Prophecy 90:
Just as it is written Isaiah 1 (Yeshayahu 1), in Israel you don't run to the pubs on the Shabbat to drown your sorrows and sins in, but nevertheless you have compromised what Holy is. You have not stood against the Government Zionist agenda or defended the innocent. There is a remnant in Israel that are Holy and filled with MY HOLY SPIRIT and they prophesy and protest against abortion, homosexuality, immorality, and they have received YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH.
Prophecy 100:
Now I tell you this! Even the humble myspace, I told you Elisheva you would reach millions of souls. All of them are bait to lead them here, to get the Truth that they are not getting from any organized church. Oh I have a remnant. I have a few but there are more that do not speak forth MY Truth, so few and so far between. And now I tell you this, the Hebrew translator shall come forth for this is even deeper foreign waters I send you into. But beware for if you think the battles have been tough thus far, when I send you into heathen waters, when I send you forth into the waters where the Orthodox Jews dwell, even the kaballah shall be used against you. They shall cast their curses. But what they are going to find out, those curses shall return back unto their own face for Israel is full of the occult, occult that you do not understand, have never learned, for I have never even allowed you to even have heard of these things but you shall have Wisdom that which you do not have now, where you've not yet encountered the enemy that will come at you when these Prophecies are translated into Hebrew. The very son of satan will rise up and send others to try to devour you. Remember this, no Zionist Jew is of ME. Zionism is not Holy.