them, tell them MY Daughter. Once again although even those who call
them by MY NAME yet do nothing but shake their heads and others I am
so proud to call MY Children lay their lives, reputations, and
finances down to protect the innocent babes in the mothers' wombs.
These are the ones I will reward.
lose their jobs, imprisoned, mocked, and why? Because they heard MY
voice, and MY conviction that said, "Speak up, don't say
silent." I have heard their prayers, I have seen their tears,
and I have felt their pain, have you? Every church service should be
praying for them. Every church service should be praying for MY
conviction, MY judgment on those doing such things, allowing these
murders, yet how few do. I AM GRIEVIOUSLY ANGRY for you say you're
MINE and you are ignoring the cries of the unborn, and the cries of
those that sacrifice their all to protect and stop the slaughter of
the unborn. Rise up! Speak up! In MY NAME! Pray, Pray, Pray till you
see this horror cease.
You want to know why I have allowed
this to go on, because I have been waiting for MY Children to call
upon MY NAME to stop this. To prove they care. Not just a handful,
but millions should have spoken forth as these laws against MY laws
were passed. There should never be a church service without this
prayer going forth. Pastors you will be held accountable. You have
been warned. Congregations warn your pastors. They are supposed to be
representing ME. Urge them every service to pray for this horror to
cease, for MY judgment to come upon those that refuse to repent.
up! Speak up! Tell the heathen to shut up in MY NAME! Don't listen to
their lies anymore. They are out after the children, you have been
warned, your own children.
beware, the blood of the unborn babies will be on all Christian and
non-Christian hands, if Clinton succeeds in passing federally paid
abortions. All those who have ears to listen -- hear, all others
remain deaf. You who would never murder your babies will be
committing murderous abortions, by allowing the government to use
your tax dollars to pay for this hideous crime against YAHUVEH and
Man. You will not be paying for one abortion, one murder, but untold
millions of babies will die, and with the money I gave you to prosper
This innocent blood will be on all your hands. The wrath
will fall on this nation and world undiluted and you MY People will
have angered ME by remaining silent. Beware I am not only a GOD of
love, but I am a GOD of mighty wrath when angered. Start protesting
now. Let you voices be heard. Stand up for what you know is right,
now before it's too late. Clinton condones homosexuality in the armed
services. He wants you to support this sinful lifestyle.
MY Children, you the taxpayers will be condoning it by paying their
salaries, and by doing this I will no longer bless America. America
will never win another world war again, it has only been by MY grace,
you have not lost this country thus far. All those who have ears to
hear, listen, all others remain deaf.
who are called by MY NAME (Christians) have done little to nothing,
to stop this holocaust on the unborn. You pray to your GOD to stop
this, but do little else. It's the minority who lay their
reputations, freedom, finances and lives down. These are MY Children
I am proud of, and great will be their blessings in heaven. Does not
MY Word say, "Greater love hath no man than one who lays their
life down for another?" These are the ones who will have no
abortion blood on their hands for they did more than talk. They put
action behind their protests.
the White House know, MY People will not accept the blood of the
innocent babies on their hands, nor will you accept the stench of the
sins of homosexuals, and you refuse to pay for armed services that
condone homosexuals and their lifestyles. Do not allow the public
schools to teach this damnable lie that will corrupt the youth of
this nation, sending millions into Hell.
must start somewhere, so sign petitions; take them everywhere you go,
churches, mall, employment, go door to door, there is power in great
dung hills don't stink when it's in the neighbor's yard. You look at
it, shake your head, and say that's my neighbors problem, it's
terrible, but it's not my responsibility.
But now I say unto
you, the dung hills are now in your yards, in the front yard for all
to see it's now your responsibility to clean it up. Because you are
taxpayers, you MY Children must protest. The innocent unborn have no
voices or screams of protest but yours, no one hears them cry but ME.
Let Clinton and the heathen hear your cries of outrage. Don't you
think if YAHUSHUA was walking the earth still he would protest. Where
are MY Children who have been given the Spirits of Jeremiah, or John
the Baptist? Come forth MY Children who have the Spirit of
the Living GOD within, all those who know, and have the power of the
RUACH ha KODESH, come forth all those who know you are more than a
conqueror in YAHUSHUA's NAME. Come forth, you who know what is right
and what is wrong. Come forth you who understand. The government who
seeks to give free abortions to the poor and also the majority are
Spanish or black will be attempting to commit genocide on those who
cannot save themselves.
I created all life. All life is
precious in MY sight, rise up, speak up, and show the heathen all
life is precious in your sight. The poor don't realize the government
is doing genocide. It's cheaper to pay for a baby to be ripped from a
mother's womb, pretending it's for the mother and baby's best,
instead the real reason is the government doesn't want to pay 18
years for that poor mother and child's expenses. The poor must wake
up and realize they are being exploited. How long before the poor
will be forced to have abortions?
WAKE UP! How long before
the government will force Christians to have abortions? Never could
happen? They already did it to the Jewish people. Hitler almost wiped
out an entire race of people. Who is next? What race? What age? Now
they say kill the elderly, they've outlived their usefulness. The
unborn never lived so what does it matter? It matters to ME, the
Great GOD of all Creation charge you, don't stay the silent majority
Wake up MY People. You've slumbered too long. The
nightmares have only begun. The dung hills are now in your yard,
together we can clean it up. One voice alone is hard to hear, but
millions of voices joined in one accord, in one Spirit, in one name,
the NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, not only will the world hear but
all of Hell will hear also. Come forth MY Children, rise up, speak
up, tell the heathen and devils to shut up in YAHUSHUA's NAME and you
have the power, use it wisely for MY Glory and the sake of all
is little time so warn the people.
are paying a price America and all nations that follow her example.
This will continue until the senseless abortions stop.
you said murdering the babies is legal as long as they are in the
mother's wombs and we can't hear their silent screams and wails that
only I can hear. I tell you the screams and wails will come from the
children you can hear, children of the heathen, children who you can
see, children who are so innocent but are not unlike the babes in the
wombs being murdered.
One murder is the same, one rebellion is the same, and the spirit of
unholiness is the same. I see all and I hear all! Unless this nation
repents for the slain children you will see more slain children.
Think not I am a GOD to be mocked any longer. Your churches preach MY
love and yet they won't teach MY Children I am also a GOD of ALMIGHTY
LOVE and ALMIGHTY WRATH! In times of old I had children stoned in the
front of the town square.
have this against you America. Your leader is not only a whore monger
but a war monger. Your streets do not flow with enough perversion and
enough blood shed now you must take it to other nations. The
unborn you slaughter with less mercy than your animals you put to
death for food. You take more regard and compassion on the creatures
than you do the babies that are tore apart and burned alive daily.
nations that want to butcher the unborn, selling body parts to the
highest bidder BEWARE!
You will one day very soon answer to
the God of Creation. You sell your pills and give your surgical
skills I gave to save life and instead take innocent lives. You
physicians will pay for using the gifts of knowledge I have given you
to murder innocent lives. The babies' souls who are unwanted return
back to their Creator and back into MY arms but it is you that shall
pay for what you are doing. It is the nations that do these things I
shall cover MY ears in the time they are butchered. But again MY
anger will not touch those who belong to ME those who weep for the
atrocities done in disregard of what is right and wrong.
BLOOD, the BLOOD, the BLOOD is on your own hands. It is you who in
fear would not rise up against abortion. It is you, It is you, who
were silenced when you said homosexuality is wrong. You fill the
churches and you fill the pews, and you sit behind a shepherd that is
no shepherd at all. You watch them as they rake in the millions and
say that it is by MY hand, when surely it is blood money given to
them by the power that runs this land. I have pulled MY Mightiest
Warriors from the churches. They sit there with no shepherd but the
great ELOHIM 'I AM'. MY True Shepherds know not where the next dollar
comes from, but they know that the great ELOHIM 'I AM' will supply
their needs. It is these that I will bless and continue to bless for
they weep and they wail for what they see. But they do not stay
silent. For there is fire within their bones just as surely as this
handmaiden feels like she's on fire for it is MY Fire, MY Fire that
burns within them. They cannot keep silent even though they want to.
They cannot stop weeping, though they want to. This is the Mark of MY
True Ones. This is the Mark of the Chosen Ones.
political leaders pass laws defying I, YAHUVEH, once again. Even as
this is written they debate when to strike out the word GOD from your
currency, pledge, and rewrite the constitution, while stripping MY 10
commandments from public view. All those who have done this or not
protested or not prayed and wept against this, know this, you have
been tested as in Ezekiel 9. I, YAHUVEH wrote the Ten Commandments in
a tablet of stone, now your hearts are hardened like unto a stone.
You were a rebel before the foundation of the earth and you have not
changed. All
those who don't weep and protest against abortion, you are a rebel
also and have not changed.
And can only change depending on the choice you made in the battle
good vs. evil before the foundation of the world.
I say unto you, the True Bride of YAHUSHUA, you know all of this and
your sole desire is to obey YAHUVEH's every word and I am that Word
that was made Flesh. I am the Living Torah. Verily I say unto you,
that you the Bride of YAHUSHUA seek to obey and go the extra mile,
what ever it takes to obey Abba YAHUVEH, to do what others deem
foolish such as observing the Holy Feast Days and keeping the true
Sabbath and flee man-made religions that changed the Sabbath to
Sunday. MY Bride you know anything
that is corrupt or perverted is not Holy and is an abomination unto
YAHUVEH such as abortion, homosexuality and same-sex marriages. MY
Bride, you do not remain silent but loudly protest these things and
condemn anyone who does not do so, calling them a coward and a
this, MY Children, one with ME, YAHUVEH; through the shed Blood of
YAHUSHUA are a majority, a million even ten million without ME,
without MY Son YAHUSHUA's Blood covering them is in the minority. You
can do all things through I, YAHUVEH that strengthens you.
So this is just one of the new births, MY Children that I have sent
you forth. Walk not into their churches smug and even on a Sunday. Do
not despise them for what they do not know, do not condemn them for
what they do not know, for I have forgiven them for it is only after
they know that they are held accountable for what they know, just
like you are.
on your faces before ME before it goes too far and there is no way
back to ME. Do not grieve MY RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT). MY Son
YAHUSHUA did not come to cancel MY laws; MY Son YAHUSHUA came to
fulfill MY laws. Be grateful that I now no longer hold you
accountable for 613 laws. I hold you accountable for ten laws and you
throw up your hands and say, "That's too much for me." You
prefer to listen to man who rewrites MY laws. They tell you that to
kill innocent babies in the womb is not a sin. They legalize
abortion. The preachers teach in your churches, "Do not speak
against this law."
The organized churches who meet on Sunday have taken the bribe of the
governments of this world; they have taken the spirit of fear and
worn it as garments. Where are MY Holy ministers who have not
compromised and still speak against sin? Your man-made laws legalize
what I said is an abomination; they call it same-sex-marriage. Not
even in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah have there been such sins
although the abominations of homosexuality abounded but they did not
dare call it a marriage.
those of you in Israel and Jerusalem who do weep and mourn for the
evil brought to Israel and you did your best to protest, know that I
will reward you in the measure you protest against the homosexual
spirit and the
evil spirit of Molech called abortion.
Why Oh Israel, do your own female soldiers murder the innocent babies
while in their womb instead of remaining chaste? Do you not
understand I will not bless you until you obey and repent and turn
from your wicked ways and be Holy unto I, YAHUVEH?
this ministry is for all the Holy. It carries no name of no man, no
woman. These words are not hers. This anointing is unlike any other.
If you want to share in this anointing, if you want to share in the
blessings, if you want to know you're protected like I protect her
and the others of the Bride, no longer stand idly by. For
the churches of Babylon are whores; they take the tax-exempt status.
They allow themselves to be muzzled. They refuse to speak against
abortion, homosexuality, they refuse to speak against what their
governments do, but not this ministry.
There is no price tag on it, for it belongs to Heaven and who dares
try to muzzle 'I AM' YAHUVEH? Who dares try to muzzle MY SON
YAHUSHUA? Who dares try to muzzle the RUACH ha KODESH? You shall
surely pay.
as it is written Isaiah 1 (Yeshayahu 1), in Israel you don't run to
the pubs on the Shabbat to drown your sorrows and sins in, but
nevertheless you have compromised what Holy is.You have not stood
against the Government Zionist agenda or defended the innocent. There
is a remnant in Israel that are Holy and filled with MY HOLY SPIRIT
and they prophesy and protest against abortion, homosexuality,
immorality, and they have received YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH.
abomination has started in California . The man of an abomination
stands up there puffed up in pride. He thinks merely passing (laws)
to the children, to the school system…no more calling them,
"Mom and Dad," no more labeling them, "husband and
wife" we must not insult the gays! We must not insult the
Muslims!" But may I ask, "Where are MY Holy children's
rights?" Why did you stay silent? Why oh Holy ones haven't you
protested? Did I not give you a Prophecy and warn you, if you didn't
stand up for the rights of others, even you if didn't agree with
(them), you would see your own freedoms taken from you? Now
you have Presidential elections and the one that's supposed to win,
it will be the one who will shout the loudest, "Murder
the babies within!"
The ones that will win will shout the loudest, "Homosexuality is
no sin!"
who have embraced abortions, not spoken out against it, pastors, you
who call yourself leaders and are no leaders of MINE, you shall feel
the painnnn of that baby. You shall hear their screams in your ears
for all eternity as
it will feel like your very skin is being boiled with that saline
solution. It
shall feel like your body is ripped apart and asunder. Your very
heads will feel like they are being cut off. You have not a clue what
I am going to do to you! You mothers who abort your babies, you have
no excuse before ME if you do not repent of this atrocity.The
blood shall never come off your hand!
For the screams of the unborn echo in Heaven's ears and although
they're safely taken home, they
still want judgment down here!
This is what is spoken of in part when you read in the Bible the
souls underneath the altar want Judgment and they cry out and they
say, "How much longer? How much longer?" (Rev. 6:10) These
aren't just the martyrs who laid their life down for ME, these are
the unborn that would have been born who would have been Holy before
This is what I tell you in secret that other prophets don't speak.
This is your fresh manna from Heaven. Now chew on what I've said this
America, I have not even begun. Again and again I said, I have saved
the worst for last. You have not even, even, even begun to taste MY
wrath. And Europe, think not that you will escape your fate. Right
now there is only one loud voice protesting that which I find an
abomination and I use the Catholic church, remember, as I used the
donkey to speak out of, I use the Catholic church to warn, to warn
about the sanctity of life. Where are the others? Where are the other
organized religions?
A worldwide outcry should have gone forth to join together an animal
and human embryo, to even devise such a plan, to have a half human
and half animal, you do not even begin to know the road that you have
started to walk upon. To mock ME with the sanctity of marriage? There
should have been a worldwide outcry against same sex marriage! Why is
it so silent? Where are the churches? Why don't all those in Islam
raise up? They care about a cartoon! They send terror into anyone
that does not agree with them. But why are they silent?
those who have sacrificed and stood up for the morality, you lay your
life down to protect an unborn child.
You've been willing to be humilated and be thrown in jail to protest
against abortion, same sex marriages. In
so many different ways, depending on where you are in this world.
Some have been beaten; some have been tortured; some have been
imprisoned. Oh MY darling ones! Depending upon the persecution,
depending upon the suffering you've done, this is the description of
your beautiful vial that holds your tears that come as a sweet
fragrance to MY nostrils and I lovingly caress those vials for I know
the price that you pay for ME!
And MY darling Bride, it's not going to get any easier! (YAHUSHUA is
weeping through Elisheva.) For satan hates you so! He hates you! He
hates you! He hates you! For MY praise is continually in your mouth!
He angrily says, "Praise me! Worship me!" But instead, you
say, "We rebuke you satan! Get away! The shed Blood of YAHUSHUA
stands against you!" And he cringes and he runs!
you defend the unborn?
Do you stand up for morality? Who did you vote for during the 2008
elections? Do you compromise with sin?
Now where are MY Holy
ones to stand up and not remain silent and continue to speak out
against this atrocity! For those of you who have done this, and stood
against abortion I shall have extra mercy on you. For do you not know
for every baby that is aborted, this is done as a sacrifice to satan!
This is laid before the feet of Moloch! Innocent, innocent, innocent,
innocent blood is being shed! There is nothing more innocent than the
unborn! For those of you who have done this, for those of you who
condone this, if you do not repent and turn away from this evil, for
eternity you shall hear the screams of the innocent as they were
murdered in the mother's womb!
I, I, YAHUVEH, heard their
silent screams! And now those children are with ME. But you, you,
you, you butchers, you who stand up and say, "The woman has the
right to kill the unborn," what about the unborn child's right?
If you hadn't fornicated this would not have happened! It is you, you
mothers that have the choice! It's you, who call yourself fathers,
that had a choice!
Reread the Prophecies and you shall see, I
warned you that the murder would start out with the unborn, daring
not to call them a human. Where is their inalienable rights? Where is
their right for the pursuit of happiness? Where is their right to
live? Why have you taken it away? Why would you elect a president
that even goes one more step in the abomination and did what no one
has dared done before and said, "If the child survives abortion,
it is the right of that mother to let it die, do not touch it, let it
suffer in agony and let it die."
spawn of satan, who are you to call that which I call human, nothing
more than garbage. Do you not know these that pass these laws and now
America you compound your sins and say you will pay for the abortions
of other nations. Is there not enough blood on your hands of the
aborted babies in your own land?! Do you not know that these children
are put on an altar of sacrifice to Molech?! (Psalm 106:38, Lev.
20:2) It is no different (than) in the biblical times of old and the
same warning again I speak forth. Woe
be unto those who sacrifice the babies to the false god Molech! Woe
be unto those who do not protest against this, who wink at this
Oh these little ones be
assured of this, they are in Heaven now. They shall continue to come
to Heaven, but know this; if they had been allowed to be born they
would have been such special children. As I prophesied before I'll
prophesy again, great sinkholes shall be underneath these places who
do these abortions.
Doctor's who compromise, in the past you
said, I will not have no (any) part of this, but now you have sold ME
out. You have sold humanity out and because you are threatened
because they say, we will take your license your right to practice
away, now you too do these abortions, these atrocities of sin. Be
assured of this, I'll accept none of your excuses. The blood is on
your hands. Hospitals that once said, I'll have no part of this, we
will not abort the babies, but you've compromised. You believe the
government's threats and lies. You did not even try to fight back.
Nurses, the blood is on your hands!