I say unto you, just as Elisha bore witness with his own eyes and saw
Elijah of Old taken up in the horse drawn Chariot of Fire, because
Elisha refused to forsake him and was at his side when he was caught
away, he received a double portion of anointing as Elijah of Old had
prophesied. Here is a mystery: Have you wondered why Elisha was
separated and not taken by the Chariot of Fire with Elijah of old? (2
Kings 11). It is because Elisha was a shadow of the 12 Tribes of
Israel in Revelation 7 and Elijah is a shadow of MY Bride in
Revelation 14. So too will the sealed 144,000 from the 12 tribes of
Israel be protected and sealed on this earth as it is written in
Revelation 7 by an Angel from Heaven. Weapons of man shall not harm
them nor shall the plagues come near them, for they are not appointed
to YAHUVEH's wrath. They will remain under I, YAHUSHUA's Grace, the
bloodline that I, YAHUSHUA drew at Calvary and satan can't cross that
bloodline. These 144,000 will behold the Bride's mantle as the
anointing falls upon them in a way they had not known before.
Bride, you are scattered all over the world right now. MY Bride, you
consist of the first fruits as mentioned in Revelation 14.
You are the best fruit I will redeem from the earth before the Great
Tribulation. MY Bride, you only boast in who you serve and you remain
humble, never fully understanding why I, YAHUSHUA would choose you
but feel honored you have been chosen and yet do not take it for
granted and still pray you're counted worthy to be called MY Bride.
MY Bride understands the importance of observing the Holy Days her
Jewish Messiah Groom kept. MY Bride, you have laid everything down on
the altar of sacrifice and hold nothing back and will follow your
MESSIAH and obey all I say. Your cry on your lips is Holy.
Bride, you will have not only have MY NAME inscribed on your
foreheads but the name of Abba YAHUVEH so all will see what
Revelation 14 plainly states.
MY Bride, you have a burden to try and speak forth the truths when
only a remnant really desires to hear and obey. MY Beloved Bride, you
would rather have the NAME of your beloved Abba YAHUVEH and I,
YAHUSHUA on your lips speaking of US in love and meditating on who WE
are and how to please US and study on Heavenly things and prophetic
things to come and you do not despise the gift of prophecy nor mock
the gifts of the RUACH ha KODESH.
Rosh HaShanah on 2005, when you prayed, "Oh make me worthy to be
called your Bride as in Revelation 14 for we know this alone YAHUSHUA
is your Bride" and I said, "Listen Elisheva, if I choose
to protect and I choose to seal and I take some of MY Bride out as
Revelation 14 states, redeemed from this earth, sealed and protected
in this way and I choose to leave some of MY Bride as spoken of in
Revelation 7 sealed and protected but I leave them in this world to
keep on preaching MY Words, to be the standard against the evil, am I
not still protecting and sealing MY Bride?"
is it any concern of yours how I protect and seal all MY Bride? Some
of these are as Revelation 14, and they are MY first fruit,
Elisheva. I have already told you that is the group, you will go.
Some are MY Shield Warriors and Shield Maidens in Revelation 7 and
they are already sealed, they only await that which I have said has
to take place, but they are sealed and no harm shall come to any of
them. Both are MY Bride. I have but one Bride. I just choose to take
some home first, and I choose to leave some here on this earth. Now
will you speak forth what I told you to say in boldness?
many of MY Bride has said, "I just don't feel like I am leaving
this earth just yet." That is because they are of Revelation 7
because I put a warring Spirit in them, a Spirit of survival.
others in Revelation 14 long for ME to come. They do not see
themselves warring on this earth, but I shall come for the Revelation
7 Bride just as surely as I will come for the Two Witnesses.
The Two Witnesses, again I repeat unto you, are part of the Bride of
Revelation 14 and they will be taken first as the first fruits and
then they will return. The Guests to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
will come out of the Great Tribulation. They will be those that have
washed their garments in MY Shed Blood.
YAHUVEH have been so pleased as the prayers of the Bride of YAHUSHUA
have come before ME on this Day of Purim. As a sweet fragrance they
came to ME. As sweet incense the angels opened them up and I am so
pleased. And that is why I have had more mercy and I said, "How
much longer do you want ME to delay?" But the end is nigh. When
the sealed prophecy is released [78], one of the seals will be
broken. Woe be unto this world when Elisheva speaks forth what I
have hidden. Oh, but MY Beloved Bride
of YAHUSHUA, those who are the members of Rev. 14 and Rev. 7, you
need not fear. All the Guests who
are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, it is true you will
have to suffer for HIM [YAHUSHUA]. Oh, but the rewards that you have
now the weapons the Bride of YAHUSHUA has are in the spiritual realm.
But I tell you this: in the Great Tribulation, just as the King gave
the edict (command) and said take up your arms and defend yourselves,
so too it shall be again but not for the Rev. 14 Bride. That is why I
am redeeming them from this earth and the Two Witnesses shall be
amongst that number and then they shall return.
will use the Holy Angels, Rev. 7 Bride, Rev. 14 Bride, as well as the
Two Witnesses to know where the Guests are and to help them as
The Two Witnesses will defend the Guests and take vengeance for them.
Learn MY true Shabbat because I, YAHUVEH will especially bless and
protect those who honor ME on the day I, the King of all Creation,
set aside as the Sabbath day of rest. Just as when YAHUSHUA walked
the earth and did signs, wonders, and miracles on the Sabbath even in
the Great Tribulation especially on MY Sabbath, MY Holy Days, the
same will be done in the NAME of YAHUSHUA under the anointing of the
Corbitt refuses to repent and admit the date she gave, that I,
YAHUSHUA was to return, did not come to pass. Because I did not give
her that dream, nor interpretation, nor date for MY return. This
Prophet I now speak forth from told you in advance, not to believe
her. I sent this Prophet to warn you, so you would not be dismayed
when the time passed. Watch, wait and
work until the true catching away. I
have said in Revelation 14 there will be a first fruit rapture of
144,000 first. How few want to believe this, for it goes against your
itching ears and your flesh.
slander this Ringmaiden I speak this Prophecy through and yet, she is
the one I use to be the cryer to warn the true Bride, as written in
the parable of the ten virgins. Again
I say, I will send Michael the Archangel to her along with Gabriel
and they shall speak the date to Elisheva, and at the precise time
the trumpet blows, she cries out, "Behold the Bridegroom doth
come." All the true Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH spoken of in
Revelation 14 all over the world will hear it at the same time and
arise in the air. No one does know
the exact time and hour. I have only told her the Holy Day will be on
Rosh Hashanah. Since Rosh Hashanah is 2 days, and many people have
different calculations which date it falls on, it is true, she does
not know the hour. However, just as Elijah knew he would be taken,
just as Noah knew the day he was to enter the ark and close the door,
so it shall be again. MY Bride will know when they hear in the spirit
the cryer cry out and say, "Behold the Bridegroom doth come."
speak to MY First Fruits. I speak to those that are the 144,000. I
grade by the percentage, not "if" you obey ME, but how
quickly you obey ME. Not "if" you obey ME, but by what
attitude you have that you obey ME; how quickly you obey ME and the
degree of the performance, how fully you obey ME.
Do you do
things in your time? Or do you do things in MY time? When I tell you
that you are to do something do you do it with a cheerful heart? When
I tell you to support this Ministry do you just throw them your
leftover change like you would tip a waitress or a waiter? Do you
make sure that the prophets that minister to you, that feed you are
fed and lodged? For this ministry travels the world. They only stay
in one place until I, YAHUVEH, tell them they must move on. Do you
know how many times they've had to leave everything behind? How many
of you could live a life like this? How many would be willing to
leave their loved ones behind? Back behind in a country they'll never
see again because I, YAHUVEH, have said so. It is not by MY hand they
shall ever return. Everyone, everyone, everyone, who accept YAHUSHUA
as your MASHIACH, everyone who calls YAHUSHUA the Only Begotten Son
of YAHUVEH, should each day be striving to please I, YAHUVEH.
is why the Bride of YAHUSHUA MASHIACH is called HIS first fruit HIS
best. They are battered and beaten and they are bruised from this
world but in HIS eyes, in YAHUSHUA's eyes, they are the best fruit
for they took that bruising, they took that battering for HIS Name's
sake and they are HIS best fruit. They are the Bride.
And now
I speak to the Bride of Revelation 7. You also are good fruit. Oh,
but your battering and your bruising has not been to the degree of
the Revelation 14 Bride but your fruit is pleasing unto ME. And I can
trust you as I can trust the Bride of Revelation 14 for although
you're not 100%, each day you strive to be.