Prophecy 20:
So many have made wrong choices and then I get the blame.
For when they are wounded and come to Daddy and say, “Father look at MY Bloody
wounds, look what those that I love did to me, those that I trusted, those that
I yoked myself with. Daddy, why did you allow this to happen? It is you
yourself that yoked to the sin of this world for you became one with sin when
you chose to marry without asking ME if this was the right spouse for you. If
this was the one I ordained before the foundation of the earth for you? When
you yoked yourself with sin, when you became leaders over the heathen who chose
to remain heathens you closed your eyes so your Daddy YAHUVEH has had to rip
your eyes open forcing you to see what you did not see before.
Prophecy 71:
Satan sows his own seed of rebellion and disobedience into
the goats defying all that is Holy, defying all that is truth, twisting MY Holy
Scriptures to conform to man’s twisted perversions, rebutting, rejecting and
rewriting MY Torah and commands. Satan’s seed is doing the same sins that
were in the beginning even before the foundation of the earth when your souls
were formed in Heaven.
I, YAHUVEH, who created your souls knew who would
follow, love, obey and to ME be loyal. (Jer 1:4-5) I, YAHUVEH, knew who
would follow in rebellion and covet MY authority and dominion. (John 17:12)
As satan fought to be god before the foundation of the world, (Isa 14:12-15) he has
convinced his seed now that they are the manifested sons of God, equal to
YAHUSHUA in all ways. Less anyone forget only through YAHUSHUA’s Name and shed
Blood can anyone have access to I, YAHUVEH. How many have been deceived for they
forget I grafted in all those I call Holy now.
All of the souls who betrayed I, YAHUVEH, in the battle
before the foundation of the earth, have and will betray I, YAHUVEH, again. This
is how I, YAHUVEH, predestined and foreknew whose names would be found or not
found in the Lambs Book of Life (Rev.17:8). When the 3 books are opened
where will your name be found? Will it be in the book of redemption, the book of
the blotted out, (Ex 32:32-33) (Rev. 3:5) or the book of the damned? Now you
can understand MY Holy Scripture that says ‘You all work out your own salvation
with fear and trembling’ (Phil. 2:12)
Reincarnation is a lie of the father of all lies. You do
not die and keep coming back to earth in other lives until you are fit for
Heaven. As the Holy Scriptures say ‘man is appointed once to die and than the
judgment. (Heb 9:27) Every soul already made that choice before the foundation
of the earth was formed. Whether your allegiance was to I, YAHUVEH, or to satan
the father of all lies. The first lie satan told was that satan would become
like I, YAHUVEH, and have MY authority. 1/3 of all the angels believed this lie
along with multitudes of souls who chose sides. For in
every soul I have given them the
gift of free-will. (Rev. 12:4-9)
As I judged satan whose name was Lucifer, I also judged and
condemned and handed out the sentences to not only Lucifer but all his fallen
angels and all souls who betrayed I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA. The souls that
were loyal to I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth as well as the
souls that betrayed I, YAHUVEH, I send to the earth through the seed of Adam and
Eve. Satan was also cast down. Satan again sought to turn MY creations
against ME, both man and beast. Again MY Children disobeyed and rebelled against
their loving Father. Satan’s motivation was to provoke I, YAHUVEH, to such a
rage I would destroy what I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA so lovingly created,
but instead, after the fall of Adam and Eve MY own beloved Son YAHUSHUA offered
himself as a redeemer, to be born as a human created only by I, YAHUVEH
The souls that were created before the foundation of the
earth who followed Lucifer in rebellion against I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and MY
Host of Holy Angels, (Rev.12:9) were given a choice at that time before the
foundation of the earth, but when birthed on earth the choice of those souls
were already made. The souls that followed Lucifer then have no choice but to
follow satan again on earth and reap what satan sowed. This is the judgment of
man. Salvation was already pre-destined. The reprobate
shall remain reprobate for eternity. (Jer 6: 27-30) clearly states I, YAHUVEH,
call them rejected silver, they are as dross or lead, dead weight. The souls
that did not worship and serve I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth
will have no desire to serve I, YAHUVEH, on earth.
You walk on top of hell and although hell was created for
satan and his angels that rebelled against I, YAHUVEH (Matt 25:41). I,
YAHUVEH, the Creator of your souls already knew if you would join these in hell.
(II Pet 2:2-10) and whether you will make your abode in the Lake of Fire with
satan, the false prophet, and the anti messiah (Rev.19:20) (Rev.21:8) and all of
satan’s seed who followed satan before the foundation of the earth. Not one soul
that was created from the foundation of the earth whose names are already
recorded in Heaven will be lost just as YAHUSHUA stated in the Holy Scriptures.
Anyone who does not acknowledge YAHUSHUA as God/MESSIAH
the only begotten Son of YAHUVEH the Father God Creator of all, made that
decision before the foundation of the earth and their mind and hearts cannot be
changed. No matter what religion you claim, only the souls that did not
betray MY Son YAHUSHUA and I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth will
be saved from hell and the Lake of Fire. All others are reprobate and shall
share in the same fate or are already in hell. NOW is the time of salvation.
The souls who were in the battle before the foundation
of the earth who started to fight on the side of Holiness against Lucifer and
his 1/3 of angels and then allowed Lucifer’s lies to penetrate their souls, they
too betrayed I, YAHUVEH. (Rev.13-8) They now pay the price for their names are
written in the book of the blotted out, traitors first in Heaven and now on
earth. These people start out following I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA believing the
bible, obeying MY Commands, MY Torah and then forsaking all that is Holy.
These souls were formed and put into a human body and are doomed to reap satans
reward of hell and the Lake of Fire.
Everyone reading this now hear this, I, YAHUVEH, command
you to share this with all the people you know, to reassure them, not one
person whose name is written in the Lambs Book of Life will worship the beast or
accept the Mark of the Beast! (Rev 13:15-17) Not one person will I, YAHUVEH,
lose to satan and his kingdom. Not any who were loyal to I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son
YAHUSHUA in that great battle before the foundation of the earth will go to hell
or the Lake of Fire. Just as I YAHUVEH sent MY Son YAHUSHUA to save MY beloved
children from the sin brought on by Adam and Eve. I, YAHUVEH, will once again
send MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA to save MY Loyal Holy Children. Look up children,
though the world scoffs and mocks truly your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke
Beloved Ones, this world is not your home. You are just
travelers passing through. Your mansions, treasures, and rewards await you in
Heaven. Store up not, earthly treasures that you cannot take with you, but store
them in Heaven, let your storehouses be full in Heaven. (Matt 6 19-20) (Mal
Now this world and people are experiencing labor pains. The
earth travails in pain as the ground quakes and shakes before I, YAHUVEH, birth
the Great Tribulation that will be unlike any horror yet seen. (Matt 24) (Mark
13:8) Not one soul before the foundation of the world who defended I, YAHUVEH,
then will I forsake. MY great wrath is for MY enemies, as it was then, so it
shall be again.
I, YAHUVEH, wrote the Ten Commandments in a tablet of
stone, now your hearts are hardened like unto a stone. You were a rebel before
the foundation of the earth and you have not changed. All those who don’t weep
and protest against abortion, you are a rebel also and have not changed. And
can only change depending on the choice you made in the battle good vs. evil
before the foundation of the world.
All those who promote homosexuality, boast, flaunt,
participate or teach others this is only another alternate lifestyle, teach
others they were born this way, this is a lie of satan and you who refuse to
repent you are a rebel and you have not changed. You will reap what you have
sowed before the foundation of this world. (Rom 1:24-32)
I, YAHUVEH, have a warning to all the political and
spiritual leaders who refuse to speak out against and vote against what you know
MY Holy Scriptures Condemn as abominations and sin. You have compromised with
satan. You betrayed I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth and you
betray I, YAHUVEH, now. Take your comfort now in your wealth and possessions for
truly that is the only comfort you will have for all eternity. Your next bed
shall be in hell and then the Lake of Fire where worms shall be your sheets and
maggots your blankets.
You worldly musicians satan has given you the gift of
deceiving people in what is called music. I, YAHUVEH, blessed some souls who I
created with a beautiful voice and musical talents. When I gave this gift I
intended it to be a blessing unto I, YAHUVEH, then you betrayed I, YAHUVEH,
before the foundation of the world and now the majority use these gifts to
glorify satan, to lull souls to a spiritual sleep, to plant demonic spirits deep
within and to lead people astray with a hypnotic voice and a satanic beat.
Know this all of human creation, know that I, YAHUVEH, and
My Beloved Son YAHUSHUA, at OUR Thrones ALL shall bow and kneel. All souls
were created and tested at the same time. Only the souls that were loyal and
fought against Lucifer before the foundation of the world now carry the
redemption seal. This is the truth I am using MY Daughter and handmaiden to
reveal, what satan has tried to hide and conceal.
All those with spiritual ears to hear and spiritual eyes to see will
hear I, YAHUVEH’s voice for you are MY sheep. You will no longer be blinded to
the truth. All souls as once were rebels will be again and remain
spiritually deaf and blind and continue to follow satan’s path by swallowing
satan’s lies.
Study Ezekiel 9, which one are you? The good vs. evil
battle is again being played out on earth as it was done in Heaven before the
foundation of the earth. Every soul created was tested. Only if you were loyal with the battle with Lucifer will
you accept MY Son YAHUSHUA now on earth as MESSIAH/God. The first battle was
in the Spiritual realm in Heaven, now you battle satan and his servants now here
on earth using YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA’s spiritual weapons that I, YAHUVEH, have
given you in the Name of YAHUSHUA through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA.
Prophecy 76:
I,YAHUSHUA, am the Good Shepherd and MY Bride will not go
to any other Master. As it is written, I tell MY secrets to the Prophets and so
I share secrets now with MY beloved Bride and the Honored Guests that will be
invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. And only those who will attend,
their names are found in the Lamb’s Book of Life, inscribed before the
foundation of this world.
Study and show thyself approved as you meditate on why
Enoch, Elijah, Elisha are of great importance. I,YAHUSHUA, teach you now this is
relevant to the Bride of YAHUSHUA. I am speaking forth this revelation.
Behold it is a new thing. The Book of
Enoch was not included with the Books which are in the Bible and yet I give you
this mandate to find this book and study it and allow YAHUVEH to teach you
truths seldom taught, for there are books that should have been included in the
Holy Bible and were purposely left out
because they would be too confrontational. Ask yourself, why would the Creator
put in 66 books in the Bible, for this is not a holy number. Six is the number
of man, 666 is the number associated with the antichrist.
Beloved, when the Bride and the Guests all arrive, then
shall the Marriage Supper of the Lamb commence. Only those who respond and
accept I,YAHUSHUA, as your MESSIAH will attend the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
and only those whose names are found written in the Lambs Book of Life before
the foundation of this world.
Prophecy 79: This is the way I AM using this Ministry, separating the
sheep from the goats, separating the wheat from the tares [weeds]. Those whose
names were written in the LAMB’S Book of Life before the Foundation of this
Earth, these are the ones whose names shall remain in the LAMB’S Book of Life.
They will not worship the son of satan and they will refuse the mark of the
beast, even if you are hearing or reading this now and you continue to
compromise now, during the Great Tribulation you will observe and honor the true
Shabbat which is Friday Sunset to Saturday Sunset although it may mean your life
and you will be martyred. All your
names are already written down for I already knew before you were born on this
earth what you would do. If you do not listen now, you will listen then.
Prophecy 80:
I, YAHUVEH, sent My Son YAHUSHUA with MY Spirit to lead
souls to Heaven and satan sends his spirit to deceive all those who will listen
and follow the spirit of rebellion against all that is truly Holy, leading them
to Hell, enticing them with a Mark. As YAHUSHUA has marked those who truly
belong to HIM, whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the
foundation of this world, so too has satan marked those who belong to him and
will physically Mark them again, proving those that follow him have their names
in the book of the damned or the book of the blotted out. No one that takes
satan’s mark will ever enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
accidentally choose to accept the “mark of the Beast”. You will know not to
do so and rather die before doing so. The only true healing, signs, wonders and
miracles and resurrections come from Heaven. Any other healing or deliverance is
an illusion! And during the Great Tribulation there will be illusions that
appear to be truth, but are lies straight from the throne of satan. Learn now!
Prophecy 87:
Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, there
is no royal blood on this earth except through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH. Only those whose names are already written in the Lambs Book of
Life (Rev 17:8) before the foundation of this earth can claim the royal
bloodline through the royal blood of the KING of the UNIVERSE, KING of KINGS and
LORD of LORDS, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, KING of the Jews! All others who call
themselves of a royal earthly bloodline are imposters and there is nothing royal
in them. Only MY People grafted in through the bloodline of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH
are Royal in MY eyes. Only YAHUSHUA’s Bride will be coroneted in Heaven. MY Two
Witnesses are part of YAHUSHUA’s First Fruit Bride of Rev. 14. The body they
will receive will be a Glorified Body. Just as YAHUSHUA walked invisible through
a crowd when the enemy sought to kill HIM so too shall MY Two Witnesses do the
same. (Luke 4:28-30)
Prophecy 90: The evil people in this world hate the Name “Holy” and
[hate] all who live Holy and those who are destined to return back to Heaven
because their names are found in the LAMB’S Book of Life that was written before
the Foundation of this Earth (Rv 13:8; 21:27).
Every soul born
on this earth was tested in Heaven before they came to this earth and that is
why every soul works out their own salvation “with fear and trembling” (Phil
2:12). Your soul already knows if you were on lucifer’s side or YAHUVEH’S side
during the Great Betrayal War in Heaven, before the Foundation of this Earth. I use you because before the Foundation of this Earth,
you were chosen to come to Earth to bring all Praise, Honor Glory to I, YAHUVEH,
WISDOM. You have been anointed for such a time as this.
Here is a secret I repeat again through Elisheva, every soul born on this earth was tested in Heaven before they came to this earth, and that is why every soul works out their 'own salvation with fear and trembling'. Your soul already knows if you were on lucifer's side or YAHUVEH's side during the great betrayal war in Heaven, before the foundation of this earth.
You were chosen before the Foundation of this World to
be filled with MY RUACH HA KODESH—even while in your heathen mother’s womb,
where you were hated, unwanted and rejected. It is now many years later, and now
you realize it is MOMMA SHKHINYAH that comforted you. It would be years later
before you realized who you are through the NAME OF YAHUSHUA and that HIS
BLOOD-SACRIFICE was for you at Calvary. You were chosen before the Foundation of this World to
give birth to this Holy Ministry with a Name that encompasses no name of a man
or woman but honors only the HOLY TRINITY. Salvation only comes through YAHUSHUA’S NAME SHED BLOOD.
And part of MY job is I must draw souls to YAHUSHUA. And I do not miss one soul
that is written in the LAMB’S Book of Life [from] before the foundation of this
Prophecy 92:
I AM the only GOOD SHEPHERD and I, YAHUSHUA, do not lose
one of MY sheep or lambs. I already know all the names written in MY Book of
Life before the foundation of this world.
I would have gone to Calvary and suffered and died and
arose again on the third day, even if it was only for one person. I love you
that much. And I made a vow to ABBA YAHUVEH, I would not lose one soul (Jn
10:28-29) whose name has already been written in the LAMB'S Book of Life before
the Foundation of this World.
Prophecy 95:
Only MY Name and MY Blood, only through MY Body, can anyone
be saved! Only through the Blood of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH, can anyone be saved!
There is no name on the face of this world, on the face of this universe, can
anyone be saved but through MY Blood and through the price I paid with MY Body,
as I laid MY life down. YAHUSHUA willingly gave HIS Life on the cross No man
took MY life! No man could murder ME! But I willingly gave it. It is I that
said, “It is finished.” It is I that commended MY Spirit to leave. But you do
not have a clue what I did during this time. You do not have a clue for though
yet MY Body died, I did arise. And I made an open show to satan, the once called
Lucifer and I let him know and I let all of hell know, I am alive! And I took
the keys of hell and death from his hands! And he cannot send anyone to hell
unless it was part of MY plan, unless their name is not found in the Lamb’s Book
of Life before the foundation of the world.
And I cannot lose one. I do not lose one. All, all, all
whose names are found written in the LAMB’S Book of Life, before the foundation
of this earth, all, all, all, all shall be in Heaven. The ones whose names
are blotted out! As they betrayed ME in Heaven, they betray ME on earth. But
even that name was blotted out before the foundation of this earth. As they
betrayed ME in Heaven they betray ME on earth.
All of you work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for
your soul knows where you will go. You’re only repeating what’s already been
You organized churches, I laugh at you. You have MY
Resurrection before the Passover. Foolish, foolish manmade religions. Foolish,
foolish manmade religions, how many souls have been taken to hell because of
you? But not one do I loose whose names are found written in the LAMB’S Book
of Life, again I say, before the foundation of this earth.
Prophecy 122:
So just keep hanging on tight to the Hem of MY Garment.
Don’t let go! For I’ll not leave nor forsake you. I know whose names are
written in that LAMB’S Book of Life before the Foundation of this World…I know
whose names remain! And these are the ones I speak to this day. If you receive
this Word as a blessing from ME, know that your name is there. It has NOT been
wiped out.
If you receive this Word as a curse—only to mock and
laugh—know this, I have never known you! I don’t care how you quote MY Words. I
don’t care how you shout. I tell you this, if you receive these Words as a
curse, if you receive this Ministry as a curse, if you do not repent and redeem
what you have done—be assured, I do not know you.
Prophecy 139:
It is your choice, but it has already been decreed. For the LAMB’S Book of Life was way before there ever was even a mention of the word “earth” (Rv 13:8; 17:8). It’s already been decreed. Your name is either there, or it’s never been there.
Or it was blotted out, when you knew the truth yet you refused to give up what you hold so dear. And that is your blood family.