Till then I wait, watch and listen knowing who will obey, and pass on this warning of the coming Judgment Day.
Tell them, all who have ears to hear, and eyes to see, pass on these messages I have spoken to thee, so you will on the coming day be worthy, as I gather MY Elect in MY arms and take them home, you will know because of your words you're not going alone.
Prophecy 36:
I leave you with these words, "Have you done all you can to help this handmaiden in the ministry I have placed upon her shoulders? Have you taken the truths I have spoken and like a sampler platter of delicious food given it to others to sample? Or did you just eat it yourself and then forget it? I have spoken what is to come to pass again and again through her. Now you shall see what I have spoken come to pass. For those with spiritual ears to hear and spiritual eyes to see you will know what is to come, what to do, what to expect, for those who choose to remain deaf and blind you will continue to mock, continue to seek a refuge and there shall be found none."