Prophecy 69: I send forth this word to Israel, I send forth this Apostle to you to tell you, beware of those who come as a friend, their hand is in your pocket, they are pick pocketing you. With their other hand there is a dagger and they say, "Do what I tell you to do" but I put you in remembrance Israel, if you will only call upon the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I, YAHUVEH. If you will only stop listening to the rabbi's when they tell you not to speak MY Sacred NAME to say. For I have MY anointed ones that sit right there in Jerusalem filled with MY RUACH ha KODESH. They accept YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH and they call and they intercede to ME. This is why Israel has been spared thus far. For although Israel you were once the apple of MY eye, now you too have a worm inside.
Prophecy 81:
There is no salvation, no true peace for you, Oh Yisrael, until you no longer reject the new Blood Covenant I gave you through YAHUSHUA, as YAHUSHUA is the only Holy MASHIACH (Messiah)! The old blood covenant cannot save your soul from Hell. The old blood covenant was only there until the appointed time when there would be a better, new blood covering covenant. Oh Yisrael, no longer conform to other nations' image of what sin is. Instead be as a King David once again. Praise I, YAHUVEH and humble yourselves and repent of your sins in MY Son YAHUSHUA's NAME. Do not rely on any nation to save you from destruction, for you will be sorely disappointed.
This world shall see when MY wrath is poured out in these end times, that I will hide those who are hidden in MY Son YAHUSHUA. All the plagues that were poured out in the time of Moses shall be poured forth in a greater measure on MY enemies from I, YAHUVEH's hands. There will still be martyrs again such as the Apostles and Prophets of old and all those who are Holy, whose blood flowed then and even like it still does now in various parts of the world, because MY Holy will never compromise nor deny that YAHUSHUA is the only MASHIACH and MY only Begotten Son sent from Heaven to rule and reign. Oh Yisrael, I have made you a cup of trembling terror to the world and they shall drink of it. The enemies gnash their teeth at you and bare their claws, envying all I, YAHUVEH have blessed your land with. Your enemies count the number of days before they will try and plunder you and kill your men, women, and children without mercy.
Study your Scriptures and see only with much prayer and praise with Holy hands washed in MY Son YAHUSHUA's Blood can the Ark of the Covenant be opened and it will be used once again at a set and appointed time. And just like in the time of Moshe, it will be used to deliver YAHUVEH's people in a way, in a time you think not, that will bring I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA all Praise, Honor, and Glory. Oh Yisrael, do you not know when the Roman soldiers stripped off YAHUSHUA's clothes and divided HIS garments as stated in the Tanakh, "They divided MY clothes among them and for MY robe they did cast lots." (John 19:24) They said therefore among themselves, "Let us not tear the robe but cast lots for it, to see whose it shall be." Oh Yisrael, do you not see just as the Roman soldiers divided YAHUSHUA's clothing, so too your land is being divided and Rome has a hand in it behind the scenes. Just as YAHUSHUA's robe was gambled for, the one with the highest bid to divide your land will expose and betray you for all the world to see.
Prophecy 87:
Oh, Israel, you have every right to defend yourself but to your shame, you no longer rely on MY arms of war. You will be surrounded on all sides because you rely on a Judas called America for your Arms. You must understand 'I AM' YAHUVEH and I will not be mocked even by Israel. Yes, I made a covenant with Abraham to protect and bless Israel but first you must be a blessing to ME. You must do your part and obey ME before you can walk in MY blessings of Deut. 28.
Even thousands of years later one drop of YAHUSHUA's Saving Blood covers the world, yet you refuse to accept the gift I gave as your Blood Sacrifice, greater than any animal blood sacrifice. I not only allowed MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA to be crucified for the sins of this world and die and be buried in a tomb. I rose YAHUSHUA from the dead as a sign to Israel, not only is there life after death but I, YAHUVEH chose Jerusalem for YAHUSHUA to die and be buried on your soil and rise again. Oh Jerusalem, the time is at hand when the world shall say, "You shall surely die and never rise again" but when Israel REPENTS and OBEYS, I shall raise Israel up once again.