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Prophecy 14:
Taxpayers beware, the blood of the unborn babies will be on all Christian and non-Christian hands, if Clinton succeeds in passing federally paid abortions.

Prophecy 15:
The President and leaders of this country are about to feel MY all consuming wrath for leading this nation astray.

I am speaking forth this warning to the ones who claim they are leaders of this country. LET MY PEOPLE GO to live Holy before ME. Let them worship ME and all I stand for. Leave MY Children alone. Stop persecuting them. Deuteronomy 28 curses are reserved for the disobedient. Exodus 11:4 will be your judgment once again. Turn back to the GOD of your forefathers once again. Turn back leaders of this nation and become RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) filled leaders of this nation. Rebuke sin and punish unholiness or Pharaoh's fate shall be yours. LET MY PEOPLE GO, thus saith YAHUVEH.

Prophecy 28:
In this world all is not what it seems to be. In this world the god of lies and destruction is ruling many countries. But the GOD of Truth is YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and I have placed in all those that worship, serve and obey ME and the RUACH ha KODESH and WE will separate the truth from the lies. WE will shelter you from the coming destruction and devastation. Do not allow your eyes to only be focused on the darkness, the negatives of this world, but rather think on the good thoughts, the protection, the miracles I will do to save MY Children. Just as in the time of Moses, so I shall do it again. In a new way, with new modern day tools, but nevertheless I will protect MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect. I will not only protect but I will bless MY Beloved Bride in ways they have not even dreamed of. Just TRUST ME!  

Prophecy 31:
I have this against you America. Your leader is not only a whore monger but a war monger. Your streets do not flow with enough perversion and enough blood shed now you must take it to other nations. The unborn you slaughter with less mercy than your animals you put to death for food. You take more regard and compassion on the creatures than you do the babies that are tore apart and burned alive daily.  

Prophecy 32:
Your spiritual leaders who every week holds Church or Temple and yet do not lead the people to fast, pray and intercede against this. Two wrongs do not make a right. How can you condemn murder on one hand and yet applaud it on the other hand as long as your nation is doing the murdering. Hypocrites! How can you say we must support our political leaders when what they do is wrong? Yes, I put the political leaders in office. I also put the evil pharaoh as a corrupt ruler. Did I tell Moses to obey him when he was ungodly? Did I not tell the Israelites to flee this ungodly ruler? Did I not tell Moses to warn this ungodly ruler? Did I not create the evil pharaoh and yes, even Hitler and Mussolini for MY wrath and destruction for the evil they had done in MY sight.  

Prophecy 36:
The darkness that is to come shall symbolize the anger of "I AM" when I cover MY eyes at your calamities, wars, famines, death, destruction, pestilence, poverty, disease and the list goes on. Warn MY enemies they have brought this shame upon their own nations, upon their own selves! MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, and Elect need not fear but they shall wail and grieve also with ME as they see these things come upon those that choose not to serve the God they serve. They shall see these upon those that do not have the redemption seal upon their foreheads. The Blood of YAHUSHUA covering their sins.

What do lightness and darkness have in common? What does MY Son YAHUSHUA and satan have in common evil cannot lead good. The political leaders are corrupt and you must discern rightly between good and evil. Your political leaders in all parts of the world have sold ME out. Satan was the highest bidder but I shall show them what I think for the game is not over. I control and rule though they want to ignore MY rulership. Even a nation that says it worships ME and the leadership knows not who "I AM" nor wants to serve ME, nor wants to obey ME.

Prophecy 37:
You will NOT succeed in stealing from a people I call preordained as MINE. They pay a price just for carrying the name of Jew and I shall protect this nation called Israel in ways no one has ever dreamed possible. I shall protect anyone with a love for Jerusalem! Although they deny MY Son YAHUSHUA, now there is coming a time when the name of YAHUSHUA will again be revered. This is now why the evil tries to pass laws that will forbid the name even to be spoken under penalty of prison, torture and death. Satan now controls the government of this nation and nations around this world. You are to submit to the governments only as much as they submit to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. For the government is upon the shoulders of YAHUSHUA HE alone paid the price! MY people are to obey the God they serve and not Man. Pray the corrupt governments will be defeated and the Holy ones will arise taking back what was stolen.

Prophecy 60:
How long, how long, how long must you try the patience of the Creator? How long must you try the patience of the Redeemer? I shall stomp MY foot on the ground and everything that can be shaken will be shaken; everything that can be uprooted will be uprooted. I shall shake up your politicians and I don't care what country you're in, you're no longer going to look to a government to provide. MY Children's going to know there is but One provider. It's the same One that poured water from a rock, that put manna on the ground. It is the same One that says I will supply all of your needs according to MY riches and Glory [Phil. 4:19] and I have no lack in Glory. In MY fury I breathed upon not only the United States but in various parts of the world MY hot breathe. Temperatures rose as MY temper rose. Droughts came as MY Living Water was refused.

Prophecy 65:
Get ready, get ready, get ready, get prepared MY Children for the evil times are coming upon you. I am not sending forth this nation to go into war. If they want a war, they shall get a war but it will be MY weapons the weapons of Heaven the arsenal of the weather, the arsenal of the elements. I shall shake the nations up, those that dare to defy ME and boast in their own strength will see that their strength has come to naught, is void and is powerless. The leaders of this nation wrestle not against man. The leaders of the United Nations wrestle not against man; instead they wrestle against I YAHUVEH the Great GOD 'I AM'.

They say, "I will do it my way and not YAHUVEH's way." Those that hold the power in this world with their inventions think they can control the weather and the elements but I am about to confound them as I turn their own weapons against them, their own machines, their own inventions, their own poisons that they seek to give others they shall drink of themselves, not even their loved ones will be protected although they said that they will do it.  

Prophecy 67:
When will this world start caring about what is done in secret by others in Politics? Now enemies of YAHUVEH are the ones that speak out to defend American's freedoms (ACLU) and because they are also enemies of the Gospel you ignore them when they try and get you to care about your freedom and privacy being taken from you. Remember when I warned when freedom of speech is taken from one it is taken from all. I spoke this in another prophecy given to this handmaiden.

Prophecy 69:
There is a coming of the Changing of the Guards. This is what in 2003 you will see. The changing of the guards in your police, in your government, politically and spiritually it is coming, the changing of the guards. They are the evil guards that come; they take the jobs away from the guards that I originally placed there. They are satan's henchmen that will take your freedoms away and cause MY Children to cry out to ME and wail and be in fear, so many will say, "Oh YAHUVEH where can we find you? Oh anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH why do you not speak?" Where will you find ME MY Children? For how few churches have MY Spirit within them.

Prophecy 75:
Lastly, those who live in America, I have given this Prophet of MINE a warning to give to you. I gave her a mandate to also share a dream I gave her and it will be done. I know those with the gift of discernment look at George W. Bush and you know he has a form of Godliness but no Godliness within. I, YAHUVEH say to you, "George W. Bush is the lesser of two evils." You know what is wrong with George W. Bush, yet he has not compromised in some things, although the pressure is on him to compromise his stance, as Vice President Cheney betrays him again. Cheney knows no shame and defends his reprobate homosexual daughter like his name says he is chained to the prince of darkness.

George W. Bush stands against Abortion, Partial birth Abortion, Stem Cell research, filthy abominations unto ME which is homosexuality and same sex marriages. Do not take it for granted George W. Bush will win the next presidential election. As I told MY Daughter in a dream, if you stand by and do nothing and do not vote or intercede in prayer, the Democrats will win the next Presidential election and the blood will flow in this land and the innocent will be in prison, for they will be accused of crimes they did not commit. John Kerry and his wife are servants of satan, make no mistake and they will not even feign Holiness. You have been warned. I warn you now John Kerry and his wife will make you regret you did not listen when I warned you through this Prophetic Handmaiden of MINE. Picture the most evil and reprobate rejoicing on Election Day. The wolves in the white house now try and disguise themselves but they will rip their own masks off on this day, there will be no limit to the evil that will be done and to the loss of freedom to those that fear YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA.

Prophecy 80:
As the Bride of YAHUSHUA, who is MY Esther, prays for the peace of Jerusalem, realize as you do this it is hastening everything that has been preordained. The coming of the son of satan, who is called the son of perdition, you are also hastening the Great Tribulation, as you hasten the coming of YAHUSHUA to rule and reign from Yisrael and sit in the Holy Temple. When you say, "Come YAHUSHUA, come quickly," realize the new anointing as you speak these words forth in anointed prayer. As Haman sought to kill every Jew, so too do satanic rulers on this earth and they will seek to kill every Messianic Jew also who has accepted YAHUSHUA the only MESSIAH. Ezekiel 9 has already begun. MY Holy People are sealed by MY hand alone. I prewarn now, destruction is on the way to the unholy and reprobate. I have a remnant in Yisrael who are hidden and yet are part of the members of the Bride of YAHUSHUA. Now is the time to arise and contact this one I am speaking forth these words from, for you are one.

From this day forward I command the Bride of YAHUSHUA, MY Esther of new, to observe the Feast of Purim and make merry. Celebrate and praise ME for delivering Esther, for without her how would the blood line of YAHUSHUA come forth? There would not have been any Hebrews on the face of the earth left if Haman had succeeded. What Haman attempted to do once will be tried again in the same way. Bounties will be placed on all Jews and believers in YAHUSHUA. That same spirit came again through the spirit of Hitler, so it will be done again, when the son of perdition comes, who is the son of satan. Bride of YAHUSHUA, study the book of Esther.  

Prophecy 84:
Oh America, how you grieve ME. If you could but see the bald eagle that you say represents your states, you would see the bald eagle weep. Oh, people of America, your government betrays you. They seek to ration what I have given you freely. For you will not only see your food rationed, you will not only see emergency supplies rationed, you will see water rationed, you will see the medicines needed rationed. They will say, "You have to come to us for permission to buy." Those with ears to hear, look at the vultures disguised as your politicians. Look at the demonic faces hidden behind the faces of flesh. And this does not just affect America. The nations who are too poor to do this, believe it or not, will be the safest; the nations who are the wealthiest will be the most dangerous.

You used to criticize nations who would torture. Now look what your airwaves are full of. Should we not torture them before they torture us? Can you not see, oh America, those who truly are of ME? Can you not see how the changing of the guard has taken place? That which I prophesied from this Ring Maiden years ago has now taken place. There are a few of them, there are very few who are MY remnant who are still politicians who are still trying as they bang their heads against the wall of the bureaucracy, of the hypocrisy, but they quit, they give up, they compromise to the governments lies.

And now I speak to all the nations of the world , satan seeks to use America to set a chain reaction where all your governments far and wide will betray you in the same way. Some of them already have but I make the same promises to you. Pray a blessing over that water each time you drink, say, "This represents the Living Water of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and nothing can harm me." Don't purposely drink that which you know is tainted. When I give you no other way that is when it is going to take faith.

Prophecy 87:
Hear Oh, Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, there is no royal blood on this earth except through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Only those whose names are already written in the Lambs Book of Life (Rev 17:8) before the foundation of this earth can claim the Royal Bloodline through the Royal Blood of the KING of the UNIVERSE, KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, KING of the Jews! All others who call themselves of a royal earthly bloodline are imposters and there is nothing royal in them. Only MY People grafted in through the bloodline of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH are Royal in MY eyes. Only YAHUSHUA's Bride will be coroneted in Heaven.

Just because your countries label another nation their enemy, do not make it your enemy, for the governments of this world are not of ME. They do not speak for ME, they do not respect ME and they want no part of ME. Your enemies are who I decree are your enemies. The seed of satan is your enemy. Who is the seed of satan it is all those whose names are NOT found in the Lambs Book of Life. They never were MINE when they were born on this earth.

Prophecy 95:
I have more to say but the Words I have to say will not be for the world to hear. It is for you five. Oh MY beloved Little Ones, you need a Passover. Those reading these Words, those who will hear these Words, you need a Passover. You need to be delivered of your burdens, of your enemies. No matter how humble of a Passover that you do, just do it. Just acknowledge the fact you need a Passover. You need a new beginning. You need miracles from Heaven. You need deliverance from the enemies' hands for I warn you of this, your worst enemies are your own governments and your own land. I warn you of this. America, you are doomed. I prophesied it again and again and again and again! So America, I'm going to give you a leader after your own heart. You are a bully. You are brutish. You once were so blessed and now you are a curse unto ME and all who follow in America's footsteps, all you nations, I speak through this Prophetic Handmaiden, so you shall be a curse unto ME. So you are a curse unto ME. I warned you Canada, don't follow in your sister's footsteps. But you sold yourself, the government of Canada, oh Canadians, for the price of gold, sold itself. Now embraces immorality, embraces the spirit of atheism.

You Holy ones who sit in America and you say for the first time there's no one to vote for, I already gave you the only candidate that stood for morality and Ron Paul is his name. So even though, your vote won't be counted, cast your vote in Heaven. Write your vote on earth for those of you who can. I know your heart. But do not compromise. Obama is an abomination unto ME. I've said it once, I'll say it again.

John McCain is the son of Cain. I said it once, I'll say it again. Hillary Clinton, your soul is as black as black can get. There is no lesser of evil running for president. All of you are evil in MY eyes. And the only hope there was, the media will not even give attention. You see I always have a people and they are the hidden ones. Oh how few Judge Roy Moores I have for they will not speak out like he does. America, oh how different it would have been if the one you call Judge Roy Moore, your president he would have been but there's no desire anymore for morality or Holiness and it goes from one nation to the next!

Prophecy 99:
Does not MY Word say that I, YAHUVEH, take vengeance? Vengeance is MINE saith I, YAHUVEH! Call on ME and I will cause your enemies to run in 7 different directions! How many different directions are you running now oh Chinese government? But I am making sure the Holy angels are there to protect and provide for your brothers and sisters in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Woe be to the world because watch China. You are going to see what happened to China hit California. I will not mention the other parts of the world but America you want to play a harp? (H.A.A.R.P.) Wait until I play MY harp. You want to control the weather, you have not seen anything yet.

I am sending confusion to the scientists. I am sending confusion to the astronomers. There is insanity in the White House. There is insanity in the government. The people run to and fro. The politicians are insane. How can they lead the people? So call on ME. Call on ME. Call on ME while I will yet listen, call on ME. I do not do anything until first I speak forth out of the Prophets. I warned out of this Prophet's mouth what would happen from the moment that they left America, a Prophecy was released and warned you what would happen when the price of oil went up, I warned you of the food prices. (Prophecy 85) I warned you of the costs. I even warned you of the truck drivers as their costs go up, you have not seen anything yet.

But know this, this famine is not of MY making. It is the manipulation of those who are full of greed. As they heap the gold and the silver to themselves and plot to kill those that are in need. It started with abortion and then it went to those too sick to defend themselves. This was the genocide that I speak of. There is death in the vaccinations. I have warned again and again. Because this world does not think it needs poor children. I warned you it would go to the elderly. All of it is genocide. All of this is so the rich can be provided for in their own eyes. And now you wring your hands and you wonder why teenagers suicide is so high. Your only hope is in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Your only hope is in repentance and obedience. Your only hope is in MY mercy. For I am long suffering. So continue on what you are doing. Continue on warning. While you have the freedom to speak forth for there are powers that be that seek to silence you, that seeks to silence MY true Prophets. So speak while you can.  

Prophecy 101:
The plans that the enemies have, both in the government and in satans kingdom are for evil, to steal, kill and destroy. To starve, to poison the very air that you breathe. To experiment with the water you drink, where all manners of various poisons already pollute your water. The wealthy want to de-populate the earth, to save all the resourses for them, but I, YAHUVEH say, I will have the last word. I will not be mocked. I will protect those who are MINE and the enemies own weapons shall consume them.

Prophecy 102:
The fallen angels are going to raise up. The fallen angels will say, "No longer believe in this Bible, it's passe! It's just a book of fairy tales! This is the, 'Modern Age'. "Homosexuality and same sex marriages… they will scream they're right to kill the unborn babe in the mother's womb.

Political leaders, where satan has filled their heart to overflow, will rage and will scream, "You who believe in this YAHUSHUA, your heads shall roll!"

It's only those who cry out to ME now that are protected from the Mind Control waves that are in the air. They control your mind through the water and through the food you eat. They put the chips when you least expect it to track you like a dog to know exactly where you are. If it's this bad now, can you imagine what it will be in the Great Tribulation?

Hold on tight to the hem of MY garment! Don't, don't look through the eyes of the flesh! Look through the eyes of your precious RUACH ha KODESH, your IMMAYAH! Look through the eyes of your MOTHER WISDOM! Pray for more Wisdom! Pray for more Wisdom because you need it now! And oh, you who are the Guests, pray for more Wisdom! Pray for more discernment for you not only need it now, you are going to need it in the time of Jacob's Trouble. You are going to need it in the Great Tribulation when mere man is looked on and worshipped and adored! You have your idols now oh world. You call them movie stars or evil demonic politicians but I tell you this, there's coming a man who is going to be the son of perdition, the very son of satan. Beware! You've been warned! Be warned! Be wary! Be very wary! Be alert! Be on guard! Because those you think you can trust if they're not full of MY Spirit, if they've not bowed their knee to ME, if they're not living obedient unto ME, if their heart is filled with rebellion now, think how much worse off it will be. You've been warned!

Prophecy 103:
Reread the Prophecies and you shall see, I warned you that the murder would start out with the unborn, daring not to call them a human. Where is their inalienable rights? Where is their right for the pursuit of happiness? Where is their right to live? Why have you taken it away? Why would you elect a president that even goes one more step in the abomination and did what no one has dared done before and said, "If the child survives abortion, it is the right of that mother to let it die, do not touch it, let it suffer in agony and let it die."

This is the heart of the one you elected president. What do you think will happen to you? Weep, oh, mourn, oh, America, for you've just elected your demise! For I know the fruit within Barack Hussein Obama and for those of you who weep and mourn who know this is not America's best hour, pray and ask ME what you are to do and where you are to go before the horror befalls America, for America, I know your fruit! By your fruit oh, America, I shall judge you! Just like the other nations of this world! This is the time when evil is spoken of as good and good is spoken of as evil.

Prophecy 104:
Beloved Ones, you need not fear anyone will worship MY Bride, for the world will reject, persecute, and hate MY Bride as the heathens hate ME, as they hate all that is Holy. Always remember this, only the counterfeit who are not of MY Spirit are worshipped! Never will MY true Bride allow it. Beware of a counterfeit who is America's President Elect and who has done nothing and yet through mass mind control, hynosis and mind manipulation with words alone, written by others, like unto a Hitler, he is now worshipped and no one can figure out why.

Oh America, remember the prophetic dream I released through Elisheva about Hitler rising up, so beware World of the dictator of dictators, for the same spirit that drove Hitler is the same spirit that again will run Washington D.C. You have been warned. When you see a person worshipped and compared to I, YAHUSHUA, realize this is a counterfeit sent by satan to mock ME.

Governments in various parts of the world have been practicing mind control methods on the mass population in various forms, in various ways, and through various methods. All this to prepare for the one called The False Prophet, and the one called the anti-christ. MY Holy children are not decieved and will not worship the counterfeit, they will rebuke and warn against the counterfeit.

Prophecy 107:
Children now in school are taught, what you don't want just throw it out. Humanity is nothing more than a disposable pan, you use it once, throw it away, never to be seen again. This is what it's boiled down too. This is the new creed the heathen's preach. This is what the President of the United States now stands for and woe be unto any child that survives an abortion, even by MY miraculous hand. I have had some born alive to test them and see what will they do. These precious ones who actually breathed air are thrown in a garbage dump.

There are many ways to kill the children now, even poisoning their food, poisoning their toys. Be not deceived, the son's of satan call this population control. It's all part of their plan as even the air you breath is poisoned full of death and destruction and disease. But ask the new world order, those in their secret society and if they were to tell you their secrets they would tell you it's all about population control. Only the rich shall survive. The richest of the rich, but I am confounding the enemy. Those covered in MY Son's shed Blood at Calvary, those who call out to YAHUSHUA MASHIACH. That blood is their immunity. Keep praying, keep asking, keep reminding ME to take MY vengeance on those who spread the poison in the sky and MY vengeance shall come on those who created these formulas of death, disease and destruction (and) the politicians who allow it.