Prophecy 69: Israel no longer can the world look upon you in Holiness. For you have the abortions, you have the homosexuals, you have pornography, there is no sin that has not permeated Israel within. Pharisee's now rule your government and yet they don't even have the form of godliness. I am going to judge in 2003 the states, the nations that appear as a Sodom and Gomorrah to ME. I will not even speak what will happen in 2004, for if you think MY judgment fell in 2002 and the world holds their breath for 2003, the words would be so fearful even this Apostle would be afraid to speak.
Prophecy 80:
I, YAHUVEH have given you chances to repent, especially you, oh America, and yet your sins only increase each abomination worse than the last. I, YAHUVEH created you, oh Yisrael and America, to be set apart and Holy before ME, pouring blessings upon you and your land and people prospered and your weather I blessed for your crops sake. From this year on, I shall turn the weather against various parts of the earth using it as an enemy against MY enemies in a greater measure than 2005. Oh Yisrael and America, you are a nation that was created to be a leader. Now you lead other nations in rebellion and abominations.
Prophecy 81:
Oh Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, that which is an apple in MY eye, that has a worm in it, I rebuke you! I, YAHUVEH the one that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob worships and they obeyed I, YAHUVEH rebuke you. You say why are we forced to give up the land our forefathers gave us? I ask you this question: Are you walking in Torah? Are you living in Torah? As your forefathers did?
Oh, Yisrael, just as surely as MY Son YAHUSHUA had a Judas betray HIM for 30 pieces of silver, so too you have a Judas, the one who hands you the so-called road map of peace that will only end in your destruction, to prepare the way for that which is called the antichrist, the anti-Messiah. People say you are the Holy Land, but I, YAHUVEH say there is no Holiness. So few of a remnant I have that actually walk in Torah and live in Torah. You have a Pharisee spirit and I tell you this: although it is not I dividing your land, but I will allow the enemy to do so for your disobedience.
But until that day, oh what a bloody road you have to travel. The dead are all around, to the left and to the right, weeping and lamenting for the horror that comes at night. You knew better, you knew better, and still you did what I told you not to do. You accepted the bribe, symbolically called the 30 pieces of silver. I cover MY face everytime I hear Yisrael referred to, Yisrael as a Holy Land. I search far and wide and there is only a remnant that can be called Holy before ME and they are those that weep and lament, for they see what is happening to their land.
Abortion and homosexuality, pornography, fornication, idolatry should have no part in you. Again and again I see the Pharisee's spirit still rule you. You oh Yisrael, have a form of godliness and how much godliness is within? I, YAHUVEH rebuke you and I am chastising you and it has only just begun. Evil Rabbi's who are not a Rabbi, yet they dare to call themselves Rabbi's, have a form of godliness but no godliness within. They have no fear of I, YAHUVEH or MY Son YAHUSHUA or the price HE paid at Calvary. They are only fit for the fire of MY destruction. I have a remnant, so few of a remnant. They even shudder at the name of Rabbi, for they are humble before ME and these are the ones that please ME who say there is but one Rabbi, and HIS NAME is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.
There is no salvation, no true peace for you, Oh Yisrael, until you no longer reject the new Blood Covenant I gave you through YAHUSHUA, as YAHUSHUA is the only Holy MASHIACH (Messiah)! The old blood covenant cannot save your soul from Hell. The old blood covenant was only there until the appointed time when there would be a better, new blood covering covenant. Oh Yisrael, no longer conform to other nations' image of what sin is. Instead be as a King David once again. Praise I, YAHUVEH and humble yourselves and repent of your sins in MY Son YAHUSHUA's NAME. Do not rely on any nation to save you from destruction, for you will be sorely disappointed.
Because of the covenant I have made with Abraham and MY Son YAHUSHUA, I will heal your land when you repent before I, YAHUVEH and turn again to follow the laws of Torah that Moshe (Moses) gave you on Mt. Sinai. Stand for Holiness even though the world will mock you. Oh Yisrael, do not stone the Prophets or imprison or kill the Prophets I will send to you to rebuke you. Instead be grateful I love you enough to chastise you and warn you before I loose MY wrath on those who refuse to obey and who are MY enemies.
Prophecy 87:
Hear Oh, Beloved Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, can't you hear your Creator weep and travail at how far you have gone astray from MY Holiness? You cannot say you do not know right from wrong for Oh, Israel and Jerusalem, did I not write MY Torah on your hearts and did I not command you to teach the Torah laws to your children? Are you not the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Did you not learn anything from your King David and from Joshua? So what is your excuse?
What defense do you have to allow the abominations such as the homosexual propaganda directed at your youth to pervert them? Why do you welcome what I call an abomination and a mockery of marriage? Do you claim ignorance to MY Tanakh? Do you not understand how you bring shame to all that is Holy for allowing this perversion to enter into what was once called the Holy City?
For those of you in Israel and Jerusalem who do weep and mourn for the evil brought to Israel and you did your best to protest, know that I will reward you in the measure you protest against the homosexual spirit and the evil spirit of Molech called abortion. Why Oh Israel, do your own female soldiers murder the innocent babies while in their womb instead of remaining chaste? Do you not understand I will not bless you until you obey and repent and turn from your wicked ways and be Holy unto I, YAHUVEH?
Oh, Israel and Jerusalem, where is the fear, obedience, reverence and Holy awe your forefathers Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David and Joshua had? Need I go on? Oh, men of Israel, why do you think your military strength make you men of valor? Do you not understand it is your righteousness through MY Son YAHUSHUA that will cause ME to fight your battles and you will win?
Oh, Women of Israel and Jerusalem, where are the Holy vessels who fear I, YAHUVEH more than you fear what men say? Where are the women of Israel with the Holiness and obedience and faith like unto a Sarah, Deborah, Ruth, Esther or Miriam? Why are the Delilah's and spirit of Jezebel allowed to defile what is meant to be Holy? Do you not know that one of MY Two Witnesses will have a spirit like unto Deborah who was Judge of all of Israel.
Oh, Israel, why do you not obey the laws laid down for you at Mount Sinai. Did I not set you apart for MY Glory? Did I not lovingly protect you from the plagues and curses that came upon your enemies? Did I not safely get you across the Red Sea by parting it and drowning your enemies the Egyptians? Do you even bother to count how many miracles I have done for your sake? Oh, Israel and Jerusalem, do you think I like beating you to get your attention. There is none like your nation on the face of this earth. I have blessed you so much, but how have you blessed and obeyed your Creator? Return to ME Oh, Israel so I can again bless you abundantly. I cannot bless anyone that is in rebellion. Choose you this day which ELOHIM you will serve.
Oh, Israel, how MY heart is grieved 'I AM' YAHUVEH, 'I AM' the ELOHIM of Israel although you have been as a defiant rebellious wife. You do opposite of what I have commanded your ancestors Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and Joshua who put MY will first to obey the commandments given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. Your King David had victory in battles, so did Joshua for they knew it was not by their might, not by the number and strength of their warriors or weapons. The victory came because they put I, YAHUVEH's will first. They came to ME with repented hearts, fasting, anointed prayers, worship and praise. They knew the enemies were delivered into MY hands. They knew they were used to fight in the battles but it was I, YAHUVEH that won the wars for MY Praise, Honor and Glory alone!
Hear Oh, Israel, I am preparing MY Two Witnesses that now live on this earth and who will soon be caught up to Heaven and return again endowed with new anointing Powers from Heaven and a Glorified Body, no longer subject to the bondages of a physical body. MY Two Witnesses will come to you again with signs, wonders and miracles proclaiming I, YAHUVEH's NAME and Glory and the NAME of the only Prince of Peace who is the only MESSIAH, YAHUSHUA MY Son. MY Two Witnesses will again come to rebuke you Oh, Israel and warn you to repent.
Hear Oh, Israel and Jerusalem, Jacob wrestled with I, YAHUVEH and because of this he was crippled and walked with a limp (Gen 32:24-26). You have been wrestling with ME Oh, Israel and you shall be crippled, never knowing true peace until you cry out BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! Then you shall be blessed in ways exceedingly and abundantly more than you dare dream or ask for.
YAHUSHUA opened the eyes of the blind and scales fell from their eyes and they praised YAHUSHUA for their sight giving Praise and Glory to I, YAHUVEH. You however Oh, Israel and Jerusalem, you denied these miracles were from Heaven and so now you are blind and have scales on your eyes and that is why you will be deceived by the son of satan who some call the anti-messiah for 3 1/2 years you will be deceived and believe his false peace.
Hear Oh, Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, I send you the Living Water again and again through MY anointed vessels yet you have thrown the Living Water back in their faces. You have persecuted, beaten, exiled, imprisoned and killed MY Prophets. For this reason I shall send MY Two Witnesses to Jerusalem and they shall prophesy against the evils you Oh, Israel have done, are doing and will do. MY Two Witnesses shall seal the sky and no rain will fall because you refuse and reject the Living Water from YAHUSHUA. MY Two Witnesses shall loose all the curses of Deut. 28 on those who disobey and those who deny the deity of MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA. MY Wrath shall fall on everyone who curses YAHUSHUA's NAME. MY undiluted wrath shall consume everyone who carries the Mark of the Beast and worships the Beast. (Rev 13:16-18)
Oh Israel, Oh Jerusalem, I weep and I wail over you. You have a form of godliness but where is the godliness within? You want the world to have mercy on you, but where is your mercy Oh, Israel? You have a right to defend yourself but you have crossed the line when you pick up the weapons of biological and chemical warfare. I am nowhere in these battles, you do not call on I, YAHUVEH for help, you try to do it by your own hand using the weapons of another land. When you use biological and chemical warfare you punish your enemies far more than I have ever allowed. Beware for you shall reap the whirlwind of I, YAHUVEH's wrath as what you send comes back in your face. The nations that give you these weapons shall reap the same fate.
Oh Israel, Oh Jerusalem, your people weep and wail, they run in confusion, I weep over all. It will only be when I, YAHUSHUA comes there will be peace between the Brothers, the peace on Abraham's seed. Until that time as it has always been you both will continue to try to wipe each other off the face of the earth. When the false peace comes the anger and the hatred will still be there. There is no peace until the PRINCE OF PEACE COMES (Isa 9:6) and it is I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH!
Prophecy 90: Just as it is written Isaiah 1 (Yeshayahu 1), in Israel you don't run to the pubs on the Shabbat to drown your sorrows and sins in, but nevertheless you have compromised what Holy is. You have not stood against the Government Zionist agenda or defended the innocent. There is a remnant in Israel that are Holy and filled with MY HOLY SPIRIT and they prophesy and protest against abortion, homosexuality, immorality, and they have received YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH.
Prophecy 91:
You Jew's on the days of Sukkot, so full of pride, "My sukkot is better than your sukkot. My food is better than yours. I read the Torah longer than you." All of you lost focus. Only a remnant few built their sukkots and they were the humblest and they truly touched MY heart for they didn't do it as a ritual; they didn't do it out of pride. And those that touched MY heart, looked for YAHUSHUA those nights. I have MY Messianic Jews, some of the very Bride of YAHUSHUA sits in Jerusalem and they touched MY heart. I'm not angry at those that watched for MY SON, waited and grieved for it was not the time to come. I'm angry at those who only did this Holy Day as a ritual.
Prophecy 99:
Now I tell you this! Even the humble myspace, I told you Elisheva you would reach millions of souls. All of them are bait to lead them here, to get the Truth that they are not getting from any organized church. Oh I have a remnant. I have a few but there are more that do not speak forth MY Truth, so few and so far between. And now I tell you this, the Hebrew translator shall come forth for this is even deeper foreign waters I send you into. But beware for if you think the battles have been tough thus far, when I send you into heathen waters, when I send you forth into the waters where the Orthodox Jews dwell, even the kaballah shall be used against you. They shall cast their curses. But what they are going to find out, those curses shall return back unto their own face for Israel is full of the occult, occult that you do not understand, have never learned, for I have never even allowed you to even have heard of these things but you shall have Wisdom that which you do not have now, where you've not yet encountered the enemy that will come at you when these Prophecies are translated into Hebrew. The very son of satan will rise up and send others to try to devour you. Remember this, no Zionist Jew is of ME. Zionism is not Holy.
Prophecy 107:
Remember, these are the ones who are adopted and these are the ones who are grafted in. If this were the case, then everyone with Hebrew blood coming from their bloodline then all would be guaranteed a way to Heaven. A guarantee to Heaven and yet look at Israel. Look at Jerusalem. How few of a remnant have accepted YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH and until they do, they are doomed. They will not see Heaven. They know the Torah. How few obey the Torah. They know which day the Shabbat is. How few honor that Shabbat. It is more than just taking a rest. It is more than just a ritual. YAHUSHUA is the Lord of the Shabbat.