Prophecy 13: Pray I will show you the genuine to satan's counterfeit. I had a greedy disciple, a son of Hell, yet that does not mean all the disciples were traitors does it? So it is true again. You have asked, "Why aren't I blessed for my giving ten percent?" I will tell you, because you're sowing seed into hard dry soil that is teaching error and leading others astray into the very bowels of Hell. REPENT TODAY!
Prophecy 20:
Now again I prophesy through MY Handmaiden. It would do well for you to pray for ears to hear MY voice and eyes to see what is to come very shortly.
Prophecy 24 part 2:
Pray for the people to intercede so the congregation will not get deceived by the yeast of the Pharisee's or deceived by the cloning spirit.
Prophecy 27:
Anything that you know I do not approve of, your cigarettes or any other vice you use to bring you peace, when instead, it is just a counterfeit, for I am the Prince of Peace. You need nothing else. Give it to ME, sacrifice to ME and if it is meant to bless you, I will return it. If it is not meant to bless you, I will REMOVE IT! Because you, that call yourselves MINE, I have the right to take away what I have given you, as well as what was given to you by satan or by yourself, anything that hinders your walk with ME. Do you want ME to save you in the coming days ahead? Then OBEY ME and do this. Pray if you don't know the meaning to this. Even lay your marriages on this Altar of Sacrifice. The Godly will stand. In fact, I will bless you in a way you dare not have believed.
You MY Children say you want MY perfect will? Do you really? Will you really give ME one day a week? The Sabbath, FRIDAY SUNSET UNTIL SATURDAY SUNSET you are to rest in ME, rejoice in ME, learn of ME. Lay aside your work and instead do only MY work, if any work is to be done. Pray and I will show you what to do and what not to do. I am a GOD of perfect balance. I abhor anything unbalanced. Even the Sabbath must be kept in balance. This is a day of rejoicing in ME, not a curse; this is a day to be a blessing unto you a day not to be dreaded but to be looked forward to. The Sabbath is not a day of bondage but a day of liberty in I, YAHUSHUA. MY Disciples and I are an example of what to do on the Sabbath. Learn this not from the Pharisee's that say this is a day to be in bondage that say this is a day to suffer. Yea, I say great will be your blessings for observing MY Sabbath Day and keeping it Holy.
Ask ME on this day what offends ME and what does not. Pray on this day and offer all up to ME as a sacrifice, I will bless and multiply that which is a blessing to thee and ME. Curse that which is a curse unto thee and ME. How many reading this will dare to trust your GOD? I already know the choice you make.
Prophecy 28:
I cannot wait too much longer for the enemy is planning on launching an attack worldwide at the same time. I will not allow MY Children who listen to MY voice to be deceived. Listen closely to the enemies voice and you will see when you hear it on all airwaves this is not the voice of your Creator and Savior. Listen close and watch the eyes as they speak, listen not with your physical ears only, but use your spiritual ears, and see not with your physical eyes, but ask the RUACH ha KODESH to show you with your spiritual eyes.
Prophecy 32:
'I AM', and MY Son YAHUSHUA, are not glorified dentists. WE are the GOD of Creation. We do not copy man's ways. Prayerfully seek the truth for there are those who seek to deceive you. This is nothing more than sorcery, wizardry, alchemy and enchantment, the magic of turning metal into gold. Beware spiritual leaders and the people who supernaturally get these gold fillings (although some claim it by trickery) in their mouths pick up messages from satan like a radio transmitter they will not be able to discern the true voice of the RUACH ha KODESH ever again. They have sold their soul for a mouthful of gold if they do not REPENT and get it removed. Study and show thyself approved. Where is this in the Holy Scriptures I have given you?
Prophecy 43:
I ask you to do nothing I have not asked MY other apostles and prophets to do, and that is to obey ME and seek MY will and I will lead and guide you and never forsake you and I equip MY warriors before sending them into the front lines of combat. You never go into a battle, alone, I am there. Nor empty handed or naked. Put on the full armor of God and draw MY sword not yours. Take MY shield of faith and quench the fiery darts that are aimed at you. Beware of Judas' that come to you in the form of sheep and yet are ravenous wolves. Pray for a greater gift of discernment and never think you have enough of that gift for no human can ever say that they always recognize the face of satan. Beware for the devil knows MY plans for you and he knows where you're weak and where you're strong.
Prophecy 51:
I, YAHUVEH have hidden you for such a time as this. Pray how to use your talents, gifts, wisdom, homes, real estate, finances, and spiritual gifts. All wisdom that does not go against MY Scriptures you are to use to help and barter with, at a time when there will be no other way to buy or sell or help others. Your wisdom, revelations, healing knowledge, and the education given to you will benefit others for such a time, and you will know when to use it, and where to help, and who to help. MY apostles and prophets need you to hide them for such a time as this, from the evil ones that seek their destruction, so no one can say they weren't warned before judgment falls.
I, YAHUVEH am now joining you with others, for these also will be MY hidden ones that I have hidden under the shelter of MY wings. Wait until you see the miracles that I, YAHUVEH will do. You will see, it will be your finest hours as once again you see YAHUVEH deliver those that others seek to destroy, all because of MY NAME. I, YAHUVEH have chosen this prophet to call forth the Clarion Call of the 144,000. Learn the song of Moses. In it is the victory in the NAME of YAHUVEH! MY new mandate to this apostle daughter of MINE is: now is the time for you to seek YAHUVEH's face and YAHUVEH's will and YAHUVEH's marching orders. Walk when YAHUVEH says walk, run when YAHUVEH says run, speak when YAHUVEH says speak and do nothing when you are told to just stand and wait. No matter how small of a decision, learn to pray for ME to reveal MY will, not your will.
Prophecy 65:
Trust not in the governments of this world to protect you for you will find no protection there. Trust in the GOD that created you who knows every molecule, every atom, every cell, every one of your DNA and each one of you is individual but I know each one of you by your GOD given names. Pray to ME and I will give you wisdom, I will bring others into your path for I have raised up the hidden ones to give you wisdom at this time, to take care of this Temple of the RUACH ha KODESH. Use everything that I have given you for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA's glory while you yet have it to use. Satan seeks to strip you bare but don't worry MY Children, I will cover you. They can pass all the ungodly bills they want your politicians and your leaders; it is only what I YAHUVEH allow that will come to pass.
Prophecy 74:
You who fill the Churches, so pompous and so proud. You say which commandments should be kept, which commandment is antiquated, no longer to be followed. You say you know ME but none know ME but MY Son. But MY true Children are crying out "Oh, Father we want to know you, Oh just like Moses did, Oh ABBA we want to know you, Oh YAHUSHUA our soon coming Bridegroom we want to know you." The first fruits that are redeemed, they now are also saying this prayer, for I have put in their hearts to weep and to care.
Prophecy 90:
MY NAME is MOMMA WISDOM and I will give you more Wisdom as you ask ME, "MOMMA WISDOM help me in the NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH I ask for more of your Wisdom!" Try it and see if I will not do this for you. See if your anointing will not increase. But remember, it is only through YAHUSHUA's NAME that I can Blow a Kiss (prayers) to YAHUVEH for your prayers to be answered.
OUR Beloved Ring Maiden Elisheva, this is a secret given to you when the voices of the 7 thunders awoke you, and spoke to you, many years ago. To the reader of this word, study and show thyself approve and pray for greater wisdom on Rev. 10 because in the 7 thunders Elisheva heard were spoken some of the secrets revealed in the prophetic messages thus far. Elisheva, if you had written down the date you will see it would have corresponded to the exact time the 7 thunders spoke the day and month (8/27) and only at that appointed time and year would this be revealed before the world on the internet, as it is now that appointed time and season.
Prophecy 92:
There is coming a day very soon when you will have to pray and discern, should you witness to this person or will it be a trap of the government? Any nation that loses their religious freedoms is because they allowed the governments to strip them away little by little until all that is left is a dictatorship and a work of the antichrist! America and Europe, how far you have fallen from MY grace and mercy.
Prophecy 102:
Hold on tight to the hem of MY garment! Don't, don't look through the eyes of the flesh! Look through the eyes of your precious RUACH ha KODESH, your IMMAYAH! Look through the eyes of your MOTHER WISDOM! Pray for more Wisdom! Pray for more Wisdom because you need it now! And oh, you who are the Guests, pray for more Wisdom! Pray for more discernment for you not only need it now, you are going to need it in the time of Jacob's Trouble. You are going to need it in the Great Tribulation when mere man is looked on and worshipped and adored! You have your idols now oh world. You call them movie stars or evil demonic politicians but I tell you this, there's coming a man who is going to be the son of perdition, the very son of satan. Beware! You've been warned! Be warned! Be wary! Be very wary! Be alert! Be on guard! Because those you think you can trust if they're not full of MY Spirit, if they've not bowed their knee to ME, if they're not living obedient unto ME, if their heart is filled with rebellion now, think how much worse off it will be. You've been warned!
Prophecy 108: Just continue to pray as I gave Mordecia the discernment to know where the enemies were and what plans they had made to destroy the holy. Pray for discernment that I always show you where the enemy is hidden even if it is amongst you. Just know this, anyone that seeks to infiltrate and betray the leadership of this ministry and those who are part of this ministry, those who plot to destroy this ministry, those who lie on this ministry, I with MY own hand saith YAHUVEH will destroy them just as surely as I destroyed Haman and his 10 sons and all those that rose against those that I ordained beforehand to keep safe. You see in these end times I already know no matter what the enemy does I've already preordained who I shall keep safe in the palm of MY hand where no man can pluck them out. Just as in the days of old I'd already preordained that I would keep Mordecia and Ester safe.