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Pray boldly

Prophecy 24, part 1:
I will only answer your prayers in the NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. You cannot pray in your own names, in your own boldness or strength. Dare not touch MY throne in your own names for there is no name to intercede for you but MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA. Dare not wear your robes of righteousness for I know who has MY SEAL placed on them. Those who truly are redeemed though the work of MY Son YAHUSHUA at Calvary. Come to ME in YAHUSHUA's NAME, through HIS Shed Blood; Stand in HIS Robes of Righteousness. So when you do this I say, "Come boldly before the Great GOD 'I AM,' your GOD YAHUVEH. If you try to come in any other name I will CAST YOU OUT! You will not be saved from the flood of MY wrath, the fire that will fall, the curses, the plagues in any other way but by accepting YAHUSHUA NOW as MESSIAH your Savior your GOD before it's too late.

Prophecy 35:
There is no other name that can save you but the Name YAHUSHUA! No other way to come boldly before MY throne but YAHUSHUA! Wear not your own filthy rags, but come boldly in the robes of righteousness that YAHUSHUA covers you with! MY Son's Name is YAHUSHUA and in Isaiah 53 in the OLD BOOK I tell you in advance of his coming, prophesied HIS coming. Just like multitudes didn't believe then a Savior would come, just as now many don't believe John 3:16 in the NEW BOOK, YAHUSHUA came and saved those with spiritual ears to hear and listen and those with spiritual eyes to see.

Prophecy 52:
Show ME in your Scriptures where I did not deliver MY people that followed MY commands and loved and put I, YAHUVEH first in their lives? I, YAHUVEH will deliver MY children from the snare of the fowler. All you have to do is pray and have faith and believe that I am greater than all these fearful things that try to come upon MY children! I, YAHUVEH will answer your prayers when you call to ME in the sacred NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Come boldly before MY throne, and give ME your petitions. I, YAHUVEH am not angry with MY beloved children. At times you go astray, disobey, and the wolf is ready to devour you, all because you do not obey. So like sheep, I am forced to break your leg, but then I lovingly carry you in MY arms until you mend and are able to walk again. Where does a Good Shepherd ever leave his sheep unattended? Where does a Good Shepherd beat the sheep and lambs? Never! But I do promise I will make the ones that seek to devour you regret the day they were born.

Prophecy 53:
But keep your faith and keep your eyes on ME and you shall see the Red Sea part once again and you shall cross over in safety and the enemies shall be destroyed. All those that pursue you, all those that chase you, they shall be destroyed. For I am YAHUVEH and I change not. I am YAHUVEH, and I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. And through MY Son YAHUSHUA's Blood, you come boldly before the Throne and you tell ME boldly what it is you need.

Prophecy 80:
I, YAHUVEH have decreed war on planet earth where unholiness abounds. I, YAHUVEH give this new authority now when prayed to ME in MY Son YAHUSHUA's NAME. Come boldly before ME and ask that Yisrael's enemies be thrown into the Winepress of MY Wrath. The time is coming oh so shortly, so I warn the Bride of YAHUSHUA and the Guests to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb now through this Ring Maiden of YAHUSHUA. Satan will send his false peace, first to mock the true Prince of Peace, trying to deceive and MARK the world with his MARK. Satan has even set a day of the week for this MARK to be given. Those with ears to hear and listen, Beware of the man-made Sabbath. I have sent MY Prophets to warn the time would come when all must choose which GOD they will serve. There is coming very shortly a son of perdition that will kill more than your worse dictators. This son of perdition will come in a form you think not. This son of perdition will come with a hatred for anyone that acknowledges another Messiah. This son of perdition has a hatred for all that is truly Holy and who have accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH.

Bride of YAHUSHUA, call upon ME to deliver you from the human servants of satan who seek your death and destruction. Come before MY throne boldly without sin and ask ME in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's NAME, to ask ME your Abba YAHUVEH in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH to put these reprobate enemies of MINE and yours into MY meat grinder, the Winepress of MY wrath. Those who dare to cast their curses, spells, hexes and do all manner of evil to try and harm destroy or kill the Bride of YAHUSHUA who are MY sealed ones. Vengeance is MINE, sayeth YAHUVEH. I will repay the Bride of YAHUSHUA's enemies and grind them up in seven different ways.

Members of the Bride of YAHUSHUA, you have been given a unique anointing. I pass this anointing unto you by having YAHUSHUA's Ring Maiden Elisheva Eliyahu speak it forth by anointed prayer and written words. Members of the Bride of YAHUSHUA, if you are willing to boldly believe and receive this new authority I, YAHUVEH give you, I will boldly deliver you from your and MY enemies in a way you have not thought of before. Bride of YAHUSHUA, ask ME and see if I will not send the demons tormenting you into YAHUVEH's meat grinder which is the Winepress of MY Wrath where I will uncreate them.