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Don’t go to war with her

Prophecy 37:
Why do you think MY Father has blessed it in ways he has blessed no other nation? MY Blood was poured forth and now will bring forth secret treasures in this world untold! The evil ones will bite and gnash their teeth as they try to the riches control. They will argue amongst themselves who will bring Israel to her knees and the riches and spoils they will war to seize. But MY Father speaks forth and says to the enemies you will not continue to divide and conqueror a nation and a people I have called, preordained as MINE!

You will NOT succeed in stealing from a people I call preordained as MINE. They pay a price just for carrying the name of Jew and I shall protect this nation called Israel in ways no one has ever dreamed possible. I shall protect anyone with a love for Jerusalem! Although they deny MY Son YAHUSHUA, now there is coming a time when the name of YAHUSHUA will again be revered. This is now why the evil tries to pass laws that will forbid the name even to be spoken under penalty of prison, torture and death. Satan now controls the government of this nation and nations around this world. You are to submit to the governments only as much as they submit to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. For the government is upon the shoulders of YAHUSHUA HE alone paid the price! MY people are to obey the God they serve and not Man. Pray the corrupt governments will be defeated and the Holy ones will arise taking back what was stolen.  

The land Israel has been dividing are like MY garments, gambled and sold to the highest bidder. But I, YAHUSHUA, will give back to Israel what has been stolen and her enemies shall flee in seven different directions! Oh woe to you who lift your hand to the apple of MY eye although in this nation the Name of YAHUSHUA is now despised, I shall turn them back to their first love, and then they will realize through their suffering they and YAHUSHUA are My Beloved and My Beloved is MINE!

Prophecy 42:
Oh surrender thus saith, YAHUVEH. Oh surrender, surrender, surrender. Again I say to the enemies of MINE, the enemies that circle and surround this anointed Apostolic/Prophetic Ministry, this handmaiden of MINE Elisheva Eliyahu, the enemies that have surrounded other anointed Apostolic/Prophetic Ministries I speak it again, all those that surround Israel, all those that surround Jerusalem, drop your weapons both spiritual and carnal before I the Great Elohim "I AM" will cause fire to fall from Heaven and I will totally annihilate and obliterate all of you (Ezekiel 38:23-24).

HORROR, HORROR, HORROR, weeping, lamentations, death and so many burials that there will not be room enough to put them in cemeteries. The hand of MY judgment, that once slapped you, now will turn into a fist and I will smash you. I the Great Elohim "I AM," in MY mercy, warn every nation, every people, every kindred, every tongue, leave MY beloved Jerusalem alone. The blood of the fallen soaks into the ground and cries out to ME. The blood of the fallen in Israel has not been in vain. I hear the weeping and profound lamentations, of the people who love I, YAHUVEH. I hear MY Name called out by those that are slain.  

A warning to MY enemies, remember Balaam's Ass. Don't be a Balaam (Num 22-24) I am doing one better, I am speaking from this Apostle and warning you the destruction you mete out will be turned seven-fold. The blessings you give out to Israel and MY Jewish people will return back to you seven-fold. Blessings or curses, you decide, Deut. 28 does not lie. So it is spoken, so it is written December 18, 2000 at 2:53 pm. and surely in MY timing it shall come to pass.

Prophecy 50:
MY Children, MY Children, Yisrael, I have put a power within your own City, even your very walls. It's where Isaac should have been sacrificed but instead I put a sacrifice where Abraham did not have to slay his son. That is where I put MY Sacrifice, on your very own soil, on Calvary. Yisrael, call upon the NAME of YAHUVEH. Be not ashamed of the POWER in that NAME. No longer erase it. No longer cover your mouth. But call on MY NAME, the only NAME that can save. No longer deny MY Son YAHUSHUA. HE comes from your very own land. If He came from another, I could understand, but HE comes from your very own land. It was on your own soil HE was crucified. HIS Blood flowed in the ground. It was in your own tomb HE was placed, in your own ground HE was raised. It was for your sins and the sins of the world HE died and it was for you and the world that HE arose. Deny not the only one that saves. Call upon the NAME of YAHUSHUA. Call upon the NAME of YAHUVEH.

Every time you face the Western Wall, look up, for MY Son will come in the eastern sky. Be deceived no longer by these lies. I have counted every teardrop that has been shed on that Western Wall. This is the very place Abraham thought he had to slay Isaac. This is the very place Jacob saw a ladder to Heaven. This is truly Holy, sanctified ground. For those who cry out in YAHUVEH's NAME, the miracles I did once I will for you Yisrael, do again. Don't do as the world does. Trust not any weapon or man; instead turn to the great ELOHIM YAHUVEH the one that is called the GREAT ELOHIM, 'I AM'. See Oh Yisrael, one day you should behold very soon the weapons of man pointed at you but you must fast, and you must weep, and you must wail in the NAME of YAHUVEH, in the NAME YAHUSHUA. I will hear and I will deliver your land.

Beware every enemy of Yisrael. You have the covering Oh Yisrael, of America but when you turn your back on Yisrael, Oh woe be onto America. Even the scriptures verify you are to be praying for the peace of Jerusalem. When you do anything that comes against MY Word think not that I have not heard. I speak to the entire world leave the apple of MY eye alone. For I have chastised her; she has not known peace. But this is for ME to do and not for you. She will once again cry out to ME, the ELOHIM of her forefathers, for I made a covenant with Abraham and I will not break it. I made a promise to YAHUSHUA, for HE said they know not what they do. He said, "Forgive them, Oh Father, for they know not what they do." But you America and those that join in the United Nations, I warn you now, don't come against the apple of MY eye, although she's done much wrong, she has done also what is right in MY eyes. The people of Yisrael are as one large family, when you hurt one, you hurt them all. When you kill one, it is like their own family.

Oh America, you only think you know grief. You should have to walk in the shoes that Yisrael has walked in. They fight and they struggle for each breath since I have decreed her a nation. Since this baby was born, this baby has been tried again and again. They have tried to kill her. But, I have breathed life in her each time, as I've done it again and again. For all those that seek her destruction know that 'I AM' will do it again. They hunger and they thirst after righteousness and they know not why; but if only they would accept the fresh manna and the Bread of Life and the New Wine. They would live and not die. But they will, I tell you, they will. For I have a remnant that will come out of Yisrael and live and Yisrael shall stand, but she will not be defended by man.

For I have placed a MYSTERY within Yisrael, and the POWER is within that BOX a POWER like none other, with all of your atomic weapons, they cannot begin to compare with the ROD that I have placed inside that BOX. It will once again dry the riverbed of the Reed Sea. The miracles that Moses did will once again be seen. If only they can once again believe. The NAME, the NAME, the NAME; the POWER alone is in the NAME. Call out to ME in the NAME of YAHUSHUA, for in YAHUSHUA's NAME the evil will not stay. Call out to ME in the NAME of YAHUSHUA, the Blood covering of this land and the world. For HE is truly YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, the MESSIAH not only of Yisrael, but of the entire world for HIS Blood flowed into the soil, into Yisrael's own soil, and it flowed across the world to every woman and man, boy and girl. MY Children know the power of that NAME. In the NAME of YAHUSHUA, MY Children will be saved.

Prophecy 51:
I, YAHUVEH ask you this, will you forsake the promises I have given you? The blessed hope that I have given you? Why would I say you are not under MY wrath, but mercy and you teach others that I, YAHUVEH will allow no escape for the Christians who call out to ME in YAHUSHUA's NAME? I, YAHUVEH do have an ark for you. All MY children who trust ME, will hear MY voice clearly, just believe, and keep asking ME. Do you think that I, YAHUVEH have brought you thus far to fail you now? I, YAHUVEH will not spare Israel because her people are more holy. In truth her sin runs just as rampant, the stench rises to Heaven, as it does in nations around the world! Not one nation or people are better than the other. I, YAHUVEH will not allow Israel to be destroyed completely, for I, YAHUVEH have made a covenant with Abraham, and his seed.

Leave America Alone, Leave Israel Alone, Leave MY children the freedom to worship and serve ME in truth and anointed power. I set America apart to be the land of the free and blessed her with no war coming to her shores since the years gone by. America, don't so freely give away what I have blessed you with simply because of fear. Speak up and remain the silent majority no more. Let your voices be heard. Remember when one loses the freedom of religion and even the wrong are censored; then all are in danger of losing their freedom of religion. Then all are in danger of losing their freedom of religion. My children know this is not about a religion being taken away; this is about a relationship with YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA being changed to a form of religion with a form of godliness, but having no godliness within.

Prophecy 52:
Be warned wolves, you will be exposed. My sheep will know your names and your plans. I, YAHUVEH see and know each person with the heart of a ravenous wolf. I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA alone are the Good Shepherd. I, YAHUVEH alone will confound you wolves with your own creations and weapons of war. I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA are the Rod of wrath that will beat you away from MY Sheep and lambs. Be not deceived, I will kill the wolves in MY timing and cast them not only into hell, but into the lake of fire! To all those that seek the destruction of America, Israel and all the Christians and the Jews, what is the price of your soul? If you continue to do this, then your soul will be eternally damned! If you turn away from this, and turn to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH then you will be eternally saved. It is your choice.

Prophecy 57:
America you are as a Trojan Horse, but you shall pay a price for this if you do not repent. Anyone who betrays Israel betrays I, YAHUVEH and betrays MY Son YAHUSHUA. Anyone who is an enemy of Israel has set themselves up to be an enemy of I, YAHUVEH the Creator of Israel, also the Creator of America and I YAHUVEH the Creator of the universe. Any leader that puffs themselves up and makes themselves as a god and says, "I will destroy Israel" shakes his fist in the face of I, YAHUVEH the Creator. America you shall surely pay. America you have already begun to burn, you burn with MY rage, you burn with MY anger. You cry out for mercy on America yet you even want to strike out the NAME of GOD away from the children's memory.

I am angry MY Children, for you cry out for mercy on America but the leader of America puffs himself up like a god, he is not a god. I hear the cries of MY People in Israel, yes even those who do not acknowledge MY Son YAHUSHUA but they cry out to ME MY Children, they honor MY Sabbath Days, they keep MY Jewish Feasts and obey MY Torah. Israel carries the blood of YAHUSHUA and Jerusalem carries the blood of YAHUSHUA, though they receive it not. Beware America you are a Trojan Horse. I, YAHUVEH remind you of what happens to a Trojan Horse. I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA now prophesy through MY Handmaiden, I, YAHUVEH will strike down that Trojan Horse and when I strike it down it shall never raise again. I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA will cut off the horses head. I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA will cut off the horse's hooves. You America will not be able to move anymore and the merchants shall cry from afar off, as they will see America burn from afar off. (Rev. 18)

Oh America, I weep for you as you get ready to celebrate another birthday. You forget it was I, YAHUVEH that set you apart for MY and YAHUSHUA's glory. Only a tiny infant yet you shake your fists in MY face, you deny the one that created you. This warning is not for MY Children who worship ME in truth and love and try to obey. This warning is for those who set themselves up as MY enemies. Beware America! You are as a Trojan Horse. Israel has been your friend, now you treat her as a despised enemy. Your leaders go to shake one hand and stab a blood soaked dagger in Israel's back with the other hand. You slander Israel. You do not report the truth. You make MY Hebrew People in Israel look like the terrorists. You trample on their backs and on their economy.

Prophecy 80:
MY Holy ones will not betray I, YAHUVEH nor YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Only those with the spirit like unto a Judas will receive the MARK and the rewards given by satan which are short lived. Yisrael shall always stand. No one will ever wipe her off the map, for My Son YAHUSHUA shall plant His feet on the Mount of Olives and rule and reign from Jerusalem. I have made a vow and Yisrael shall never be completely destroyed. Oh, how different it is though for those who plot against Yisrael as a Judas or who have said, "They will wipe Yisrael off the face of the map." I, YAHUVEH am the only one that has the right to punish Yisrael, like unto a wayward child. Those with the spirit of a Judas and Haman (Esther 3:1-6) modern day Hamas shall reap what ever harm is done to Yisrael. (Esther 8-7)

Prophecy 81:
But I tell you this; I swear by this, by MY OWN NAME I, YAHUVEH swear by this, I will take vengeance on your enemies for it is MY, and MY alone authority to punish you in a way that I have decreed. These enemies that come against you shall have the fate of a Judas. I, YAHUVEH will have mercy on the remnant that is Holy, those of you who weep and mourn and wail as you see a Judas betrayal, those of you who plead for the land, for Jerusalem, those of you who despise and rebuke the man of sin. Those of you who call upon MY NAME in MY Son YAHUSHUA's NAME, I will have mercy and I will bless you. You are not appointed to MY wrath.

I, YAHUVEH chose your land, Oh Yisrael to give birth to the only MESSIAH of this world. That is how much I, YAHUVEH love you and favor you, Oh Yisrael. YAHUSHUA's Blood will keep your Yisrael from being totally destroyed and keep it from being wiped off the face of the map even though even the NAME of YAHUSHUA the majority of Jews despise that NAME and deny HIS Deity. YAHUSHUA's veins and arteries are spread out across Yisrael. YAHUSHUA spurted out HIS Lifeblood that penetrated the ground at Calvary and spiritually now reaches the 4 corners of this earth. I, YAHUVEH chose you, Oh Yisrael of all the nations of the world to do this. For whosoever can believe and will receive MY Son YAHUSHUA as the only Holy Blood Sacrifice for the remission of sins. YAHUSHUA is the only Intercessor before I, YAHUVEH.