Prophecy 24 part 1:
You who call yourselves Jews listen close. You cannot enter into Heaven just by worshipping and believing in YAHUVEH's NAME, although that is MY NAME, it is YAHUSHUA who is the only MESSIAH. The price MY Son paid at Calvary was for your Salvation, both Jew and Gentile alike. YAHUSHUA was crucified and tortured and died and arose again for your sakes. He paid the ransom for your sins. Both Jew and Gentile hear ME; there is no other Savior but YAHUSHUA. He is your Savior, the only way of escape from MY wrath that is to come. MY Children who I created who are born Jewish hear ME. You wait for another Savior, yet you wait in vain. There is no other but MY Son YAHUSHUA. The one you have been taught to hate is the only Ark of safety. You cannot love ME and yet hate MY Beloved Son. YAHUSHUA is the one I sent to earth to pay the ransom for your sins.
This is why Israel and Jerusalem knows no peace, every nation that refuses YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH WILL KNOW NO PEACE. HEAR ME AGAIN! KNOW YAHUSHUA AND YOU WILL KNOW PEACE! YAHUSHUA brings a peace that passes all understanding. YAHUSHUA is the Prince of Peace. How can you have peace and reject the only Prince of Peace.
Prophecy 26:
Be warned, you're only loving half of ME, if you're not acknowledging, accepting, MY Son YAHUSHUA as the only MESSIAH, both for Jew and Gentile. The only door to heaven. The only intercessor before I, YAHUVEH the Father. All your sacrifices have been done in vain, for all those who have not accepted MY Gift at Calvary, YAHUSHUA is his NAME.
Do not be like the synagogues of satan, who do profess to be MINE and yet do not keep MY Laws and Sabbaths and have not truly received the gift of YAHUSHUA at Calvary. MY Jewish people keep MY Laws and Sabbaths, and yet they refuse YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. There will be no other MESSIAH, you wait in vain at the cost of your souls. I speak this boldly through this Handmaiden, who I will send to deliver this message in person to Israel and Jerusalem and other parts of the world, in MY love not only hers, as I have sent MY other servants forth to say to the Jewish people, "You love and worship and serve YAHUVEH, you even try to keep MY Laws, Feasts and Sabbath Day, yet this alone cannot save anyone, be they Jew or Gentile. Be warned, you're only loving half of ME, if you're not acknowledging, accepting, MY Son YAHUSHUA as the only MESSIAH, both for Jew and Gentile. The only door to heaven. The only intercessor before I, YAHUVEH the Father. All your sacrifices have been done in vain, for all those who have not accepted MY Gift at Calvary, YAHUSHUA is his NAME.
Prophecy 31:
I have a message to MY Beloved wayward daughter Israel. Beloved Israel you are not to give what I have not given you to give. You have given far too much away I promised you a land of milk and honey. I the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob promised to bless your land with beauty and prosperity, have I not done so? Yet the leaders of this land are as weak women cowering in a corner at the hands of an abusive mate. Israel believes the lies of a bully. Israel prays to the GOD 'I AM' and asks for deliverance yet shows with their actions they do not believe 'I AM' can and will protect a land where one day very soon MY Son YAHUSHUA, shall put HIS feet upon Mount of Olives. Israel refuses to believe the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has already proven MY love for them by sending them their MESSIAH their DELIVERER, YAHUSHUA is HIS NAME!
MY Beloved Jewish People, I sent MY Son as one of your own, he is not a Savior only to the Gentiles but to you beloved also. MY desire is both Jew and Gentile become as one in YAHUSHUA. Why do you wait for another Savior? When I have given you MY best. Satan seeks to deceive you with his best. I send MY Prophets and I am sending them again to tell you oh beautiful and wayward daughter of MINE, listen to your own scriptures. Look with new eyes of discernment to your own Feasts and celebrations. Do not just love half of ME love all of ME. You who say you belong to the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and I have a remnant that do, just like in other parts of the world, but you must accept all of ME.
For YAHUSHUA is MY Beloved Son that was slain as a perfect unblemished sacrificial lamb for all who will accept the Saving Blood shed at Calvary for the remission of sins. HIS Blood drenched the soil on Calvary but as it poured forth unto the ground it also covered Jerusalem with mercy. 'Father forgive them they know not what they do is for you also.' I have had more patience with you beloved wayward child that seeks to please ME and yet turns away MY Gift at Calvary. The only way to Heaven is through YAHUSHUA; there is no other name that can save but HIS.
I sought to make you jealous and gave this understanding to the Gentiles, those not even looking for a MESSIAH. Now I come back to you through this Prophet and others I am sending and say cast not YAHUSHUA away. HE is not a MESSIAH only to the Gentiles but he was first sent to the Jewish people whom I love with a love that you cannot begin to comprehend. Was not YAHUSHUA, born from the loins of a Jewish Handmaiden? You Israel must not fear the giants in the land. Why do you forget that I have promised to protect those that are set apart and redeemed? You Israel must not give away any more land that I have not given you to give away. I gave this to you through your forefathers. This land cannot be taken but you can and have been bullied into thinking the giants will possess the land and they cannot take what you do not give them. MY People cry out for a Passover from evil Pharaoh once again. MY People, 'I AM' is instructing the RUACH ha KODESH to have those who believe 'I AM' is a GOD that does not change and remains the same and will protect all that say what is MINE is thine, what is thine is MINE. Just don't bow to another god, Israel. Israel, don't bow to the heathen men who are not a god but merely dust to be trodden under your feet.
Don't listen to the soothing words of the enemies saying just give us a little more land, then we will go away and leave you in peace. I have instructed MY Children in the Holy Scriptures to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. Today, through this Prophet, I speak these words again. Do not trust the ones coming like giants intimidating a little child. You are not a little child, Israel. I have poured forth MY anointing on your land. Use it for 'I AM's' Glory. Your tear stained Temple Wall is ever before ME. Your cries echo in MY ears. Oh, I long to put MY arms around you and comfort you and I shall. But turn not away any longer from MY Gift I gave you at Calvary, HIS NAME is YAHUSHUA. HE alone is your Salvation.
Don't just recite the prayers you speak Israel, but believe the prayers you recite. Don't just celebrate 'Passover' believe it is your 'Passover.' This goes for all MY Beloved Children who seek to please ME, who obey ME, who serve ME, worship ME, putting ME the great GOD 'I AM"' and YAHUSHUA above all things. I am sending forth this message and have already spoken it to multitudes through MY RUACH ha KODESH. If you want Passover deliverance from the hands of the enemies, then you must celebrate and believe and encourage one another. This is your Passover and you will be counted worthy to escape the wrath of 'I AM' that is to come. The plagues will Passover you and not touch you, all the plagues, as in the time of Moses it shall be again but you will have a way of escape. You shall have a Passover once again. The Blood of YAHUSHUA is your 'Passover.' If you're reading this then you're held accountable for what you know. What will you do with it?
I purposed that the Israelites would not have time for the bread to rise. I purposed it for they knew it not but it was no accident I caused them to flee so this would take place. For again the Jews partook and were offered the Bread of Affliction first which is called Matzoh Bread and now I give the knowledge they were given this even then, for it was YAHUSHUA who was to come, given as a reminder. YAHUSHUA is both the Jew and Gentiles PASSOVER. There was and is no other perfect Sacrificial Lamb that can be slain for the remission of sins, washing them away as though they never were but one. His NAME is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, HIS NAME is SALVATION! HE alone is your Passover. Celebrate this on March 31, 1999 sunset and learn the true meaning of the Passover that was and the Passover that is to come.
Prophecy 32:
Woe be unto the nations and the people who take part in defending the workers of evil and who kill those who worship ME. Woe be unto any nation that does not do everything possible to protect Jerusalem. I have hidden Israel, although she is MY wayward daughter, she is MY daughter and I love her very much and jealously guard and will protect what is MINE. Her eyes have been blinded and now gold dust tries to blind her further but I personally shall wipe her eyes with tears, to see clearly and she will see her Savior YAHUSHUA, come and rescue Israel. OH Jerusalem, Oh Jerusalem, I will gather you to ME and put MY arms around MY People and any that dare come against you will find out what it is like to try and destroy ALMIGHTY GOD who is the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
'I AM"' is MY NAME and I share MY Glory with no one or nothing. You have loved ME, yet not MY Son YAHUSHUA, who was born on earth on your soil from the loins of your own flesh. Yet you still despise the only Savior you will ever know. Yet this is changing and MY RUACH ha KODESH is sweeping over Israel and the enemy cannot stop it.
Prophecy 37:
I Will Bless those that Bless Jerusalem, I will curse those that curse Jerusalem! Oh Jerusalem! Oh Jerusalem! MY beloved Daughter Jerusalem, you tiny envied, abused nation called Israel. I send MY handmaiden to bring forth a message of Hope for you. You know the laws but now I use her to bring you MY Promise. I, YAHUVEH, have blessed you and spared you because of YAHUSHUA, MY beloved Son. I alone chose the Savior of all mankind to be born, minister with signs, wonders and miracles and give you MY love. For you HE died, was resurrected to Glory, defeated the adversary of your souls and taking back what satan stole.
YAHUSHUA now sits at MY right hand as your only intercessor. YAHUSHUA, MY Beloved Son's Holy Blood was spilled into the soil of Jerusalem so that this world would be saved. Only by accepting this pure Holy Blood covering as a Blood Covenant will you be saved. There is no other way into MY presence. Away with your feast, sacrifices, fasting, repetitious prayers and special days set apart to glorify "I AM" if you are NOT accepting MY Beloved Son, YAHUSHUA then all you speak and do is done in Vain! I gave MY gift of YAHUSHUA not only to this world, but first I gave HIM to you.
Oh beloved nation I call Israel. HIS Holy Blood was shed not only for this world but first it was shed for Israel. His Blood that was spilled cries out in the soil now and speaks "I did this for you, will you forever reject ME? Will you forever curse MY Name? When will you see I am your only sacrifice that will appease the anger of MY Father once again?"
When will you see I allowed you to do this to ME and you are not to blame?" Oh for that coming day when you shall call ME your beloved and reverence MY HOLY Name! I warn you this; no longer will lambs or animal sacrifices appease MY Father's anger or MINE only by accepting ME, YAHUVEH's Beloved Son. I laid down MY life willingly on Jerusalem's soil for you to be saved. Only by acknowledging that I, YAHUSHUA, sit at the right hand of YAHUVEH as KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS, will you be saved.
Only by calling upon MY Name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH during the coming Tribulation will you be saved. Only by loving, obeying, and looking for ME can you be called MY Bride as I catch you up to be by MY side. I am the only deliverer of this world, the only redeemer, there is no other. So I speak not only to Jerusalem, but to this world, get ready for what is to come you will not survive if you don't call upon the Name of YAHUSHUA! Loving just MY Father YAHUVEH is not enough! He sacrificed ME not only for MY Jewish people, but for people of all kindred's and tongues he gave HIS only Son to this nation so you would have a covering for your sins, all have sinned and all have fallen short of YAHUVEH's Glory!
I and MY Father alone are Holy and perfect. Because of the fall of Adam and Eve no human created is without need of a Savior and of MY Blood sacrifice! Jerusalem is so blessed for it was on this soil the only pure Holy, healing resurrecting, delivering, Blood of YAHUSHUA was poured forth on this ground in Jerusalem. Why do you think satan hates this land so much? Why do you think this land is fighting for survival since it was birthed? Why do you think it is war torn and every nation on the face of this earth wants to control it?
Israel shall lack the water for they lack the Living Water to which I will send others, to bring that Living Water and to all that drink, their thirst will be quenched not only in the spiritual but in the physical. All those that refuse MY Son YAHUSHUA, their tongues will hang out like a parched man in the desert. As YAHUSHUA thirsted, so shall those who reject his gift at Calvary. How many will go forth like the woman at the well? How many will be willing to offer the nation of Israel MY Living Water? For they thirst and know not what they thirst for? They are called a Holy Land, yet only a small remnant is Holy before ME.
I have a revelation for the full-blooded 'Jews' hear ME! You reject YAHUSHUA for you think he is for the Gentiles but YAHUSHUA was born from a Jewish handmaiden and YAHUSHUA is a JEW! Oh Israel, MY Name is "I AM!" I have blessed you. No longer curse HIM for "I AM" is not half of HIM, WE are one! Those who curse, reject and deny MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA, curse, reject and deny the great God "I AM". For this there is no forgiveness of sin, you have dug your pit in hell you will reside in.
Those who reject MY RUACH ha KODESH REJECT both Father and Son for there is no way one can be saved unless MY RUACH ha KODESH draws you into the loving confirming knowledge that YAHUSHUA alone saves and to Heaven there is no other way, no Holier Name. I am coming for MY Bride to be caught up by MY side! But you must long for ME not out of fear but out of deep LOVE! Fear is the opposite of faith. Fear does not honor ME, your faith that I, YAHUSHUA, will care for those who are MINE, this is what honors ME. Because MY Bride has been in fear and not cried out in faith and love, I have not yet come. I come for MY Bride with a pure heart, loyalty and motivations, not selfish pride or lack of faith that I will provide. This is in part why MY Bride is not yet by MY side.
Prophecy 48:
After the fall of Adam and Eve, mankind needed a redeemer, for all I could see was your sins ever before ME. I destroyed the world with a flood because of sin. But not all perished, for Noah and his family had favor with ME, so I used them to repopulate the earth. Blood was spilled at the first murder from Adam and Eve's seed, Cain slew Abel. It took a Blood Sacrifice to wash away the blood on Cain's hands. Adam and Eve's son was killed and their other son was the murderer. Satan had again deceived the seed of Adam and Eve because of the original sin of rebellion when Adam and Eve ate from the tree they were forbidden to eat from. Animal blood sacrifices were just a shadow of what was to come in MY timing. A more perfect unblemished Sacrificial Lamb that I love and who loves you, MY own Son YAHUSHUA. How quickly you forget how many miracles 'I AM' did through this Prophet that was Prophesied in all your Holy Scriptures. It was not the majority that shouted, "Crucify him". It was a plan well orchestrated by the religious and political systems.
Those that LOVE YAHUSHUA, were ministered to by HIM, HE fed tens of thousands with only a few fish and loaves of bread and HE had multitudes sing Hosanna to the King. They did not shout 'Crucify him,' as many were taught, and crowds so large that followed HIM everywhere HE went. How many were healed, delivered, raised from the dead? Scriptures do not say it all, but these voices went unheeded. Multitudes of these miracles were documented and used against HIM in the mockery of a trial. Ask yourself if YAHUSHUA, is not MY Son, by what power did he do these miracles? Would satan bless people in such a way as to lead them to do good and obey the ELOHIM of Creation? Even your own scribes and rabbi's could find no fault in him except he dared heal and do miracles on the Sabbath Day. Do you not realize the political system feared such a good King to be in control and the religious system feared for the rabbi's had no such healing, delivering and resurrection power? Jealously, fear, covetness and greed were the prime reasons MY Son was condemned by man.
It was MY good plan for your sakes I allowed this to take place, at any time YAHUSHUA, could have called 10 legions of angels to come and fight and no man would have been left alive and none reading this would be saved from their sins. All reading this would have been doomed to pay the price for their own sins. I, YAHUSHUA, became your sacrificial lamb, for it was the plan of HaShem ADONAI, asking ME to take your place, for your sins, requiring a Blood atonement of Holy Sinless Blood so you could be forgiven and reunited with the ELOHIM of your Creation and live in Heaven with us. I, YAHUSHUA, am the one spoken of in ISAIAH 53. Do not let your unholy rabbi's lie to you any longer. Yisrael did not pay the price I have paid. How could Yisrael be the one spoken of in Isaiah 53?
The blood of the martyrs is like mortar that holds the stones of the coliseum together, blood that cries out for vengeance on MY enemies. Be not deceived, those who sit so high up and think they are as an Elohim for 'I AM' is not a ELOHIM to be mocked for long. The ones killing MY Children will be in those coliseums in Hell. It will be reenacted and the ways the enemies kill and torture MY Children, shall be done unto them for eternity again and again and again. MY Son YAHUSHUA did not take vengeance, but instead prayed, for not only the ones crucifying, beating, torturing, and humiliating him but for all of Yisrael and the world. You believe I HaShem ADONAI, speaks forth from Prophets of Old, why can you not believe I HaShem ADONAI and YAHUSHUA, speak forth from MY Servants, Apostles and Prophets?
I YAHUSHUA said, "FATHER, forgive them for they know not what they do!" I YAHUSHUA, love Yisrael, so does HaShem ADONAI and the RUACH ha KODESH. Did I not release MY Spirit in Jerusalem amongst your people? Was not MY mother a virgin Jewish handmaiden? Did I do signs, wonders, and miracles in a foreign land? You know it was the soil of Yisrael I traveled, walked, ministered, healed, delivered, raised the dead, taught, lived, worked, and worshipped among you. Yisrael, how long will you deny ME?
Did you ever find ME sinning while I walked among you? No, for I was tempted like any mortal man but I did not succumb to that temptation. I, YAHUSHUA, lived the life as a Jew and observed every Jewish law, for I came not to cancel the laws set by MY FATHER who wrote them with HIS finger on a piece of stone as HE burnt the laws into a tablet of stone, HE burnt them into your hearts so you have no excuse to say you don't know right from wrong. Yet even those laws condemn you for you do not keep the laws, you need someone to intercede in your behalf and I, YAHUSHUA shed MY Holy Sinless Blood laying MY life down for all who call upon MY NAME, there is remission of sin. HaShem ADONAI no longer sees your sins, but instead sees MY Blood that covers your sins, and washes them away. Do not think that means you can live like satan and still love HaShem DONAI and serve him, for this is no excuse to purposely sin and grieve ELOHIM the FATHER. Just to see how close to Hell you can live is very dangerous for you know not the time or hour when your life will end on this earth. Beware death is only the beginning of eternity in either Heaven or Hell.
If it was only enough to keep the High Holy Days to guarantee you Heaven, then I would not have had to pay the price for your sins with MY earthly life. If it was enough to just keep the laws, I would not have needed to be your sacrifice. None on the face of this earth is sinless. All have sinned and fell short of perfection for this is the planet that the sin of rebellion was unleashed on through the father of all rebellion and lies, his name is satan. I YAHUSHUA, would not be your MESSIAH or worthy to be your sacrificial unblemished Lamb if I had succumbed to sin. Does not the Torah and Tanakh (Old Testament) show again and again through the Prophets of Old, 'greater love hath no man than one who will lay their lives down to save another?' HaShem ADONAI, asked ME to do this for your sakes. I would do it again if only one needed to be saved. I wear the scars of MY love for you, in MY hands and feet. You are always before ME even in the palms of MY hands you are engraved. I was crucified in your place all those that sin, and all have sinned and fell short of the Glory of ELOHIM your Creator whom you call HaShem ADONAI others call him YAHUVEH. HE is one of the same, the only ELOHIM the Father the great ELOHIM who needs no name except 'I AM'.
I grieve over what must happen to Yisrael before you repent for rejecting the one and only MESSIAH. For I am YAHUSHUA, there is no other MESSIAH, that has paid the price I have. There is another false messiah, beware for he is the son of perdition and will come shortly to deceive you and put you into a greater bondage than the evil pharaoh, or Herod. Even Hitler will not be able to compare with the evil antimessiah that is to come and that of the false prophet. He comes to you Yisrael to deceive you first. I, YAHUSHUA, was born in Bethlehem and was tortured, for others' sins. No man killed ME. I willingly laid down MY life for you and died for all who sin and I arose from death, not in a foreign land but again in Jerusalem on MY Sabbath.
I send MY Apostle Handmaiden to you to ask you again to return to ME in the ways of old, and forsake not your faith, at a time when you need it the most. Stop stoning the messengers I send you. Stop arresting them, killing them, chasing them away. Instead pick up the Temple cornerstone that you rejected and build your house upon that rock. This is your only hope; this is your only salvation. Do not look down upon this servant of MINE because she is a mere woman. Remember Deborah and how I ordained her to be Judge and Prophet of all of Yisrael. I chose not her own husband, though he sat at the gate and was a Holy man. Because men dared to tell what HaShem ADONAI would do and wouldn't do, who I would use and wouldn't use, I confounded those who think themselves wise and I did it once and I am doing it again. I HaShem ADONAI gave you MY Son YAHUSHUA, as a gift from Heaven, one day you shall answer to ME what you did with HIM? Did you accept HIM, or deny HIM? Did you try and crucify HIM fresh again? Did you accept the gift I gave you at Calvary?
I do not ask you to surrender your Jewishness; I do not ask you to convert to Christianity. Christianity needs the Jews to teach them what is neglected in majority of Churches the Jewishness of YAHUSHUA. Turn to the ELOHIM of your forefathers, once again, and admit that YAHUSHUA, is MY Son, and MY gift I gave you at Calvary for the remission of the world's sins, for those that will accept MY Holy Blood Sacrifice and turn from their wicked ways, and accept YAHUSHUA, as King of the Jews, and Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Accept YAHUSHUA, as the only begotten Son of ELOHIM YAHUVEH also called HaShem ADONAI.
MY son YAHUSHUA is a Jew and didn't wear the label Christian. Love YAHUSHUA, the way you love ME. Acknowledge him as your MESSIAH, don't be concerned about losing your family's respect, rather be concerned of the ELOHIM of your Creation disowning you. You have Heaven to gain and Hell to shun, it is your choice. Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, you are an apple in MY eye, but right now there are worms in it. Discern the worms and expose them. Beware you shall be regarded as a scapegoat and blamed world wide for destroying what you have tolerated thus far. The enemy seeks to destroy you so much, they will destroy what they know they can rebuild. For man's hands built that dome and the enemies know that mans' hands can and will build that Temple again. But the Temple that cannot be built by mans hands is within you. I HaShem ADONAI will raise up and defend Yisrael, when it seems all nations are against you. When you admit, your help only comes from Heaven and no other place. When you call upon HaShem ADONAI's NAME in the NAME of YAHUSHUA, I will come and deliver you.
Call upon MY NAME in the NAME of YAHUSHUA, and I shall answer you and deliver you. Grieve not MY RUACH ha KODESH, (Holy Spirit) for 'I AM' shall not always strive with mankind. When you deny YAHUSHUA, you deny one of your own, you deny HIS FATHER whom you call HaShem ADONAI. YAHUSHUA, was born from a Jewish Holy virgin handmaiden, and what she and Joseph spoke was the truth. Be not deceived for those that seek to make her an ELOHIM. She even called YAHUSHUA Lord. Respect and love her for the price she paid as a mother. She also needed a Savior for none was perfect, not even YAHUSHUA's mother and Joseph his earthly father.
MY Son YAHUSHUA first was sent to the Jews then the Gentiles. Because you rejected MY Beloved Son, and threw his saving Blood back in his face, I sent him to the Gentiles, now I send him back to you again oh Yisrael. How many will repent and accept YAHUVEH's gift at Calvary? How many will harden not your hearts and be willing to lay your reputations, religions, down? And yes even the love of your families, as you do what the first commandment teaches, 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy ELOHIM with all thy heart.' And HOW many of you will put the ELOHIM of your Creation and Salvation first in your lives, even if it means having to lay your life down for another if need be? How many will have the faith of Joshua? Multitudes are going to reap the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. I will not be mocked. What was sin then is sin for today.
Prophecy 50:
MY Children, MY Children, Yisrael, I have put a power within your own City, even your very walls. It's where Isaac should have been sacrificed but instead I put a sacrifice where Abraham did not have to slay his son. That is where I put MY Sacrifice, on your very own soil, on Calvary. Yisrael, call upon the NAME of YAHUVEH. Be not ashamed of the POWER in that NAME. No longer erase it. No longer cover your mouth. But call on MY NAME, the only NAME that can save. No longer deny MY Son YAHUSHUA. HE comes from your very own land. If He came from another, I could understand, but HE comes from your very own land. It was on your own soil HE was crucified. HIS Blood flowed in the ground. It was in your own tomb HE was placed, in your own ground HE was raised. It was for your sins and the sins of the world HE died and it was for you and the world that HE arose. Deny not the only one that saves. Call upon the NAME of YAHUSHUA. Call upon the NAME of YAHUVEH.
Listen not to the evil rabbi's that lead you astray. Just as I give the warning to the churches, I give the warning to the temples. The temples are filled, but MY Spirit's not there. You have the law, but you don't have the RUACH. Oh MY Children, MY Children, MY Children, do you not know why there's no water on the land? You thirst and wonder why the drought is in Yisrael. It is because you've rejected the Living Water from the woman at the well. I keep sending MY Ministers, MY Prophets and Apostles; they come in MY Son's NAME, YAHUSHUA. They offer you the Living Water but you brush their hands aside. It is you, Oh people of Yisrael that accepted your leader's lies. The rabbi's don't want you to know the POWER that is in the NAME, of the POWER in the NAME, MY NAME is YAHUVEH! Your Savior MESSIAH's NAME is YAHUSHUA. Now would you listen and in that NAME would you start learning to pray?
Look around you, Oh Yisrael, you see not a friend. Look around Yisrael, what you depended on once you will never depend on again. Now will you listen as I speak through this Handmaiden this day? Now will you cry out in the NAME of YAHUVEH and accept the gift of YAHUSHUA that I give you and the NAME that I've given you so you will be saved. You should welcome the Messianic Christians, the ones that are called by MY NAME, for this is your protection, Oh Yisrael. Quit casting them away. They cry out to ME, to the ELOHIM YAHUVEH. They cry out to ME in the NAME of YAHUSHUA. Stop casting them away, listen to MY Prophets, listen to MY Apostles, and listen to those that I send for they come with MY heart, MY heart of love for you, Oh Yisrael.
Oh, it is true an evil one comes, and he will say that he is 'I AM'. But he will do away with the Torah and he will rewrite MY Laws, make them instead of man. He will tell you, Oh Yisrael, he has the answers, where you will never thirst and hunger, or war again. But know that these are words of an evil man who tries to set himself up as the Messiah of all mankind. But I warn you, Oh Yisrael, now before the blood flows in all the streets. This evil one who's coming will end up in defeat. So lift your voices up, Oh Yisrael, and all those who love Yisrael; cry upon the only NAME YAHUVEH and in the NAME YAHUSHUA, who can only save. Oh Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, Yisrael you still are the apple of MY eye, for even MY very Feasts and Sabbaths you do not despise. Question any leader you have that does not pray in MY NAME and live by the Torah and tell the people we will not win this warfare by weapons, but only by fasting and prayer.
For I have placed a MYSTERY within Yisrael, and the POWER is within that BOX a POWER like none other, with all of your atomic weapons, they cannot begin to compare with the ROD that I have placed inside that BOX. It will once again dry the riverbed of the Reed Sea. The miracles that Moses did will once again be seen. If only they can once again believe. The NAME, the NAME, the NAME; the POWER alone is in the NAME. Call out to ME in the NAME of YAHUSHUA, for in YAHUSHUA's NAME the evil will not stay. Call out to ME in the NAME of YAHUSHUA, the Blood covering of this land and the world. For HE is truly YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, the MESSIAH not only of Yisrael, but of the entire world for HIS Blood flowed into the soil, into Yisrael's own soil, and it flowed across the world to every woman and man, boy and girl. MY Children know the power of that NAME. In the NAME of YAHUSHUA, MY Children will be saved.
Prophecy 51:
MY children, who are grafted in by the Blood of MY Son YAHUSHUA, do not fear. I, YAHUVEH will honor the Blood Covenant that I have with you also. Through the spiritual bloodline of YAHUSHUA, you are Jews also. Those that refuse YAHUSHUA's Blood Covenant and say it is because they are Jews, those who reject YAHUSHUA as MY Son and your MESSIAH, be warned. Since you have refused MY gift, I, YAHUVEH gave you at Calvary, then those who only believe and have the faith that keeping the Torah, the Sabbath and the feasts will save them; I, YAHUVEH remind you, that without a sin sacrifice, when you do sin there is no holy sinless offering and you will be judged not by YAHUSHUA, but by Moses, and the laws of Moses. Woe be unto you when this happens.
There is no grace or mercy when Moses will judge at the Day of Judgment. If it was that easy do you think I would have sent MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA to suffer and die in your place? All have sinned and fell short of a perfect Creator. How much better for MY children who know they are sinners and yet do the best they can to obey and repent, asking forgiveness in YAHUSHUA's NAME and know that YAHUSHUA is their Blood Covenant who also was sacrificed for their sins. YAHUSHUA will judge those who have accepted him as such, not the law of Moses, nor Moses. YAHUSHUA will judge the heathen who refuse to live holy lives before ME and refuse the only holy sinless blood atonement for sins.
Prophecy 58:
Israel, you are watching and waiting in anticipation for you know your judgment is not afar off. I have told you again and again to return to the Creator of your Forefathers. But do you listen? Do you return back to Holiness? Do you Praise ME for all I have done? Not all of Israel is the apple of MY eye. Only those that seek 'I AM' and who follow after Holiness and dare to speak out against all that is unholy is the apple of MY eye. Only those that accept the gift I gave to Israel and through them I blessed the world when I gave MY Son YAHUSHUA, but when you deny HIM you deny, I, YAHUVEH.
America you were to be an example to this world. You are under MY judgment now and this is only the beginning. America, you must repent and every man, woman and child that calls themselves an American, you must repent for the anger you have aroused in your Creator the Great GOD 'I AM'. There is no other creator, YAHUSHUA is the only Blood Covering I will accept. The RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) is the only Spirit that will break yokes and bondages off of you as you are delivered from the hands of the evil ones. Ninevah repented and I gave her more time. True in time she went back to her sinful ways and angered ME greatly and I destroyed Ninevah.
Prophecy 62:
YAHUSHUA is on the way, the KING IS COMING! HE is your atonement for sin. He is the perfect Lamb that was sacrificed. No spot, no blemish, no sin was found in HIM. HE paid for this world, HE was ransomed for this world for all those that can believe and receive the Blood that was shed at Calvary. He paid the atonement for your sin. HE is your High Priest for those Jews that deny Him, for the Muslims that deny Him. They acknowledge Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but they will not accept HIM as MESSIAH, when it comes to the NAME YAHUSHUA.
Then they will be judged by the laws of Moses and they had better have not broken one commandment. How many find it hard to obey ten. Try 613, why do you think I gave you a High Priest who will be touched by your infirmities and weaknesses? For MY desire is that none will perish. But for those who insist to be judged by Moses, then Moses will judge them and woe unto those that are judged by Moses for there is no mercy in him.
Prophecy 63:
Oh Israel, Oh how I weep, yes, I YAHUVEH, Creator of all, Creator of even time itself. I weep, for I have poured out MY love, poured out MY mercy, given MY very best, MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA. I, YAHUVEH, gave YAHUSHUA who even poured out HIS Blood to redeem the sins of Adam and Eve. Oh Israel, the Blood of YAHUSHUA still saturates your soil. Why do you think satan hates you? Why do you think he hates you more than any people or any nation? Because I, YAHUVEH, came to you in the flesh through MY Son YAHUSHUA, MY Beloved Son.
Abraham was not perfect. Neither was Isaac. Israel pays the price of Abraham's sin that brought forth Ishmael and the seed of Ishmael. Abraham needed a blood sacrifice also. It was the ram that was symbolized that was caught in the thicket. This symbolized MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA, the only Lamb of YAHUVEH, the perfect Lamb without sin or spot or blemish. The ram was caught in the thicket. MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA cried out to ME. He [was] also caught in the thicket of MY Will. "Father, if it all be possible, take this cup from ME, but not as I will, but as your Will be done." YAHUSHUA was symbolized as that ram, as that blood sacrifice that Abraham had that day which took Isaac's place.
I speak to those who refuse MY Son YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH, where is your blood sacrifice? All know there must be a blood sacrifice for the remission of sins. What animal is perfect? What human? None except My Beloved Son YAHUSHUA's. I, YAHUVEH, cancelled the old blood covenant to give mankind a better blood covenant. This is the only way I can forgive your sins. There is no other way to MY throne, for ME to answer your prayers, except through the name YAHUSHUA, through HIS shed Blood at Calvary for the remission of your sins. There is no other intercessor before ME other than MY Son YAHUSHUA. Mohammed can't save you. Calling upon Abraham can't save you. Allah can't save you. Only calling upon the NAME YAHUSHUA will save you.
I have spoken before through this Handmaiden. Those that think keeping the Torah alone will save them must realize all have sinned and fell short of MY Glory [Romans 3:23]. Breaking one commandment is the same as breaking all the commandments. You need a Savior. YAHUSHUA is that Savior. Those that refuse to accept YAHUSHUA as their Lord and Savior, the MESSIAH of all mankind will not be judged by YAHUSHUA but will instead stand before Moses who will open the Book of Judgment without mercy. For he warned Israel there would be a new covenant coming, a new Blood Covenant. He knew that it could not appease MY wrath. This was only temporary for the animal sacrifices. Oh Israel, I sent that new Blood Covenant to be born on your own soil. I did miracles through the name of YAHUSHUA. I used Him to be a human sacrifice, a human blood sacrifice, the only perfect blood atonement for sin. And I arose HIM from the dead in the soil of Israel.
On this first day of Yom Kippur, 2002, I speak unto Israel and I tell them I hear your prayers of repentance, asking for MY forgiveness. I see your fasting. I feel your fear as you realize your sins are a stench to MY nostrils. Oh Israel, you know I am Adonai and I will judge you for the works of your flesh. Oh Israel, you know there is no blood sacrifice. You long to build that temple with walls so can once again do sacrifices of animals for the remission of sins where your high priest can cry aloud for mercy, yet you refuse to receive the gift I gave you, a temple without walls filled with the RUACH ha KODESH, filled with MY love and mercy, MY miracles and MY judgment. A temple built not with human hands, a perfect, Holy, sinless temple. His name is YAHUSHUA. MY NAME [YAH] is contained in HIS NAME. The power is in HIS Sacred NAME, the power is in OUR Sacred NAMES.
YAHUSHUA is that temple. YAHUSHUA is the only Blood Sacrifice I will accept. YAHUSHUA came to Israel as a babe. YAHUSHUA was your Blood Sacrifice. YAHUSHUA is the only Holy Blood Sacrifice. Oh Israel, hear Me. YAHUSHUA's Blood poured into Israel's soil and yet filled the entire four corners of the Earth. Oh Israel, hear ME, because you refuse this new Blood Covenant, I gave it also to the gentiles, grafted them into the branch, waiting for you to repent and accept YAHUSHUA as your MESSIAH. What will it take, Oh Israel? How few of a remnant I have in Israel. As I speak these words through this Handmaiden, there will be new disciples arise and take this word into Israel. For I tell you now, you have proof pouring forth from your own wailing wall where a symbol of MY Living Water pours forth.
Where is this Living Water coming from? I, YAHUVEH, am giving this gift to you again, as the RUACH ha KODESH was released through YAHUSHUA in Israel. Now it pours forth through a wall where Israel kneels, weeps, wails and prays. Except YAHUSHUA is your MESSIAH. As the temple wall bulges and is being destroyed before your eyes.
Can you not see, Oh Israel, the old covenant has passed away. I do not desire animal sacrifices. Only the Blood of MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA who came from the tribe of Judah can be Israel's Blood Covenant and the whole world's blood atonement for sins. There is only one sin than cannot be forgiven, rejecting YAHUSHUA and the Life and the Blood HE sacrificed at Calvary. Beware, mocking and rejecting the RUACH ha KODESH is blasphemy. There is no remission of this sin except YAHUSHUA's Life and Blood and through HIS NAME is the only remission of sin. I gave you this gift at Calvary; I gave the world this gift.
And Israel, on this High Holy day, I, YAHUVEH, speak through this Jewish Handmaiden, Oh Israel, you who stoned, tortured, murdered the Apostles and Prophets, you who killed MY Children I sent to witness to you. Oh Israel, even the blood of the martyrs soak[s] your soil. Only I know, Oh Israel, how much of your own blood must flow before you accept the only Messiah that can save you. YAHUSHUA still weeps for you as HE did in the Garden of Gethsemane.
The eyes of the world are fixed on you, Oh Israel. MY eyes never leave you. The saving power is in the NAME you reject, the cornerstone of the temple you reject. But you must accept YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. It is through YAHUSHUA's NAME, Word and Blood. YAHUSHUA will save Israel. Oh Israel, YAHUSHUA fasted for you forty days and forty nights. Do you really think one day of fasting is sufficient to cover your sins? MY Children who have accepted YAHUSHUA as ELOHIM and MESSIAH rejoice that their sins were paid for in full at Calvary.
I, YAHUVEH, wait for you, Oh Israel. Oh Israel, you who observe and remember the Jewish Feasts and Holy Days, do you not yet see YAHUSHUA is in all of them? Oh Israel, return to ME in Holiness. Turn away from your sins in true repentance in the NAME of MY Son YAHUSHUA. Oh Israel, I weep for your pain. But remember, as I AM Holy, so too you must be set apart and be Holy.
Do you really want to be judged by the laws I gave Moses, as well as Moses will judge you without any mercy. Since you reject the only intercessor, the only Perfect Lamb of YAHUVEH's, YAHUSHUA will say to those who depend on the old blood covenant to save you. Those who are depending on this blood covenant, beware! HE will say, "You choose to be judged by the old blood covenant, you will be judged by Moses." Since none are perfect, woe be onto those who are judged by Moses. None will be spared. Hell and the Lake of Fire will be your eternal home. Everyone is making their reservations for eternity.
No one is guaranteed another second of life. All who are at I, YAHUVEH's mercy, today is the day of your Salvation tomorrow may be too late.
Prophecy 69:
I send forth this word to Israel, I send forth this Apostle to you to tell you, beware of those who come as a friend, their hand is in your pocket, they are pick pocketing you. With their other hand there is a dagger and they say, "Do what I tell you to do" but I put you in remembrance Israel, if you will only call upon the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I, YAHUVEH. If you will only stop listening to the rabbi's when they tell you not to speak MY Sacred NAME to say. For I have MY anointed ones that sit right there in Jerusalem filled with MY RUACH ha KODESH. They accept YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH and they call and they intercede to ME. This is why Israel has been spared thus far. For although Israel you were once the apple of MY eye, now you too have a worm inside.
Prophecy 76:
Is it any wonder the Jews and Israelites will not listen to the Christians, for they know no Son of YAHUVEH who says HE is King of the Jews and Messiah would discard the Sabbath and teach any day will do, when it was the 7th day YAHUVEH and I rested after making Creation? Why do you who call yourself Christians dishonor ME by breaking the Torah Laws given to Moses and not honor the Holy Days decreed by YAHUVEH to be Holy unto HIM? Did I not say, that I did not come to cancel the laws of the prophets of old but to fulfill them?
Verily I say unto those of you who call yourself Christians, you are harming I, YAHUSHUA more than helping ME when you behave in such a manner. What will be your excuse when you stand before ME, a mistranslated and misunderstood scripture? The true Bride of YAHUSHUA will not compromise what she knows to be true. She is Faithful to the YAH she serves. Verily I say unto you, MY Bride must be spiritually mature, old enough to marry. I am not speaking of your biological age but spiritual age. Depending on your spiritual growth and this isn't even counting the days since you accepted ME as MESSIAH, for children grow and mature at different rates, some are spiritually mature in a short time others take many years to mature, even pastors, and still others never do mature, they are just satisfied with the milk of the word never learning anything new.
Prophecy 80: They will rebuke the lies that have been passed unto them. Yisrael will acknowledge YAHUSHUA as not only YAHUVEH's Son but also the only MASHIACH (Messiah). They will accept the Holy Blood Sacrifice which is YAHUSHUA's gift HE gave at Calvary, HIS saving, delivering, healing, resurrection power in the Blood of the only perfect Lamb of YAHUVEH. Yisrael will not see the Prince of Peace come again to their nation until this is done. Satan will send a false peace for a short time to deceive them but then it will be as though Hell broke forth around this world when that short time is over.
Prophecy 81:
Oh Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, I grieve. What more must I do, for I sent MY Son YAHUSHUA to you.
But you, oh America and the other nations that join you, who dare to touch that which I told you not to touch, to divide that which I told you not to divide, you shall suffer the fate of a Judas. You will rue the day that you threw the 30 pieces of silver Yisrael's way. For as you divide the land, as you bribe the one to divide the land, so too I shall divide you in every way. 2005 was just an example. You know not, nor even comprehend, the horror I have coming your way straight from Heaven, no man sent. Oh, Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, how long will you fight against ME? I know the very day when you relinquish your will to ME. Oh, but a bloody road you have to travel until MY Son YAHUSHUA comes and you will shout, "Blessed is he who comes in the NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH."
Oh Yisrael, Oh Jerusalem, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH MY Son was sent from Heaven, born from a Hebrew virgin maiden. YAHUSHUA is a Jew and HE prophesied on your land, and did miracles and the blind saw, the lame walked, the deaf heard, the mute talked, lepers were cleansed, sick were healed and the dead arose, all in your land, Oh Yisrael. YAHUSHUA taught in your own Temples on Shabbat, kept all the Holy Feasts, for do you not see that YAHUSHUA is symbolized in all those Holy Feasts?
YAHUSHUA did countless miracles in your land. He taught and is the Living Torah as HE prophesied. YAHUSHUA lived and was executed even though HE was sinless, for this world's sake. YAHUSHUA arose from the dead from a tomb in Yisrael after pouring out HIS Holy Blood out on your land as people cried out, "Crucify HIM" at Calvary. YAHUSHUA prayed for you with his dying breath, "Abba, forgive them, they know not what they do." Therefore I will have mercy on your land, Oh YISRAEL, Oh Jerusalem. As YAHUSHUA's hands were nailed to a tree with spikes driven in HIS hands, HE withstood more torture and torment than mere man could stand.
I, YAHUVEH chose your land, Oh Yisrael to give birth to the only MESSIAH of this world. That is how much I, YAHUVEH love you and favor you, Oh Yisrael. YAHUSHUA's Blood will keep your Yisrael from being totally destroyed and keep it from being wiped off the face of the map even though even the NAME of YAHUSHUA the majority of Jews despise that NAME and deny HIS Deity. YAHUSHUA's veins and arteries are spread out across Yisrael. YAHUSHUA spurted out HIS Lifeblood that penetrated the ground at Calvary and spiritually now reaches the 4 corners of this earth. I, YAHUVEH chose you, Oh Yisrael of all the nations of the world to do this. For whosoever can believe and will receive MY Son YAHUSHUA as the only Holy Blood Sacrifice for the remission of sins. YAHUSHUA is the only Intercessor before I, YAHUVEH.
YAHUSHUA is the only Holy Blood atonement I will accept. For those who refuse this shed Blood to wash away their sins, those who refuse YAHUSHUA's sinless Blood as HE was executed in a sinner's place, you will be judged by Moshe (Moses) who will have no mercy on you when you say YAHUSHUA is not worthy to be called the Son of YAHUVEH and to be your Mashiach and you thought being called a Jew and following Torah is enough to save your soul. Foolish humans, do you not know there is no one that is perfect that walked this earth except MY Son YAHUSHUA. Until Yisrael shouts 'Hosanna' to YAHUSHUA once again and HE rules as King of Kings, there will be no true peace until Yisrael admits YAHUSHUA is I, YAHUVEH's only Begotten Son, birthed from a virgin Jewish handmaiden, totally sinless. And YAHUSHUA is all HE prophesied and all that was prophesied by the prophets of old foretelling HIS coming.
YAHUSHUA's heart beat pulses throughout Yisrael, HIS veins and arteries carry the only Holy Blood sacrifice that washes away the stench of sins all over the world, to those that will acknowledge I sent YAHUSHUA in I, YAHUVEH's, NAME to be the only MASHIACH. Oh Yisrael, there is no remission of sin without a blood sacrifice. Where is your blood sacrifice? Do you really think an animal will suffice again? Oh Yisrael, Oh Jerusalem, can you not see there will be no true peace. The fear, lamentations and blood will continue to flow from your land until you rebuke the Judas' who also come in the form of politicians and evil Pharisees, evil Rabbi's with a form of godliness but no godliness within. Yisrael, beware the coming of the son of satan, he is the son of perdition who will come with his false peace, and will lie to you when you think peace has at last come, now you can let down your guard. Instead trust the only Prince of Peace and accept the only sinless blood atonement I gave you through MY Son YAHUSHUA at Calvary.
There is no salvation, no true peace for you, Oh Yisrael, until you no longer reject the new Blood Covenant I gave you through YAHUSHUA, as YAHUSHUA is the only Holy MASHIACH (Messiah)! The old blood covenant cannot save your soul from Hell. The old blood covenant was only there until the appointed time when there would be a better, new blood covering covenant. Oh Yisrael, no longer conform to other nations' image of what sin is. Instead be as a King David once again. Praise I, YAHUVEH and humble yourselves and repent of your sins in MY Son YAHUSHUA's NAME. Do not rely on any nation to save you from destruction, for you will be sorely disappointed.
Again I say, I have sworn an oath I will never leave nor forsake you, I will and I have begun to chastise you until you stand for Holiness and say, "Blessed is HE who comes in the NAME of the Lord YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH." Then I, YAHUVEH shall defend you, Oh Yisrael, straight from Heaven, and the world will see just like in the time of Moshe (Moses) no one but I, YAHUVEH could deliver them from the hand of the enemy and so it shall be again. There is a mystery golden box called the Ark of the Covenant that holds mysteries of old in your land, Oh Yisrael. The ark no one will touch except those I have preordained who are truly Holy before I, YAHUVEH. Satan wants to destroy what is in that golden box, for there is anointing power held within the objects in that golden box. Satan is sending his son, the one called the anti-messiah, to seek and destroy the Ark.
Of all the nations of the world, I chose you, Oh Yisrael, to hide what has been protected until it is needed. In all the world I chose you, Oh Yisrael and Jerusalem, to bring ME Praise, Honor and Glory. I, YAHUVEH chose YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's Holy Blood to drip and flow into the ground and over the Mercy Seat and it is in Yisrael I will give satan his final blow. This Mystery Box holds the ROD that separated the Red Sea among other miracle objects such as the Manna from Heaven. The Ark of the Covenant is a duplicate of what is in Heaven. I tell you this now as a warning as in the times of old, think not that just anyone will live who touches this Mystery Box called the Ark of the Covenant, unless they are preordained to be worthy enough to touch and open it.
Oh Yisrael and Oh Jerusalem, you who prefer to remain deaf, I, YAHUVEH am repeating MYSELF again and again for your sakes. WAKE UP NOW, for the time is late. I am not telling you to convert to Christianity for even they see YAHUSHUA only in part. They have denied the importance of teaching the Jewishness of YAHUSHUA. They have denied the anointing in speaking YAHUSHUA's and MY Sacred NAMES. They have denied MY Shabbats, MY Holy Feasts and Holy Days, those who call themselves Holy Christians and yet must learn to embrace the Jewishness I placed within thee by and through Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac's seed. Oh Yisrael and Jerusalem, wake up now from your slumber of sleep. It was because of your stubbornness, and for the Gentiles' sake, I closed your eyes, but the time has now come, open your eyes wide, expose those who are speaking evil lies.
Prophecy 87:
Oh, Israel and Jerusalem, where is the fear, obedience, reverence and Holy awe your forefathers Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David and Joshua had? Need I go on? Oh, men of Israel, why do you think your military strength make you men of valor? Do you not understand it is your righteousness through MY Son YAHUSHUA that will cause ME to fight your battles and you will win?
I, YAHUVEH bless those who are a blessing unto I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. I cannot bless the rebellious. I must chastise those that I love or I cannot say that I love you. I grieve for what I must do for only a remnant of Israel shall be saved. Oh Israel, you punish your enemies far more than I intended, for you forget that Abraham is before MY face reminding ME your enemies are also the seed of Abraham through Ishmael. You deny MY Son YAHUSHUA's Holy Saving Blood that drenches Jerusalem's soil, as they do.
Even thousands of years later one drop of YAHUSHUA's Saving Blood covers the world, yet you refuse to accept the gift I gave as your Blood Sacrifice, greater than any animal blood sacrifice. I not only allowed MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA to be crucified for the sins of this world and die and be buried in a tomb. I rose YAHUSHUA from the dead as a sign to Israel, not only is there life after death but I, YAHUVEH chose Jerusalem for YAHUSHUA to die and be buried on your soil and rise again. Oh Jerusalem, the time is at hand when the world shall say, "You shall surely die and never rise again" but when Israel REPENTS and OBEYS, I shall raise Israel up once again.
Hear Oh, Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, I, YAHUVEH did this for more than one reason. YAHUSHUA symbolizes your miracle birth as a nation as YAHUSHUA is set apart for MY Glory. Israel you also are meant to be set apart to bring I, YAHUVEH Glory especially in these end times. I poured Living Water through your Wailing Wall symbolized by YAHUSHUA's tears when HE was in the Garden of Gethsemane. HE wept for Jerusalem and Israel as I, YAHUVEH now do.
Hear Oh, Israel, I am preparing MY Two Witnesses that now live on this earth and who will soon be caught up to Heaven and return again endowed with new anointing Powers from Heaven and a Glorified Body, no longer subject to the bondages of a physical body. MY Two Witnesses will come to you again with signs, wonders and miracles proclaiming I, YAHUVEH's NAME and Glory and the NAME of the only Prince of Peace who is the only MESSIAH, YAHUSHUA MY Son. MY Two Witnesses will again come to rebuke you Oh, Israel and warn you to repent.
Hear Oh, Israel and Jerusalem, because you refused YAHUSHUA's Blood at Calvary to wash your sins away, you shall have blood clear up to the horse's bridles and it will flow through your land. (Rev:14:20)
Hear Oh, Israel and Jerusalem, Jacob wrestled with I, YAHUVEH and because of this he was crippled and walked with a limp (Gen 32:24-26). You have been wrestling with ME Oh, Israel and you shall be crippled, never knowing true peace until you cry out BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! Then you shall be blessed in ways exceedingly and abundantly more than you dare dream or ask for.
YAHUSHUA opened the eyes of the blind and scales fell from their eyes and they praised YAHUSHUA for their sight giving Praise and Glory to I, YAHUVEH. You however Oh, Israel and Jerusalem, you denied these miracles were from Heaven and so now you are blind and have scales on your eyes and that is why you will be deceived by the son of satan who some call the anti-messiah for 3 1/2 years you will be deceived and believe his false peace.
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH proved HE is the Son of I, YAHUVEH as HE did signs wonders and miracles all over Jerusalem and Israel. Yet you persecuted HIM for this and called the miracles, works of the devil. In the Great Tribulation satans son (anti-messiah) will come to you and deceive you with false signs, wonders and miracles and they shall be powers from satan because you rejected the genuine, you will be tricked by the counterfeit signs, wonders and miracles. (Rev 13:11)
MY Two Witnesses will minister again as YAHUSHUA did. MY Two Witnesses shadows will heal, restore and deliver and even the Holy martyred dead shall arise. Food will be multiplied a thousand fold as the loaves and the fishes were when YAHUSHUA prayed. What was done once will be done again in Jerusalem and whomever and wherever MY Two Witnesses are sent and received and believed these miracles will be done in YAHUSHUA's NAME again. They shall minister as YAHUSHUA did and call judgment down on the Pharisees. As YAHUSHUA was sacrificed, MY Two Witnesses shall sacrifice themselves and be killed but 3 1/2 days later will rise from the dead as a sign that YAHUSHUA LIVES and RULES and REIGNS from Heaven and HE truly is the Son of I, YAHUVEH. (Rev 11:3-13)
Hear Oh, Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, as YAHUSHUA met the woman at the well in Samaria and gave her the Living Water at the well and she received the truth and went back to her city and shared the good news and shared the Living Water of truth with others (John 4). As YAHUSHUA said to the woman at the well, "Go and drink of this Living Water and you shall never thirst again." MY Son YAHUSHUA is the Fountain of Life, YAHUSHUA is the Well of Living Water no one can come to I, YAHUVEH without drinking from HIS Fountain of Life and without accepting his Blood Sacrifice at Calvary.
Hear Oh, Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, I send you the Living Water again and again through MY anointed vessels yet you have thrown the Living Water back in their faces. You have persecuted, beaten, exiled, imprisoned and killed MY Prophets. For this reason I shall send MY Two Witnesses to Jerusalem and they shall prophesy against the evils you Oh, Israel have done, are doing and will do. MY Two Witnesses shall seal the sky and no rain will fall because you refuse and reject the Living Water from YAHUSHUA. MY Two Witnesses shall loose all the curses of Deut. 28 on those who disobey and those who deny the deity of MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA. MY Wrath shall fall on everyone who curses YAHUSHUA's NAME. MY undiluted wrath shall consume everyone who carries the Mark of the Beast and worships the Beast. (Rev 13:16-18)
Hear Oh, Israel, Jerusalem and people of this earth, there is but one way back to Heaven and it is through the Holy Sacrifice given for this planet earth which covers the sins of the people and it is through the NAME and Blood of YAHUSHUA. You must accept HIM as I, YAHUVEH's only Begotten Son and your sins will be forgiven and washed away through the only saving Blood of YAHUSHUA but then you must repent and turn away from your sins and obey. (John 14:6)
Hear Oh, Israel, this is the message that MY Two Witnesses will speak forth. Any enemies of YAHUSHUA is an enemy of I, YAHUVEH and if they do not repent there is no forgiveness for this sin. Hell will be their next home.
Hear Oh, Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, there is no royal blood on this earth except through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Only those whose names are already written in the Lambs Book of Life (Rev 17:8) before the foundation of this earth can claim the Royal Bloodline through the Royal Blood of the KING of the UNIVERSE, KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, KING of the Jews! All others who call themselves of a royal earthly bloodline are imposters and there is nothing royal in them. Only MY People grafted in through the bloodline of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH are Royal in MY eyes. Only YAHUSHUA's Bride will be coroneted in Heaven.
I am chastising Israel because I love Israel but the trains will collide because both of them are on the wrong track. The Bride of YAHUSHUA is feeling what is taking place in physical Israel. For the Bride of YAHUSHUA is Spiritual Israel. Physical Israel you will be blessed with Deut:28 blessings when you return to Holiness and obey I, YAHUVEH and the only way this is done is when you accept YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH and admit HE is your only Blood Sacrifice that was given at Calvary. The blessings I have reserved is for Spiritual Israel and for all those who love ME, obey ME and put ME first in their love and in their life, those who obey MY Torah, those who respect the sacredness of MY Holy NAME and those who receive YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH.
Prophecy 91:
Do not weep for ME, MY Daughter. Be not deceived MY Daughter for I am not easily mocked. Weep for John Hagee. Do you not see MY Daughter? I told you as you and your husband were out in that tent on the 27th of September 2007 [Sukkot]. I told you, you heard MY footsteps and I told you I was walking this earth in a form you would not recognize. One after another, those who say they represent ME, those who say they represent YAHUSHUA, those who say they are filled with the RUACH ha KODESH and they have no part of US! OUR SPIRIT is nowhere near them.
John Hagee, you are fit for the fire of MY destruction! You deny MY SON YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH as MESSIAH! You're lining your pockets with gold for fame and for fortune. You sold your soul for it was determined long ago. John Hagee, I Prophesy through MY Ring Maiden now, you are doomed! For you not only lie to the Christians, a mammoth church worldwide, you deny MY SON YAHUSHUA to the Jews knowing not even the children of satan could remove what was written above the stake where YAHUSHUA was crucified, "KING OF THE JEWS!!!"
Prophecy 107:
Remember, these are the ones who are adopted and these are the ones who are grafted in. If this were the case, then everyone with Hebrew blood coming from their bloodline then all would be guaranteed a way to Heaven. A guarantee to Heaven and yet look at Israel. Look at Jerusalem. How few of a remnant have accepted YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH and until they do, they are doomed. They will not see Heaven. They know the Torah. How few obey the Torah. They know which day the Shabbat is. How few honor that Shabbat. It is more than just taking a rest. It is more than just a ritual. YAHUSHUA is the Lord of the Shabbat.