see, every time you attack her, every time you attack her husband or
one of the 5 wise, which symbolizes the 5 wise virgins, everytime
you attack one of MY Bride Revelation 14 and Revelation 7, there's
nowhere for you to hide. I laugh at you (Katah, katah, katah Holy
tongue heard), only fit for judgment, only fit for damnation, those
of you who are the enemy of this Ring Maiden, of this ministry, of MY
Bride, are only fit for MY damnation and it will be Hell, in a Lake
of Fire you will reside.
show you Elisheva a vision of a prison window with 5 bars. MY
precious Bride, you are represented by the 5 Wise Virgins in the
Parable in the Holy Scriptures. The enemy will try to trap you and
imprison you in 5 different ways. There's only one way out. There's
only one view.
right before your eyes Elisheva I remove those bars for this is MY
promise unto MY Bride and you shall stand as that fir tree planted by
the water, the LIVING WATER and I speak health, and I speak
prosperity and I speak the blessings reserved for those who obey in
Deut. 28. And the 5 trees represent the 5 Wise Virgins who represent
MY true Bride.
will always provide a way for you of escape,
even when you think the enemy has got you boxed in, again and again I
have said this to Elisbeth, you walk by faith and not by sight.
Beware MY precious Bride, 5 different ways the enemies in this world,
and the enemies coming to this world will try to imprison you in 5
different ways.
encouraged MY precious Bride. You're going to see these enemies fall.
I warn you MY precious Bride, your worst enemies will be found in
your own household. Those that have not surrendered their life and
their love to ME, those who do not put ME first in their life and
their love, those who refuse to believe the Truths in the Holy
Scriptures, those who refuse to admit there's only one way to Heaven,
through MY Name and shed Blood, those who refuse to believe there is
a hell
to pay for the consequences of unrepentent sin.
it is ABBA YAHUVEH who will take vengeance on all MY Holy children's
enemies, for they fight not against you, a mere person, but they
fight against YAHUVEH. Beware all
who attack this Holy Ministry, with each attack against this
Ministry, it is like unto sticking a needle into YAHUVEH's eyes!
There is nothing that can compare with ABBA YAHUVEH's rage and fury
for it keeps hells fire burning and it keeps the Lake of Fire burning
for all eternity.
again I want to say, Thank you for your faithfulness. Continue to
trust in ME. Continue to lean not unto your own understanding. Even
when you don't understand what is going on in the world, even when
you don't know what to do. Continue to remain faithful, that I will
show you what to do. Even when you fall MY Little Ones, I am there to
faithfully pick you up and nurse your wounds.
I am faithful MY Little Ones to pour MY wrath upon your enemies. Just
because your own eyes don't see what I do, don't think that I am not
faithful in defending you.
Remain faithful and know this, the Blood of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH
will never lose its power, the healing, delivering, forgiving,
resurrection power. Know this; the Word that was made flesh can not
lie. Every word in the Holy Scriptures is a 'yea' and a 'amen'. MY
Word will not return unto ME void it will do all that I called it to
accomplish to do.
again I want to say, Thank you for your faithfulness that this
message you receive. Thank you for your faithfulness although with
your physical eyes heaven you've not yet seen, you still believe, for
WE do reward those that diligently seek after US. WE do reward those
who diligently serve US. WE do reward those who diligently obey US.
There are rewards for being holy and there are consequences for being
unholy. I am YAHUVEH, and I faithfully will take vengeance on MY
enemies. Think not that they are getting away with mocking ME. This
world will very shortly see what happens to a people that have
forsaken and mocked ME. But MY Beloved Faithful look up, look up
Bride of YAHUSHUA; look up for truly your redemption draweth nigh.