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Commands from YAHUSHUA to HIS bride

Prophecy 5:

The footsteps of the Godly are ordained by YAHUVEH. Keep following MY footsteps and lead others unto ME. Follow MY footsteps and lead others to the tree at Calvary. Follow MY footsteps and lead others to the gates of Heaven.

Prophecy 10:

Hold on tight to the hem of MY garment. Hold on tight and don't let go. Though you get worn and weary, it's for MY sake you suffer. For this is not your work, your ministry, but MINE. It's for YAHUSHUA's (Jesus') sake you toil and you labor not in vain.

Prophecy 28:

I am coming for MY Bride without spot or wrinkle. Learn now how to please ME. Learn now to obey ME. Learn now to lay all on MY altar of sacrifice.

Prophecy 31:

MY Beloved think not I am saying none of you will suffer, for in this world there is pain and suffering but I have sent a way of escape. I am sending MY Son as I have promised. Yet, that does not mean sit back now and do nothing. Now is the time you must gather in the end time harvest while there is yet time. Use your paper and plastic as seed to bring ME Glory. Support with your prayers and alms, ministries I have you intercede for and labor with. Not so these ministries can store up riches on earth, for these ministries that do this, I will personally see to it that all they do become stubble fit only for destruction.

Eat the bread of affliction called matzoh bread. Eat it not only because this is a symbol of what the Israelites ate when they fled before the bread could rise. I also want you to partake in the days of unleavened bread and eat the bread of affliction as a reminder of YAHUSHUA and how he paid the price as the bread of affliction. He was afflicted for your sakes. The bread is hard for the price HE paid for you did not come easily. Partake in the Lord's Last Supper as YAHUSHUA did. Do this on the eve of March 31, 1999. Do this in remembrance of the Blood that YAHUSHUA poured out so that you would be saved and the Bread that was dipped in the Blood, for YAHUSHUA is the Bread of Life and his Body was sacrificed so you could have fellowship with 'I AM' and the remission of sins so you could have a way of escape from the flames of Hell. Satan has no claim to those that are truly MINE.

Honor the Sabbath Days, also the High Holy Days, April 1, April 2. Honor all Sabbath Days which is on Friday sunset, till Saturday Sunset, not Sunday as so many of you remember ME on Sunday and live like the devil on Friday and Saturday evenings partaking of the worldliness on the days set aside for our Sabbath. Pray for the Passover from the wrath to come upon this world. Pray you will be counted worthy and these bowls and trumps of MY wrath will PASSOVER you and you will be counted worthy to escape. For 'I AM' is a GOD that cannot nor will not lie, I prophesy what is to come to pass through MY Prophets so no one can say 'I AM' didn't warn the people.

Prophecy 37:

Those who reject MY RUACH ha KODESH REJECT both Father and Son for there is no way one can be saved unless MY RUACH ha KODESH draws you into the loving confirming knowledge that YAHUSHUA alone saves and to Heaven there is no other way, no Holier Name. I am coming for MY Bride to be caught up by MY side! But you must long for ME not out of fear but out of deep LOVE! Fear is the opposite of faith. Fear does not honor ME, your faith that I, YAHUSHUA, will care for those who are MINE, this is what honors ME. Because MY Bride has been in fear and not cried out in faith and love, I have not yet come. I come for MY Bride with a pure heart, loyalty and motivations, not selfish pride or lack of faith that I will provide. This is in part why MY Bride is not yet by MY side.

Prophecy 41:

MY Bride cannot enter in without the fragrance of MY anointing. You cannot overdue the fragrance of MY anointing. You are to seek this higher anointing. Let it be known that no man or woman can give you this anointing; only MY Sweet RUACH ha KODESH can cleanse you with the sweet perfume of MY anointing reserved for MY Bride. Prepare to go home and drench yourself in the power in the RUACH ha KODESH's anointing. Put on your wedding gown. It is MY robe of righteousness. I wore a crown of thorns. You shall wear like a tiara a crown of MY glory that is placed upon your head. As Esther prepared herself for the king, you are preparing yourself for The KING of KINGS, The LORD of LORDS, YOUR LORD GOD ALMIGHTY YAHSUHUA IS MY NAME AND I AM YOUR SOON COMING BRIDEGROOM!

Ask them, why do they want to be tortured in hell or to be burnt in the Lake of Fire? It was not created for them. It was created for the evil ones. I paid the price at Calvary and to snatch from satan's grip for all mankind to be set free. But I am a gentleman. I will not break down the door. I just knock and wait to be invited in. So one more time, I will tell them that YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH others call me Lord Jesus Christ, is coming again. Tell MY Bride I'm coming again to take her home. Prepare to go home for MY home is your home. Prepare to come home, because I am coming to take MY Bride home! Shortly you should hear Gabriel's horn, and you will be caught up to be by MY side as I call you forth as MY Bride. You shall hear the words come hither like a voice of the archangel as he blows the shofar horn. Prepare to go home for I'm coming for MY Bride! One will be taken and the other left.

Prophecy 58:

'I AM' has warned you this day, be grateful and bless MY Handmaiden that has a mandate to help prepare the Bride of YAHUSHUA for the Bridegroom doth come sooner than any of you think.

Prophecy 59:

America, you will reap what you are sowing. Again I repeat, the hedge of protection is not around America. The hedge of protection is around MY Beloved, MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect. Look up MY Children, deny not your faith, deny not the NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Deny not the NAME of YAHUVEH. Deny not the anointing of MY RUACH ha KODESH. Deny not MY Commandments and MY Laws and MY Statutes, and the Word that was made flesh. Look up MY Children for truly your redemption draweth nigh.

Prophecy 61:

MY Word says HE'll come in the midnight hour but what midnight hour? So as MY Beloved ones try to calculate what hour MY Son will come, MY dear ones, this is foolishness. Instead just work for ME and occupy, keep your lamps lit, work to bring the only treasure you can when you leave earth. For no one is going to know, as a thief appears in the night, so will the love of your life. But will HE find you without spot or wrinkle?

Prophecy 62:

Just be ready, MY Children. It doesn't matter if you know the day or hour. What Bride doesn't know when her Bridegroom approaches? What Bride doesn't prepare herself in advance? MY True Bride are hearing MY voice. They are preparing themselves. They are desiring and seeking Holiness. They abhor the yeast of the Pharisees.

Prophecy 64:

IF any Pastor does not line up with MY Holy Word then run from this Pastor. The church is not the building; the church and the Temple are MY People that gather together in MY NAME. Be not deceived by fame and fortune, by the size of a church or Temple or congregation. Be not deceived by the false manifestations of what some call miracles and yet I tell you it is Sorcery and Alchemy. I tell you it is the occult that fills so many of your churches and yes, Christian airwaves. How long MY Children must I wait to come and get MY Bride? I tell you how long, until MY Bride stops being disobedient and start obeying what they know to be true and starts fleeing from the evil in the majority of churches that preside. If you hear MY voice in this prophecy and flee now the Babylonian churches then you will not be sitting in the counterfeit churches when the antichrist comes in these churches and is worshipped and resides.

Prophecy 76:

Just as Elijah of Old was protected from Jezebel and Ahab, so shall you also be, so shall all the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH be protected. Now is the time for the Shield Maidens to come forth and cover you in their prayers, love and support for they also will be attacked at the same time as they step out in faith and contact you. I give them now the mandate. Those who recognize that they are the Bride of YAHUSHUA come forth and gather together with this Ring Maiden I am releasing this word from. Shield her with your intercessory prayers, encouraging words, and support and come together so she can encourage and nurture and support you also against the attacks of the enemy of your mind, body, spirit and soul. Here is a secret; just as I have a Bride, so too does satan and when the Holy Golden Eagles gather, so too shall the vultures gather.

Bride of YAHUSHUA, you need one another for your enemies are great in number. Many years ago I gave this Handmaiden a message in two dreams, back-to-back. "Assemble the troops on the wall." This is now that appointed time, don't miss your day of visitation with one another. Now Elisheva, be bold as Elijah of Old and speak forth the words I have commanded you to write and speak and fret not yourself with those like spirits like unto a Jezebel and Ahab. But know that those who attack you for obeying ME shall suffer the same fate as a Jezebel and Ahab and the prophets of Baal, for those that attack you are attacking the one that anoints you to speak forth. Beware you with the spirit of the Pharisees before you attack MY Beloved One. You had better examine your own hearts. Who ever doesn't agree with this Prophetic Word, take it to the Judge of all Creation for MY Beloved has only obeyed. These are not her words but MINE and those with spiritual ears to hear and listen, I ask you to encourage her and let her know.

Arise Bride of YAHUSHUA, as the 5 wise Virgins in the Parable I gave in Matthew 25:1-13 and prepare yourself, for your soon coming Bridegroom and MESSIAH is coming, Oh so quickly. Pray that you will be counted worthy to be called the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Take this not for granted. Do not become puffed up with pride, for some will find out they are the Guests and not the Bride for this reason. Too much is given, much more is expected. I, YAHUSHUA am the Good Shepherd and MY Bride will not go to any other Master. As it is written, I tell MY secrets to the Prophets and so I share secrets now with MY Beloved Bride and the honored Guests that will be invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. And only those who will attend, their names are found in the Lamb's Book of Life, inscribed before the foundation of this world.

Study and show thyself approved as you meditate on why Enoch, Elijah, Elisha are of great importance. I, YAHUSHUA teach you now this is relevant to the Bride of YAHUSHUA. I am speaking forth this revelation. Behold it is a new thing. The Book of Enoch was not included with the Books which are in the Bible and yet I give you this mandate to find this book and study it and allow YAHUVEH to teach you truths seldom taught. For there are books that should have been included in the Holy Bible and were purposely left out because they would be too confrontational. Not all called the missing books of the Bible, but some. You must use discernment which books are of the Holy Spirit and Truth and which is man-made. Ask yourself, why would the Creator put in 66 books in the Bible, for this is not a Holy number. Six is the number of man, 666 is the number associated with the antichrist. 
Remember Beloved, even the 5 foolish virgins knew the Bridegroom was coming but were caught unprepared. The Parable that is spoken shows the 5 foolish virgins that did not have the anointing and watched and waited with those with the anointing to know when the Brides Groom would come. This Parable also shows how I warn the 5 foolish virgins that thought the anointing of the Bride could be bought with money, that it is not for sale and the Bride knows this and mocks those who think YAHUVEH's gifts are for sale. When the 5 foolish virgins returned, the Bridegroom and the Bride had eloped. When they pounded on Heaven's doors to be let in with the Groom and Bride, they were sent away weeping as the Groom said, "Depart from ME, I never knew you." Not every one is fit to be the Bride; there are stiff qualifications and the 5 foolish I recognized not as MY Bride. However, I leave them a warning and that is the 5 foolish Virgins know not when I shall return for the Guests and they had better be ready unless I, YAHUSHUA the MESSIAH GROOM come again and find the Guests sleeping or without oil in their lamps. (Matt 25:1-13)

Verily I say unto you that Enoch was a shadow of the Bride of YAHUSHUA. For Enoch was translated to Heaven, for he had this testimony, he did not die but was translated to Heaven, for he was found pleasing unto YAHUVEH. So also will you, the Bride of YAHUSHUA, be translated, for you will also have this testimony that you please YAHUVEH the Father of all Creation as well as I, YAHUSHUA HIS Son because you obeyed and keep yourself Holy without spot or wrinkle. This is why I told Elisheva in a dream to memorize Hebrews 11:5. You, the Bride of YAHUSHUA, will bring YAHUVEH and I, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH, also called by some the HOLY SPIRIT, no shame. MY Bride, you do not just obey the 10 commandments, for what challenge is there in that? I will release to you some of the major qualifications of how you will know if you are MY Bride or if you will be the honored Guests at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in this end time message for MY Bride and the honored Guests. This message is not for the heathen except to warn them.

MY Bride, you long for ME the way I have longed to physically be with you and it is not afar off now. Take comfort MY Beloved and on this next Rosh HaShanah 2004, speak to ME in a way that you would speak to a loving spouse when you want him to return back to you because he has gone away on a long journey. Weep for MY return out of love and longing, not out of fear. I long to hear your words of passion and love for ME and so does our Abba YAHUVEH.

I, YAHUSHUA am coming, make yourself ready, it is not enough to just be washed in MY Blood Shed for you at Calvary, for the Guests are washed in the atoning Blood at Calvary. But MY Bride is spotless, without spot or wrinkle on her robe, sparkling white, not bringing ME any shame. Arise MY Bride, listen for the Shofar Horn, let your light shine before all. Your Bridegroom doth come quickly. And the Spirit and the Bride say, "Come, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, come." Let anyone that hears say come. Let anyone who is thirsty come and let anyone that wishes take the water of life free of charge. And the one who testified to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Amen, Selah.

Prophecy 79:
So to all you who wonder why Elisheva would bring this upon herself, it is because I use this ministry to separate the wheat from the tares. As you hear this, you will know whether you are wheat or a tare. Are you a weed only to be consumed by MY rage, MY consuming fire? Though I use her now to cry out to the Bride, as a voice will cry out to the five wise virgins, do not compromise, be prepared, for your bridegroom doth come for HIS Bride on a Rosh Ha Shanah and a Shabbat. YAHUSHUA's Bride be on your knees before ME. Stay Holy and stay humble. Pray that you will stay worthy to be MY Son YAHUSHUA's Bride which is symbolized as the five wise virgins. Which is the first catching away commonly called the Rapture.

Remain loyal to ME now. Do not just be hearers of MY Word but be doers of the Holy Word. Be holy as I am holy for although you are in this world, you are not to behave like this world. Let not the preachers of lawlessness lead MY Sheep and lambs astray, for all must work out their own salvation with fear and trembling. For faith without works is dead. MY Son YAHUSHUA has done HIS part at Calvary. Now I, YAHUVEH say unto you, "Do your part." Strive to obey. Do not premeditate sin, do not make excuses for sin, do not receive the words of the preachers who preach lawlessness. For I, YAHUVEH say unto you, "Why do you call MY Son YAHUSHUA Lord and not obey him?" I, YAHUVEH, say if you do not repent for the ways you disobey, "Depart from ME, ye worker of iniquity" on judgment day for I will not stand for you mocking YAHUSHUA's Holy Blood.

Prophecy 80:

Bride of YAHUSHUA, no longer cast your pearls before the swine of this world [Rev 14:19]. Some swine are hidden behind pulpits, the rich and the famous who call themselves Christians, even on your airwaves. These swine are in all denominational religions. As the Pharisees didn't understand YAHUSHUA and wanted him dead, neither shall those with the spirit of religion who are a part of the churches of Babylon understand you now. They will shun your Shkhinah Glory light.

In 2006 and hereafter, MY Holy People will grow in Holiness striving hard to obey, love and serve MY Son YAHUSHUA and I, YAHUVEH in all ways. MY Holy People will not compromise with the enemy. The Bride of YAHUSHUA has MY permission and authority to call upon I, YAHUVEH in YAHUSHUA's NAME and ask ME to put the demons tormenting them into MY Heavenly Winepress of wrath called MY meat grinder, demons that have been sent who torment you or your redeemed loved ones or the redeemed people. You have been given a mandate to intercede in prayer for deliverance.

Bride of YAHUSHUA, call upon ME to deliver you from the human servants of satan who seek your death and destruction. Come before MY throne boldly without sin and ask ME in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's NAME, to ask ME your Abba YAHUVEH in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH to put these reprobate enemies of MINE and yours into MY meat grinder, the Winepress of MY wrath. Those who dare to cast their curses, spells, hexes and do all manner of evil to try and harm destroy or kill the Bride of YAHUSHUA who are MY sealed ones. Vengeance is MINE, sayeth YAHUVEH. I will repay the Bride of YAHUSHUA's enemies and grind them up in seven different ways.

Bride of YAHUSHUA, you are not to take vengeance when these human servants of satan harm you. Bride of YAHUSHUA, forgive your human enemies but deliver them into I, YAHUVEH's hands. It is a fearful thing to fall into I, YAHUVEH's hands. You are not to take vengeance but let I, YAHUVEH take vengeance for you. I, YAHUVEH will grind up all your reprobate enemies' mind, body, spirit and soul. There will not be anything left but the sound of crushing bones when I, YAHUVEH have finished with them on earth. Any enemy of the Bride of YAHUSHUA is an enemy of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH. Some of these enemies proclaim the name of Jesus Christ and yet the Messiah's Holy Spirit is not in them. They are workers of evil, only fooling themselves.

From this day forward I command the Bride of YAHUSHUA, MY Esther of new, to observe the Feast of Purim and make merry. Celebrate and praise ME for delivering Esther, for without her how would the blood line of YAHUSHUA come forth? There would not have been any Hebrews on the face of the earth left if Haman had succeeded. What Haman attempted to do once will be tried again in the same way. Bounties will be placed on all Jews and believers in YAHUSHUA. That same spirit came again through the spirit of Hitler, so it will be done again, when the son of perdition comes, who is the son of satan. Bride of YAHUSHUA, study the book of Esther.

Bride of YAHUSHUA, rejoice, again I, YAHUVEH say rejoice. This is the year of your Jubilee. Do not be focused on the judgments and vengeance that I will pour out on your enemies, the reprobate and heathen. For those who worship, love, serve and obey MY Son YAHUSHUA and I, YAHUVEH you are saved and washed in the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA and you are not appointed to MY wrath, but instead you shall be blessed if you can but, in faith, believe you shall receive your year of Jubilee. Bride of YAHUSHUA, so many of you struggle with frail sickly or old bodies that have aged before their time because of constant physical, emotional, spiritual attacks and an onslaught from satan's servant children or demonic spirits. Your enemies have worn you out physically and mentally yet spiritually you keep growing and become stronger in YAHUSHUA's NAME and through HIS shed Blood at Calvary.

Prophecy 82:

How many times have I said, "If it doesn't line up with MY Holy Word, for I am the Holy Word, I am the living Torah, even if they come from an Angel of light, do not receive that which is not of ME." How many times have I said, "Test the spirit that speaks?" You want to know how your brother was deceived? It does not mean that he doesn't love ME. It does not mean that he doesn't desire to serve ME, but it does mean this is the first step when he walked away, and deception entered in. When satan got a foothold and said to him, "Do not listen to the Holy Word." Instead he started listening to a voice that was not of ME.

'I AM' not a man that I can lie. MY Word is truth. What I say happens. The Holy Angel did not come, for Elisheva where did I ever tell you I would tell another, to tell the Ring Maiden, expect YAHUSHUA to come on this day for HIS Bride. Why would I not tell you first? That is why I have said again, and again, "Test the Spirit that speaks." Who is going to listen to one that has a testimony that looks and smells like the world? Make no longer excuses for him. MY People have gone a whoring after other Gods, but does that mean I have called you to be a whore monger? The people are drunk with intoxicating beverages. Does that I mean I have called you to be a drunk. The people have turned to other sources of peace, but does this mean I want you to smell like a chimney or shoot up like a drug addict?

Foolishness, foolishness, foolishness, MY Bride will have no part in this foolishness. I said, "Be ye Holy as I am Holy." MY Bride will be Holy or I will have no part of her. You want to know who the foolish virgins are? You want to know why they didn't have enough oil in their lamps? They didn't have enough Holiness. They knew I was coming, but they did not prepare. It is not enough to just love ME, It is not enough to just serve ME, it is not enough just to preach MY Words. I DEMAND HOLINESS!

As your husband, I would have had no part of you if you were not Holy. How much more of a standard of Holiness do I have. Stop making excuses for sin. Elisheva, you know again and again I said, "Test the spirit that speaks" stop making excuses for your brother. It doesn't mean that I don't love him, but it means he allowed the spirit of deception to enter in. When he believed I said, pick up the cigarettes and drink that liquor, how could people tell the difference between MY spirit and that of the enemy for he preaches MY Word but he smells like the world.

Prophecy 85:

Everywhere these two anointed ones plant their feet, either MY blessings or curses will follow, in every nation, either salvation or judgment shall follow. So it shall be with all of YAHUSHUA's Bride. The Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH start calling forth and asking for your dowry, the one I have reserved for you and set aside. As I give it on to the Ring Maiden so to I give it on to you. For the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and that is you. For I know who will use it for MY Glory and MY Glory alone.

I, YAHUVEH speak to the International Bride of YAHUSHUA. I give you this mandate. Help this Ring Maiden to reach this world for YAHUSHUA's Glory. Volunteer and translate these prophecies into your various languages. There is a Hebrew member of the Bride of YAHUSHUA who reads this now and knows they are to translate all the prophecies into Hebrew. Another knows they are to translate these prophecies into African and Arabic. Why have you not come forth and introduced yourself to this Ministry? Why does not the International Bride of YAHUSHUA obey and use the blessings, gifts and talents I, YAHUVEH have given you? Why are you burying them where they are no value to anyone?

To the others who have started working on the translations of the prophecies into your languages, I have this question for you. Why do you not finish what you started, the work on the wall, do you care so little about your own country? All of you who have done this, I will ask you this question one day before MY throne. Be prepared to have an answer, for you were called and appointed to this task, and yet have not completed this task. This delays YAHUSHUA coming for HIS Bride, for these prophecies and messages must be in many tongues before HE returns. Bride of YAHUSHUA in all International Nations, I caused this couple to forever leave their homeland, leaving all worldly possessions behind, to come and be a blessing and share what they have with you. Is this really too much to ask of you? Are you willing to share what you have with this Apostolic Messianic Jewish Pentecostal Ministry? Assemble Holy intercessors to pray for them on a continued basis, for the battle is fierce but the Victory is already done for YAHUSHUA's Praise, Honor and Glory!

Prophecy 86:

For truly I have spoken forth. Does not your entire body have to operate in unison? Can one foot say, it is going to walk to the left, and the other foot say, it is going to walk to the right? Can one side of your mouth say, I am going to speak out of one side and the other on the other side? This is what it is like when I try to deal with a disobedient so-called Bride. I say, "Walk this way" they say, "No, I want to walk that way." Do you remember when I said, "It is the last call for the Bride?" Do you know how many are missing it because they refuse to listen to MY voice? I am not an earthly husband, when I give an order I expect it to be followed. When I say, "Lay it on the altar of sacrifice, I expect it to be put down.

Do you know how many still smoke cigarettes? Do you know how many still get drunk behind closed doors? Do you know how many still read porn? Do you know how many have lust in their hearts and yet they say, "I want to be part of the Bride." Away from ME you disobedient so-called Bride! When I tell you to lay everything down, when I tell you to lay your finances down, when I tell you to join together with the others, to depart from the unbelievers, when I tell you that lightness and darkness do not go together. Instead you keep going trying to find a Prophet for your itching ears. Well, you're not going to find it here.

You say, "Oh YAHUSHUA, you never would talk to us like this." You forget I was a Lamb but once, now I am a Lion. I am a balance in all things, as MY Abba YAHUVEH is. WE are almighty in love and WE are almighty in war. Did I not curse the fig tree that did not produce fruit? What makes you think I have changed? I went to the cross for you, I gave MY Life and MY Blood for you and you say, "You ask too much of me, I can't give up my sin." Then don't expect to be MY Bride. Does not the Word say, in the end time the Holy shall be more Holy and the unholy shall be more unholy. Behold the end times, for it is here. No more time to cast your pearls before swine. Go to those I tell you to go and if they do not receive the truth, shake the dust off your feet and go on.

But you say, "YAHUSHUA, this is not any of our questions being answered." What if it is not MY desire yet to tell you? Doesn't mean I won't. Instead I choose to use you to bring forth Prophecy 86. (We were praying for direction.) How many seek ME in prayer? I don't mean the bedtime prayers. How many seek MY Abba YAHUVEH and truly intercede and truly pray. I have given instructions to MY Bride to cover the Two Witnesses in prayer.

Prophecy 93:

Orgone cannot protect you. I have spoken forth from this Ring Maiden's mouth. I have exposed this lie. It draws the evil! It does not repel the evil. Now they're getting tricky. Because they want to confuse the innocent so they take this ministry of amightywind and they twist the Words within. I prophecied, I warned in advance, do not set your hearts on the words that Shelby Corbitt says. What started out as innocent deception became an outright lie now motivated by the word pride. Christmas came and went. YAHUSHUA was not sent. Where are the Holy holding these prophets who prohesied (accountable). Where are the Holy and calling it what it is and it is a lie. Not even the one that I speak forth now knows the date that YAHUSHUA comes for I said that I'd send the Holy angels to tell you right before HE comes. Live each day as though it were your last. Make sure no sin is found in you. Take it to the cross at Calvary for only the Blood of YAHUSHUA can wash it away. Only through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA and the Name of YAHUSHUA can you start a new day. Watch and wait but away with the date setters. Close your ears. Are you not tired of the pain yet?

Prophecy 102:

Weigh your words carefully. Beloved Bride get used to looking over your back for even those you love if they're not saved, will attack. Beware MY Bride. Guard your tongue. Such were the days of old. Sad to say these days have come for some. For others it will come later.

The enemy spies on you. They try to watch your every move. They twist your words as if it's a dagger to plunge into your heart. MY beloved Bride, there's no such thing on this earth as freedom for you anymore unless it's through ME. In MY Name, in the Name of YAHUSHUA, your MASHIACH, there is freedom in ME. So hide yourself for a little while until MY rage and MY fury and MY wrath pass over those who are only fit to be MY enemies. For the hateful words and actions that's done unto you, for the persecution that comes to you, it is because they see ME in you.

Hold on tight to the hem of MY garment. Don't let go. As you sleep out in your Sukkha's, remember that that's just a temporary tabernacle, just like this mortal flesh is a temporary tabernacle. And just as I keep you safe in your Sukkha's, how much more will I do for you as you honour ME on the Holy Feasts as you shun the holidays of this world, as you cleave unto ME as a Lover that you do not want to leave the embrace, how much more will I hold you? How much more will I caress you?

I shall gather MY Bride, both Rev. 7 and 14, oh you'll be by MY side, but hide yourself a little while. Hide yourself for a little while until MY wrath passes over. For YAHUVEH will not continually be mocked.