with ears to hear shall hear, all others shall remain deaf. Leave
them deaf, for it is a spirit of rebellion that enters in their
hearts and souls. Leave them, again I say try not to change their
minds. MY scripture speaks the truth, it changes not.
was already pre-destined. The reprobate shall remain reprobate for
eternity. (Jer 6: 27-30) clearly states I, YAHUVEH call them rejected
silver, they are as dross or lead, dead weight. The
souls that did not worship and serve I, YAHUVEH before the foundation
of the earth will have no desire to serve I, YAHUVEH on earth.
as the evil pharaoh although given a chance time and again could not
repent and turn from evil because I, YAHUVEH hardened his heart as
his soul betrayed ME before the foundation of the earth. (Ex
7:13) Now you can understand why Jacob I loved and Esau I hated (Rom
9:13, Mal.1:3) along with Goliath, Ahab, Jezebel, Judas, Ananias and
Sapphira (Acts 5:1-10) just to give examples of who were birthed for
destruction. The decision they made on earth was already done in
heaven when the battle of good vs. evil was first fought. That
decision of every soul that is born on earth is birthed in every baby
born on earth.
you not wonder why you have witnessed so many times to others about
the saving Blood of YAHUSHUA and you knew you spoke under the
anointing and authority of YAHUSHUA and yet you were rejected,
insulted, and mocked? Now you understand in a way you have not
understood before.
You see a man due to be ordained before the world, (11/2/03) boasting
how he is a homosexual and proud of it. You see him put up as a
spiritual leader behind a church pulpit but I, YAHUVEH tell you this,
all who condone this abomination, all who remain silent or even call
themselves by that denominations name, your name will not be found in
the Lambs Book of Life. It was already predestined long ago. (Lev
MY precious Bride, MY precious Bride, MY precious Bride,
at this time of celebration during Sukkot I give you this Message of
hope. I speak to those who put ME first in their love, in their life.
Who are not ashamed of the Name of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH. All
others just go ahead and remain deaf and remain blind. This Word is
not for you at this time