Beloved, when the Bride and the Guests all arrive, then shall the Marriage Supper of the Lamb commence. I, YAHUSHUA will not only dance and rejoice with MY Beloved Bride but also with MY Beloved honored Guests. Blessed are all who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb as it is written Revelation 19:9. The invitations were sent out to everyone in this world and yet how few know what an honor it is to be called MY Bride or receive the invitation as an honored Guest. Few understand the price I paid to invite you. Some invitations are lost, some discarded and labeled trash, some invitations are gathering dust, some invitations are counterfeited and some Guests don't understand this is an RSVP invitation only. Only those who respond and accept I, YAHUSHUA as your MESSIAH will attend the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and only those whose names are found written in the Lambs Book of Life before the foundation of this world.
Prophecy 80:
You will be as Elijah and Enoch of old. The Bride of YAHUSHUA will have bodies that cannot be harmed or die except for MY 2 Witnesses at that scriptural time by a supernatural weapon from the bottomless pit inspired by satan. But 3 ½ days later, MY 2 Witnesses shall live again in that glorified body and be caught up to be with YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH the Bridegroom. Beloved Children, be not weary in well-doing and in obedience to I, YAHUVEH and your Messiah YAHUSHUA whether you are the Bride or the Guests. Blessed are all those invited to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. As you see, the evil grow by leaps and bounds. It only hastens YAHUSHUA's return.