Prophecy 14:
Let the White House know, MY People will not accept the blood of the innocent babies on their hands, nor will you accept the stench of the sins of homosexuals, and you refuse to pay for armed services that condone homosexuals and their lifestyles. Do not allow the public schools to teach this damnable lie that will corrupt the youth of this nation, sending millions into Hell.
You MY Children, by remaining silent condoned the act of the heathens, while the government, because of a handful of people decreed no GOD in school, no bibles, no prayer; you allowed it and now wonder why the public school systems and the youth seem to be accursed. How can you ask ME to bless, what the people have said is not MINE. Take back the schools in MY NAME and take your children out of these dens of iniquities. For without MY Light, MY Presence, MY Truth, these dens will only get darker and the children also. They (the public schools) are quickly becoming dens for the antichrist and your silence and tax dollars are supporting them. Those that have ears to hear, listen, those who do not remain deaf.
Prophecy 15:
You are a thorn in MY side America. I am greatly angered, as I have seen what is taught in the schools as your children sit in the dens for the antichrist, as evolution is taught and not creation. As one lie after another erases the good the parents that raised up their children in the way of godliness is raped from them. Your children are lying naked and raped. Yet you do little to protect them. Yes, I am speaking to MY People, not the heathen that don't know any better. Your children are being fed a vocabulary where MY NAME is being removed and only used as a curse word. They are being taught unholiness and rebellion against all that is Holy.
You MY Children, by remaining silent condoned the act of the heathens, while the government, because of a handful of people decreed no GOD in school, no bibles, no prayer; you allowed it and now wonder why the public school systems and the youth seem to be accursed. How can you ask ME to bless, what the people have said is not MINE. Take back the schools in MY NAME and take your children out of these dens of iniquities. For without MY Light, MY Presence, MY Truth, these dens will only get darker and the children also. They (the public schools) are quickly becoming dens for the antichrist and your silence and tax dollars are supporting them. Those that have ears to hear, listen, those who do not remain deaf.
Prophecy 18:
(Elijah speaking) I received this today as I wept yesterday for the young children that were murdered without reason other than the other young children were possessed by evil spirit of murder and mayhem. This 11 year old and 13 year old do not even understand what compelled them to shoot innocent children their own age, those they had played with and laughed with and now murdering them like deer in a forest but even the deer have a chance to run and hide. Satan himself manifested to these children in a way we cannot comprehend. Yes pray, but pray that this government that expelled the only protection this world has, his name is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and the Holy Bible will be quickly put back in the schools. Once again the Ten Commandments will hang in the public schools. Thou shalt not murder. We say that and then the government tells our children but you can murder innocent babes as long as no one can see it as long as the baby is safe in the mother's womb away from prying eyes; it's legal to murder that helpless innocent baby. It's the mother's choice.
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Thus sayeth YAHUVEH, "HOW DARE YOU, HOW DARE YOU, HOW DARE YOU! You ask ME how I could have allowed such a thing. You say where is YAHUVEH when these murders of these babies occurred? But I have been evicted from your public school system. MY NAME is not mentioned but only in curse words. Why is MY protection wanted when MY presence is not wanted? Why do you consider this any more of a horror then an innocent baby crying in the mother's womb that is tortured in the act of abortion? Is it because only I can hear their silent screams? When on the schoolyard the screams and cries of the babies were heard everywhere can't you see it is the same thing? The spirit of murder entered into children that played in satan's territory.
Did I not say whatever is in your heart will be manifested. Children are being force fed blood and gore on television through the movies and games they play. Children are being force fed violence, death, destruction, homosexuality, porn, hatred and rebellion just to name a few. They are being taught Holiness is not needed for today. You say to ME why did I allow this? It would not have happened if only the children had been taught to cry out in MY NAME. Those that witnessed this mayhem will testify when they called out to ME, I was there. MY angels fought for them and covered them with their wings. These babies all are in Heaven, yes the ones that were aborted and the ones that died on that school ground. But I allowed this to show what is happening to the public school system as the spirit of antichrist is shoving anything Holy out of school.
You are paying a price America and all nations that follow her example. This will continue until the senseless abortions stop. I will allow satan to manifest in your children who have not been taught to call upon ME. I will allow satan to use the music and media to corrupt your children taking them away from ME and away from you and they will be allowed to declare war on parents, adults and authority figures. For when you taught them not to respect what is Holy and what are MY Laws you have opened them up for satan to fill them with his evil spirits that will confuse and confound America and the school system. Games that started out innocent and fun, that taught children how to get along with one another now pit one against the other seeing who can murder one another.
I prophesy now something so horrible to contemplate but the murders are going to become more prevalent. The parents will fear their children. The children will control their parents as this rebellion has been allowed to grow. The states will say, "They own your children." The states will pass laws to keep your children from getting disciplined by the parents. Parental rights have been stripped away little by little till soon you parents will have no rights. Don't let this continue. Satan can't take what you don't give him. Take back your children in MY NAME. Take your children out of these dens of iniquities; you are educating them at the expense of their souls.
Seek ME while I can be found easily and I will show you another way to educate your children, both the things in the spiritual realm and physical realm. I will once again give them back the desire for Holiness and for morality. There is a veil of darkness that has descended on the public school system, and the cloak of darkness has come from the very pits of Hell and it is covering many of the youth of this nation, who are not worshipping ME as their Lord and Savior. The children are suffering for the parents sin of not teaching them who YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is. I am their only protection. Satan has been welcomed in your schools and unholiness abounds in them. Stand up parents; take your children out of schools that will not allow MY Holiness to be part of the rearing of your children. Stand up parents and tell the government these children you have the right to discipline. I discipline those that I love. They must know the fear of Almighty GOD YAHUVEH once again and the fear of their parents. Godly, respectful fear that builds character and nourishes the soul knowing there are rules and if you break the rules you will pay.
The schools are paying now. The government is paying now. The parents are paying now. They seek to pass laws and it shall come to pass, only if you allow it, that you will be forbidden to spank your children. Most of all, the youth of this nation and world is paying now. They need ME and yet so few parents are teaching them that I am the only way, truth and life. Holiness is necessary and is to be stressed in these end times. Fear this law! Fight this law! For if you think your children are rebellious now you have only had a glimpse of this rebellion. The blood is not only on these children's hands that murdered, the blood is on the Board of Education. The blood is on the parents hands that did not teach their children Holiness. The blood is on the government's hands. The blood is on America and it is not MY Son's Blood, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, that now covers this nation, but the innocent blood of the million babies that are murdered daily, 24 hours a day.
Prophecy 44:
Ask yourself, would your public school take the time to read the Holy Scriptures in a classroom? Would your public schools take your children to see a passion play of the life of YAHUSHUA? Then why are you allowing satan to teach your children? Get them out of the dens of the anti-christ before it is too late. The world's children are being groomed now just as surely as hair is groomed, therefore the name Harry Potter. This film, worldwide will be shown and yet it should not be received as the kind of grooming you want your children to have, nor even yourselves.
Prophecy 61:
Where are all MY Holy Men that lift up their Holy hands to ME? Why are they not the spiritual head of the households? Why are the wives ruling the marriages? Why are the men cowering in the corners? Again I have to raise up the Deborah's around this world to do the jobs the men are supposed to be doing. It is the women who know MY Word, not all, but in so many cases it is the women that say, "This is the True Sabbath Day, we will honor it." It is the women who take the children and raise them up spiritually. And then you wonder why the homes fall. You wonder why juvenile delinquency rises, you wonder why your schools are a place even the most hardened criminal would fear. You wonder why the children rule the parents. It is because MY voices you will not hear. MY voice you will not hear.
Prophecy 84:
America, you fly alone. You think you have friends? They hate you behind your back. You bribe them like a bully on a playground, you have not a friend. Wait until the other nations see you are but an illusion. You are a vapor in the air. There's not even a fire there. You are but a puff of smoke. Wait until the other nations find out you are a plucked eagle. Why? Because you would not submit to MY authority. Why? Because you kicked ME out of your schools. You did not want the Ten Commandments to be seen in the courtyards, in the courts. The hypocrisy of the ones who call themselves the Supreme Court.
Prophecy 91:
MY final Words I have to say this day, "Holy parents, get your children out of the dens of the antichrist called schools!" Do you not listen? Do you want to follow satan's rules? Protest! Let your voices be heard! I allowed this atrocity for one purpose to see how many of you will speak forth! Boycott the schools! Protest that which is being done in California even when you don't live there! All around the world if you are Holy, speak forth now before it goes to your state, before it goes to your country. This is the spirit of the one that is called the antichrist. This is the spirit of the son of satan who permeates this world with these lies. You have a mouth, use it! Refuse to send your children to school! You sat back and let a minority rule and try to convince you that homosexuality is in the majority. I tell you, this is all a lie. But the ones with the most money have heaped treasure onto the ones that make the rules. But take it back! Take it back! Take the power that I have given you back! Stop allowing only a few to speak out for ME.
Prophecy 92:
This offends ME greatly as the largest to the smallest Church congregations did not march and protest to their governments, speaking loudly so all can hear. Instead they have remained silent as laws that YAH has decreed as an abomination are passed as legal in the lands and even taught as truth in the schools! Woe be unto any Island, country or nation that does this, they shall reap YAHUVEH's revenge. Woe be unto any nation or school that removes Biblical truths and governments that no longer revere the words "In God We Trust."