the bread of affliction called matzoh bread. Eat it not only because
this is a symbol of what the Israelites ate when they fled before the
bread could rise. I also want you to partake in the days of
unleavened bread and eat the bread of affliction as a reminder of
YAHUSHUA and how he paid the price as the bread of affliction. He was
afflicted for your sakes. The bread is hard for the price HE paid for
you did not come easily. Partake in the Lord's Last Supper as
YAHUSHUA did. Do this on the eve of March 31, 1999. Do this in
remembrance of the Blood that YAHUSHUA poured out so that you would
be saved and the Bread that was dipped in the Blood, for YAHUSHUA is
the Bread of Life and his Body was sacrificed so you could have
fellowship with 'I AM' and the remission of sins so you could have a
way of escape from the flames of Hell. Satan has no claim to those
that are truly MINE.
purposed that the Israelites would not have time for the bread to
rise. I purposed it for they knew it not but it was no accident I
caused them to flee so this would take place. For again the Jews
partook and were offered the Bread of Affliction first which is
called Matzoh Bread and now I give the knowledge they were given this
even then, for it was YAHUSHUA who was to come, given as a reminder.
YAHUSHUA is both the Jew and Gentiles PASSOVER. There was and is no
other perfect Sacrificial Lamb that can be slain for the remission of
sins, washing them away as though they never were but one. His NAME
Passover. Celebrate this on March 31, 1999 sunset and learn the true
meaning of the Passover that was and the Passover that is to come.
you want to know what sets you apart from being YAHUSHUA's Bride or a
Guest? I tell you now; it is how much you desire it, how much you
prove it by Holiness, love and obedience. How much are you willing to
sacrifice to be YAHUSHUA's Bride, doing things HIS way and not yours.
Glorifying HIM in all you do. The Bride knows she is to Keep MY Holy
Days. The Bride knows she cannot compromise what she knows to be
true; she is bold in speaking forth the truth. That is what sets her
apart. Communion
is also a reminder of the marriage covenant with YAHUSHUA. YAHUSHUA's Bride uses OUR Holy Sacred NAMES of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA.
It matters not the spelling for I know your hearts and they are not
Holy have become more holy and the evil have become more evil, now is
the time for a greater anointing and revelations through prophecies,
and words of knowledge. Take
not the communion for granted it is a daily weapon to be used against
satan as you put him in remembrance, he has no claim on you!
Rebuke sin and sinners and don't fear what others think when you
speak forth and warn. Would you rather offend mere humans or YAHUVEH?
It is so sad, how freedom to speak against the evils of this earth is
being silenced because so many of MY Holy Children remain silent. One
freedom after another is stripped away from you all over the world!
daily Communion with ME and speak to ME with words of love and
gratitude for the price I paid for you at Calvary. Make sure before
you take Communion you confess and you are determined to turn away
from any sin in your life. If you have wronged another Brother or
Sister who is a devout believer in ME, confess this sin to ME and ask
MY forgiveness, then go to them and ask their forgiveness. Do not
take Communion and practice sinning at the same time. I would have
gone to Calvary and suffered and died and arose again on the 3rd day,
even if it was only for one person. I love you that much, and I made
a vow to ABBA YAHUVEH, I would not lose ONE soul whose name has
already been written in the Lambs' Book of Life before the foundation
of this world.
Never should the words spoken during Communion
be of mere repetition and do this not only in remembrance of the
price I, YAHUSHUA, paid at Calvary for you. But praise ME that I
shall not drink of the fruit of the vine again until I do so with MY
Bride and the Guests at the Marriage Supper in Heaven. Remember this
as a weapon against satan, as you continually remind him, satan has
no claim on your mind, body, spirit or soul, unless you, through sin,
give him the legal right. Be ye Holy as I am Holy, strive to live
Holy, in your mind, and body and walk in the HOLY SPIRIT more than
you walk in the flesh and know that legions of Heaven's Holy Angels
fight in your behalf!
now on, when the five of you take it (communion), this man is not to
be left out (of your prayers). And I shall give you more revelations
of who he is. For now you can call him Caleb. This day Elisheva I
just command you, "Enjoy this day." I want to see you play.
I want to see you do that which you have been enjoying with ME. Let
your mind rest. For I'm going to show you and I'm going to reveal to
you and a new Prophecy is going to be loosed concerning Israel,
concerning the hidden treasures, starting with Ezekiel 9.
you're getting it MY Children! Now
you're understanding why I said that this is a weapon like no other
weapon when you do communion unto ME. The words you have spoken
Elisheva are not your own words for MY Words are higher than
anything you could ever think. Every time you do communion, every
time you become one with ME, I do give you MY ears. I do give you MY
eyes. I speak forth out of your mouth. I circumcize your heart as you
offer your hands unto ME to do MY will. And your feet to ME so I can
lead you in the footsteps of the Holy.
you're understanding Elisheva. Oh
how much satan hates this. Have I not said the more you need blessed,
the more you need deliverance from the enemy, this is not just about
forgiveness, this is about victory in all areas of your life. Tell
them MY Children. Tell them for ME.
many organized religions will just put a wafer in their mouth? A dry
wafer that could be nothing more than styrofoam. They
forget the price that I paid.
There is no repentence of sin first. They drink of the wine and they
said words of rote repetition. There's no heart given to ME. And the
audacity when another puts the wafer in the other's mouth and he
calls himself a Bishop. And he calls himself the pope. You cannot do
this for another! A communion is one on one. Now I don't speak of
those who are invalids, those who need the help of others to put the
bread in the mouth or the cup to the lips. For their hearts are in
the right place as long as the one, who is giving the communion,
heart is in the right place. Tell
them, feed MY sheep. Tell them. Pick up this weapon that has been
long discarded but do not do it with unclean lips. Do not do it with
a spirit of unrepentence. Do not do it as a mere ritual. Words
written by another man. Give ME your hearts. And I will speak forth
MY Words. Do not do it while you're in sin! Otherwise you're drinking
damnation unto yourselves! Where is the fear? Where is the fear?
many I see and they no longer fear. They stay in their sin. They take
the communion cup with sinful lips. I am faithful to forgive. But
never do this with an unrepentent heart for you're only drinking
damnation. You are only drinking of curses. Come to ME with a
repentent heart. Ask ME to forgive you of your sins. I am faithful
and I am merciful and just one drop of MY Blood, just
one drop
of MY Blood can save all of humanity if they had just received ME.
Just one drop of MY Blood. And look how much more I gave. This is
what I want you to tell them. This is the new Message I give you.
This is the Message that is meant to be before the world. This is the
only weapon you have. Tell them, "Thus saith YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH," as you see the weapons pointed at you in so many
different directions, lift up the only weapon I have given you.
Those who belong to ME. Those who have given their life to
ME. Those who have asked ME to come into their hearts. Those who
strive to obey ME. Those who strive to please ME. Those who worship
ME and put ME first in their life and their love and in their
marriage, lift up this weapon before the enemy. Only
MY Name and MY Blood, only through MY Body, can anyone be saved! Only
through the Blood of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH, can anyone be saved!
There is no name on the face of this world, on the face of this
universe, can anyone be saved but through MY Blood and through the
price I paid with MY Body, as I laid MY life down.
warriors come forth! Join them in the battle lines. MY Bride of
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH come forth! Join us in the battle lines! For
there is victory there. The more you need deliverance, the more you
need blessing, the more you need healed, the more you need forgiven…
the more, the more, the more, do not discard your only weapon, that
which you call communion. And I tell you this, do not take it with a
mouth, a sinful heart, repent before you do this
and repentence is not merely words that come out of lips. Repentence
is turning away from that which you know is evil!
For I am faithful and I am true and as you give ME your heart and you
lay this repentence down before ME, I will forgive you. And for those
of you who are listening and reading this, you haven't given your
life to ME yet but you come here and you read the Words that I speak
forth out of this Prophetic Ringmaiden, I remind you of this, do not
wait to become perfected. Do not wait until you think, "Oh now
I'm Holy." For it cannot happen like that.