Prophecy 13:
This world will NEVER embrace MY Children. This world is sinful and a stench in MY nostrils. The sin stench in America and in these nation leaders and of this world is gagging ME and from this stench I will be free. That's why I am coming to get MY Children safely home quickly. Then the judgment of YAHUVEH will fall on this earth in a way that has never been dreamed of nor ever will happen again and it will happen to this heathen land. But if the world is embracing you when I come, then know this and beware for you're not MY Child, you belong to satan, and your name is not written in the Lamb's Book of Life under the heading redeemed. You are only fit for the judgment and wrath of Almighty GOD YAHUVEH. Hell is what you will see.
Prophecy 15:
Thus saith YAHUVEH, unless this nation humbles itself before ME and all of Heaven and earth, this nation, America that was set apart to bring ME Praise, Honor and Glory, will never win another war again. It's been only by MY grace thus far, this country has remained free. But now your leaders have gone awhoring after other gods, they have called themselves MINE, yet mock all that is Holy. They don't even lie like evil Pharaoh did.
I am going to prove once again I am not a GOD to be mocked or ignored. America get ready, world get ready and enemies of the Gospel of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH get ready. Those that are not MINE will again see a separation between those that worship ME, those that hate ME and all that is Holy. You shall see how I will punish the heathen and see with your eyes the way I protect the Holy and punish the unholy and all those condoning sin. All your riches will not be able to stop what Almighty GOD YAHUVEH is going to do.
Remember the plague of rats that descended on the White House? Because I sent MY Prophets and you wouldn't listen. I sent MY Prophecies and you burned them. MOCKING! It shall even be greater than before. Repent before it's too late. Its one minute until midnight. There is yet time before I take MY Children home with ME and this nation will gnash their teeth in pain for they dared mock the great GOD YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. At Midnight MY wrath will fall.
Prophecy 18:
You heathens who do abominations in MY eyes, and put it on the media and even in your songs, you who want everyone to have a choice for abortion, euthanasia, and homosexuality, you who take away the rights of the parents to rear their children with a Godly fear and respect. You will find I am YAHUVEH and I am a GOD in equal balance to love and wrath and you will see what happens when this punishment comes upon you from nowhere but MY hand. No where to flee but to ME. This new plague has already begun great fatigue, great fever, your blood will appear to look black, no immunity, your blood will pour out of your mouths, hemorrhaging! For you mocked the Holy Blood Shed for you at Calvary and now I will mock you back with blood that will show the unholiness in your blood. You will pray to die but death will not come easily. REPENT NOW! Stop killing MY unborn babes. Stop corrupting the youth and this world with your stench of unholiness. REPENT NOW America! Watch as those you consider leaders are leaders no more. REPENT NOW! The blasts from Hell that curses all that is Holy on your media, that the young ones repeat and not even understand how they anger ME must stop. I am going to beat you with MY ROD of wrath until you repent.
You will pray to die but there will not come death easily.
Prophecy 21:
I have been mocked and ALL that is Holy has been mocked, and MY NAME is dammed, cursed continually on your airwaves, in songs, on television and in homes even where MY Children dwell. In a country set apart for MY Glory. A tiny infant yet so bold and brass as to say to the Creator "In GOD we Trust" and yet mock ME by not allowing MY RUACH ha KODESH to be in their schools, courts, or government, I will show the Supreme Court who alone is Supreme. I will show America what happens to a baby that says, "Go away, I don't need this Father YAHUVEH anymore." I will show America and use her for an example for I have saved MY worst for last. Your punishment is being stored up. The eagle will devour the country it was to protect.
Prophecy 23:
But, OH, these states who pass this law are going to regret it, because I will not be mocked. For the institution of marriage was set up to be Holy. It symbolizes the unity of the Father, Son and HOLY GHOST. We are ONE and when you marry, you are ONE.
Prophecy 24 part 1: America, yes, there is coming war to your shores and land. But I have protected you thus far. I have waited for America to REPENT and yet this nation only grieves ME, Angers ME! The Political leaders show no shame or remorse and only become more reprobate. The people who vote for these shameful leaders show no remorse or shame. They instead speak not for holiness but vote into office even more unholy heathens.
America you have what you voted for. The few Godly and righteous I had in office have been put to open shame. Stripped naked and their jobs stolen all because they dared to speak against the false prophet of this land all because they stood up for morality and Holiness. Woe be unto the people that had a choice to vote in the Godly and yet chose the heathen with spirits of the anti-christ instead. I spared MY People who were voted out of office that stood up for righteousness from being in the white house when all Hell breaks loose in that place and MY wrath I openly show toward the reprobate politicians. The Harlot, remember Sodom and Gomorrah, it's in the White House. I will bless those that voted against the evil in Washington D.C. and I will curse those that voted for the evil immorality with their votes.
I shall put America to open shame before the entire world. Your leaders will weep openly for what I am going to do. But not MY Children you will know what to do when the time comes. The reason you don't know yet it is not time. I am never too early or too late, I your Lord GOD is always on time, you just think I am late. MY timing is prefect. You can't go ahead of ME or behind ME but must stay right by MY side. All MY Children, those who belong to YAHUSHUA long for HIS coming again around this world, hear ME, the voice of your Creator, the great GOD 'I AM.' I will, for your sakes, send miracles like you have never seen thus far. For you see MY Son YAHUSHUA your MESSIAH approaches this earth, as this Handmaiden Elisheva Eliyahu has told you before, I repeat once again.
Prophecy 24 part 2:
I tell you the book of the Gentiles is closing as Dimitru Dudeman Prophesied to America. He watches now from Heaven and knows he did his best to warn America. But Oh how few listened. He warned you of the coming wrath on America. America did I not prophesy from this Handmaiden speaking now, that America REPENT before it's too late, for I have saved MY worst for last. But I say to MY Children that live in America don't GIVE UP YOUR BLESSED HOPE!
Prophecy 25:
Whether it be Mohammed, Buddha, Allah, the list goes on, at least the heathen countries acknowledge and serve a god, even though it be false. I will have more mercy on them, than America.
America, I will take you like a wad of paper and I'm setting you aflame for all to see. The merchants shall weep around the world for all your evil deeds.
You have dared to shake your fist at ALMIGHTY GOD YAHUVEH and I shall wad you up and those that are not ready for MY coming. You shall walk a path that I'd rather you not walk. You have been warned. If you think that it is hard to walk in faith now, how much harder do you think it will be when you see the horror that is to come? OH America, the flames of MY wrath shall encompass thee.
The White House shall burn and all political leaders, those that fight against ALMIGHTY GOD YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, shall return back to the flames from which they came.
Prophecy 31: Undiluted and in full measure will this world reap what it has been sowing. I warned the evil Pharaoh and I am warning MY enemies again. REPENT! Turn away from Evil. I warned Ninevah and they were spared but in the end they turned back to evil and I had to destroy what I had predestined to destroy. For I know the hearts of the reprobate. Those like Evil Pharaoh who speak like they are sorry and will cease their wicked ways only to compound the evil in the next breath by lying to ME and MY People. In the reprobate there is no truth in them. No matter what I do to them they will not serve ME or worship ME.
Protest, speak out against this war. America, you have brought this upon yourselves through your pride and your domineering spirit. You have brought what is to come to a nation I have personally protected with MY hand thus far. War has not come to your shores but will. For the sake of MY Beloved ones I will stave the hand of the executioner for yet a little while but oh so little of a while. You send war to other nations. You shall taste of war in your nation for acting in arrogance. You speak against another nation and yet you do not hear the echo of what you say come back to your own ears. For it is the words you accuse others of that your leaders themselves do in secret. Every American should shudder at what is being done. Your leaders both politically and spiritually had better repent and turn away from what they're doing. If MY People who call themselves by MY NAME will humble themselves and fall on their knees and repent, I will heal their land. I will forgive them. Oh but they are stiff necked and obstinate, saying they are not sinning and yet the whole world sees the sin but American politicians and those that follow after the evil ones who do these things.
Prophecy 32: America, woe be unto you, for blood shed has not come to your shores from war for many years but you have now called it upon yourselves. I am yet staying the hand of the executioner for the sake of the few who cry out for mercy. But when it comes there will be no warning. In the silence of the night it shall strike with no warnings. You're so puffed up with pride you think no nation shall strike back but woe be unto you America, for when it comes time to strike it shall not be by one hand that hits, you but by many hands that strike you for what you have partaken in. Your allies will be nowhere in sight for they will be battling for their own countries. Woe be unto you MY Children who support this war, your money is blood soaked.
Prophecy 34:
As in the times of old I will once again destroy like I did the walls of Jericho. Nations and economies shall tumble. It has already begun. Nations and people that say I will not do what I say will feel MY wrath in ways they have never experienced before.
All of the earth will tremble for "I AM" has begun to stomp this earth and it is only with one foot. When I stomp on this earth with BOTH FEET it will be in such a way no nation or city or land will be spared from the shaking! But again those who are mine and keep MY Sabbaths Holy, who worship ME in power and in truth I will spare, I will shelter you. Learn who "I AM" really is. I have not even begun to blow on this world yet but you shall see what happens when the creator of Heaven and earth and all that lies in between and around, blows on this world with the breath of "I AM" in ANGER and fierce WRATH!
Prophecy 36:
When you hear accusations of hoarding and governments that never rationed start rationing, when even the water is doled out as though it were a gift from man, then know this is the beginning of what I have prophesied above. When war is on all sides, and your country is ambushed know that I have forewarned those that were to FLEE and told them where to FLEE and if they obey they are under MY umbrella of safety, if they do not obey then although I love them and grieve for them they shall suffer in ways that would not have been necessary Have one fear and that fear is not hearing MY voice.
He plans on cutting up MY land as though it was a cookie cutter but I shall have the last say. I speak in the drought, I speak through the violent winds that will blow across the lands, I speak through the earthquakes that will topple the tallest buildings and I speak through the floods as MY tears are torrent for MY rebellious children. I speak and the earth quakes at MY anger. I speak and the lava pours forth at MY anger. The nations that want to butcher the unborn, selling body parts to the highest bidder BEWARE!
As in the time of LOT, I am about to destroy a nation that puffs itself up with arrogance, sin, disobedience, murder, thievery, perversion, debauchery and pride. Many laws created now in America are set up to honor the anti-christ not YAHUSHUA (Jesus Christ). You know it not but America is as gaseous fumes to MY nostrils. So are your political leaders. The political leaders who try to do right, end up being silenced or intimidated and end up doing wrong that is NOT a leader All of Heaven holds it nose at the stench of your sin that satan flaunts in MY face daily. Your forefathers watch and know what I am going to do to this country that as a child soils its pants and I must change them and yet I will smear the soil in your faces for you have angered ME.
You have no shame! I speak to the political leaders who pass the laws which are meant to guide MY people and yet instead they teach the people to soil their underwear also and not be ashamed. I taught you through MY Laws, MY Torah set up to guide your nations and what nation in all of earth will use those laws to govern the people? In all the earth even the nation that lifts up MY Name, and claims to be MINE, Israel does NOT OBEY ME! I must get their attention in a way I have foretold through their own prophets! I WILL DO ALL I HAVE PROMISED TO DO! WOE! WOE! WOE! TO THE NATIONS I UNLEASH MY ANGER ON!
Prophecy 49:
America, stop testing ME. Woe be unto an infant that shakes their fist in the face of the Almighty Living GOD YAHUVEH, there is no other. 'I AM' who 'I AM' and there is no other GOD. America, if you don't stop waving that red, white, and blue flag in 'I AM's face and start living Godly, raising up the bible, obeying the Torah, which is a Godly standard against the evil in this world, as well as the evil that comes against your nation. 'I AM' is going to release MY hold again on you and allow satan to give you a beating, where the tears will not stop, nor the wails of this nation that will be heard around the world. A satanic nation will beat you and make your bodies look like they were whipped red, white, and blue.
I will allow satan to inflict such wounds on you, if you don't cease this prideful, arrogant attitude. This attitude, that this nation is perfect and has done no harm, or wrong. Your pride is a stench to Heaven and causes ME such shame, as all of Hell rejoices and you cause satan to mock ME reminding ME how much MY grace and blessings have been poured out on America. For doing this beware for the price you will pay if you continue will be that of Babylon, and you will not rise up again. Truly Babylon will fall but it need not be now. Satan seeks to go ahead of MY time and I am waiting for true repentance America.
Oh America, I weep and wail over you. I send you forth to other nations with the Gospel of MY Son YAHUSHUA and your own country turns their backs on ME, except in times of great distress. Why must I take MY hand of protection off of you to get your attention? Do you think I enjoy seeing you suffer before the world's eyes? Did I not say through this Handmaiden, "America I have saved the worst for last, for you?" Do you not know only you are in control of your own fate? When America opened the floodgates and allowed every religion to come to their shores, do you really think I wanted you to welcome all the foreign gods that strangers brought with them? Have you so soon forgotten your heritage and how you first were birthed? Have you so soon forgot the miracles I did to give birth to this nation?
Strangers that come to America, and yet they are not ashamed to mention the name of the ones that are mere men, the devil in disguise, and yet called gods. And yet you who are set apart for MY Glory are ashamed to say the NAME above all NAMES. Then you dare to call upon ME for mercy for America. Oh if it were not for the intercessory prayers of MY True Children I would have allowed America to be removed from the face of the earth already. For the sake of MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, and Elect, in America as well as those crying out for her in other nations I would have wiped you from MY memory by now. This is how much you have angered ME and yet as angry as I am is how much I weep for you, and ask you to repent, for I don't want anyone to perish and go to a place created not for humans, but instead for satan and demons. This was created for the fallen angels.
America, Yes I have wrapped MY hand of protection around you again. See what happens when I loose MY grip? See how fast your nation is attacked by others jealous for the blessings I have given America. If the truth be known America you have no friends. They are all enemies in disguise and if possible would plunder all you have. 'I AM' is your only true friend and 'I AM' is your Creator and Father. Why are you ashamed of who 'I AM' is and what 'I AM' stands for and that is Holiness, and what 'I AM' stands against and that is all that is unholy. Repent America before it is too late. Oh America, so young and so foolish. Do you think I am impressed with prayers said to other foreign gods that are mere men and the devil in disguise? Your day of prayer and remembrance did little to honor ME; I only spared your nation again because of the fervent prayers of the righteous does availeth much. Do you know satan asked MY permission to crush you on that day? I refused for the fervent prayers of the righteous ones availeth much.
Beware America, for the next World War III will be the beginning of the end for you and many other nations shall fall when you do like dominoes in a row, like a house of cards. Beware and think hard on this, for how can I bless you to win a war when this nation no longer stands for Holiness. You leaders are more interested in pleasing all the people than pleasing and fearing the GOD of Salvation. MY Son's NAME is YAHUSHUA and whether you call him by his sacred NAME or the name in America more commonly called Jesus he is the same MESSIAH for eternity and there is no other. YAHUSHUA is the only way to come to 'I AM', there is no other GOD but the Holy Trinity for all three are one.
Beware, the hand of the executioner, don't trust your enemies. Beware of turning your back on the executioners for now there is more than one nation and executioner you need to be concerned about. I warned this Handmaiden I am speaking this through, BEWARE OF PAKISTAN and yet how few are speaking out and warning the leaders of this nation? America, you smile and the nations you think are smiling back hold missiles behind their backs. Warfare will harm you in ways never been done before. Only way this won't come to pass if the fervent prayers of the righteous will continue to invoke MY RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) to cover America and repent and stand up for Holiness and in boldness rebuke unholiness and call upon no other NAME than YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. Cover your President Bush in prayer, and woe be unto you when the next president comes. Woe be unto you when the next Pope comes. For this next Pope will not be a man of peace, and will be controlled by satan.
Prophecy 56:
The people take the warnings of the government now, since there has been so many, no longer seriously. But Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, California and Nevada, 'If MY people who are called by MY Name do not humble themselves, fall on their faces and repent for the sins in this land,' these five states will feel the wrath of Almighty God YAHUVEH's hand.
Entitle this Elisheva, Warn Them! Those that mock you and say, "Oh you've been warning of judgment every day. Warn Them! Just as in the days of Noah, how few paid attention 'til the flood came. Just as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. No one paid attention 'til it was too late. Warn Them! America, you think you're flying so high. But you don't understand, for only one purpose have I protected you, America, and that is because of those who call out in MY Name and pray, "Spare America, give America more time!" But where is the repentance, America? Where is the covering of your face in shame? For the atrocities still go on and MY Son's Name is damned.
Prophecy 57:
America you are as a Trojan Horse, but you shall pay a price for this if you do not repent. Anyone who betrays Israel betrays I, YAHUVEH and betrays MY Son YAHUSHUA. Anyone who is an enemy of Israel has set themselves up to be an enemy of I, YAHUVEH the Creator of Israel, also the Creator of America and I YAHUVEH the Creator of the universe. Any leader that puffs themselves up and makes themselves as a god and says, "I will destroy Israel" shakes his fist in the face of I, YAHUVEH the Creator. America you shall surely pay. America you have already begun to burn, you burn with MY rage, you burn with MY anger. You cry out for mercy on America yet you even want to strike out the NAME of GOD away from the children's memory.
I am angry MY Children, for you cry out for mercy on America but the leader of America puffs himself up like a god, he is not a god. I hear the cries of MY People in Israel, yes even those who do not acknowledge MY Son YAHUSHUA but they cry out to ME MY Children, they honor MY Sabbath Days, they keep MY Jewish Feasts and obey MY Torah. Israel carries the blood of YAHUSHUA and Jerusalem carries the blood of YAHUSHUA, though they receive it not. Beware America you are a Trojan Horse. I, YAHUVEH remind you of what happens to a Trojan Horse. I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA now prophesy through MY Handmaiden, I, YAHUVEH will strike down that Trojan Horse and when I strike it down it shall never raise again. I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA will cut off the horses head. I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA will cut off the horse's hooves. You America will not be able to move anymore and the merchants shall cry from afar off, as they will see America burn from afar off. (Rev. 18)
You send fear among the world and say, "Stay out of Israel, it is too dangerous to visit" and yet the Palestine enemies who despise MY NAME, to the world you lift them up as heroes and this you loudly proclaim. Oh America, you make this promise to the Palestine's, you falsely say, "I, America will give back Israel especially Jerusalem to the enemies of I, YAHUVEH." The Palestine's have set themselves up as YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA's enemies. The Palestine's have killed MY Hebrew Children. The Palestine's are trying to steal the apple of MY eye. So America, for helping them you have incurred MY wrath and America even your name, I YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA now despise. I have had mercy thus far, for the cries of MY True Children who cry out. But MY True Children must know this, the longer I have held back MY wrath the angrier I YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA became and America you will pay for this.
So this is a message to MY Beloved Children, anoint your houses once again, cry out for mercy on your own house and I, YAHUVEH will hear you MY Children once again. Repent MY Children for your own house for you cannot repent for the sins of America. For the stench of the sins reach Heaven and all of Heaven holds their nose for no nation has done what America has done and yet no nation was blessed like America was blessed. You want to strike out 'One Nation Under GOD' then you will have 'One Nation Under MY Feet.' I YAHUVEH will stomp you, for you just struck out your mercy; you just struck out MY favor. You want to strike out 'In GOD we Trust' from your currency then all you have is 'In (America) we Trust.'
I'll show you what happens to a nation that is not under GOD YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA's protection, it will not be a pretty sight. You will find out America, just how puny you are in your strength and might. You want to strike out 'In GOD We Trust' then America all you have left is 'In We Trust.' For right there you have stated that I YAHUVEH the GOD that set you apart has just struck out MY mercy, you have just struck out MY protection for you rely only on yourself and so America let the world see what happens when it is only in you that you trust.
Prophecy 58:
Butchers I call you, murderous butchers! Your fate shall be that of a butcherous murderer you doctors and scientists. What you call the Supreme Court in America, the heathen politicians have brought forth this judgment on America. You have no one to blame but yourselves. You are reaping what you sowed. Why do you think that I do not hear the silent screams of the unborn just because you have deafened your ears and blinded your eyes to this murder? Do you not know I created the souls of the unborn as well as the born? Heathens, Pharisee's, how dare you rewrite what I call murder? Who are your politicians to declare what I call sinful lifestyles.
Do you think I am impressed, with your new laws? I have showed you judgment on America and I tell you just wait until you see the signs in the sky, and the effects on the earth as the volcano's, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, all join together as if in a chorus, singing the song of the doomed. If you think this is horror you have not even yet seen MY wrath begin to fall. And I speak not just to America for she is just a young baby thumbing her nose at ME.
I warned MY Handmaiden to tell the people to watch around the day of Rosh Ha Shanah and especially this month and the month of October. Remember what I YAHUVEH warned, 'America I saved the worst for last.' You must wake up and realize you are a country set apart to glorify YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and how much praise and honor has America brought 'I AM'? Woe be unto this country if it does not get back to Holiness, 'I AM' the Lord GOD YAHUVEH this is the saddest day for America, without a shot being fired to defend herself, without any notice then that which I speak from MY Apostles and Prophets and how many listened? America, suffers great casualties and deaths. I had to allow satan to sift you for you have wandered far from MY paths of Holiness. You say this is one nation under GOD then obey ME. Obey the Holy Scriptures. Deny and reject all that is unholy, get back to the country I loved and set apart.
But despite what I told Jonah, I gave her a chance as I spared Ninevah and I shall spare you America, if you will but once again follow MY Laws and stop passing laws that try and change MY Laws that was written with MY own finger in a tablet of stone. I have sent these out with the warnings of Jonah and how few listen until I allowed the horror that befell America today. MY Children tell ME this, as you sit transfixed to your televisions and radio's and watch in horror and shock. Wondering why this is happening? What is the difference between America suffering the impact of terrorism and Israel suffering terrorism or Kosovo or Africa, and many other places around the world?
You casually read it in your newspapers, hear it on your radio's and televisions, or watch the headlines appear on your computers, and yet no country feels the pain until I allow you to feel it hit your own countries, until the death toll is your race, kindred, tongue and your nations. Hypocrites! You weep and wail now only because it is your own nation. Now will you take seriously when others suffer from wars? America, repent and get back to the country I set apart for MY Praise, Honor and Glory, be an example once again of Godliness. Have you so quickly forgotten the depression and the miracles I did? That is why your economy was blessed. I don't want to take you back there again to learn that lesson. Judgment was delayed far too long.
Prophecy 59:
You must urgently get these messages out. Be not so concerned in the order right now. Instead be concerned with the urgency. For indeed I gave Elisheva that vision when one who speaks for others with itching ears and makes promises I have not said. I showed her that vision of the American flag and as MY NAME is struck out and as MY NAME is off the currency, although it is only generic for although I am GOD, you know MY NAME and as it is struck out of the currency, so too will the protection of America. And as I showed her the flag, it will burn from the bottom right corner, to the top left corner. Until this flag is consumed with MY anger and MY rage.
How dare New York, after I poured forth MY mercy and MY love. I spared untold uncounted souls from Sept. 11, 2001 from many days hence as they unburied those that they thought were dead. As I had MY angels chase them out before the buildings collapsed and now they dare to defy what is Holy, they dare to profane the name 'marriage,' that which I have given as a symbol for the Bride and the Bridegroom. It is not man- man. It is not Adam and Steve, it is Adam and Eve. MY anger and MY rage will burn New York if they continue on. I have warned them and I have warned them that Sept. 11 was only a sample. How dare them and every state including Canada and the Providences that follow who dare to do the same. I remind you what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. Their fate shall be the same.
Dare not say that the hedge of protection is around America for this is a lie straight from satan's prophets' mouths. The hedge of protection is around MY People, those that call out in MY NAME. Those that worship YAHUSHUA and those that honor MY True Sabbaths, those that repent and humble themselves, those that look up and know that redemption draweth nigh. MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Nnes and Elect, these are the ones the hedge of protection are around. I have torn down the hedge of protection around America and you shall see that flag burn. Be not angry at MY Apostles and Prophets that I send to warn the doom will come. Instead thank ME that I care so much to warn.
I warned this Handmaiden again and again, I gave her a word an audible word, I told her to tell the people, "I will do all I promise to do." That not only means the wrath to come that means protecting you. I warned her in 1999, people notice the date, if it had not been for the intercessory prayer warriors that arose and fasted Sept 11, 1999. It would have been the same fate as in 2001, Sept. 11. Because I hold back MY wrath because of the prayers of the righteous that availeth much then the Apostles and Prophets are called false.
What would you say if I didn't hold it back anymore? Then will you believe MY Apostles and Prophets? Is this what you really want? I have held it back for the sake of those that shudder in fear and tears. MY Little Ones, MY Babies that I cradle in MY arms. I hold it back thus far, not for the sake of a glorified America who have made themselves a god in their own eyes. But I have held back MY wrath, for MY Little Ones who, like a little child, looks up with trust and love to their Father with their eyes. But America, you shall burn. I know this Prophet that speaks forth, her voice is not going to want to be heard. It goes against The Prophecy Club's messages, those that speak of abundance and prosperity, and those that speak of protection though it's undeserved.
So this is MY message this day, as you see the name 'GOD' struck out of the Pledge of Allegiance. As you see the word 'GOD' struck off your currency. The vision I have given MY Daughter this day, you will see the American flag burn and the merchants shall cry from afar off and the world shall weep and lament but will they learn a lesson from her? Oh how few listen their ears are full of wax, their eyes are blind, they only want to see from their own eyes and they don't want to see through MINE.
America, you will reap what you are sowing. Again I repeat, the hedge of protection is not around America. The hedge of protection is around MY Beloved, MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect. Look up MY Children, deny not your faith, deny not the NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Deny not the NAME of YAHUVEH. Deny not the anointing of MY RUACH ha KODESH. Deny not MY Commandments and MY Laws and MY Statutes, and the Word that was made flesh. Look up MY Children for truly your redemption draweth nigh.
Prophecy 60:
How long, how long, how long must you try the patience of the Creator? How long must you try the patience of the Redeemer? I shall stomp MY foot on the ground and everything that can be shaken will be shaken; everything that can be uprooted will be uprooted. I shall shake up your politicians and I don't care what country you're in, you're no longer going to look to a government to provide. MY Children's going to know there is but One provider. It's the same One that poured water from a rock, that put manna on the ground. It is the same One that says I will supply all of your needs according to MY riches and Glory [Phil. 4:19] and I have no lack in Glory. In MY fury I breathed upon not only the United States but in various parts of the world MY hot breathe. Temperatures rose as MY temper rose. Droughts came as MY Living Water was refused.
Pray for Israel, do not forsake Israel. For I love Israel so much. I sent MY Son YAHUSHUA there. HIS Blood was poured into the ground. Do not give up on Israel, for I do have a remnant there. Hide yourself, MY Children. Yes, even hid yourself from the Great GOD 'I AM's wrath. For although I'm not angry at you, you're going to hear ME shout, you're going to hear ME stomp, you're going to see ME shake where even the very earth is going to be in fear and quake. You're going to see the flood of MY tears and you already have begun for when the floods came, that was MY tears.
Prophecy 67:
You nations that develop weapons, fine tuning them, so you can shoot down one another's missiles, ask yourself this, "How can you defend yourself against a war from Heaven as I throw upon earth, including America , Meteors that will crush your homes, businesses, capitals and tell you enough of your foolishness." I, YAHUVEH, will show you a war of unmagnitude proportions if you don't repent, turn away from your wicked ways, live Holy and Be Holy and call upon MY NAME in the NAME of MY Son YAHUSHUA. You can pass all the ungodly laws you want but I, YAHUVEH, am the only lawgiver and there are stiff consequences for those who call themselves lawmakers and are really Lawbreakers. I YAHUVEH am not amused; neither shall you be when I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA are through with you.
Prophecy 71:
Woe to America. I warned through this Handmaiden in prophetic warnings in the past that America would burn if it did not repent. I, YAHUVEH am a GOD of Consuming Fire, (Deut. 4:24) MY breath is full of burning rage that keeps Hell an inferno, that fury has been pent up far too long (Rev.18:2-24). Alas the more mercy I show and the more time I give to repent, the more this world has become full of unholiness, perversions, abominations and unrepentance. Where are those that call themselves Holy? Where are the prayer intercessors and warriors? Why are not those who speak MY Words of old and new, protesting, rebuking and warning? I have a remnant who are but oh so very few. (Zeph 3:13) (Amos 5:15)
I, YAHUVEH first created Adam and Eve, as male and female and this is a mockery of marriage and I, YAHUVEH will not be mocked. All you people, pastors, spiritual and political leaders who remain silent or change MY laws will feel the wrath of YAHUVEH in a way you have not known before. Be not deceived same sex marriage I have not decreed. How long will you continue to mock I, YAHUVEH, America? Woe, Woe, Woe, be unto you America. You have done and will do what no nation on the face of this earth has yet done. Did I, YAHUVEH, not prophesy through this Handmaiden Elisheva, America I, YAHUVEH save the worst for last, for you. California, do you not feel the heat of MY anger as I, YAHUVEH fanned the fires with MY breath and blew flames on you. Phoenix Arizona, did I, YAHUVEH not warn through MY Prophets you would burn, still how few repented.
Prophecy 73:
JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT! You who will not receive the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. I speak to all those who mock ME. I speak to all those who blaspheme ME. I speak to all those who reject MY Son YAHUSHUA, you who will not receive the shed Blood that was shed for you, then I shall pour blood down your throats. I shall gorge you with your own blood. I shall gorge you for the sins that you have done in America alone. Think not the other nations of this world have not displeased ME. Because this Prophet is from America, so I say, I speak forth the judgments that shall come to America. If she were from Germany, I would speak forth the Judgment on Germany. If she were from Australia, I would speak forth the Judgment reserved for Australia. If she were from Canada, I would speak forth the Judgment reserved for Canada for there is not one nation on the face of this earth that I have not reserved Judgment for.
Blood shall flow in your streets. Blood shall come to your very shores. Diseases, sicknesses and infirmities that, which you have never even heard of before, shall come upon MY enemies, those who decreed they are MY enemies. So you want to take MY symbols of anything Holy out of your view, off of the seals, out of the pledges, off of the flags. You want to evict ME from your nations, I will show you, I will gorge you with your own blood.
Because you think there is nothing wrong with murdering a baby while they are yet in the mother's womb your own babies I shall kill, I shall slay them before you. By the hand of Almighty Living YAHUVEH I will show you, I am a GOD that is not mocked. Because you have mocked ME for MY mercies, very shortly now, you will see there is no more mercy. I will not apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah and the other cities besides. I will not apologize to Ninevah, for your sins are even greater still than all of them combined. The stench of your sins reach MY nostrils. How few humble themselves and fall on their face. Oh, if it were not for the Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, I would erase you all from the human race.
So you want to mock ME? Now I will show you what happens when I the Creator mock you. The institution of marriage was created so we would be one. It certainly was never created for same sexes to be one. You even mock the institution of marriage. Hurricanes shall come that are unproportioned, like as never seen before. Tsunami waves shall wash upon the shores, they shall be MY tears. The earth shall quake in waves all around the world at the same time. As your eyes are fixed upon the skies, horror you shall see as satan comes in disguise. For you are on a collision course and you shall reap MY wrath for I AM the GOD YAHUVEH Almighty there is but one.
Oh, you say that I wink at this sin or that sin, surely GOD doesn't care. If you know better and you continue making excuses, saying useless words I do not even hear, I will show you I AM a jealous GOD. Anything you put before ME you have made a GOD. Judgment, Judgment, Judgment even the very word Judge you will see your supreme court of America, sits up there on a hill so piously but I alone am the Judge and one by one they shall be taken down, for they shook their fists at Almighty Living YAHUVEH with no fear. I tell you this MY Children, the agenda of satan has started here. The antichrist system is set up just waiting for the right time and season for him to appear. You have been warned, MY Children, hide for a little while. When I tell you to move, do not question why. Do not procrastinate or you will not be kept safe and then you will come to ME and ask ME why.
America I have reserved the last judgment for you. You watch around this world as you take one nation after another but MY eye is upon you. I see your heart, the hearts of the politicians, the blood money that is exchanged, the death of the soldiers, the women and the men they die in vain, they suffer in vain, for they have pledged their allegiance to a country that does not represent ME. Oh, you other nations that listen to this word, think you're not better off, for again I say I reserve MY Judgments, and your own Prophets speak, for you are no better, it is just that America is bolder in their wickedness. For they have lost their fear of their Creator, the one that set them apart.
So America, I prophesy through this Handmaiden for she is from America, open your mouth wide because those who do not accept the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, your own blood I will gorge you with! And there is not one person who will not be able to say, when destruction comes in waves "That I know this one or that one that died." I warned you America, your Prophets warned you. I have spoke forth warning after warning from this Handmaiden many years before. All over the world they pray, "What does this prophet have to say?" How many times must I repeat MYSELF for your ears are dull, they are waxed, you are hard of hearing. You haven't even obeyed what I have said and yet you cry out, "Give me new!" This is just a small sample.
Satan mocks ME in all ways, the greatest mockery is trying to steal MY True Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect away. Hell overflows and the signs shall come forth from the lava that shall spew forth from various parts of this world. The earth quakes and shakes at MY wrath, at the approaching of MY True Son for MY Bride doth know the Bridegroom comes. So satan mocks and tries to go before MY Son and strip anything and everything that is Holy away from the peoples sight so they will forget the price MY Son paid. For YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is your only MESSIAH is your only guiding Light.
I warned you in the sky, I gave you this year sign after sign. I gave you wonder and amazement as comets came in different sizes. How few looked up and realized that the redemption draweth nigh. But for MY enemies, judgment, judgment, judgment is all you will know. Judgment on those who made man made famines. Judgment on those who created the diseases, sicknesses and infirmities, judgment on those who polluted the air with diseases, judgment on those who put poison in the food and water.
JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT for I alone am the Supreme Judge and you will see that I am not a GOD to be mocked. You will see what I do to the enemies, those who sit so rich and pompous and kick the poor in the dust. Judgment, judgment, judgment as I force open your mouth, to pour in MY wrath. Those who shout, "I am homosexual, I am gay and I am proud." Diseases shall come upon you, plagues shall come upon you, people will run in fear from you and you will hide and you will cower and you will shout, "Kill me for this pain I can no longer bare."
JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT not only in America but in every Nation that has defied ME, in every city in every state I don't care how small you are, from the city, to the rural to the suburbs, I know where you are. I will find you there.
Prophecy 74:
Oh, you decree war and you occupy on the seed of Ishmael, but you forget that is still Abraham's seed. MY Children, I alone am your shield. You who live in America weep and mourn, for I have decreed war on America. For she is the bully of all the nations, so puffed up with pride, no longer acknowledging that it is in GOD you have trusted. Even wanting to strip the word GOD and anything Holy out of the peoples view. Oh, but you other nations that listen from far and wide, you also are no better, for your politicians have led you astray. People, you have taken part in that which you do not know. Why do you not know? Why do you not believe that I, YAHUVEH have decreed war on this planet earth? Because you shake your fist at ME. Because you say from your laws I will be set free. Then you will taste of MY wrath. But not for MY Children, not for those that put YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first in their love and their life. Not for those that cry out "We want to know YOU, show us your will, show us your way, show us how we can please YOU today." You are not MY enemy and I will shield you in this day.
Beware of the doom Sayers that give prophecies without no hope interred. This Ring Maiden always speaks forth words of warning to the enemies but never do I ever prophesy of what will be, without also leaving you the hope that I have control, that I am watching over and I, YAHUVEH will protect those that are truly MINE. How do you become MINE? By accepting YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH who the Greek call Jesus Christ. For never do I do anything without first warning MY Prophets so I send forth this Ring Maiden now to warn you of what is to come. The greatest way for you to prepare is to seek MY Face, seek MY will, for I have safe pockets still. Picture the hand of the Almighty Creator YAHUVEH in a rock fight from Heaven. But you think that you have rocks to throw back and yet I say, "You have none," America I laugh at your red alerts, for destruction shall come on this nation. Those that I have deemed that are only worthy of destruction and it will come from the hand who created the Heavens as well as the earth.
Foolish, Foolish, Foolish people of this world, what does it take for you to listen? For I speak to you in the weather, you just shake your head and say, "Isn't that strange?" I told you that I speak to you in the floods; you pay no attention even in the hurricanes. How many people must die before your eyes turn to ME? It just seems like if it is only buildings and casualties you do not even acknowledge ME. So you shall see your weather turn stranger. Man thinks he can control weather. Oh, you boast America you have the machine but you forget; who is the one who stores up the hail, who stores up the snow, who stores up the rain, who causes the volcano's to blow. You forget the one who shakes the earth and I need no machine.
Those that repent before ME, those that shed tears of remorse, those that turn to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, those who will obey and turn from their evil sins this day, I am faithful and I will forgive before it is too late. But I tell you this MY Children; it is only a small remnant of this human race. Oh, America and England and all those who are puffed up with pride. Need I remind you, pride cometh before a great fall and a great fall is coming and no one will be able to save you? So Children you have been warned. You will know what it means when you see the fire in the sky. So hide yourself MY Children for just a little while.
Prophecy 81:
But you, oh America and the other nations that join you, who dare to touch that which I told you not to touch, to divide that which I told you not to divide, you shall suffer the fate of a Judas. You will rue the day that you threw the 30 pieces of silver Yisrael's way. For as you divide the land, as you bribe the one to divide the land, so too I shall divide you in every way. 2005 was just an example. You know not, nor even comprehend, the horror I have coming your way straight from Heaven, no man sent. Oh, Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, how long will you fight against ME? I know the very day when you relinquish your will to ME. Oh, but a bloody road you have to travel until MY Son YAHUSHUA comes and you will shout, "Blessed is he who comes in the NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH."
Prophecy 83:
Oh, MY Beloved Ring Maiden, how much longer? I have allowed the Bride of YAHUSHUA to stand in the gap as Abraham stood in the gap for Lot. How much longer do you think I should wait? How I am mocked, how MY NAME is scorned, how MY Holy ones that represent ME are slandered. How they are killed for MY sake all over the world just because I have kept it from coming to America thus far, how much has been taken for granted. Now I tell you to say a new prayer for the end is nigh.
Prophecy 84: The towers of cards are ready to fall. You built them up on the backs of the wealthy, so your illusion could stay in place. You have the lies, we are the nation of the free and the wise, come and bring your poor. But when the poor come, you're an illusion of a lie. What do you do to them? How do you treat them? They are treated less than human beings. They are scurried out like they are rats. They are put in your governmental traps. You label them immigrants, illegal's. Are you not the one who invited them here? What is your Statue of Liberty doing there? Come to the land of the free and the brave. I SPIT ON YOU, OH AMERICA!
America, you fly alone. You think you have friends? They hate you behind your back. You bribe them like a bully on a playground, you have not a friend. Wait until the other nations see you are but an illusion. You are a vapor in the air. There's not even a fire there. You are but a puff of smoke. Wait until the other nations find out you are a plucked eagle. Why? Because you would not submit to MY authority. Why? Because you kicked ME out of your schools. You did not want the Ten Commandments to be seen in the courtyards, in the courts. The hypocrisy of the ones who call themselves the Supreme Court.
Oh, but America, you who are the bureaucracy and hypocrisy, you who trample the little ones underneath your feet, the rich and the powerful that take the little that they have from the little ones and give it to these. What a price you will pay. You think your black schemes will work? You think you've been protected from that which you've done? You think you're going to kill the masses of the poor, and MY wrath will not touch you? Oh, you foolish scientists. Oh, you foolish physicians, I will confound you. For those who are truly of ME, YAHUVEH for those who truly put MY Son YAHUSHUA as Messiah and Lord of their life, for those who love US and obey and strive to be Holy each day. I have put what is a true vaccine in the air, I have put supernatural antibiotics there and it will be as the children of Israel and these plagues did not come nigh them.
Run, run, run, MY Little Ones run, run, run away, run from FEMA, and run from any bureaucracy that tells you to take away your faith in ME. Protest while you still have a voice, protest. Jam the capitol's lines, say, "You will not take away our provisions to give to you this city, you will not ration our food, you will not ration our water, you will not ration our emergency supplies." Can you not see if you stay silent, the illusion will win? Did I not warn you, how many prophecies ago, that the homosexuals were in the minority but now you believe the illusions lies. America, you are the fabricator of the illusion's lies. Now you've taken that lie across this world and you've spread it far and wide and yet it is a lie. Homosexuality is still in the minority and yet they pass laws and they change laws to approve of that which I said was an abomination. America, you will reap what you have sowed, just as surely as Sodom and Gomorrah did.
Prophecy 85:
So you see MY Children, there was another reason I sent you to Europe and that is to prove, when I open up the Red Sea, the others also will pass through. Oh America, you put your security in something called the Homeland? I will show you Homeland Security, you are only fit for one thing and that is I, YAHUVEH's destruction. I, YAHUVEH speak this now. You try and hinder MY Children, you try and delay MY Children, nay I say. You were going to make them miss that plane. You wanted to rob from MY Children, you wanted to arrest MY Children and yet not even a parking ticket did you have against them and you could not go past the Blood shed for them at Calvary. You could not go past I, YAHUVEH because they put their security in YAHUSHUA and in ME. They obeyed ME and they fled before the days of destruction come.
Canada, your fate is the same as America. When I look at America and I look at Canada, there is no difference. You are sin, you are stench, you are dung in MY eyes. Oh, I shall begin to prophesy to the other nations, but right now MY eye is upon the one that led so many astray. America, you will pay. Now this Prophet can speak forth the words of fire I stored up. In the coming days, as you approach the day of Pentecost, everyone who belongs to ME, everyone who calls upon MY Sacred NAME had better start quoting Psalm 91 again and again, because he has known MY NAME, he will call upon ME in trouble and I will answer him and I will deliver him, I will not lie.
You cannot even conceive what I have planned for you oh, America and Canada. Those who flee from America think they run to a sanctuary called Canada, those in Canada flee to what they think is a sanctuary in America but they are the same, there is no difference, they both mock MY Holy NAME. Those of you who think you are escaping poverty to come to a wealthy land; you have no clue what they will do to you. I have more children that are anointed and Holy in the poorer countries than I do in the wealthy countries all put together. More of the Bride of YAHUSHUA is what I call the International Bride of YAHUSHUA, so few are found in the wealthier nations. African Bride of YAHUSHUA, come forth. Introduce yourself to this Ring Maiden. Your prayers are the Light that holds back the evil from taking over Africa completely.
As you see the prices go up on the fuel in America, you will see a fear come upon the people that they have not yet known. For you see, the oil companies say, 'It's you that they own" and they are going to crush you. How do you think your finances are going to be crushed? As you see the prices in everything go up. Only what you have done for YAHUSHUA will stand, this is the only way I, YAHUVEH will multiply your financial blessings. To those who put your faith in something called oil, black liquid gold instead of putting your faith in I, YAHUVEH in MY Son YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's NAME, you will know fear like you have never known it before. I am speaking to those who call themselves Christians. You should have been praying and asking ME for protection. Instead, you put your faith to protect you in something called Homeland Security instead of believing in GOD YAHUVEH I will trust. Now, oh America, now, oh Canada, now you're only fit for ME to crush.
Prophecy 91:
The days of earth are numbered. America, I've said that I've saved the worst of Judgment for last and it is for you. But you don't have a clue what I'm going to do for you, what I'm going to do to you. Combine every calamity in the entire world, multiply it times seven. You're doomed! For you have done through Arnold Schwarzenneger, you have done through the White House more atrocities than anyone even knows but they will find out; by that time, American people, it's too late! I've warned you through this Handmaiden. I've told you it was all an illusion.
Prophecy 92:
This offends ME greatly as the largest to the smallest Church congregations did not march and protest to their governments, speaking loudly so all can hear. Instead they have remained silent as laws that YAH has decreed as an abomination are passed as legal in the lands and even taught as truth in the schools! Woe be unto any Island, country or nation that does this, they shall reap YAHUVEH's revenge. Woe be unto any nation or school that removes Biblical truths and governments that no longer revere the words "In God We Trust."
Prophecy 95:
I have more to say but the Words I have to say will not be for the world to hear. It is for you five. Oh MY beloved Little Ones, you need a Passover. Those reading these Words, those who will hear these Words, you need a Passover. You need to be delivered of your burdens, of your enemies. No matter how humble of a Passover that you do, just do it. Just acknowledge the fact you need a Passover. You need a new beginning. You need miracles from Heaven. You need deliverance from the enemies' hands for I warn you of this, your worst enemies are your own governments and your own land. I warn you of this. America, you are doomed. I prophesied it again and again and again and again! So America, I'm going to give you a leader after your own heart. You are a bully. You are brutish. You once were so blessed and now you are a curse unto ME and all who follow in America's footsteps, all you nations, I speak through this Prophetic Handmaiden, so you shall be a curse unto ME. So you are a curse unto ME. I warned you Canada, don't follow in your sister's footsteps. But you sold yourself, the government of Canada, oh Canadians, for the price of gold, sold itself. Now embraces immorality, embraces the spirit of atheism.
Prophecy 99: And America, I have not even begun. Again and again I said, I have saved the worst for last. You have not even, even, even begun to taste MY wrath. And Europe, think not that you will escape your fate. Right now there is only one loud voice protesting that which I find an abomination and I use the Catholic church, remember, as I used the donkey to speak out of, I use the Catholic church to warn, to warn about the sanctity of life. Where are the others? Where are the other organized religions? A worldwide outcry should have gone forth to join together an animal and human embryo, to even devise such a plan, to have a half human and half animal, you do not even begin to know the road that you have started to walk upon. To mock ME with the sanctity of marriage? There should have been a worldwide outcry against same sex marriage! Why is it so silent? Where are the churches? Why don't all those in Islam raise up? They care about a cartoon! They send terror into anyone that does not agree with them. But why are they silent?
Does not MY Word say that I, YAHUVEH, take vengeance? Vengeance is MINE saith I, YAHUVEH! Call on ME and I will cause your enemies to run in 7 different directions! How many different directions are you running now oh Chinese government? But I am making sure the Holy angels are there to protect and provide for your brothers and sisters in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Woe be to the world because watch China. You are going to see what happened to China hit California. I will not mention the other parts of the world but America you want to play a harp? (H.A.A.R.P.) Wait until I play MY harp. You want to control the weather, you have not seen anything yet.
Prophecy 103:
You cannot lean over hell as far as you can go and think you will not fall in! REPENT! REPENT! REPENT! All you who are in America, you are so puffed up in pride, you think that war will never come to your shores. You say, "I am the greatest nation!" But I look upon you, oh, America, I look upon the one you just elected president and it was not by MY hand but I allowed your choice because the one that you elected shows the spirit in America and it is nothing to be proud of! IT SHOWS THE AMOUNT OF THE STENCH OF SIN!
And America, you who once sent (Holy) missionaries abroad, you who once stood against the dictators of this world, now you, yourself, have just elected a dictator of dictators. You, yourself, have just elected a president who stands for everything I hate!
Enjoy your doom America. Weep and mourn, oh, America. Oh, you churches, who swallowed Oprah Winfrey's "gospel". The evil secrets, secret keepers, now will fill the White House. I prophesied out of this Ringmaiden. I warned you of the evil secret keepers. (Read Prophecy 51 about evil secret keepers) Go back and see for people came to her (Elisheva) and said, "Who are the evil secret keepers? What evil secrets?" I do not tell her everything for this is prophesied way in advance before the secrets were even released. Remember the secrets are hell sent. There is only one way into Heaven. There is only one way through MY Son YAHUSHUA MASHIACH's Blood and Name. There is only one way, one Gospel, and anyone who tells you there are other ways, you had better run. (This is about Oprah Winfrey's endorsement of some false new gospel called "The Secret")
You had better hide because now the one that has just been elected president takes that false gospel into the White House and it shall be a stench and you shall see what happens when you elect an enemy of your soul and even those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life, you have taken part in this, knowing he's for infanticide, knowing he is pro abortion, knowing his agenda is homosexuality! And I could say so much more….
You will see what it is like to live under a dictatorship. In the last elections I told you that Bush was the lessor of two evils. I warned you what would happen if Gore got in. The death camps for the Christians would be filled but I gave America more time.
Reread the Prophecies and you shall see, I warned you that the murder would start out with the unborn, daring not to call them a human. Where is their inalienable rights? Where is their right for the pursuit of happiness? Where is their right to live? Why have you taken it away? Why would you elect a president that even goes one more step in the abomination and did what no one has dared done before and said, "If the child survives abortion, it is the right of that mother to let it die, do not touch it, let it suffer in agony and let it die."
This is the heart of the one you elected president. What do you think will happen to you? Weep, oh, mourn, oh, America, for you've just elected your demise! For I know the fruit within Barack Hussein Obama and for those of you who weep and mourn who know this is not America's best hour, pray and ask ME what you are to do and where you are to go before the horror befalls America, for America, I know your fruit! By your fruit oh, America, I shall judge you! Just like the other nations of this world! This is the time when evil is spoken of as good and good is spoken of as evil.