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Lies of man (so called rabbi’s)

Prophecy 32:
'I AM"' is MY NAME and I share MY Glory with no one or nothing. You have loved ME, yet not MY Son YAHUSHUA, who was born on earth on your soil from the loins of your own flesh. Yet you still despise the only Savior you will ever know. Yet this is changing and MY RUACH ha KODESH is sweeping over Israel and the enemy cannot stop it. Oh ISRAEL, do not give up what I have told you not to surrender. Oh Israel, do not give in to the intimidation of war or rumors of war or destruction. Believe that 'I AM' will save and deliver you from the hands of the enemy and from the hands of strange children. Believe I will deliver you and all MY Children in all nations from the hands of strange fire. Do not be deceived. Chase the sorcerers out of your churches and temples. Chase the golden idol worshippers away from MY Children. Leaders REPENT today for not taking a stand against unholiness.  

Prophecy 33:
Oh, Oh, Oh!!! Rivers of Blood shall flow! You so-called Christians with your mouths full of gold. Its gold sent from hell! Gold sent from hell! Gold sent from hell! You're foolish, Foolish! So satan can take back when he has given you. Did not Hitler pull gold teeth out of the mouths of the Jews? Satan mocks and laughs, as it was then he will do it again. Those who know ME, those who know ME, know this is not of ME. I am commanding you to be humble. Why would I have you show off a mouthful of gold? Is this not pride? I despise the leaders who teach this and lead MY people astray. You will know that you will know that you wicked spiritual leaders will stand before ME one day and hear ME say, "Depart from ME, you workers of iniquity, I never knew you!"

Fall on your faces and REPENT! Get the gold ripped out of your mouths before satan rips it out for just as Hitler did, they shall do it once again. The anti-christ shall call them extermination camps. Before he killed 6 million Jews, now it will be 666 million christians and Jews. Multitudes will be lukewarm in their faith, but before their life is taken, extinguished like a match flame, they will be on fire with the love of YAHUVEH. What they do not have now, they will have then. Wouldn't it be easier now to sacrifice your mind, body, spirit and soul giving ME your will, doing it MY way or would you really rather wait to endure the HORROR that is to come?

Do I not say in MY Word the "lukewarm" I will spew out of MY mouth? How can you think when reading MY Word that just anyone who labels themselves "Christian" will be caught up with ME in the air? The Bride I come for will be prepared, obedient and loyal, loving ME all ways, mind, body, spirit and soul, already dressed without spot or wrinkle. What Bride makes her Groom wait? It is the guests that linger. The Groom does not wait for his Bride; the Bride is ready when he appears. The extermination camps will not be full of MY Bride. None of MY Bride will be found there. But it will be full of guests. I have but one Bride.

When you are rounded up like herded cattle, pressed against one another where you can't move left or right, while you are still alive, the gold shall be ripped from your mouth. The gold shall be ripped from your mouth. The gold shall be ripped from your mouth and the jewelry from your body. That is what you get for following the false deceptions, great signs and wonders. I sent this prophet to warn you. Satan plays you; you are bait on the hook. Look and weep as spiritual leaders I once trusted dangle MY people like bait on a hook over the jaws of hell. The evil spiritual leaders line their pockets with gold as hell fills the people's mouths with gold so the evil ones can rip it out like they did to the Jews. What you reap you will sow.

You in Israel, who follow this again, have you not learned not to lust after gold so it can be ripped out of your mouth? Fall on your faces, REPENT today! Flee from the leaders who lead you astray. For those that did not do a Passover Seder, not knowing what to do or not wanting to. Learn now. You need a Passover from MY judgment. I give you another chance, because I am a God of mercy and love. I spoke to this prophet in a dream so you can't say your God didn't warn you. I, chastise those that I love. So it was then, so it will be again. It is your choice.

Do you want to be obedient now or suffer MY chastisement or MY rejection later? So it was then, so it will be again.  

Prophecy 42:
What country, what nation have the loyalty, what state, what province, what island have the love and the loyalty Israel shows forth as they battle to keep the land, the Great Elohim "I AM" YAHUVEH gave to their forefathers long ago? I speak to the spiritual leaders, remember David and Goliath? David did not run from Goliath, but ran toward Goliath, knowing the battle is MINE. The enemy now brings strange gods into your land oh Israel, and yet they are no god at all. The women and men of the enemies bring their strange doctrines and would try to entangle the people of Israel in a form of bondage that I have not decreed. Israel, I speak forth out of this handmaiden, remember you are the land of milk and honey, you are the land Abraham blessed, you have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

The celebration of Hanukkah comes, for all those who observe the celebration, expect miracles once again for I am the Light that will light your path in darkness. Cover your leaders in prayer for they are being sifted by satan like grains of sand. You had been betrayed by leaders you've trusted from the smallest to the greatest for filthy lucre which will not buy their soul. Fast and pray, for MY perfect Will to be done for I am pent up in anger at the murder, lying, deceitfulness that is being done.

Prophecy 48:
It was MY good plan for your sakes I allowed this to take place, at any time YAHUSHUA, could have called 10 legions of angels to come and fight and no man would have been left alive and none reading this would be saved from their sins. All reading this would have been doomed to pay the price for their own sins. I, YAHUSHUA, became your sacrificial lamb, for it was the plan of HaShem ADONAI, asking ME to take your place, for your sins, requiring a Blood atonement of Holy Sinless Blood so you could be forgiven and reunited with the ELOHIM of your Creation and live in Heaven with us. I, YAHUSHUA, am the one spoken of in ISAIAH 53. Do not let your unholy rabbi's lie to you any longer. Yisrael did not pay the price I have paid. How could Yisrael be the one spoken of in Isaiah 53?

I speak this forth through MY Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu, you Jews did not crucify, I, YAHUSHUA. It was the Romans that nailed ME to that cross. The Romans sacrificed MY Children who worship ME in truth. The Romans built a coliseum to mock ME as they tortured MY Children, beheaded, sawed them asunder, various methods of death, torture, stoning, fed them to the lions and killed men, women and children for sport, for pleasure. Beware the Roman Empire seeks to do it again, yes, to you also oh Yisrael. Beware the one who comes to you Yisrael, wearing a long robe, carrying a scepter, sits on a throne, speaking peace, in MY NAME and yet no peace is found in him. He serves not the ELOHIM of peace. He sat in the unholy temple and even removed his shoes putting on white slippers that have no purity in them, as if to say this is hallow ground and he who is to stand for the ELOHIM of Creation damned his soul in a new way that day.

This man that has worshippers worshipping him broke HaShem ADONAI's law just as surely as it was a golden calf like that Aaron had made to worship. Thou shall have no other ELOHIMS before ME. The word should not say, 'Before ME,' it should say, 'thou shall have NO other ELOHIMS but ME!' 'I AM' who needs no other name. For 'I AM who 'I AM' and there is no other! Beware of the spiritual leaders who come from the Roman Empire. Yisrael, you are being sold to the highest bidder and you don't even realize it. But Yisrael, no one can sell what hasn't been given to them. For Yisrael belongs to HaShem ADONAI. I made a promise to your forefather Abraham and I am not a man that I lie.

Nothing has changed for the Political systems, and the same spirit of religion that judged ME guilty would do so again today. It is corrupt and defiled by those who call themselves Jews but are not but instead are of the synagogue of satan or servants for satan. They lay burdens down on MY People, they themselves refuse to carry, taxes that they themselves refuse to pay. Yisrael and MY children around the world beware, for now the enemies seek and the enemies will use those who worship YAHUVEH in truth as a scapegoat and blame you for atrocities you have not done. Blame you for murders that were done by those that seek to set you up. Your greatest enemies look like you, talk like you, and yet have sold you out just like Judas sold ME out for 30 pieces of silver. Remember Judas, was also a Jew that looked like you. Satan seeks to find out what your price is to sell out the ELOHIM you serve. What is your price? The price of a soul is priceless as is the Kingdom of Heaven.

You have enemies that war against you and yet you don't even realize even the war coming against you is a Political ploy to divert your attention from the real enemies that seek to destroy you and your faith in the ELOHIM you serve. This enemy seeks to destroy the country you live in, although they live in the same country, the same nations, Hell will be their next abode.

Famines not of MY making, droughts not of MY making, all created by man to destroy man to play ELOHIM. Diseased animals that are not of the Creator's making, but rather man created, not ELOHIM created, all for the same reason as Judas, for the sake of greed. People are dying worldwide and healthy animals being destroyed and no one even questions why? It is so the enemies can control your food supply and the cost of it. Starvation in lands that have never known famine, and drought and yet will know famine and drought before the end of this year you shall hear of atrocities done and ELOHIM they say will be the blame. Yet ELOHIM has not done anything to curse MY Beloved Children only bless them. Satan and his servants lie to you and make you think HaShem ADONI is deaf to your prayers, and tormented cries. But that is a lie for your FATHER ELOHIM weeps with you, and will vindicate you and take vengeance on the enemies and deliver all those that dare to believe he is the same ELOHIM that delivered in times of old. Beware, for now is the time that was foretold when good is spoken of as evil, and evil is spoken of as good. How many will stand up and decree they stand for Holiness. The scriptures state what Holiness is, let not man set those standards.

How I long to stop what must happen, for blood shall pour down the streets, and it has already begun. Fear shall be a torment in such a way even in your sleep you will want to sleep with one eye open. You will be used as scapegoats, used as a sacrifice as your own politicians cover up what the enemies do for they know they do not want to admit that the enemies have infiltrated even political posts that you have trusted.

Trust no one but HaShem ADONAI, ELOHIM of your creation and YAHUSHUA, ELOHIM of your salvation. Trust HaShem ADONAI as you cry out for mercy to ME, and seek MY face, as to the truth of who is YAHUSHUA, I will faithfully send you proof of what MY Handmaiden speaks forth in MY NAME. Trust not all your rabbi's to speak the truth, for so many no longer speak MY truth but the truth the antimessiah will speak. The evil rabbi's and teachers, politicians speak what the false prophet will speak. The false rabbi's say they are a Jew and yet belong to the synagogue of hasatan. Beware you have been warned. They tell you to live in ways that cause you great sacrifice and yet the false rabbi's put burdens on you that they themselves do not carry only heap the burdens, and fears on MY People.

MY son YAHUSHUA is a Jew and didn't wear the label Christian. Love YAHUSHUA, the way you love ME. Acknowledge him as your MESSIAH, don't be concerned about losing your family's respect, rather be concerned of the ELOHIM of your Creation disowning you. You have Heaven to gain and Hell to shun, it is your choice. Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, you are an apple in MY eye, but right now there are worms in it. Discern the worms and expose them. Beware you shall be regarded as a scapegoat and blamed world wide for destroying what you have tolerated thus far. The enemy seeks to destroy you so much, they will destroy what they know they can rebuild. For man's hands built that dome and the enemies know that mans' hands can and will build that Temple again. But the Temple that cannot be built by mans hands is within you. I HaShem ADONAI will raise up and defend Yisrael, when it seems all nations are against you. When you admit, your help only comes from Heaven and no other place. When you call upon HaShem ADONAI's NAME in the NAME of YAHUSHUA, I will come and deliver you.

But I forewarn you now, there is a plot to make you a scapegoat, MY People who only desire peace and yet have never known peace, are already being lied about and slandered and there are those that seek to turn the world against MY tiny nation I call Jerusalem. When you thirst, you shall be thirsting for righteousness, for you rejected the only Living Water. Accept MY Living Water now and you shall never thirst again. MY NAME is YAHUSHUA. I am the Living Water that flows forth. It came from MY side mingled with MY Blood as the Romans pierced MY side. In MY Blood there is healing, deliverance, resurrection power, salvation and the anointing of MY RUACH ha KODESH.

Call upon MY NAME in the NAME of YAHUSHUA, and I shall answer you and deliver you. Grieve not MY RUACH ha KODESH, (Holy Spirit) for 'I AM' shall not always strive with mankind. When you deny YAHUSHUA, you deny one of your own, you deny HIS FATHER whom you call HaShem ADONAI. YAHUSHUA, was born from a Jewish Holy virgin handmaiden, and what she and Joseph spoke was the truth. Be not deceived for those that seek to make her an ELOHIM. She even called YAHUSHUA Lord. Respect and love her for the price she paid as a mother. She also needed a Savior for none was perfect, not even YAHUSHUA's mother and Joseph his earthly father.

Prophecy 50:
Oh Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, now will you at last turn to the great ELOHIM 'I AM'? If it was good enough for your Father Abraham, once again will it be good enough for you? No, Abraham was not a god. 'I AM' his Father ELOHIM. But even then man looked at Abraham like he was a Elohim. Look not to man any more as a Elohim. Oh Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, hear ME, the POWER, the POWER, the POWER is in MY NAME! Listen not to the rabbi's and the evil ones that have censured MY NAME from your lips.

MY Children, MY Children, Yisrael, I have put a power within your own City, even your very walls. It's where Isaac should have been sacrificed but instead I put a sacrifice where Abraham did not have to slay his son. That is where I put MY Sacrifice, on your very own soil, on Calvary. Yisrael, call upon the NAME of YAHUVEH. Be not ashamed of the POWER in that NAME. No longer erase it. No longer cover your mouth. But call on MY NAME, the only NAME that can save. No longer deny MY Son YAHUSHUA. HE comes from your very own land. If He came from another, I could understand, but HE comes from your very own land. It was on your own soil HE was crucified. HIS Blood flowed in the ground. It was in your own tomb HE was placed, in your own ground HE was raised. It was for your sins and the sins of the world HE died and it was for you and the world that HE arose. Deny not the only one that saves. Call upon the NAME of YAHUSHUA. Call upon the NAME of YAHUVEH.

Listen not to the evil rabbi's that lead you astray. Just as I give the warning to the churches, I give the warning to the temples. The temples are filled, but MY Spirit's not there. You have the law, but you don't have the RUACH. Oh MY Children, MY Children, MY Children, do you not know why there's no water on the land? You thirst and wonder why the drought is in Yisrael. It is because you've rejected the Living Water from the woman at the well. I keep sending MY Ministers, MY Prophets and Apostles; they come in MY Son's NAME, YAHUSHUA. They offer you the Living Water but you brush their hands aside. It is you, Oh people of Yisrael that accepted your leader's lies. The rabbi's don't want you to know the POWER that is in the NAME, of the POWER in the NAME, MY NAME is YAHUVEH! Your Savior MESSIAH's NAME is YAHUSHUA. Now would you listen and in that NAME would you start learning to pray?

Oh, it is true an evil one comes, and he will say that he is 'I AM'. But he will do away with the Torah and he will rewrite MY Laws, make them instead of man. He will tell you, Oh Yisrael, he has the answers, where you will never thirst and hunger, or war again. But know that these are words of an evil man who tries to set himself up as the Messiah of all mankind. But I warn you, Oh Yisrael, now before the blood flows in all the streets. This evil one who's coming will end up in defeat. So lift your voices up, Oh Yisrael, and all those who love Yisrael; cry upon the only NAME YAHUVEH and in the NAME YAHUSHUA, who can only save. Oh Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, Yisrael you still are the apple of MY eye, for even MY very Feasts and Sabbaths you do not despise. Question any leader you have that does not pray in MY NAME and live by the Torah and tell the people we will not win this warfare by weapons, but only by fasting and prayer.

Prophecy 51:
I, YAHUVEH am anointing MY chosen ones in a greater way than I have ever done before. Study and show thyself approved, so that no one can misguide you with the Scriptures. I, YAHUVEH am assembling MY troops on the wall to defeat satan, and the demons that surround you. The weapons you have are not carnal, but spiritual. No weapon can match the unusual anointings that I have imparted in each of you, though you know it not. In MY timing, you shall see the standard that I, YAHUVEH will raise up against those that seek to harm the Christians and the Jews. All Israelites who call upon the NAME of YAHUVEH, those who do not fear to use the Sacred NAMES, they realize that they have been deceived, and thereby taught wrong. There is anointing, saving, delivering, and healing power, in the names of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA.

Prophecy 58:
You also kill the innocent babes and change MY Laws, just because America and others around the world do it. Israel, 'I AM' ashamed of you. Yes, you too Jerusalem! 'I AM' ashamed of the land that is to stand for Holiness and yet you put Pharisee's into office that don't even have a form of godliness and certainly no godliness within. You listen to evil rabbi's that don't even know ME. They know the laws and don't even obey them. You lift them up to be Holy and yet no Holiness is within them. Not all MY Rabbi's but you know which ones have MY RUACH ha KODESH and which ones do not.

Prophecy 63:
On this first day of Yom Kippur, 2002, I speak unto Israel and I tell them I hear your prayers of repentance, asking for MY forgiveness. I see your fasting. I feel your fear as you realize your sins are a stench to MY nostrils. Oh Israel, you know I am Adonai and I will judge you for the works of your flesh. Oh Israel, you know there is no blood sacrifice. You long to build that temple with walls so can once again do sacrifices of animals for the remission of sins where your high priest can cry aloud for mercy, yet you refuse to receive the gift I gave you, a temple without walls filled with the RUACH ha KODESH, filled with MY love and mercy, MY miracles and MY judgment. A temple built not with human hands, a perfect, Holy, sinless temple. His name is YAHUSHUA. MY NAME [YAH] is contained in HIS NAME. The power is in HIS Sacred NAME, the power is in OUR Sacred NAMES.

Prophecy 69:
I send forth this word to Israel, I send forth this Apostle to you to tell you, beware of those who come as a friend, their hand is in your pocket, they are pick pocketing you. With their other hand there is a dagger and they say, "Do what I tell you to do" but I put you in remembrance Israel, if you will only call upon the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I, YAHUVEH. If you will only stop listening to the rabbi's when they tell you not to speak MY Sacred NAME to say. For I have MY anointed ones that sit right there in Jerusalem filled with MY RUACH ha KODESH. They accept YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH and they call and they intercede to ME. This is why Israel has been spared thus far. For although Israel you were once the apple of MY eye, now you too have a worm inside.

Prophecy 80:
Bride of YAHUSHUA, this year of 2006 you are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem in a way you have not done before. Realize as you pray for the peace of Jerusalem, you are praying for the Prince of Peace who is MY Son YAHUSHUA to hasten HIS return and rule this earth as King of Kings, removing all that is unholy from this earth for a set and appointed time. Bride of YAHUSHUA, realize as I, YAHUVEH command you to do this, realize that YAHUSHUA cannot return and rule and reign until Yisrael suffers greatly. Much lamentation, weeping, travailing, and blood will pour forth and only I, YAHUVEH, foreknew what it would take to get Yisrael to again walk in obedience to MY Torah Laws I gave them through Moses, and to love I, YAHUVEH where they no longer are afraid to speak forth MY Sacred NAME where there is anointed Power.

They will rebuke the lies that have been passed unto them. Yisrael will acknowledge YAHUSHUA as not only YAHUVEH's Son but also the only MASHIACH (Messiah). They will accept the Holy Blood Sacrifice which is YAHUSHUA's gift HE gave at Calvary, HIS saving, delivering, healing, resurrection power in the Blood of the only perfect Lamb of YAHUVEH. Yisrael will not see the Prince of Peace come again to their nation until this is done. Satan will send a false peace for a short time to deceive them but then it will be as though Hell broke forth around this world when that short time is over.

Prophecy 81:
Oh, Yisrael, just as surely as MY Son YAHUSHUA had a Judas betray HIM for 30 pieces of silver, so too you have a Judas, the one who hands you the so-called road map of peace that will only end in your destruction, to prepare the way for that which is called the antichrist, the anti-Messiah. People say you are the Holy Land, but I, YAHUVEH say there is no Holiness. So few of a remnant I have that actually walk in Torah and live in Torah. You have a Pharisee spirit and I tell you this: although it is not I dividing your land, but I will allow the enemy to do so for your disobedience.

Abortion and homosexuality, pornography, fornication, idolatry should have no part in you. Again and again I see the Pharisee's spirit still rule you. You oh Yisrael, have a form of godliness and how much godliness is within? I, YAHUVEH rebuke you and I am chastising you and it has only just begun. Evil Rabbi's who are not a Rabbi, yet they dare to call themselves Rabbi's, have a form of godliness but no godliness within. They have no fear of I, YAHUVEH or MY Son YAHUSHUA or the price HE paid at Calvary. They are only fit for the fire of MY destruction. I have a remnant, so few of a remnant. They even shudder at the name of Rabbi, for they are humble before ME and these are the ones that please ME who say there is but one Rabbi, and HIS NAME is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

Oh Yisrael, I look over your land and how much of it is Torahless. Lawlessness abounds and you wonder why? You fear your enemies of this world more than you fear ME, I, YAHUVEH. You allowed those you called Rabbi to steal MY Sacred NAME, to teach you, 'Do not call upon that NAME, you are not worthy to call upon the NAME of the Creator!' You believed their lies but I send MY Handmaiden Prophet to tell you now, "Do not believe these lies!" Call upon ME in MY NAME, YAHUVEH once again and use the NAME of YAHUSHUA to get to MY throne. YOU ARE allowed to know MY NAME. What child doesn't know the Father's NAME? Believe not these lies. There is anointed power in MY NAME and I will hear and answer your cries when you come to ME in MY Holy Son YAHUSHUA's NAME!

Read your own scriptures. How many times do I tell you to call out in MY NAME and I will deliver you? Ask yourself who is it that would teach us that we are not worthy to call upon the NAME of the Creator? This has been the devil doctrine's lies taught to you by your own Rabbi's. Rebuke these lies. I am not G-D. I am not L-rd. When you have deleted MY NAME, you have sinned and taken MY NAME in vain. 'I AM' YAHUVEH. However you pronounce it, at least you are acknowledging MY NAME. I defy you tell ME where I have told you in your Holy Scriptures you are not worthy to call upon MY NAME? MY NAME is not Ha Shem (the name). MY NAME is not merely Adonai (Lord)!

'I AM' YAHUVEH, Creator of all. MY NAME is not spelled God. These are labels and titles given to ME by your Rabbi's and translators of the scriptures who desire to omit MY NAME, spelling it YHVH or YHWH. I have given each person a name. 'I AM' YAHUVEH, I have a NAME. Prove you love ME and trust ME by using MY Sacred NAME. Did King David not call upon MY NAME for deliverance? Do you not read your own Psalms? What does Psalm 91 promise if you call upon MY NAME? Oh Yisrael, so much as been stolen from you, even as the Holy Books have been rewritten to exclude MY NAME. Take back what has been stolen, and see when you call upon I, YAHUVEH in MY Son YAHUSHUA's NAME, will I not quickly deliver you from your enemies.

YAHUSHUA's heart beat pulses throughout Yisrael, HIS veins and arteries carry the only Holy Blood sacrifice that washes away the stench of sins all over the world, to those that will acknowledge I sent YAHUSHUA in I, YAHUVEH's, NAME to be the only MASHIACH. Oh Yisrael, there is no remission of sin without a blood sacrifice. Where is your blood sacrifice? Do you really think an animal will suffice again? Oh Yisrael, Oh Jerusalem, can you not see there will be no true peace. The fear, lamentations and blood will continue to flow from your land until you rebuke the Judas' who also come in the form of politicians and evil Pharisees, evil Rabbi's with a form of godliness but no godliness within. Yisrael, beware the coming of the son of satan, he is the son of perdition who will come with his false peace, and will lie to you when you think peace has at last come, now you can let down your guard. Instead trust the only Prince of Peace and accept the only sinless blood atonement I gave you through MY Son YAHUSHUA at Calvary.

Your wailing wall is drenched in tears and soaked in prayers begging for mercy. Your enemies surround you on all sides. Now those who have deceived you have convinced you to turn Jew against Jew, even to kill each other, evicting one another from their homes and lands, betraying one another. You run away from your Goliaths instead of turning to ME as King David did as a shepherd boy. I cannot bless you until you stand for Holiness. Oh Yisrael, I make you this promise and remind you through this Handmaiden of MINE. You will be cast down, but not utterly destroyed. Oh Yisrael and Jerusalem, you will be perplexed but not forsaken. I, YAHUVEH will send you hope when there seems to be no escape. I, YAHUVEH will chastise you but not forsake you. You will be trodden down by the heathen, but you shall arise again to a greater glory. As in the time of Moses, I shall bless those that obey and bless ME, and curse those that disobey and curse I, YAHUVEH.

Again I say, I have sworn an oath I will never leave nor forsake you, I will and I have begun to chastise you until you stand for Holiness and say, "Blessed is HE who comes in the NAME of the Lord YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH." Then I, YAHUVEH shall defend you, Oh Yisrael, straight from Heaven, and the world will see just like in the time of Moshe (Moses) no one but I, YAHUVEH could deliver them from the hand of the enemy and so it shall be again. There is a mystery golden box called the Ark of the Covenant that holds mysteries of old in your land, Oh Yisrael. The ark no one will touch except those I have preordained who are truly Holy before I, YAHUVEH. Satan wants to destroy what is in that golden box, for there is anointing power held within the objects in that golden box. Satan is sending his son, the one called the anti-messiah, to seek and destroy the Ark.

Oh Yisrael and Oh Jerusalem, you who prefer to remain deaf, I, YAHUVEH am repeating MYSELF again and again for your sakes. WAKE UP NOW, for the time is late. I am not telling you to convert to Christianity for even they see YAHUSHUA only in part. They have denied the importance of teaching the Jewishness of YAHUSHUA. They have denied the anointing in speaking YAHUSHUA's and MY Sacred NAMES. They have denied MY Shabbats, MY Holy Feasts and Holy Days, those who call themselves Holy Christians and yet must learn to embrace the Jewishness I placed within thee by and through Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac's seed. Oh Yisrael and Jerusalem, wake up now from your slumber of sleep. It was because of your stubbornness, and for the Gentiles' sake, I closed your eyes, but the time has now come, open your eyes wide, expose those who are speaking evil lies.  

Prophecy 87:
How can you dare ask ME to bless Israel and Jerusalem until you stand for Holiness? Can you not see I am fair in all ways; I am almighty in love and in war. I bless those that obey I, YAHUVEH and I curse those that disobey. Can you not see it is written in your own Torah and Tanakh there is sacred anointing power in MY NAME which is YAHUVEH? Does not MY Word say in Psalm 91, "I will set him on high because he has known MY NAME?" Why do you not study for yourself and count how many times I have pronounced blessings on those who know and use MY SACRED HEBREW NAME? Why have you allowed the Rabbi's to steal this blessing from you? This is not always the way it was. What loving Father hides his name from his child?

MY NAME is YAHUVEH and it matters not to ME how you spell it or pronounce it as long as you acknowledge MY NAME has YAH in it and so does MY Son the only MESSIAH his NAME is YAHUSHUA it matters not how you spell it as long as you keep MY NAME YAH in it. Our NAME is not merely a title like HaShem or Lord, or Adonai. MY NAME is above all names and it is YAHUVEH. Take back what the Rabbi's have stolen from you. You take MY NAME in vain when you spell it G-D or abbreviate it with YHVH or YHWH for how is that pronounced? You have a name, what makes you think I your Creator do not have a name? When you pray call ME by MY NAME, YAHUVEH. Those with spiritual ears to hear will listen all others will remain deaf.

I will send forth MY Two Witnesses one male and one female to demonstrate I, YAHUVEH's authority and to call down I, YAHUVEH's judgments and curses and to speak forth anointed words and show the Power in the Holy SACRED NAMES of I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. Truly listen and hear Oh, Israel and Jerusalem, I will not bless Israel until you bless the NAMES of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and until you bless the Holy Ones who come and minister in our NAMES.

Prophecy 90:
How many reading this attends church on Sunday and calls yourselves Christian, Protestant, or Catholic. You attend church, or mass, pray, sing, confess your sins to the priest, or Pastor pretend piety, tithe for all to see and immediately after go to the pubs and get drunk or return back to your sinful lifestyles no matter what day of the week.

To those of the Jewish faith, the YAH of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob says the same too many of you, only you attend your Temples, confess your sins before a man you call a Rabbi and you assemble on the True Shabbat. All work ceases and you shun anything not kosher to eat. However, it is not what you put in your mouth that makes you unholy. Unholiness comes out of your mouth and the sinful deeds done in your body to others both in word and deed. Any sin done in disobedience to YAHUVEH's Torah laws is sin, also called by Christians the Ten Commandments.

Just as it is written Isaiah 1 (Yeshayahu 1), in Israel you don't run to the pubs on the Shabbat to drown your sorrows and sins in, but nevertheless you have compromised what Holy is. You have not stood against the Government Zionist agenda or defended the innocent. There is a remnant in Israel that are Holy and filled with MY HOLY SPIRIT and they prophesy and protest against abortion, homosexuality, immorality, and they have received YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH.