Prophecy 4:
The reason so many of you are not feeling MY presence right now, has nothing to do with you.
I tell you again Prophets and Children of MINE, do not despair and think I have left you when you can't feel ME by your side anymore. I have not gone anywhere, I am still here; I am only silent for it is the calm before the storm. I get silent before I lose MY temper for I am trying to hold back the rage, but since the flood of Noah it has been building and again I am in grief when I see all that I have done, even giving MY only begotten Son as a sacrifice.
But I will not always stay silent MY Beloved Ones, it is only for a short time you will feel MY grief, and you must not go by your feelings for that is flesh. You must go with your faith for that is of the Spirit.
Prophecy 8:
Hold on tight to your faith, for although I am quiet I am testing those that proclaim their love for ME.
Prophecy 10:
MY Beloved, Oh how I long to cradle you in MY arms and I shall one day. For when you feel the loneliness is when I am the closest. I am standing with you as you stand for ME. The gates of hell shall not prevail against MY Church. You are MY Church. When you feel forsaken and forgotten though you can't see ME, you will know I am there. I will never leave nor forsake you and love you with a love no human can begin to compare with. I know MY Children, MY Warriors and MY Bride. You are all of this and so much more, I Prophesy to you now through MY Handmaiden who knows not what she will say next.
Prophecy 11:
Fear is the opposite of faith.
But the flesh is always at war with the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) within you. You must overcome the flesh to minister. You can succeed if you do it in MY NAME. But there is always a war. After every prophecy MY Prophets have to war against their flesh as it rears up and says who do you think you are to speak to YAHUVEH's people and say he speaks it? If this doesn't happen to MY Prophets and they don't admit about this war, then I am not speaking forth out of them
Prophecy 19:
I have not forsaken you nor will I ever.
Prophecy 22:
But she knows faith is a fact not a feeling.
Prophecy 24 part 1:
I warn you in that time you will walk by faith and not by sight more than any other time in history. No one who is lukewarm in faith will survive MY wrath. If you find it hard now to have faith, how much harder you will find it to believe that I will rescue you and yet the majority of faith will die and they will willingly give their lives as a martyr, prefer this to continue living by faith alone. They will be beheaded for their beliefs and prefer death over suffering. Yet all those who refuse the Mark of the Beast in the Tribulation shall be saved.
Prophecy 26:
I have not forsaken MY Beloved Babies, Bride, Chosen ones or Elect. Nor will I. Your names are engraved on MY Palms.
Prophecy 36:
Oh MY Little Ones, how I long to cradle you in MY arms yet you shun MY very touch. For MY touch is Holy and for ME to touch you convicts you. So I must touch you in a way I would rather not, like a Father spanking a child I shall get your attention one way or another. But those who trust in ME, those who long for MY touch, I shall shelter you and protect you. I shall cradle you in MY arms and nurse you like a mother nursing a wounded child. I tell you MY beloved the coming days shall not be a thing to dread as long as you keep your faith in the God you worship, love, serve, and strive to obey. I shall not leave nor forsake you! Do not fear man instead fear the God you serve. If you are not listening for MY voice you shall miss your directions.
Prophecy 43:
I ask you to do nothing I have not asked MY other apostles and prophets to do, and that is to obey ME and seek MY will and I will lead and guide you and never forsake you and I equip MY warriors before sending them into the front lines of combat. You never go into a battle, alone, I am there. Nor empty handed or naked. Put on the full armor of God and draw MY sword not yours. Take MY shield of faith and quench the fiery darts that are aimed at you. Beware of Judas' that come to you in the form of sheep and yet are ravenous wolves. Pray for a greater gift of discernment and never think you have enough of that gift for no human can ever say that they always recognize the face of satan. Beware for the devil knows MY plans for you and he knows where you're weak and where you're strong.
Prophecy 52:
Be assured, as long as you are seeking, you will find the answers when the time comes. If you do not know what to do, then be assured, it is not yet the time for you to know where to go, nor what to do. I, YAHUVEH will not give you the ticket to ride until it is the time to leave. I, YAHUVEH am never too early or too late, but I am always there right on time. Not a second to spare at times. But I, YAHUVEH will never leave you, nor forsake you. I, YAHUVEH am the Creator of all mankind. You need not fear what the evil ones will do, for I, YAHUVEH am using the simple things, like your prayers, to confound the so-called, wise of this world.
Show ME in your Scriptures where I did not deliver MY people that followed MY commands and loved and put I, YAHUVEH first in their lives? I, YAHUVEH will deliver MY children from the snare of the fowler. All you have to do is pray and have faith and believe that I am greater than all these fearful things that try to come upon MY children! I, YAHUVEH will answer your prayers when you call to ME in the sacred NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Come boldly before MY throne, and give ME your petitions. I, YAHUVEH am not angry with MY beloved children. At times you go astray, disobey, and the wolf is ready to devour you, all because you do not obey. So like sheep, I am forced to break your leg, but then I lovingly carry you in MY arms until you mend and are able to walk again. Where does a Good Shepherd ever leave his sheep unattended? Where does a Good Shepherd beat the sheep and lambs? Never! But I do promise I will make the ones that seek to devour you regret the day they were born.
Prophecy 54:
[The one now anointed to protect] even knows when Elisheva [Elisheva] is in danger before she does. At times she fusses and frets. She’s learning to realize she can trust the one that I sent—until the evil pharaoh is drowned and you hear that news, he must keep protecting her from the attacks that come anew. They are getting very angry, for everything they do fails and you are not to feel powerless. For your power cannot deliver, but the hand of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA delivers.
Hang on to your faith, MY Children and no matter what happens, don't let go for I will never leave you and I will never forsake you. Stand on MY Word, it will not fail you. Put your remembrance on MY Word, it will not fail you. Hide MY Word, it will not fail you. Love My Word, it will not fail you. Believe MY Word, it will not fail you. Speak unto the mountains of debt and say, "Be though removed in MY Son YAHUSHUA's NAME. Believe and do not doubt. Learn the lesson well.
Prophecy 83: There are secrets I have that are not to be spoken yet. Just know that I, YAHUVEH will never leave nor forsake anyone that truly loves worships and serves YAHUSHUA and I, the King of Creation. Learn MY NAME, it is YAHUVEH the Eternal One. YAHUSHUA is MY Son. YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is your only deliverer, the only NAME and way back to Heaven. To all those who scoff and mock at this prophetic word, you will learn the hard way that it came from MY, YAHUVEH's mouth, and given to this Ring Maiden. To MY Sheep and Lambs around this world, take this word like a chain reaction and let it ring around the world. Remember, even the very elect will be deceived if possible because your pastors have starved the lambs and sheep. When you read these prophecies, you are feasting and eating Holy spiritual meat.
Prophecy 90: I tell you this because for a lifetime you have grieved and felt an empty void, as do others, always searching for an earthly mother and fathers love and yet you have been given Heavenly Parents, that will never leave nor forsake you, nor hurt you in any way. I tell you this so others who feel that they have the same void, with unsaved parents who refuse to accept YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH the only MESSIAH will realize they lack nothing in YAHUSHUA. They have both a Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother and we are Spirit as were all humans before they were born on earth. As it is written remember, 'Flesh and blood cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven'.
I your MOMMA SHKHINAH love you so much I promised never to leave nor forsake MY Holy Children who have accepted YAHUSHUA's price HE paid at Calvary, those who have repented of their sins, and turned away from their sins, and now love, serve, and try to obey YAHUSHUA. Faith without works is dead. When you are born again it is through YAHUSHUA's NAME and Blood. It is MY HOLY SPIRIT that lives and dwells in each born again believer. It is I that leads souls to YAHUSHUA and convicts you when you have sinned. Do not harden your heart when I your MOMMA SHKHINAH convict you, instead quickly repent so YAHUSHUA can forgive you.
Prophecy 107:
Lean not unto thy own understanding but in ALL, ALL, ALL of your ways trust ME and I promise you I will direct thy path.(Proverbs 3:5-6) Seek ME while I can still be found. Call upon the Name of YAHUSHUA MASHIACH, HE will not forsake you, HE will not let you down.(Romans 10:13) Obey ME. Submit your will to ME.(Act 5:29) Study and show thyself approved. Study the Holy Scriptures. Know what pleases I, YAHUVEH, (Ephesians 5:17) and most of all accept MY only begotten Son as the only righteousness and the only Blood and the only Name that will get you back to Heaven.(John 8:29) For those whose names are written in the Book of Life. Heaven is your only true home. On this earth you have just roamed.(2 Corinthians 5:1-2)
So hold on. Don't let anyone separate you because of nationality or color of skin. Hold on. Let the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA be the only thing that identifies you.(Romans 5:9) Hold on and I shall hold on to you and I shall not let you go. Run from sin. Do not even let it be a part of your life. Let satan know you'll have no part of him.(James 4:7) Run from him. Run from anyone who entices you to sin. Rebuke them and fear not offending them.