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Real rapture

Prophecy 76:

All of the 5 foolish virgins will be tested in the fire of affliction and some will come out as gold, some will be martyred, some will remain and some will with ME be caught away. Some of the 5 foolish virgins are Guests and were not found fit to be the Bride of YAHUSHUA. I will not catch MY True Bride unaware for she will hear the Shofar horn blowing and she will awaken to this Cry I shall ring forth from this Ring Maiden of MINE. Remember, satan seeks to go before ME, so do not be fooled by the counterfeit date and woe be unto anyone that calls themselves MY Ring Maiden besides the one I have anointed, that I use now to speak forth as MY mouth piece. There will be an anointing that will not be able to be counterfeited when the Angels bring this message so the True Bride of YAHUSHUA will give birth to an out pouring of an anointing from Heaven like none other thus far. It will be the former and the latter rain anointing put together, combined with the double portion of Elijah anointing. Even your Shadows will heal the GODLY, for MY healing balm of Gilead shall be in MY entire Bride. I spoke audibly to Elisheva the words years ago: "Gift of Healing, Sound of Trumpet." She never knew the meaning of these words until now.

Just as the Shofar Horn is blown at a Jewish Wedding to announce the Groom, so too will I, YAHUSHUA have the Shofar Horn blown to announce MY coming for MY Beloved Bride, listen for that Shofar Horn it is not afar off. I prophesied through this Ring Maiden that I would return again on a Sabbath and I spoke to her, "What IF Rosh HaShanah is the Day I would come," you know not yet which one. I also prophesied through her and spoke audibly to her, "First one rapture then another for those that I love." The Guests will be in that second catching away in the parable of the ten virgins; the second chance is giving to the foolish Bride that is when I tell them to watch therefore, for you know not what hour I will come again.

Verily I say unto you that Enoch was a shadow of the Bride of YAHUSHUA. For Enoch was translated to Heaven, for he had this testimony, he did not die but was translated to Heaven, for he was found pleasing unto YAHUVEH. So also will you, the Bride of YAHUSHUA, be translated, for you will also have this testimony that you please YAHUVEH the Father of all Creation as well as I, YAHUSHUA HIS Son because you obeyed and keep yourself Holy without spot or wrinkle. This is why I told Elisheva in a dream to memorize Hebrews 11:5. You, the Bride of YAHUSHUA, will bring YAHUVEH and I, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH, also called by some the HOLY SPIRIT, no shame. MY Bride, you do not just obey the 10 commandments, for what challenge is there in that? I will release to you some of the major qualifications of how you will know if you are MY Bride or if you will be the honored Guests at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in this end time message for MY Bride and the honored Guests. This message is not for the heathen except to warn them.

You know all the gifts of the RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) are of value and desire them all. You learn all you can about your Heavenly home and hide the Holy Scriptures in your heart. MY Bride, you know this earth is not your home, you are merely passing through until the job I sent you to do is done. MY Bride, you long to hear that Shofar Horn knowing your MESSIAH Groom will appear immediately after the blasts of the Shofar to personally carry you to your Heavenly home. A Mansion I have built for you waits, along with your rewards that are being stored up in your storehouses.

I, YAHUSHUA am coming, make yourself ready, it is not enough to just be washed in MY Blood Shed for you at Calvary, for the Guests are washed in the atoning Blood at Calvary. But MY Bride is spotless, without spot or wrinkle on her robe, sparkling white, not bringing ME any shame. Arise MY Bride, listen for the Shofar Horn, let your light shine before all. Your Bridegroom doth come quickly. And the Spirit and the Bride say, "Come, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, come." Let anyone that hears say come. Let anyone who is thirsty come and let anyone that wishes take the water of life free of charge. And the one who testified to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Amen, Selah.

Prophecy 80:

Rejoice, Bride of YAHUSHUA, very quickly now you shall be caught up to meet YAHUSHUA in the air alive and your bodies shall be changed in a moment, in the twinkle of an eye. And when you return you will no longer be hindered in frail earthly vessels of clay but instead supernatural in strength, youthful appearance and healthy in all ways. Nothing will be impossible for you. Victory over all your enemies and every demon. If you want to eat food you can eat all you want yet food is not what will give you nourishment. Instead the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH will nourish you. Every Spiritual Word that proceeds out of your mouth through the Holy Scriptures will nourish you. [Matt 4:4 But he answered and said, "It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of YAHUVEH." Luke 4:4 And YAHUSHUA answered him, saying, "It is written, that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of YAHUVEH."]

Prophecy 83:

Right now the weapons the Bride of YAHUSHUA has are in the spiritual realm. But I tell you this: in the Great Tribulation, just as the King gave the edict (command) and said take up your arms and defend yourselves, so too it shall be again but not for the Rev. 14 Bride. That is why I am redeeming them from this earth and the Two Witnesses shall be amongst that number and then they shall return.

Oh, but you precious Bride of Rev. 7, you are already sealed, beloved ones. No one can harm you. There will be a short time you will take up arms and defend and help the Guests to fight satan and those with the MARK of satan and then you shall walk in that glorified body when you hear the words, "And the dead in Christ shall rise first." As you learned the word Christ is the only reason I speak it forth. It is the dead in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH which will be the Two Witnesses and those being martyred at that time. These are in the second rapture and along with the Rev. 7 Bride shall also be taken up before the heathen's eyes. These are the secrets reserved for YAHUSHUA's Bride. Let the others scoff and mock. This is the banquet table I lay before you this day. Those with spiritual ears shall hear, all others will remain deaf. Those with spiritual eyes shall see, all others shall remain blind. These are the words I, YAHUVEH speak forth this day, the King of Creation, on this Holy Purim Day.

Prophecy 87:

Hear Oh, Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, just as YAHUSHUA ascended to Heaven in front of witnesses so too shall MY Two Witnesses ascend to Heaven before witnesses of this world. On your airwaves worldwide, this shall be seen. As it is written and the dead in (Christ) YAHUSHUA MESSIAH rise first, this has been a secret and released through this Prophet already. MY Two Witnesses along with MY other Holy children who are martyred at the same time, these will be the dead that rise first demonstrating the anointed power that raised YAHUSHUA by MY hand. I, YAHUVEH shall do it again for the world to see.

As it is written, "They which are alive and remain will be caught up to meet YAHUSHUA in the air," these will include the Rev. 7 Bride. The time of witnessing is 3 1/2 years symbolized by 3 1/2 days and MY Two Witnesses bodies lay dead although their Spirits will be in Heaven. 3 1/2 days later their Spirits will be called back into their bodies like YAHUSHUA and rise from the dead and multitudes shall bow down, repent and worship YAHUSHUA as MY SON and the true MESSIAH. (Rev 11)

Prophecy 92:

Shelby Corbitt refuses to repent and admit the date she gave, that I, YAHUSHUA was to return, did not come to pass. Because I did not give her that dream, nor interpretation, nor date for MY return. This Prophet I now speak forth from told you in advance, not to believe her. I sent this Prophet to warn you, so you would not be dismayed when the time passed. Watch, wait and work until the true catching away. I have said in Revelation 14 there will be a first fruit rapture of 144,000 first. How few want to believe this, for it goes against your itching ears and your flesh.

You slander this Ringmaiden I speak this Prophecy through and yet, she is the one I use to be the cryer to warn the true Bride, as written in the parable of the ten virgins. Again I say, I will send Michael the Archangel to her along with Gabriel and they shall speak the date to Elisheva, and at the precise time the trumpet blows, she cries out, "Behold the Bridegroom doth come." All the true Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH spoken of in Revelation 14 all over the world will hear it at the same time and arise in the air. No one does know the exact time and hour. I have only told her the Holy Day will be on Rosh Hashanah. Since Rosh Hashanah is 2 days, and many people have different calculations which date it falls on, it is true, she does not know the hour. However, just as Elijah knew he would be taken, just as Noah knew the day he was to enter the ark and close the door, so it shall be again. MY Bride will know when they hear in the spirit the cryer cry out and say, "Behold the Bridegroom doth come."

Prophecy 93:

Shelby Corbitt, you say the rapture could be held off because if MY people fall on their faces and humble themselves and repent the land will be healed? Since when is a catching away of the Bride punishment? Why would YAHUVEH hold that off? The only thing that would do is extend the time of mercy, this is true. But it would not stop YAHUVEH from telling YAHUSHUA, "Go get YOUR Bride!" Just admit Shelby Corbitt, you missed it. Pride goeth before a huge fall. The end of the year shall come. 2008 shall appear. Fall on your knees and repent before the world for you missed it. You allowed the spirit of a Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, the lying serpent's tongue, to permeate your mind, to contaminate it.

Prophecy 102:

That's why I tell you now, be prepared because Bride before I take you home to Heaven, before you're caught away with ME, I'm going to have to teach you how to run and hide, to hide from the enemies' eyes but it's alright MY darling ones because it's only a matter of time.

I shall gather MY Bride, both Rev. 7 and 14, oh you'll be by MY side, but hide yourself a little while. Hide yourself for a little while until MY wrath passes over. For YAHUVEH will not continually be mocked.

Prophecy 103:

Each day this is what you strive for but when you get in the Bride class it as though you're going into your earthly college for your Master's degree for you want your MASTER'S degree and for those of you that are handed that Heavenly diploma on that day that's when you will be as an Enoch unto ME and you will be caught up to meet ME in the air.

Remember Enoch. Ask ME. Get honest with ME and I will show you your percentage grade. This is not for you to get puffed up in pride for no one, no one, no one, not even the Ringmaiden speaking has 100% yet. The day that I tell YAHUSHUA MY Only Begotten Son, "Go get YOUR Bride," those that are caught up to meet YAHUSHUA in the air that day will know they have reached 100% of MY satisfaction.