Prophecy 20:
The time is coming to an end. For your lives will not be spared and people will discover the secrets you have hidden, the skeletons in your closets that you bring to life on a daily basis.
Prophecy 23:
Among those who have dared to defy ME this day. I will expose your secret sins in a greater way if you think that you have seen it thus far; just wait for I have just begun.
Prophecy 61:
These are questions that I ask you this day. Do you stand up for Holiness and righteousness or are you surfing for porn on the internet? Do you think your sin is hidden in secret even those that stand behind pulpit? Are you worthy of respect of the world 'husband,' for you stand for the Bridegroom that comes. MY Son rules with love and compassion. Do you think you're going to rule your household with nothing but brute force? Repent today, those that call themselves husbands, for so many of you are not worthy of your wives' respect. But for those husbands that reflect the soon coming Bridegroom, you are worthy of that respect and you must demand that your household respect all that you stand for. And they will love and they will honor you and they will desire to obey just as surely as the Bride of YAHUSHUA desires to obey.
Prophecy 106:
Be assured in 2009 whatever was hidden shall be revealed. (Matthew 10:26) Whatever sin you think you have hidden, by the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH it shall be revealed. For MY Word is true and in these endtimes the evil is growing more evil but MY Holy must grow more Holy and anyone who has a form of Holiness but no Holiness within shall be exposed. I will not allow them to be part of this Ministry. I will not allow it. (Ecclesiastes 12:14) So now it is your choice, who do you really choose to serve? The evil of this world? Or the Holiness of Heaven? So you see I have another reason Elisheva that you are to go to your sons.
Do you not know that it is the proud that is cast down. Pride goeth before a fall. (Proverbs 16:18) Oh how many of you who will hear this and read this are so puffed up with pride and say, "Oh I shall not be moved, when YAH shakes this world in 2009 I shall not be shaken". It is by the mercy and the Blood of YAHUSHUA alone that you will not be shaken and it depends on what you've done. (Colossians 1:13-20) Do you have secret sin? Do you think no one knows? MY eyes go to and fro. I see into your very heart. I know who is truly Holy. I know who is playing games at Holiness and I know who doesn't even try and just make excuses for their sins.
You who call yourselves YAHUSHUA's demon stompers and prayer intercessors, some of you have secret sin. I have not revealed it yet, but be assured it will be exposed if you do not quickly repent. You have to choose this day who you will serve. This secret sin could be hanging on to a mate I told you to let go for your own souls sake, for your own lifes sake. Where you showed your allegiance more to them than you have to ME.