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Israel’s punishment

Prophecy 87:
Hear Oh, Israel and Jerusalem, Jacob wrestled with I, YAHUVEH and because of this he was crippled and walked with a limp (Gen 32:24-26). You have been wrestling with ME Oh, Israel and you shall be crippled, never knowing true peace until you cry out BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! Then you shall be blessed in ways exceedingly and abundantly more than you dare dream or ask for.

MY Son cannot come as the Prince of Peace to Israel until many atrocities take place and not until after the counterfeit comes. When you pray for the Prince of Peace to come to Israel now, you know not the horror that must take place first, but it shall take place. It has begun to take place. For a train has been started that will not be stopped.

(Elisheva is shown a vision, I see two trains coming and they do not realize it but they are going to collide because they are on the same track!)

I am chastising Israel because I love Israel but the trains will collide because both of them are on the wrong track. The Bride of YAHUSHUA is feeling what is taking place in physical Israel. For the Bride of YAHUSHUA is Spiritual Israel. Physical Israel you will be blessed with Deut:28 blessings when you return to Holiness and obey I, YAHUVEH and the only way this is done is when you accept YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH and admit HE is your only Blood Sacrifice that was given at Calvary. The blessings I have reserved is for Spiritual Israel and for all those who love ME, obey ME and put ME first in their love and in their life, those who obey MY Torah, those who respect the sacredness of MY Holy NAME and those who receive YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH.  

Oh Israel, Oh Jerusalem, I weep and I wail over you. You have a form of godliness but where is the godliness within? You want the world to have mercy on you, but where is your mercy Oh, Israel? You have a right to defend yourself but you have crossed the line when you pick up the weapons of biological and chemical warfare. I am nowhere in these battles, you do not call on I, YAHUVEH for help, you try to do it by your own hand using the weapons of another land. When you use biological and chemical warfare you punish your enemies far more than I have ever allowed. Beware for you shall reap the whirlwind of I, YAHUVEH's wrath as what you send comes back in your face. The nations that give you these weapons shall reap the same fate.  

Prophecy 107:
Remember, these are the ones who are adopted and these are the ones who are grafted in. If this were the case, then everyone with Hebrew blood coming from their bloodline then all would be guaranteed a way to Heaven. A guarantee to Heaven and yet look at Israel. Look at Jerusalem. How few of a remnant have accepted YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH and until they do, they are doomed. They will not see Heaven. They know the Torah. How few obey the Torah. They know which day the Shabbat is. How few honor that Shabbat. It is more than just taking a rest. It is more than just a ritual. YAHUSHUA is the Lord of the Shabbat.