Prophecy 45:
England, you have brought judgment from Heaven upon you. Repent, for this wickedness (Harry potter) comes from your own land. England, you have done nothing to stop it. Why? How can MY spiritual leaders stay silent? Why are not the churches putting warnings out in newspapers and on the airwaves? Why are not MY children boycotting every store and product that promotes this witchcraft and demon possessions? Why are not the parents protesting, and refusing to allow the schools to feed your children what you have not fed your children.
Prophecy 74:
Those that repent before ME, those that shed tears of remorse, those that turn to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, those who will obey and turn from their evil sins this day, I am faithful and I will forgive before it is too late. But I tell you this MY Children; it is only a small remnant of this human race. Oh, America and England and all those who are puffed up with pride. Need I remind you, pride cometh before a great fall and a great fall is coming and no one will be able to save you? So Children you have been warned. You will know what it means when you see the fire in the sky. So hide yourself MY Children for just a little while.
Prophecy 92:
Lawmakers, you think because you decree new laws, because of the stench that rises to heaven from your sins, because you change the laws of the land, it changes the laws in Heaven? You shall reap hell and the Lake of Fire for doing this. You cannot erase MY Name so easily or that of YAHUVEH. America and Europe, you embrace the heathen gods now because you have forsaken your one and true God YAHUVEH and I, YAHUSHUA. Your hearts are full of every evil. Not enough Holy People rose up to protest against the abominations that became laws. Now it is a race to see which politician can speak the most abominable lies and pass the most abominable laws.
There is coming a day very soon when you will have to pray and discern, should you witness to this person or will it be a trap of the government? Any nation that loses their religious freedoms is because they allowed the governments to strip them away little by little until all that is left is a dictatorship and a work of the antichrist! America and Europe, how far you have fallen from MY grace and mercy.
Prophecy 95:
Oh England, oh United Kingdom, there's nothing united about you. Once you stood for morality, there's nothing moral about you anymore. Everything I abhor, you allow your politicians to embrace.
Prophecy 103:
I warned the U.K.(United Kingdom) I warned the world about Harry Potter. The witchcraft now pervades, not only in homes, but in nations. I warn before I send Judgment. How many would not listen? How many of you who call yourself Christian still read the Harry Potter books to your children? So do not be amazed when you see the spirit of rebellion and the worst of sins manifest in your children, the tiniest of the tots. I, YAHUVEH, warned you. Do not be amazed when you see devastation come to your nation for not standing up for Holiness. These are the End Times and by your fruit I know you. By every nation, by every leader, I know you. How much is just worthless, rotten stench to MY nostrils!