the Word that was made flesh. Look up MY Children for
truly your redemption draweth nigh.
anyone listen? Did anyone wonder why? I stand by and I watch man's
inhumanity to man. Know
this MY Children; you will not go through the Great Tribulation,
those that can trust ME. But this does not mean that you will not
taste the tribulation of man, man's inhumanity to man. Man that is power hungry and greedy and evil to the core, that wants
to wipe righteousness off the face of the earth, that wants to wipe
MY Son YAHUSHUA's NAME off the face of the earth.
ready now, MY Children, for the midnight hour is late.
MY Children as you enter into the year of 2003 those who truly I call
MY Beloved Children, Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, you just
keep looking up to ME. You just keep beholding MY Words. You just
keep on obeying and believing and your faith shall not only make you
whole, your faith as you continue to spiritually grow will be
pleasing unto ME. Call upon MY NAME when you feel the earth quake and
shake. Call upon the NAME of YAHUSHUA (some call him JESUS) the only
NAME that can save. Put ME in remembrance of Psalm 91 so plaques do
not come nigh your dwelling; hide MY Word in your heart, so it is not
merely a Book but your body a part. I
love you MY Beloved ones. Bride get ready for your Bridegroom doth
Those that have not felt they can pay the price of a Bride, instead
only look upon her and cry. It is true MY Children there is but one
Bride. Obedience is better even than Sacrifice.
one person will I, YAHUVEH lose to satan and his kingdom. Not any who
were loyal to I, YAHUVEH and MY Son YAHUSHUA in that great battle
before the foundation of the earth will go to hell or the lake of
fire. Just as I, YAHUVEH sent MY Son
YAHUSHUA to save MY Beloved Children from the sin brought on by Adam
and Eve, I, YAHUVEH will once again send MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA to
save MY Loyal Holy Children. Look up children, though the world
scoffs and mocks truly your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke 21:28)
speak this to those who have spiritual ears to hear and listen, all
others will remain deaf and mock what they do not understand. Verily
I say unto you, I give you strong spiritual meat to eat. It is not
meant for the spiritually weak. Elijah of Old was but a shadow of the
catching away of the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Elijah of Old
knew what mission he needed to finish and knew he would not die at
that time. Elijah of Old knew what day, hour and minute YAHUVEH would
send the Chariot of Fire to catch him away to Heaven. And Elijah of
Old knew in advance who would be honored to behold this with their
own eyes and the man's name was Elisha. Elijah
of Old was taken to Heaven by Heavenly transportation and so shall
also the Bride of YAHUSHUA be caught away when I, YAHUSHUA personally
come for you MY Beloved Bride. (2 Kings 2:1-14)
I say unto her and you with spiritual ears to hear and listen. I
YAHUSHUA call her 'MY Elijah of New' and reveal these secret
revelations given to her straight from Heaven, to be a blessing unto
her as well as the True Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Just as Elijah
of Old knew when to expect YAHUVEH's horse drawn Chariot of Fire to
catch him away to Heaven and he knew the exact time and day and was
prepared and warned Elisha in advance to watch him. Elijah
of Old is the shadow of what will happen with the Bride, so why would
I do any less for the Bride of YAHUSHUA?
as the Shofar Horn is blown at a Jewish Wedding to announce the
Groom, so too will I, YAHUSHUA have the Shofar Horn blown to announce
MY coming for MY Beloved Bride, listen
for that Shofar Horn it is not afar off.
I prophesied through this Ring Maiden that I would return again on a
Sabbath and I spoke to her, "What IF Rosh HaShanah is the Day I
would come," you know not yet which one. I also prophesied
through her and spoke audibly to her, "First one rapture then
another for those that I love." The Guests will be in that
second catching away in the parable of the ten virgins; the second
chance is giving to the foolish Bride that is when I tell them to
watch therefore, for you know not what hour I will come again.
Elijah of Old had to have his body also changed in a moment,
in a twinkling of an eye, for mortal bodies must put on immortal
bodies to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven so too will MY Bride.
Elijah of Old dropped his Mantle (prayer shawl), his garment of
clothing he wore. (II Kings 2:12-13) Just as you who are the Bride of
YAHUSHUA will not have need of your earthly clothes when I change
your clothes into the most beautiful sparkling, irridescent White
Robe which no earthly robe or garment can begin to compare. For you
will sparkle like the most brilliant diamond this world has yet seen.
I shall place a Tierra upon the female's head as MY Beloved Bride is
adorned and the men shall have a crown filled with precious stones
none can compare on this earth.
Elijah of Old had an
anointing that killed the prophets of Baal as well as the enemies
that pursued him and so to will you. The
True Bride of YAHUSHUA will have that same anointing to call forth
Fire from Heaven that will consume your enemies. You, the True Bride
of YAHUSHUA will also fight against and win the war against the
Jezebel demons. The fate of those who try and destroy MY True
Prophets and Bride by trying to wear them out with the demonic
Spirits of Jezebel and Ahab will suffer the same fate as the prophets
of Baal, as well as Elijah of Old's enemies. You, the Bride of
YAHUSHUA will do what Elijah of Old did and even more before you
leave this earth and after you return from Heaven, you are endued
with new powers with your Heavenly orders to be carried out as partly
stated in Revelation 14.
The rest is secret for now; we don't need to let the enemies know in
advance. You,
MY Beloved Bride, will sing a song like none other and I shall teach
it to you MYSELF.
Bride of YAHUSHUA will be the first fruits redeemed from this earth
before the great day of YAHUVEH's wrath called the Great Tribulation.
You who are the Bride of YAHUSHUA are eternally faithful and true to
your MESSIAH and Groom. You
the Bride of YAHUSHUA will also have the gift to translate anywhere
in the world and will have no need of earthly transportation. Need I
remind you of how some of MY Disciples of old did not have a
glorified body and yet they could do the same? (Acts 8:27-40) The
Bride of YAHUSHUA can have different appearances as I, YAHUSHUA did
after MY resurrection. MY own Apostles did not recognize their
Bride, you not only love Abba YAHUVEH and I, YAHUSHUA but are
passionately in love with Abba YAHUVEH and I, YAHUSHUA just as in the
songs of Solomon. MY Bride, you put both the Creator and the Messiah
equally first in your lives and love. All others be they spouse,
children, family, friends, business or pleasure come second in your
love and life. MY Bride, you would be willing to lay down your life
if need be, if this was YAH's will. MY Bride, you forsook all your
earthly comforts when I said to you, "Come and follow ME."
Bride, you will have not only have MY NAME inscribed on your
foreheads but the name of Abba YAHUVEH so all will see what
Revelation 14 plainly states.
MY Bride, you have a burden to try and speak forth the truths when
only a remnant really desires to hear and obey. MY Beloved Bride, you
would rather have the NAME of your beloved Abba YAHUVEH and I,
YAHUSHUA on your lips speaking of US in love and meditating on who WE
are and how to please US and study on Heavenly things and prophetic
things to come and you do not despise the gift of prophecy nor mock
the gifts of the RUACH ha KODESH. You know all the gifts of the
RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) are of value and desire them all. You
learn all you can about your Heavenly home and hide the Holy
Scriptures in your heart. MY Bride, you know this earth is not your
home, you are merely passing through until the job I sent you to do
is done. MY
Bride, you long to hear that Shofar Horn knowing your MESSIAH Groom
will appear immediately after the blasts of the Shofar to personally
carry you to your Heavenly home. A Mansion I have built for you
waits, along with your rewards that are being stored up in your
have left you MY Words of love in the songs of Solomon. This is not
about a sexual love but a love that few can understand except MY
Bride does. Read them with spiritual discernment and ask ME and I
shall explain the parable sonnets, for it is more than just Solomon's
love that is described, MY Bride is hidden in these verses. Can you
find it? I share another secret with the Bride of YAHUSHUA. MY
Ring Maiden Elisheva already wears a spiritual wedding ring. She
will know who I have given these rings to. Each of MY Bride will wear
a unique wedding ring which is a reflection of the price they paid to
become MY Bride. No two rings will be alike.
those who mock this message, it wasn't for your eyes to see or ears
to hear. (1 Cor 2:9-16) Only the Bride of YAHUSHUA and only those
destined to attend the Marriage Supper of the Lamb will recognize
this is the voice of the only MESSIAH and soon coming Heavenly Brides
Groom. They will know, all others will remain blind and deaf.
Just as a loving husband cares, protects and cherishes HIS Bride, how
could I do any less but only more for MY Bride.
nations, including Indonesia, I demanded your blood and your loved
ones because you demanded and took the lives of true Holy Christians
and so it will continue to the people of all nations to this earth.
shall reap what you sow, if you sow Holiness and obedience to MY Holy
Scriptures and put I, YAHUVEH your Creator and acknowledge YAHUSHUA
as I, YAHUVEH's Son and your MESSIAH, you shall reap MY blessings
from Heaven. 2006 shall be your year of Jubilee if you can believe
and have faith in YAHUSHUA's NAME that I, YAHUVEH will deliver you
from MY wrath to come, especially for the faithful Bride of YAHUSHUA
whom I call MY Esther. [1 Thessalonians 5:9 For God hath not
appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord YAHUSHUA
I, YAHUVEH will bless those who are a blessing
unto MY Son YAHUSHUA and those who bless MY Children of Holiness. I,
YAHUVEH will curse those who are as a curse unto ME and MY Beloved
Son YAHUSHUA and I will send MY curses of Deuteronomy
on all those who harm or seek the destruction and death of YAHUSHUA's
Bride, MY Esther. I, YAHUVEH will bless MY Holy People with
blessings reserved for YAHUSHUA's Bride, who manifest the RUACH ha
KODESH Holy Fire. I share MY secrets with MY anointed true Apostles
and Prophets. I,
YAHUVEH will send all MY curses of Deuteronomy
on all who claim they serve MY Son YAHUSHUA but instead by word and
deed serve satan and refuse to obey ME and manifest a counterfeit
anointing called strange fire and have sold their souls as an Esau
for fame and wealth, who compromise MY Holy Scriptures, teaching
error and devil's doctrines.
will be as Elijah
and Enoch
of old. The Bride of YAHUSHUA will have bodies that cannot be harmed
or die except for MY 2 Witnesses at that scriptural time by a
supernatural weapon from the bottomless pit inspired by satan. But 3
½ days later, MY 2 Witnesses shall live again in that
glorified body and be caught up to be with YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH the
Bridegroom. Beloved
Children, be not weary in well-doing and in obedience to I, YAHUVEH
and your Messiah YAHUSHUA whether you are the Bride or the Guests.
Blessed are all those invited to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. As
you see, the evil grow by leaps and bounds. It only hastens
YAHUSHUA's return.
is the message I leave with you this day, and none of this message
would have come forth if I hadn't of sent a Luigi your way for he had
been deceived. This doesn't mean that he doesn't belong to ME. This
means he must fall on his face before ME. He must humble himself and
forsake that which I have not told him to do. I not only give this
message to him, I give this to all of you. Out
of this whole world only 288,000 I call MY Bride, out of this whole
world. But
this doesn't mean that I don't love and I don't save, it only means
only a very small remnant are only worthy to be called MY Bride.
MY Beloved Ring Maiden, how much longer? I have allowed the Bride of
YAHUSHUA to stand in the gap as Abraham stood in the gap for Lot.
much longer do you think I should wait? How I am mocked, how MY NAME is scorned, how MY Holy ones that
represent ME are slandered. How they are killed for MY sake all over
the world just because I have kept it from coming to America thus
far, how much has been taken for granted. Now I tell you to say a new
prayer for the end is nigh.
those who have scorned and mocked, I, YAHUVEH have rejected you. Read
Esther again. I am symbolized in that King. How many of you are
Vashti's? You think you are so full of beauty; you don't have to come
when I, YAHUVEH say come. So I have exiled you. Into MY Kingdom you
will NOT come. There is a greater intercessor than Queen Esther. It
is MY Son YAHUSHUA. I tell you this,
oh mighty Bride of YAHUSHUA of MASHIACH, no good thing will I
withhold from you. There is a book of remembrance that has been
written up and all of your names are written in love. You have
suffered so just to be Holy, so I want you to know how much I love
you. It is I that chose you to be MY Son's Bride. It is I, YAHUVEH
that chose you to be MY Son's Bride.
YAHUVEH have been so pleased as the
prayers of the Bride of YAHUSHUA have come before ME on this Day of
Purim. As a sweet fragrance they came to ME. As sweet incense the
angels opened them up and I am so pleased. And that is why I have had
more mercy and I said, "How much longer do you want ME to
delay?" But the end is nigh.
When the sealed prophecy is released [78], one of the seals will be
broken. Woe be unto this world when Elisheva speaks forth what I
have hidden. Oh, but MY Beloved Bride
of YAHUSHUA, those who are the members of Rev. 14 and Rev. 7, you
need not fear. All the Guests who
are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, it is true you will
have to suffer for HIM [YAHUSHUA]. Oh, but the rewards that you have
others who deny this Word, even though they claim to love 'Jesus' and
yet refuse to learn the Hebrew Sacred NAMES, Sabbath, and Holy Days
and feasts. They will continue to nurse on milk for they don't want
spiritual teeth to eat this spiritual meat. In the Great Tribulation
they will remember what they had read and some will repent and know
this Ministry was truly Heaven sent. For
MY Beloved Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, look up, your
redemption draweth nigh. One way or another you will be coming back
home to Heaven again. Prophecy
Elisheva, I've seen every tear. Oh Holy ones, the rest of the Bride
of YAHUSHUA, I have one of your tears, each and every one of your
tears. They're stored in a vial, they are Holy before ME. For every
time you've had to sacrifice, for every time you've cried out,
"Please, Oh YAHUVEH, where are you?" I have your tears as
you weep for your family. I have your tears, not only now, but in the
future. All those of you who will be the Guests at the Marriage
Supper of the Lamb, I have your tears even before you shed them.
They're already here for I know what you would pray even before you
pray and I will answer you even before you pray. I have gone before
you even before you have had to suffer. For those of you who hear
this around this world, I speak peace to you. For some of you will be
martyred. Multitudes of you will be martyred. Oh, but you will have
the peace of YAHUSHUA, just as surely as John the Baptist said, "Take
my head, I want to go home." Just as surely as you will say,
"Get it over with, I want to go home." For I promise you
this, I will give you dreams of Heaven. I will give you a foretaste
of visions of Heaven.
these two anointed ones plant their feet, either MY blessings or
curses will follow, in every nation, either salvation or judgment
shall follow. So it shall be with all of YAHUSHUA's Bride. The
Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH start calling forth and asking for your
dowry, the one I have reserved for you and set aside. As I give it on
to the Ring Maiden so to I give it on to you. For the wealth of the
wicked is stored up for the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and that is
you. For I know who will use it for MY Glory and MY Glory alone.
speak forth these words now. Do not fear, oh Bride in Israel, and
think I do not care for I shall send them to you also. This is just a
stepping stone to get them there. Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH in
Israel, come forth. Introduce
yourself to this Ring Maiden, for it is part of this Ministry's job
to pray blessings and protection on the Bride of Israel. You are one
with her as she and her husband are one with you. Are you willing to
share what you have with this Ministry? Now is the time to start
inviting her and start praying and interceding for this Ministry to
come and bless the Holy in Israel, to pray the enemies will run away
in seven different directions. Judgment will fall on the wicked and
they will fall into the Winepress of I, YAHUVEH's wrath. Pray, oh
Israel Bride and Bride of the Middle East, who belong to YAHUSHUA for
the anointing on this Ministry to be increased so your anointing will
increase also.
Ring Maiden will speak forth MY truths, she will not compromise. You
think you hate her now, those who are not of ME? You haven't seen
anything yet. But those who truly
belong to ME, you will have a love like you never dreamed possible
for you will embrace the truths that I speak forth. For those of you
who are obedient, who truly do wait and pant for MY every word...
Oh, how I LOVE
YOU! How I embrace you. When you say, "Tell me the way, light
the path, I will do whatever you say even if it goes against my
flesh, even if it means I have to financially sacrifice, I will do it
your way." These are MY Bride and you recognize one another for
you are a family like no other family. You think with one mind and
you love with one heart and MY NAME is never far apart.
I know MY beloved ones this is not even what you were praying on, but the words that were on MY heart [“Does not your entire body have to operate in unison?” i.e. does not the entire body of YAHUSHUA have to operate in unison?]—you can see what happens when there is disobedience from those who are called to be MY Bride.
I don't care if you give a billion dollars. If you are
disobedient I will say, "Away from ME, this doesn't impress ME."
I don't care what sacrifice you lay down, if you are not obedient to
YAHUVEH, if you are not obedient to ME, I will say, "Away from
ME you are not MY Bride." The
time is short, the time is seconds away from MY coming for MY Beloved
Bride. No time to play games, no
time for pew warmers, no time for the lukewarm. Truly I spew them out
of MY mouth.
Joainne, I have not forgotten you, you were
there too. You said, "I want to serve send me, I want to cover,
I want to protect." Oh Joainne,
why do you think your life has been so hard? Oh, this is the life of
the Bride of YAHUSHUA for the servant is not greater than the master.
If it was easy for ME, it would be easy for you but on this earth it
was not easy. If they all would have received ME, they all would have
received you but I was rejected more than I was received just like
Elisheva you say, "What about me, don't I need a Red Sea ring
anymore?" You see, your Sister Dineo wears it for you. For where
she goes you will go. And Dineo it is just like I showed you what
happened in Heaven, for you were the one that had to open the path up
(Africa). All of you please ME so
much. All of you please ME so much. Oh MY precious Bride you know who
you are, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Can't you hear MY tender words? Don't
you know how much you mean to ME? There is no sacrifice that you have
made that has not been pleasing unto ME. I LOVE YOU, MY PRECIOUS
I say, behold MY Bride. You are Royalty in MY eyes,
all over the world MY Bride is Royalty in MY eyes. How can MY Bride
not be Royal when you are betrothed to the King. Did I not say you
are as a Queen Esther; you are Royalty before all of Heaven.
Woe be unto anyone that touches MY Bride. Woe be unto anyone that
curses MY Bride. Woe be unto anyone that slanders MY Bride. Woe be
unto anyone that tries to harm MY Bride or does harm MY Bride. It
would have been better off if you had never been born.
Oh, Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, there is no royal
blood on this earth except through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH. Only those whose names are already written in the Lambs
Book of Life (Rev 17:8) before the foundation of this earth can claim
the Royal Bloodline through the Royal Blood of the KING of the
of the Jews! All others who call themselves of a royal earthly
bloodline are imposters and there is nothing royal in them. Only
MY People grafted in through the bloodline of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH
are Royal in MY eyes. Only YAHUSHUA's Bride will be coroneted in
the same time, I warn the enemies. I
also pronounce a blessing on all those who are a blessing to this
ministry and all those who cover her and all those who cover this
ministry and who go the extra mile. The message to the Holy, the
message to MY Bride, for the Bride of YAHUSHUA is the Bride of
YAHUVEH, rejoice! You're one day closer to HIS coming. You're one day
closer to YAHUSHUA coming. You're one day closer to Heaven, your home
and great, great, great will be your rewards for all that you have
pronounce MY blessings to the faithful, to those who refuse to
compromise. Not one thing that you have gone through will be wasted,
will have been in vain. Remember
this Bride, you need one another, so no longer shake your heads and
say, "Oh well, I can't find a place to donate." Go the
extra mile. Go through the open door. Contact her. Contact her
husband. Pound on heaven's door for books are being published. Some
are just now in the process of being written and these books will be
handed out (by others) during the Great Tribulation. Ask how you can
help for the publishing costs are great.
times you are praying for judgment and vengeance of YAHUVEH on the
servants of satan, and those fit for YAHUVEH's Winepress of Wrath.
There is no distance in prayer. (1 Corinthians chapters 12, 13, 14)
Study and show yourself approved. Did not MY SON YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH
say, "John baptized you with water, but I baptize you with the
Fire of the RUACH ha KODESH?" I AM also called the HOLY SPIRIT
uses ME to fill up those that are Holy, to overflowing with MY
anointing which is Holy signs, wonders and miracles for those that
truly LOVE and put YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first in their lives and
love. This includes YAHUSHUA's Bride, who sacrifice all to follow and
obey the Holy Mandates laid out in the Holy Manuscripts, and do it
out of love for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and do their best to obey and
live Holy. MY HOLY SPIRIT resides within their earthly Temple called
a Body.
Bride of YAHUSHUA seek to know the Holy Trinity more each day and
obey each word we say, and YAHUSHUA's Glory shines forth from their
faces and lives. They hold nothing back and give all to YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH for HIS Praise, Honor and Glory. As it is written in Acts
2:37-47 the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will desire to do as in
times of old and be one with you, and be a help to this Ministry and
not a hindrance. They will do this for one purpose to Glorify
always has a counterfeit. Beware of the counterfeit, pastors who
preach like this John Hagee - he's no pastor at all - follow not this
evil wolf or any ministry that has named themselves after a man or a
woman. Follow not the prosperity teachings! For what I give you is
greater than gold or silver. I give you gifts from your MOMMA WISDOM.
MY Glory fills your faces. I'm not angry at you. Continue
to wait and to watch! Look up for truly your redemption draweth
MY Beloved Treasured Ones, even though YAHUSHUA did not come on the
date that you set, do not be discouraged for your job is not yet
done. But I command you to get angry
and call the prophets who are false, false. Do not encourage them to
lie anymore. You know when a dream is just a dream of the flesh. You
know when a dream is just a dream of deception. For the date will
come and the date will go. You know when a prophecy is just a
prophecy of the flesh. A prophecy of deception. For the date will
come and the date will go. Now some innocently have done this and all
WE command them to do is repent. Humble themselves, admit they missed
it. Do not make excuses.
know this, no man can silence you, no woman can silence you, no devil
can silence you. I YAHUVEH have the power to silence you and you
humbly are always at MY feet. I laugh everytime I hear you say, "I'm
just minding my own business." You never mind your own business
Elisheva. You're always minding MINE. When you're playing a game,
there you are before MY Throne. Constantly I'm on your mind.
Elisheva I have raised you up and now a Word is going to come forth
defending those who are truly MINE in Israel, who feel all alone. You
call them Messianic Jews. They don't have a Prophet. But I've raised
up a Prophet and I've placed you right where you are and you shall be
used to bring them fresh manna from Heaven. You shall be used to
pronounce MY Judgment on the others. You shall be used to bring forth
MY new wine. For I have Holy that are locked in the Gaza strip. I
have Holy who are being tormented along with the enemies. I have the
Bride locked in Gaza. And I am calling you to pray them free. I have
the Bride in Lebanon. Yea, I have Bride in Iraq even. So hidden, so
neglected. Needing a Word from Heaven. I have Bride in China. They are MY Chinese Bride so satan seeks to muzzle you, to silence
you but I tell you you'll only shout louder.
MY precious Bride, MY precious Bride, MY precious Bride,
at this time of celebration during Sukkot I give you this Message of
hope. I speak to those who put ME first in their love, in their life.
Who are not ashamed of the Name of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH. All others
just go ahead and remain deaf and remain blind. This Word is not for
you at this time.
show you Elisheva a vision of a prison window with 5 bars. MY
precious Bride, you are represented by the 5 Wise Virgins in the
Parable in the Holy Scriptures. The enemy will try to trap you and
imprison you in 5 different ways. There's only one way out. There's
only one view. For right before your eyes Elisheva I remove
those bars for this is MY promise unto MY Bride and you shall stand
as that fir tree planted by the water, the LIVING WATER and I speak
health, and I speak prosperity and I speak the blessings reserved for
those who obey in Deut. 28. And the 5 trees represent the 5 Wise
Virgins who represent MY true Bride.
on tight to the hem of MY garment. Don't let go.
As you sleep out in your Sukkha's, remember that that's just a
temporary tabernacle, just like this mortal flesh is a temporary
tabernacle. And just as I keep you safe in your Sukkha's, how much
more will I do for you as you honour ME on the Holy Feasts as you
shun the holidays of this world, as you cleave unto ME as a Lover
that you do not want to leave the embrace, how much more will I hold
you? How much more will I caress you?
those who have sacrificed and stood up for the morality, you lay your
life down to protect an unborn child. You've been willing to be
humilated and be thrown in jail to protest against abortion, same sex
marriages. In so many different ways, depending on where you are in
this world. Some have been beaten; some have been tortured; some have
been imprisoned. Oh MY darling ones! Depending upon the persecution,
depending upon the suffering you've done, this is the description of
your beautiful vial that holds your tears that come as a sweet
fragrance to MY nostrils and I lovingly caress those vials for I know
the price that you pay for ME! And MY darling Bride, it's not going
to get any easier! (YAHUSHUA is weeping through Elisheva.) For satan
hates you so! He hates you! He hates you! He hates you! For MY praise
is continually in your mouth! He angrily says, "Praise me!
Worship me!" But instead, you say, "We rebuke you satan!
Get away! The shed Blood of YAHUSHUA stands against you!" And he
cringes and he runs!
to MY Bride, to MY precious, precious Bride I showed you the prison
bars. I showed you how they think they will imprison you in 5
different ways and I showed you the vision when the bars I take away
and there you shall stand, you who represent MY Five Wise Virgins,
your BRIDEGROOM doth come! Your BRIDEGROOM doth come! And I bring
with ME MY rewards! And each one of you I lovingly adore! Your
BRIDEGROOM doth come!
Hold on
tight to the hem of MY garment! Don't, don't look through the eyes of
the flesh! Look through the eyes of your precious RUACH ha KODESH,
your IMMAYAH! Look through the eyes of your MOTHER WISDOM!
Pray for more Wisdom! Pray for more Wisdom because you need it now!
And oh, you who are the Guests, pray for more Wisdom! Pray for more
discernment for you not only need it now, you are going to need it in
the time of Jacob's Trouble. You are going to need it in the Great
Tribulation when mere man is looked on and worshipped and adored! You
have your idols now oh world. You call them movie stars or evil
demonic politicians but I tell you this, there's coming a man who is
going to be the son of perdition, the very son of satan. Beware!
You've been warned! Be warned! Be wary! Be very wary! Be alert! Be on
guard! Because those you think you can trust if they're not full of
MY Spirit, if they've not bowed their knee to ME, if they're not
living obedient unto ME, if their heart is filled with rebellion now,
think how much worse off it will be. You've been warned!
shall gather MY Bride, both Rev. 7 and 14, oh you'll be by MY side,
but hide yourself a little while. Hide yourself for a little while
until MY wrath passes over. For YAHUVEH will not continually be
It's only a matter of time.
And think of the
rewards you will have earned and all of this will pass away and
you'll know it's all been worth it, whatever suffering you've been
ordained to do just do it as unto ME. When you are persecuted for MY
Name's sake realize they see ME in you.
It's only a matter of
And you will see MY Love for you is such a reality. So
take MY Grace and take MY Mercy. Take MY hand. Let ME wrap MY arms
around you. Let ME embrace you! Oh how much I thank you that you are
MINE, that you are willing to pay the price to be called YAHUSHUA HA
is why the Bride of YAHUSHUA MASHIACH is called HIS first fruit HIS
best. They are battered and beaten and they are bruised from this
world but in HIS eyes, in YAHUSHUA's eyes, they are the best fruit
for they took that bruising, they took that battering for HIS Name's
sake and they are HIS best fruit. They are the Bride.
I speak words to YAHUSHUA MASHIACH's Bride. It won't be long. Hang on
a little bit longer and I'M going to tell MY Son, "GO and gather
YOUR Bride home." Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Do not give up that
Blessed Hope.(1John 3:2-3)
hold on. Don't let anyone separate you because of nationality or
color of skin. Hold on. Let the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA be the only
thing that identifies you.(Romans 5:9) Hold
on and I shall hold on to you and I shall not let you go.
Run from sin. Do not even let it be a part of your life. Let satan
know you'll have no part of him.(James 4:7) Run from him. Run from
anyone who entices you to sin. Rebuke them and fear not offending
speak this message to all, all, all who put I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA
and the Precious RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH first in your life and
your love. I speak to all the Bride
of YAHUSHUA. Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for your
faithfulness, that you continually rebuke satan. You will not
compromise with sin. Your eyes are ever on heaven. Thank you for your
faithfulness and be assured as you are faithful unto ME, I am
faithful unto you. MY eye is ever on you. MY ear is inclined to every
word you speak.
again I want to say, Thank you for your faithfulness that this
message you receive. Thank you for your faithfulness although with
your physical eyes heaven you've not yet seen, you still believe, for
WE do reward those that diligently seek after US. WE do reward those
who diligently serve US. WE do reward those who diligently obey US.
There are rewards for being holy and there are consequences for being
unholy. I am YAHUVEH, and I faithfully will take vengeance on MY
enemies. Think not that they are getting away with mocking ME. This
world will very shortly see what happens to a people that have
forsaken and mocked ME. But MY Beloved Faithful look up, look up
Bride of YAHUSHUA; look up for truly your redemption draweth nigh.