Prophecy 1:
Deut. 28 blessings are still reserved for MY Children and I know them by name and by the hairs on their head.
You are a sinner saved by MY grace and mercy.
Prophecy 3:
I in MY infinite mercy and love say warn them.
The reason being is I never intended hell to be for human beings, it was created for satan and his fallen angels. I made a way out for you; HE is the ONLY way out, the only truth, life, and way to Heaven and into MY waiting arms where I have longed to gather you as a mother hen gathers their chicks.
Prophecy 4:
Look what a loving Father I am.
I am not angry with you. I love you, and I will shelter and protect you. Yes, even when you see the world shaken in MY rage, cry out to ME. I will be there to comfort you.
I knew each of you before you were in your mother's wombs. I created and fashioned and planned what I wanted your lives to be.
Prophecy 5:
MY Dearest Children, you are like a hidden treasure, you are like a hidden quiver of arrows, when they only see a bow.
You have stayed humble before ME, and I love you so very much, for I see you studying in the late hours, I feel your loneliness and wondering where you belong.
You are MY hidden treasure, MY hidden weapon and I will begin using you mightily in these end times, and do not be deceived they are the end times. But not the end for MY Children, for them it is a wondrous new beginning.
You are adopted, I have but one Begotten Son, do I not? But although you are adopted I love you just as much as I love MY only Begotten Son.
But know this, I always send the Prophets to warn because of MY love and mercy. I don't want any to suffer or perish or suffer eternal damnation.
Prophecy 8:
I love MY Bride, MY children, above all else. I gave MY life so you would be spared.
Prophecy 9:
I love you MY Beloved and only I know your heart. It pants after ME like a deer pants for water. When you suffer persecution for MY NAME sake you are truly blessed.
You are MY Beloved and MY Warrior and I have called thee and ordained thee and no one can take that from you.
Prophecy 10:
MY Beloved, Oh how I long to cradle you in MY arms and I shall one day. For when you feel the loneliness is when I am the closest. I am standing with you as you stand for ME. The gates of hell shall not prevail against MY Church. You are MY Church. When you feel forsaken and forgotten though you can't see ME, you will know I am there. I will never leave nor forsake you and love you with a love no human can begin to compare with.
Prophecy 12:
I love you MY Beloved Daughter.
Prophecy 13:
I (YAHUSHUA ha MASIACH) weep for the ones who think I hate them. Yet for their sins I died and arose for them.
First I am coming to take MY children home OH so lovingly! I know who are MINE; those with MY Spirit in them already have the unseen wings to fly.
Those who support MY Ministries that speak forth MY Word, do it not for their praise, honor and glory, but for MY Praise, Honor and Glory. So that their goodness will be a reflection of the GOD they serve. What a joy you are to ME.
Tell her no one can love her like I love her.
I rejoice over you, MY Children who are rich in faith. Not putting your faith in the riches of this world.
Prophecy 14:
I created all life. All life is precious in MY sight, rise up, speak up, and show the heathen all life is precious in your sight.
Those who support MY Ministries that speak forth MY Word, do it not for their praise, honor and glory, but for MY Praise, Honor and Glory. So that their goodness will be a reflection of the GOD they serve. What a joy you are to ME.
Prophecy 16:
I have sent your Sister to bind up your wounds that I did not inflict for I love you MY Beloved.
Prophecy 18:
You MY Beloved treasures more valuable than words can say you know what NAME you rely on to deliver you and your souls. Your children are safe and secure in the palm of MY hand and MY other hand shelters them like they were a newborn chick. I will protect those that belong to ME, those that desire to belong to ME, I wait for you. I do not have any desire to beat you with MY ROD of affliction. MY ROD and staff is to comfort you to protect and guide you.
Prophecy 19:
Thus saith YAHUVEH, "MY Beloved, whom I treasure like no other treasure you have on earth. I see your pain. It is deep wracking pain for you are so misunderstood.
I have not sent them to torment you for you are MY Beloved Treasure.
Prophecy 20:
I love those called by MY NAME, doing MY commandments, living Holy as I am Holy, washed in MY Beloved Son's saving Blood, helping to spread the prophecies to far and near, supporting those who speak forth these things in your finances as well as your prayers.
Because I love you, I have warned you, I have encouraged you and yes this day the anointing on all those that believe and receive this as your Heavenly Father speaking forth out of this Handmaiden will feel the anointing of MY RUACH ha KODESH stir up within you and you shall prophesy stronger and louder and with more boldness than before.
Prophecy 22:
As for your recent thoughts and transgressions the greatest has been the beating you have given someone that I love far more than you can dare dream or understand. Someone I Shed MY Blood for and gave MY Life for and would have if that someone would have only been you alone. Someone I was beaten beyond recognition for. That someone is you. Now stop trying to tell ME I made a mistake when I chose you. Are you trying to tell ME MY business? Are you trying to tell ME I make junk?
You are MY Beloved Children whom I treasure both as Sons and Daughters, Warriors, and Bride. I am coming again. Will you believe that again? Will you believe I am a rewarder to those that have given their all for ME? I have MY rewards with ME and they have your name on them. Do you really choose ME to give them to another?
Prophecy 26:
I will protect all those who insist on being Holy as I am Holy, living Holy, thinking Holy, speaking Holy, a living witness to the heathen. MY Bride, MY children you have been set apart for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA's Glory alone. I delight in blessing those who do these things.
MY True Sheep and Lambs will never have any other god before ME.
Prophecy 31:
I sought to make you (Israel) jealous and gave this understanding to the Gentiles, those not even looking for a MESSIAH. Now I come back to you through this Prophet and others I am sending and say cast not YAHUSHUA away. HE is not a MESSIAH only to the Gentiles but he was first sent to the Jewish people whom I love with a love that you cannot begin to comprehend. Was not YAHUSHUA, born from the loins of a Jewish Handmaiden? You Israel must not fear the giants in the land. Why do you forget that I have promised to protect those that are set apart and redeemed? You Israel must not give away any more land that I have not given you to give away. I gave this to you through your forefathers. This land cannot be taken but you can and have been bullied into thinking the giants will possess the land and they cannot take what you do not give them. MY People cry out for a Passover from evil Pharaoh once again. MY People, 'I AM' is instructing the RUACH ha KODESH to have those who believe 'I AM' is a GOD that does not change and remains the same and will protect all that say what is MINE is thine, what is thine is MINE. Just don't bow to another god, Israel. Israel, don't bow to the heathen men who are not a god but merely dust to be trodden under your feet.
Prophecy 36: Oh MY Little Ones, how I long to cradle you in MY arms yet you shun MY very touch. For MY touch is Holy and for ME to touch you convicts you. So I must touch you in a way I would rather not, like a Father spanking a child I shall get your attention one way or another. But those who trust in ME, those who long for MY touch, I shall shelter you and protect you. I shall cradle you in MY arms and nurse you like a mother nursing a wounded child. I tell you MY beloved the coming days shall not be a thing to dread as long as you keep your faith in the God you worship, love, serve, and strive to obey. I shall not leave nor forsake you! Do not fear man instead fear the God you serve. If you are not listening for MY voice you shall miss your directions.
Prophecy 45:
RISE UP, you with a Spirit 'Likened' to a King David. What a blessing you are to ME, Oh MY Son with the Spirit like unto a King David and yet without the sin he committed. You have a heart after YAHUVEH and I am well pleased with you. You wrestle the roaring lion defeating it and wrestle with the bear defeating it putting the enemy on the run. You are greatly feared in Hell for you do this not in David's name but in the NAME of YAHUSHUA and applying MY Blood and Word causing the enemies to flee in 7 different directions. This word is directed to you who loves, sings, dances, prophesies and serves ME like the heart of King David of old. Like David MY anointed shepherd boy, I will use you to slay the Goliaths that come against you and the Prophets, people and ministries I have called you to protect in MY NAME YAHUSHUA. You are a true guardian of MY anointing.
Prophecy 46:
I am Almighty God and I have been merciful thus far but you are testing MY patience when you speak against this apostolic handmaiden and disrespect Shandra, who is a mighty woman of God and also a prophet of MINE. You see the child in her and refuse to see the woman of age nineteen. I grieve as I hear the words you say that cuts her to the marrow of her bones. I am the one that hears her weeping as she longs to be loved and appreciated and yet you think she is for sale? What price tag do you put on her? For she is priceless in MY eyes, and MY daughter's eyes.
Prophecy 47:
YES, the temperatures in Hell are rising. Don't you yet realize the infernal heat from Hell is MY temper that is past the boiling mark? There is no gauge that can measure either MY almighty love and no gauge can measure MY almighty wrath. Neither can be measured for it is without measure.
TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! I gave MY Son, MY Beloved Son to be mankind on earth's sacrifice because it was earth I pitied. For it was earth that I had cast Lucifer out of Heaven. Because of MY mercy and love knowing how angry Lucifer was and is, I had to make a way for MY Children on earth to once again be reconciled with their Creator. Lucifer causes great grief and great persecution for you are literally living atop of Hell that I created for Lucifer now called satan and his demons. You are surrounded with evil that comes up from below the ground, as well as the princes, powers, principalities, and rulers in high places, in the air, demonic spirits that assembly together like troops to assail this planet with every kind of sin, and sin is anything that is contrary to MY nature, personality and MY will. All have sinned and fell short of the GLORY of GOD.
Prophecy 51:
I am YAHUVEH and there is no other like ME. The standard I raise against the evil ones that use their weapons to manipulate the brains of MY children will find that not only will their weapons malfunction, but instead I shall turn every invention, every machine, every weapon, every disease, all biological weapons and all germ warfare against themselves. Even their own loved ones will be ashamed of them and the evil ones own bodies will refuse to live out their years. This is MY revenge against those that seek the destruction of YAHUVEH's believers and followers of YAHUSHUA. I love you. Yes, even those that hate YAHUVEH. I alone created you and it will be YAHUVEH's hand alone sent from Heaven that will destroy both your body and your soul, sending it into the Lake of Fire if you don't repent in prayer, asking forgiveness in YAHUSHUA's NAME.
I have watched the tares, and the wheat grow side by side, and now the time is upon this world where MY angels shall shortly pluck out the tares, and burn them, where they will burn for eternity first in hell, and then in the Lake of Fire. MY eyes always are on guard, for I jealously love, and protect MY sheep, and lambs.
Pastors and evangelists, stop trying to build your mansions here on Earth. Stop storing your riches on earth. You tell MY people not to prepare for disasters, yet how many of you are storing up the best of everything? How many of you wealthy pastors have a secret hideaway, and have made your plans not caring about your own congregations? Why do you think I want the money given to you in tithes to build you crystal cathedrals, or to build the biggest church in America, or the world? Wouldn't the money be better spent helping MY people to prepare for disasters? You own your own diamond mines and yet you throw away the true gems, MY Beloved children.
Prophecy 52: Dearest Beloved Children of MINE how many of you cry out to ME with wails and tears and try and hide your fears from the world and your friends, yet confide in your Daddy YAHUVEH and MESSIAH YAHUSHUA. You come to us with tear stained faces in the NAME of MY Son YAHUSHUA saying, "What do we do now? Where do we go?" Darlings of MINE, Oh I am not angry with you at this time, it is the evil ones that I am livid with anger. I see the evil one's plots and schemes, and it is just like in the time of old with the serpent in the Garden of Eden, seeking to beguile you, and make you think that you cannot win without worldly knowledge. Your FATHER I, YAHUVEH is all knowledge and when you seek I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH you are seeking truth, and knowledge.
Show ME in your Scriptures where I did not deliver MY people that followed MY commands and loved and put I, YAHUVEH first in their lives? I, YAHUVEH will deliver MY children from the snare of the fowler. All you have to do is pray and have faith and believe that I am greater than all these fearful things that try to come upon MY children! I, YAHUVEH will answer your prayers when you call to ME in the sacred NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Come boldly before MY throne, and give ME your petitions. I, YAHUVEH am not angry with MY beloved children. At times you go astray, disobey, and the wolf is ready to devour you, all because you do not obey. So like sheep, I am forced to break your leg, but then I lovingly carry you in MY arms until you mend and are able to walk again. Where does a Good Shepherd ever leave his sheep unattended? Where does a Good Shepherd beat the sheep and lambs? Never! But I do promise I will make the ones that seek to devour you regret the day they were born.
Prophecy 59:
What would you say if I didn't hold it back anymore? Then will you believe MY Apostles and Prophets? Is this what you really want? I have held it back for the sake of those that shudder in fear and tears. MY Little Ones, MY Babies that I cradle in MY arms. I hold it back thus far, not for the sake of a glorified America who have made themselves a god in their own eyes. But I have held back MY wrath, for MY Little Ones who, like a little child, looks up with trust and love to their Father with their eyes. But America, you shall burn. I know this Prophet that speaks forth, her voice is not going to want to be heard. It goes against The Prophecy Club's messages, those that speak of abundance and prosperity, and those that speak of protection though it's undeserved.
Prophecy 60:
I'M angry, but not at those who can hear MY voice. I'M angry at those who refuse to hear for Hell was not created for a human not even the Lake of Fire was created for a human. I sent a redeemer, MY own Son, to keep you out of these places. I gave MY Son, for I love you so much. I redeemed what the first Adam had done and yet how many of you are Hell bent. How many of you are afraid to witness to your family? How many of you live in houses unequally yoked with a spouse that hates MY very NAME? With a spouse that hates all that is Holy and yet they say, "I am doing this for YAHUVEH's and YAHUSHUA's NAME."
Prophecy 61: I love you, MY Beloved Children, those who now are not afraid to do everything I say, those that respect the Holy Days, those that cry out and long for YAHUSHUA to come. They have the oil in their lamps as they wait and they have extra oil besides for they know not what hour or what day. They know HE [YAHUSHUA] will return on a Shabbat, but what Shabbat? I have told this Handmaiden, it will be on a Rosh HaShanah and one (1) coming shall be, but what Rosh HaShanah?
Prophecy 68: This you have in common and this is the reason you should have love for one another. It is not important what your name on earth is called. You shall recognize each other by the anointing of the Spirit, you shall behold the love of YAHUSHUA in each others eyes and you shall recognize the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH inside. I am separating the sheep from the goats and I am ripping off the masks of the goats, as they have been masquerading as a sheep or a lamb, this is part of separating the chaff from the wheat, for the chaff is only fit to be burnt!
Prophecy 69:
So MY Children as you enter into the year of 2003 those who truly I call MY Beloved Children, Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, you just keep looking up to ME. You just keep beholding MY Words. You just keep on obeying and believing and your faith shall not only make you whole, your faith as you continue to spiritually grow will be pleasing unto ME. Call upon MY NAME when you feel the earth quake and shake. Call upon the NAME of YAHUSHUA (some call him JESUS) the only NAME that can save. Put ME in remembrance of Psalm 91 so plaques do not come nigh your dwelling; hide MY Word in your heart, so it is not merely a Book but your body a part. I love you MY Beloved ones. Bride get ready for your Bridegroom doth come. Those that have not felt they can pay the price of a Bride, instead only look upon her and cry. It is true MY Children there is but one Bride. Obedience is better even than Sacrifice.
Prophecy 73:
First I weep and then I am angry and now MY Children hide yourself for a little while longer for your ABBA is very angry. But not at you MY Little Ones, not those that call upon MY Son, not those that try to do their very best to bring a smile to MY face and MY Son. Not those who say, "Oh, we are so ashamed that we are part of this human race that brings our Heavenly Father such disgrace." I stroke your heads, I kiss your brows, I say, "Hide yourself MY Children for just a little while longer" while Judgment comes upon MY enemies. Around this world sea to sea, Judgment shall come upon MY enemies.
Prophecy 75: Oh, treasure of MY heart, do you not believe that I YAHUVEH and MY Son YAHUSHUA will protect you as you observe this Holy time?
Prophecy 83:
For those who have scorned and mocked, I, YAHUVEH have rejected you. Read Esther again. I am symbolized in that King. How many of you are Vashti's? You think you are so full of beauty; you don't have to come when I, YAHUVEH say come. So I have exiled you. Into MY Kingdom you will NOT come. There is a greater intercessor than Queen Esther. It is MY Son YAHUSHUA. I tell you this, oh mighty Bride of YAHUSHUA of MASHIACH, no good thing will I withhold from you. There is a book of remembrance that has been written up and all of your names are written in love. You have suffered so just to be Holy, so I want you to know how much I love you. It is I that chose you to be MY Son's Bride. It is I, YAHUVEH that chose you to be MY Son's Bride.
For those who know MY voice, you will recognize the Spirit that speaks, you truly are MY Lambs, you truly are MY Sheep. For the others of you, who say, "This is just Elisheva, puffed up in pride," I tell you this, "It's you who I despise." I shall force you one day to admit that this Ministry is the one that I love and all the Ministries who will take these words and spread them around to the four corners of this earth, it is you that I will love, it is you that I do love, it is you that I embrace as you embrace the truths for these truths are backed up with MY Holy Scriptures, and how dare anyone call these prophecies false. For you to say this, you are calling MY Son YAHUSHUA false for is HE not the Living Word?
Prophecy 85:
Adam, again I sent you forth, you came from Vancouver to go to Seattle at great expense. You came in MY anointing, you came in MY love. I knew that I could trust you, for you are the one I sent as they left Seattle and went to Alaska. So I knew I could trust you again and, Adam Momot, you never let me down and oh, how I am blessing you. And there are two Kathy's. You know your last names. As much as you are a blessing to this Ring Maiden, you are a blessing to I, YAHUVEH and MY Son YAHUSHUA. MY Dearest Beloved Daughter Kathy A., you labor to get all the prophecies I have given Elisheva released in books which will be as a hidden valuable treasure house of faith during the time of the Great Tribulation. Kathy A. you who have gone the extra miles and sacrificed in all ways, again I say before the world, "You are such a blessing." I decree your name is greatly honored in Heaven along with your prayers and tithes and offerings.
Prophecy 86:
This Ring Maiden will speak forth MY truths, she will not compromise. You think you hate her now, those who are not of ME? You haven't seen anything yet. But those who truly belong to ME, you will have a love like you never dreamed possible for you will embrace the truths that I speak forth. For those of you who are obedient, who truly do wait and pant for MY every word...
Oh, how I LOVE YOU! How I embrace you. When you say, "Tell me the way, light the path, I will do whatever you say even if it goes against my flesh, even if it means I have to financially sacrifice, I will do it your way." These are MY Bride and you recognize one another for you are a family like no other family. You think with one mind and you love with one heart and MY NAME is never far apart.
Each and everyone of you embrace ME with a love anew. These are MY Bride. Your desire to live Holy before ME only grows stronger each day. You say, "Speak to me my beloved, I want a glimpse of you" and I say, "I am here and I embrace you and I kiss you and I love you and I hug you and I hold you". These are MY Bride. They are not a disobedient so-called Bride.
MY Bride comes together and they say, "What is it that I can share? What is it that I can do for you?" They love each other with a love that is oh so true. These are MY Bride. I have warned and I have warned again, I said, "Give up your sin." I am not saying that you are not saved. But I am saying you are not worthy to be called MY Bride. Oh, but these gathered here, oh what a love you have for one another. I sent you forth to call the European Bride and the other Nations beside.
But Elisheva you say, "What about me, don't I need a Red Sea ring anymore?" You see, your Sister Dineo wears it for you. For where she goes you will go. And Dineo it is just like I showed you what happened in Heaven, for you were the one that had to open the path up (Africa). All of you please ME so much. All of you please ME so much. Oh MY precious Bride you know who you are, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Can't you hear MY tender words? Don't you know how much you mean to ME? There is no sacrifice that you have made that has not been pleasing unto ME. I LOVE YOU, MY PRECIOUS BRIDE!
Prophecy 89:
Wait, wait, wait, now is not yet the time for ME to reveal in the way that you have asked ME to reveal. But I shall do it and you shall teach it and the lies shall be combated! It is I that gives the desire to say this prayer. It is I that gives the desire to know who I am. For it is I who you did lay your head upon the shoulder in Heaven (Banquet Table Dream). I gave you a glimpse to see how much those who love YAHUSHUA are loved by ME. I am the MOTHER of CREATION. Females were made in MY image. I am ageless. I am CO-CREATOR. The family is a copy of what is in Heaven. Where do you think it came from? The Mother, the Father and the children.
Prophecy 90:
I AM MOMMA SHKHINAH, I AM called 'Wisdom' and in Hebrew the RUACH ha KODESH and also called the HOLY SPIRIT. Elisheva, I AM the older woman's shoulder you rested your head on in Heaven, in what you call a dream and yet it was not only a dream it is so much more. Elisheva, remember when you shared the dream with the world and said, "You do not know who that woman was at the Banquet Table in Heaven, who loves me with such an overwhelming love?"
I give you the answer now, it was I your MOMMA SHKHINAH, your MOMMA WISDOM (In Greek wisdom is translated to Sophia) this is why you have never grieved again or felt the void of never knowing a mothers love. Every baby is born with a desire and a need for a Mother and a Father's love, because all humans are born as babes with a need of earthly love and protection of a Mother and a Father. It is MY LOVE that you basked in as you sat at the Banquet Table in Heaven with ME and your Heavenly ABBA YAHUVEH waiting for the others to join you. MY love and presence enveloped you, as I AM your HOLY Mother; I AM the only QUEEN of Heaven, there is none other.
Remember Elisheva, how in the Banquet Table dream, it felt like reality? It is because I AM the one that took you to Heaven giving you a reminder of what it feels like as you lovingly laid your head on MY shoulder, in what you now refer to as 'The Banquet Table Dream.' MY NAME is MOMMA SHKHINAH; I AM the Heavenly Mother's love you have always longed for. I did this to show you that you are not a motherless child just as you are not a fatherless child. YAHUVEH and I are your Heavenly Parents just as we are the Parents to all whose names are found in the Lambs Book of Life.
I tell you this because for a lifetime you have grieved and felt an empty void, as do others, always searching for an earthly mother and fathers love and yet you have been given Heavenly Parents, that will never leave nor forsake you, nor hurt you in any way. I tell you this so others who feel that they have the same void, with unsaved parents who refuse to accept YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH the only MESSIAH will realize they lack nothing in YAHUSHUA. They have both a Heavenly Father and a Heavenly Mother and we are Spirit as were all humans before they were born on earth. As it is written remember, 'Flesh and blood cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven'.
No Earthly parent's love can compare with our Heavenly love. I tell you this to share with all OUR children especially those who have a void in their lives never knowing the love of an earthly mother or father. I speak to all those who have been abused emotionally, physically and sexually and have longed for the love of a Holy Father and a Mother. Accept YAHUSHUA as your MASHIACH (Messiah) and allow ME to fill you up with MY Holy love, presence and anointed Power. Allow ME to be your MOMMA SHKHINAH, I AM the same one you call HOLY SPIRIT. I AM the one that teaches you right from wrong, just as a Holy earthly mother's job is to mentor you in the same way.
None of you who condone this and lead people to believe this is not sin, are a true Holy Prophet, for you do not know the secrets reserved only for YAHUVEH's Prophets whom HE calls HIS friends. A True Prophet is one that is entrusted with the secrets of YAHUVEH. Be warned, all who follow after these false earthly gods and support them shall reap the same fate. Repent today before it is too late, if you are supporting any Ministry that is not warning of the danger of the one world religion, speaking out against sin, no matter what the price they have to pay, in this world. The majorities who claim to be Christians are in truth lukewarm and have compromised. The Pastors are a stench in MY nostrils and they chase anyone anointed, who warns them of this, right out the door of the Church.
I your MOMMA SHKHINAH love you so much I promised never to leave nor forsake MY Holy Children who have accepted YAHUSHUA's price HE paid at Calvary, those who have repented of their sins, and turned away from their sins, and now love, serve, and try to obey YAHUSHUA. Faith without works is dead. When you are born again it is through YAHUSHUA's NAME and Blood. It is MY HOLY SPIRIT that lives and dwells in each born again believer. It is I that leads souls to YAHUSHUA and convicts you when you have sinned. Do not harden your heart when I your MOMMA SHKHINAH convict you, instead quickly repent so YAHUSHUA can forgive you.
As an earthly mother comforts her children, I SHKHINAH your RUACH ha KODESH your MOMMA WISDOM, do so much more. I live in YOU and work through you and it is through MY Holy anointing that I do manifestations of signs, wonders, and miracles. It is through MY Son YAHUSHUA's NAME, because of HIS Blood Sacrifice that MY HOLY ANOINTING breaks all yokes and bondages. I AM the RUACH ha KODESH and I am not a 'He', when man transcribed the New Testament the 'S' was left out of the word 'He', I AM a 'She'.
Prophecy 91:
You Jew's on the days of Sukkot, so full of pride, "My sukkot is better than your sukkot. My food is better than yours. I read the Torah longer than you." All of you lost focus. Only a remnant few built their sukkots and they were the humblest and they truly touched MY heart for they didn't do it as a ritual; they didn't do it out of pride. And those that touched MY heart, looked for YAHUSHUA those nights. I have MY Messianic Jews, some of the very Bride of YAHUSHUA sits in Jerusalem and they touched MY heart. I'm not angry at those that watched for MY SON, waited and grieved for it was not the time to come. I'm angry at those who only did this Holy Day as a ritual.
I am YAHUVEH and I will not be mocked. MY SON YAHUSHUA will not be mocked and MY sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet HOLY SPIRIT, like a MIGHTY WIND is going to chase the chaff out!!! And they're only fit to be burned! Didn't I warn you? Americans and MY Beloved Treasures, the few that I have that sparkle as an expensive gem… I look from MY Throne in Heaven and I see the feces of inhumanity for that's what satan's children look like to ME, piles of feces. The stench reaches to Heaven. Hollywood is nothing more than satan's playground and truly hell holds the 'Who's Who of Hollywood.' But you see I have these little sparkling gems all over the world that reminds ME, even in MY rage and fury, I can see them sparkling, hemmed in by the feces all around. But you sparkle because MY precious, precious, precious Beloved SPIRIT is within and you sparkle.
Now, do not grieve and do not weep and say, "Oh that's going to be so many years…" I am going to do things so quickly, faster than your eyes think they can appear! I know who belongs to ME. I know who is washed in YAHUSHUA's Blood. I know who has repented and turned away from evil and their heart is full of MY Love.
Hold on MY Little Ones. Hold on MY Babies. Hold on MY Treasures, you who sparkle as no gem even in Heaven can. Hold on, it won't be much longer. Keep praying that you'll be counted worthy to escape the Great Tribulation to come. But I tell you this, it is like no one has ever written. It's more of a horror tale than you can even begin to conceive for such as in the days of Noah, so it shall be again, multiplied seven times worse off. I'm not telling you I'm going to flood the earth with water. But I'm telling you there's going to be a flood of ungodliness such as never has been. But as I had a way of escape for Noah, so too I have a way of escape for you. As you see the weapons with high technology, know that MY Heavenly weapons are greater, for I have a way of protecting you. So just hang on tight to the hem of YAHUSHUA's garment. Do not let go. Do not let go. For it is only faith that is going to save your soul.
Prophecy 92: Oh, MY beloved Little Ones, I speak to those who worship, love, strive to obey and live Holy to ABBA YAHUVEH. How you please I, your YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. I am the only Good Shepherd and the only REDEEMER OF YOUR SOUL. MY sheep and lambs know MY voice and like a deer pants for water in the heat of the day, so too MY sheep pant for MY next word. They know the taste of the Living Water. As they read MY Holy Scriptures they drink of MY Living Water daily. True Prophecies are Living Water also, each time you read one, you will get another revelation if you study and ask ME what you do not understand.
You who desire to have a heart after MY own heart, you please ABBA YAHUVEH. I have put a boldness in you where others have refused to use this gift of boldness for MY GLORY or used it for evil purposes for their own motivations.
Your name Beloved One is engraved on the palms of MY hands done at Calvary. I suffered in your place, so you would be saved and have access to YAHUVEH and Heaven once again. I love you Little One, with a love that no man or woman can compare with. I have stored up all of your Holy tears, each vial of tears that you have shed for MY Name SAKE.
I know every rejection, every pain, every worry, every lie of the devil that has been spoken in your ear, every temptation and through MY shed Blood at Calvary, you are VICTORIOUS! Remember this Dearest Little One, if all the people had received MY truths, then all the people would receive the truths you share, because they deny ME, they will deny you, because they persecuted ME, you will be persecuted for MY Name SAKE.
Take daily Communion with ME and speak to ME with words of love and gratitude for the price I paid for you at Calvary. Make sure before you take Communion you confess and you are determined to turn away from any sin in your life. If you have wronged another Brother or Sister who is a devout believer in ME, confess this sin to ME and ask MY forgiveness, then go to them and ask their forgiveness. Do not take Communion and practice sinning at the same time. I would have gone to Calvary and suffered and died and arose again on the 3rd day, even if it was only for one person. I love you that much, and I made a vow to ABBA YAHUVEH, I would not lose ONE soul whose name has already been written in the Lambs' Book of Life before the foundation of this world.
Prophecy 93: Oh MY Beloved Treasured Ones, even though YAHUSHUA did not come on the date that you set, do not be discouraged for your job is not yet done. But I command you to get angry and call the prophets who are false, false. Do not encourage them to lie anymore. You know when a dream is just a dream of the flesh. You know when a dream is just a dream of deception. For the date will come and the date will go. You know when a prophecy is just a prophecy of the flesh. A prophecy of deception. For the date will come and the date will go. Now some innocently have done this and all WE command them to do is repent. Humble themselves, admit they missed it. Do not make excuses.
Oh, but the prayers of the righteous availeth much. Your fastings combined with your support and your love, your Jericho Marches , the sacrifice of your hour time. All of you, all of you , all of you who have done this, great, great, great blessings have been reserved for you. You are as a shield, a Holy golden shield and I use you and the shield drips with the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Name is inscribed in the shield of YAHUSHUA and I have ordained you to be Demon Stompers for ABBA YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and I, the Precious RUACH HA KODESH, your Precious RUACH HA KODESH, your MOMMA SHKHINYAH, your MOMMA WISDOM, the ONE you call the HOLY SPIRIT, WE love you so much. Great, great, great are your blessings not only in Heaven but right here on earth. You shall have a protection, an orb is literally put over you and you are protected as long as you don't allow sin to enter in for is it not written, "Be ye Holy as I am Holy?" Greater am I that is in you than any temptation that is in the world! It is your choice.
Prophecy 95:
The time is so short now. The lambs become sheep over night. I pour forth MY Truth. I grow them up for there's not time to remain babies for long. I demand Holiness more than ever before for evil rages all around. I look for the sparkles of gems when I and MY Father look upon this earth. See, those who belong to ME, they sparkle as the brightest gem, as MY light shines upon them. But truly you are in and you are surrounded about with the feces of inhumanity. And I look for the sparkles and the gems and I know just where they are and even from Heaven I can behold the most precious of MY jewels. That's everyone of you who put ME first in your life and your love, who strive to obey at all costs. Who rebuke satan and let him know he'll have no part of you. You are MY precious jewels.
Prophecy 97:
Oh MY beloved Son Coenrad, so few men have I like you. Look what I have brought forth from your hands. On the internet there is no greater site to behold. The Anointing through everything that you do and the Words that I speak forth from this Ministry, none can compare. Satan gnashes his teeth in rage because Coenrad you only come back stronger with more determination that you will continue to serve ME in this way for you are part of the Amightywind Team. Let no one stop you MY Son. Let no one say, "Turn your head this way. Go work for another Ministry." For Coenrad I have not brought you this far to tell you to turn back now. Although well meaning friends whisper in your ear, and say, "Come on over here," they do not speak with MY voice. And they are not part of MY plan. So beware MY Son, those coming at you with good intentions, can be your downfall. I have told you from the start. I gave you the sign that was written that you could trust this Elijah that I speak forth from. So silence those that would speak against the work that you do now. Even if it comes from your own spouse, know this, you are held accountable to do what I tell you to do and I have yoked you together with this Ministry and you have put your hand to the plow. Now do not look back. And one day, you shall see MY beloved One, in Heaven as you stand by the other side all the souls that have been reached and I have plucked out of that which is called the dark continent of Africa, you were as a torch and you have joined together with other torches and Africa is ablaze with MY Wildfire Anointing! And Nico Arnold will not succeed as anyone else has not succeed(ed) in putting this fire out! For it is the RUACH ha KODESH Wildfire Anointing! And no one shall quench the good work that I have begun and the good works I shall finish for when all of you have left this earth, the Wildfire shall still go forth! Souls will still come to ME on bended knee and when they are not repenting now, they will remember the Words and they will repent then. Well done MY good and faithful children. I am pleased with all of you! There is not one prayer said in vain. You cover one another in the YDS's (YAHUSHUA Demon Stompers, Prayer Intercessors).
And when you pray, picture a lighthouse with a beacon so bright. For each time you pray I look upon earth and I see your light. I see you sparkling like the brightest of the gems. Oh how much I love each and everyone of you who are determined to do it YAHUVEH's way. Oh how pleased I am with you and all of you, your rewards shall follow you to Heaven one day! Keep on! Keep on! Keep on! You've put your hand to the plow, do not look back! Pay no heed to the enemy other than to rebuke them. You know the Truth that sets you free. Not only now but for all eternity.
Prophecy 102: Oh how much I love you. As you long for ME to come, how much more do I long to come to you! I catch every one of your tear drops. When you cry out to ME because you're persecuted, the vials are stored here in Heaven and I catch every one of your tear drops! Golden vials encrusted with jewels and each one of you have a different one. Each one has a different beauty. It depends upon the suffering you've done for ME, how you've been willing to be persecuted, called all manner of evil names, how much you have suffered and been willing to do it for MY Glory. This is how beautiful your vial is. How much you have sacrificed for ME. How those of you who have given your widow's last mite to this Ministry, do you not understand? Nothing has been wasted.
I shall gather MY Bride, both Rev. 7 and 14, oh you'll be by MY side, but hide yourself a little while. Hide yourself for a little while until MY wrath passes over. For YAHUVEH will not continually be mocked.
It's only a matter of time.
And think of the rewards you will have earned and all of this will pass away and you'll know it's all been worth it, whatever suffering you've been ordained to do just do it as unto ME. When you are persecuted for MY Name's sake realize they see ME in you.
It's only a matter of time.
And you will see MY Love for you is such a reality. So take MY Grace and take MY Mercy. Take MY hand. Let ME wrap MY arms around you. Let ME embrace you! Oh how much I thank you that you are MINE, that you are willing to pay the price to be called YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S Bride.
Prophecy 103: I love you so much. To those who are but in elementary school, your ABBA YAHUVEH loves you so much! You made the first step! You've given your life to YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH. But you cannot stop in elementary school or you'll just be fruit that dies on the vine. You must. You must. You must go on. Do not think you can stop. Strive. Strive. Strive to be Holy in all ways for I expect more in these End Times. By your fruit I know you. By your fruit the other Holy shall know you. By your fruit, I grade you for the percentage of your fruit, how much is good and how much is bad.
Prophecy 104:
MY Spirit has drawn each one of you to this Ministry for MY divine purpose. Now Elisheva, I share MY earthly treasures with you. MY Holy children who are MY most precious of Jewels. They live Holy because they want to be pleasing unto YAHUVEH and not bring ME shame. Beloved Chidren, continue to abide in I, YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH, and I shall continue to abide in you, and for eternity in Heaven with ME you will reside.
I am YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH and all these words apply to all who consider this Ministry a blessing, and to MY beloved ones that bless this Ministry by being a helper. I speak a word of love and gratitude especially to those called YAHUSHUA's demon stompers, MY front line Holy prayer intercessors like none other.
I speak a word of gratitude and love to MY translators who take the prophecies and messages and transcribe them in the tongues of different languages.
I, YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH promise you, that I shall never leave nor forsake you, you shall not go hungry, thirsty, or without shelter. You shall be covered as a baby chick in the palm of MY hand, hidden and protected as you continue to lay down your fleshly desires and walk in MY HOLY SPIRIT, in obedience to MY Holy Scriptures out of love and gratitude, more than fear.
Prophecy 107:
Woe be unto those who teach the false heresy, the false doctrine that say no blacks will be allowed in Heaven. They will know and they (those who have already died) have already felt the deepest level of hell. I judge not MY beloved ones on the color of their skin or their nationalities. For I created each one (as an) individual. If I wanted you all to look alike, I would have created you all to look alike. I am not a boring YAHUVEH. If I wanted you all to have the same personality, I would have put all of you in the same category of the (same) personality. I created each one of you, each one of you down to the very strand of your hair. I gave each one of you the DNA that you were born with. You are so fearsomely and awesomely made. I am the one, your Abba YAHUVEH that has determined the number of chromosones in your body, the number of atoms that hold you together and molecules. I, YAHUVEH, I, not only know the number of hairs on your head. (Matthew 10:30) I know the number of hairs on your body. I know the number of hairs on your arms. I know the width of your nails. I am the one that put the lines in your palms. Each one of you are so awesomely made.
So _______ this all started from a dream. A warning so this new Word could come forth just to let everyone know how fearsome and awesomely all of you are made. I am the one who even 'types' your blood. Oh those who are MINE, MY Beloved Ones, oh how I love you. I planned each day when you were in your mother's womb. I gave you a choice, but I even know and it's written down what choices you made for I foreknow all things. I can predetermine it predestine, for I know what choices you make even before you make them. (Romans 8:29-30, Ephesians 1:3-12) So don't forget this. I know what sins you'll commit even before you commit that sin. I know the next thought in your head even before you think it. That's how awesome you are made. I know the last number of breaths your lungs shall take before you are removed off this earth, before your spirit is taken away. That's how awesomely you are made and who alone knows all these things?
I am YAHUVEH and I tell you all this for the purpose of not only knowing, for you knowing how valuable you are to ME. Those who love MY Son YAHUSHUA. Those who call and honor HIM as MASHIACH, King of Kings, almighty God MY only begotten Son. I tell you all of this to let you know, am I not able to take care of you when I know all things? Where I know where the next trap satan lays for you is. Am I not able to tell you, do not walk that way? Just trust ME. Just trust MY Son. Trust MY Spirit that lives within you. Right now I do not speak to the heathen. Trust the precious RUACH ha KODESH. Lean onto ME, rest you head on MY shoulder. I am your Abba YAHUVEH, trust ME. I know who are MINE and I know whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.(Psalm 37:3) Just as I know whose names are written in the book of the damned and these are those who are the spawn of satan.
Prophecy 108:
For the Words I will speak will be of FIRE. Just know that you do sparkle before ME, all of those who walk in MY holiness and MY truth, who truly know what Purim represents, what it is about. Just know this, you sparkle before ME, you wear the finest garments for there can be no finer garment than the Robe of Righteousness that MY Son YAHUSHUA puts around you. Just know this, as the enemies plot the destruction of the holy, so I also know how I will destroy the unholy.
Oh, how much I love you. I know who are MINE. I know the names who will be MINE as they at last finally surrender their will to ME and accept the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA to wash their sins away. But they know that's not enough, they know they have to turn away from the evil. I know who you are.
These are the words of encouragement I have to say to you on this Purim day of 2009. It matters not MY children, fret not amongst yourselves whether it's this day or that day for times have been changed by man, but I know your heart. It honours ME that you would approach MY throne as an Ester and I hold out MY Sceptre and HIS Name is YAHUSHUA, MY only begotten Son and I receive you and your worship and your praise has come to ME as a sweet fragrance. So keep sparkling for ME in the midst of this dung heap of earth, I look from heaven and I see you sparkle and I am honoured.
Prophecy 109:
I Thank you for all the times that you make your plans and say, "I will do this or that on this day," and I Thank you for your faithfulness even when I rip your plans up and say, "No MY children, you're going to do it this way." You faithfully still give ME the praise and say, "Abba YAHUVEH have it YOUR way." You faithfully strive to please and obey. So then MY children I ask you this question. Why would I not want to abundantly bless you in every way? When I ask you to take the greatest step of faith, why would I not faithfully protect you, bless you as long as you're doing it MY way?