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What is pride

Prophecy 1:
I have had enough of men naming ministries after themselves; they have no right to do this abomination. They did not pay the ultimate price; they are not holy enough to do this. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, paid this price at Calvary.

Pride, great pride, has crept into even the temples that I have poured MY anointing out upon. Who has the bigger congregation, the most money? This sickens ME. Who wins the most souls? The jealousy and covetousness are in MY own temples. This sickens ME.

Who can build bigger temples? Who can get the most media attention? Who is the number one evangelist, prophet, pastor, church?

Prophecy 17:
How many of you shepherds that I have allowed fame, so your name is on the tongue of every sheep are obeying the True Gospel of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH? How many of you are setting examples for MY Sheep and Lambs? Did I really tell you to build that 7 million dollar building? No. The spirit of pride has led you astray, look carefully, dear lambs of MINE, MY Sheep shall know MY voice.

Leave these shepherds who are fleecing you. I am not in their churches. I am on the steps warning you with voices like this Handmaiden speaking now. Run away back into the relationship you once had with ME. Run away from the spirit of religion. That church building, so beautiful and in debt, cannot save your souls. That pastor dressed in tailor made suites can't save you. The churches are not dressed in MY Robes of Righteousness, but in their own fashion shows of filthy rags. Strip yourself of this spirit of pride out to impress one another.

But I have not told you to steal the fleece from the flock to puff yourselves up with pride.  

Prophecy 47:
TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! You are surrounded with a cloud of witnesses watching what you do with MY Son YAHUSHUA. In all the planets only one planet, which is called earth needs a Savior, for I have but one Begotten Son, and his NAME is YAHUSHUA. There is only one planet with sinners. Sin comes because you are living atop of Hell and all have sinned and fell short of MY Glory. 'I AM' Almighty GOD perfection. To say you are not a sinner means you are a liar, for none on earth is perfect, except one and that was when MY Son YAHUSHUA walked the earth.

Prophecy 54:
Do not be too proud to state your need. Does not MY Word say, "Give and it shall be given unto you, pressed down and shaken over, where men heap treasure upon your bosom?" But how can they do this, MY Children, if you do not tell them your need? You will know who it is to trust. And if they do not answer, this is not your responsibility. They have only heaped a curse upon their heads. Did I not tell you, MY Children, that this ministry is unique? The way that they treat you is the way they treat ME. It is not the people that supply your needs. But it is I that speak through the people. I speak to the people and satan speaks to the people.  

I will raise up a way, but I tell you this, MY children, you must humble yourselves and do this MY way and not your way. When I tell you to do a task, you are to do it immediately. You are not to wait and say in my minute, in my second, in my timing. You are not to be allowed any more distractions. But you see, I've been testing you to see how focused you are.

Prophecy 90:
On that morning YAHUVEH woke you and said, "Beware, every ministry named after man shall fall, for when the shepherd falls the sheep scatter." {On February 21, 1988}

Pride enters in when a man or woman does this. So beware Joyce Meyers, Marilyn Hickey, Juanita Bynum, Paula White, Jan Crouch, Paul Crouch, Creflo Dollar, T.D. Jakes, Jessie Duplantis, Joel Osteen, among countless others both women and men, you once were so humble, filled with MY Spirit, and now are ready for a great fall. Because of your pride you shall be knocked off your pedestals and if you do not repent from your wicked ways, that which has been done in secret shall be shouted from the housetops and you shall be buried under your own pedestals.

This goes for all the Ministries named after themselves. No mere human paid the ultimate sacrifice to do this, and you have been warned through this prophet, through prophetic messages time after time. When you face YAHUVEH you will have no excuse why you stole OUR Glory and heaped the glory upon yourselves so your earthly names are lifted up and not YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, or I the RUACH ha KODESH! We share OUR Glory with no man or woman! You who do this will find out the hard way what happens to those who have done this. (Nahum 1)

Prophecy 91:
You (John Hagee) are so puffed up in pride. Do you think you hide your wickedness from ME? You shall choke on your own words! For you have the spirit of the antichrist ! You tell the Jews there's another yet to come. You prepare them for the one that comes as a counterfeit, the son of satan! You John Hagee are doomed! For you shall not only fall into the very bowels of hell but the Lake of Fire shall swallow you! You are a traitor! You are a Judas! As you betrayed ME before, you betray ME again! I Prophesy you John Hagee, are doomed!

You Jew's on the days of Sukkot, so full of pride, "My sukkot is better than your sukkot. My food is better than yours. I read the Torah longer than you." All of you lost focus. Only a remnant few built their sukkots and they were the humblest and they truly touched MY heart for they didn't do it as a ritual; they didn't do it out of pride. And those that touched MY heart, looked for YAHUSHUA those nights. I have MY Messianic Jews, some of the very Bride of YAHUSHUA sits in Jerusalem and they touched MY heart. I'm not angry at those that watched for MY SON, waited and grieved for it was not the time to come. I'm angry at those who only did this Holy Day as a ritual.

Prophecy 92:
John Hagee, I have released another prophectic message through this Prophet and you are doomed, and all those who are in your congregation had better flee, while there is yet time! The Evangelical Prosperity Pimps invited in the demon of greed and pride, and that demon invited in the demon of Judas. Those I have named and tose I will name have compromised MY truths. Instead of lifting up MY Name they lift up their names, putting it on buildings, ministries and churches.

Prophecy 99:
Never get so puffed up in pride, to make people think that you have always been obedient unto ME for all, all, all have struggled at some point, all of you said, "I would rather do it my way." It is just that I gave you such a butt beating, all of you learned the hard way. And that is why now you say, "Whatever YOU say ABBA YAHUVEH, I am doing it YOUR way." I do not even have to raise MY voice. You know when you do wrong. I am not saying that anyone is perfect but MY Son YAHUSHUA, but I am saying all I expect of any of MY children is just try.

Prophecy 103:
So now, I share this secret from Heaven that no one has ever yet released. So praise ME and ask what your grade is and if I think you can handle it I will share it with you, but again I do not do this to compare one with another for if I think you'll be puffed up in pride for I, YAHUVEH, know your heart and mind, I'll not tell you. If I think this will be used to beat you into the ground by satan and you're not able to handle it, I'll not tell you. But you have nothing to lose, just ask ME.

Prophecy 105:
I warned you along time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would of failed long ago. It is by the Shkhinyah Glory's wind that blows across this earth, the Holy wind of revival, it is not by your breath or it would of failed.

Prophecy 106:
Do you not know that it is the proud that is cast down. Pride goeth before a fall. (Proverbs 16:18) Oh how many of you who will hear this and read this are so puffed up with pride and say, "Oh I shall not be moved, when YAH shakes this world in 2009 I shall not be shaken". It is by the mercy and the Blood of YAHUSHUA alone that you will not be shaken and it depends on what you've done. (Colossians 1:13-20) Do you have secret sin? Do you think no one knows? MY eyes go to and fro. I see into your very heart. I know who is truly Holy. I know who is playing games at Holiness and I know who doesn't even try and just make excuses for their sins.

Prophecy 108:
Now is not yet the time to speak forth Words of FIRE MY daughter. Be patient. I just give these few words of encouragement to you. That I your Abba YAHUVEH am pleased. I am pleased with MY spiritual Israel, those who walk in the footsteps that I ordain for them as holy, those whose ears are inclined to every word I speak. MY Children, MY Babies, MY Bride, MY Chosen Ones and MY Elect, you who take no pride in who you are or what you can accomplish but your pride is in what I, YAHUVEH do, what I, YAHUVEH accomplish through MY Son YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH.