this and give it to all those that have ears to listen. Let all
others remain deaf. Just because they don't believe doesn't mean I
will not do what I have spoken, it shall come to pass. Ezekiel
3:17-21 says warn them and if they don't listen, the blood will not
be on your hands. If you don't warn them and pass on this prophecy,
then they will die in their sin but the blood will be on your hands.
I send my prophets to warn before the doom comes. I send MY Prophets
to say a blessing is coming, before the blessing comes. Prophecy
please warn the people, though in the times of Noah most won't
listen. Still, don't have the blood on your hands like Ezk 3:17-21
says, "Let not the blood be found on your hands." WARN THE
PEOPLE! There is yet a small amount of time left, for MY Son's sake I
have had mercy on the people, but the time of vengeance and judgment
quickly approaches. Warn them, and seek ME while I yet can be found.
beware, the blood of the unborn babies will be on all Christian and
non-Christian hands, if Clinton succeeds in passing federally paid
abortions. All those who have ears to listen -- hear, all others
remain deaf. You who would never murder your babies will be
committing murderous abortions, by allowing the government to use
your tax dollars to pay for this hideous crime against YAHUVEH and
Man. You will not be paying for one abortion, one murder, but untold
millions of babies will die, and with the money I gave you to prosper
This innocent blood will be on all your hands. The wrath
will fall on this nation and world undiluted and you MY People will
have angered ME by remaining silent. Beware I am not only a GOD of
love, but I am a GOD of mighty wrath when angered. Start protesting
now. Let you voices be heard. Stand up for what you know is right,
now before it's too late. Clinton condones homosexuality in the armed
services. He wants you to support this sinful lifestyle.
MY Children, you the taxpayers will be condoning it by paying their
salaries, and by doing this I will no longer bless America. America
will never win another world war again, it has only been by MY grace,
you have not lost this country thus far. All those who have ears to
hear, listen, all others remain deaf.
who are called by MY NAME (Christians) have done little to nothing,
to stop this holocaust on the unborn. You pray to your GOD to stop
this, but do little else. It's the minority who lay their
reputations, freedom, finances and lives down. These are MY Children
I am proud of, and great will be their blessings in heaven. Does not
MY Word say, "Greater love hath no man than one who lays their
life down for another?" These are the ones who will have no
abortion blood on their hands for they did more than talk. They put
action behind their protests.
your hands are soaked in the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy
Spirit) and you put action, finances behind these prayers and you
warn the people, protest to the government and refuse to allow your
money to go for the executions of innocent babies. Then you too will
not have the blood of the innocent babies on your hands. The more you
protest and pray, the less the blood will be on your hands.
the White House know, MY People will not accept the blood of the
innocent babies on their hands, nor will you accept the stench of the
sins of homosexuals, and you refuse to pay for armed services that
condone homosexuals and their lifestyles. Do not allow the public
schools to teach this damnable lie that will corrupt the youth of
this nation, sending millions into Hell.
is in the minority now but will not continue to be, if this is taught
as an acceptable lifestyle in schools, beware again. Taxpayers, you
pay for these schools and this sin will again be on your hands if you
don't rise up now and put action behind your prayers. America was
given to MY People; take back what the heathen have stolen before
it's too late. (Genesis 19:1-28) Greater is he that is in you than he
that is in the world.
MY Children, by remaining silent condoned the act of the heathens,
while the government, because of a handful of people decreed no GOD
in school, no bibles, no prayer; you allowed it and now wonder why
the public school systems and the youth seem to be accursed. How can
you ask ME to bless, what the people have said is not MINE. Take back
the schools in MY NAME and take your children out of these dens of
iniquities. For without MY Light, MY Presence, MY Truth, these dens
will only get darker and the children also. They (the public schools)
are quickly becoming dens for the antichrist and your silence and tax
dollars are supporting them.
were once thrown to the lions, murdered, tortured and yet they stood
up for YAHUVEH. Great is their reward in heaven.
must start somewhere, so sign petitions; take them everywhere you go,
churches, mall, employment, go door to door, there is power in great
dung hills don't stink when it's in the neighbor's yard. You look at
it, shake your head, and say that's my neighbors problem, it's
terrible, but it's not my responsibility.
But now I say unto
you, the dung hills are now in your yards, in the front yard for all
to see it's now your responsibility to clean it up. Because you are
taxpayers, you MY Children must protest. The innocent unborn have no
voices or screams of protest but yours, no one hears them cry but ME.
Let Clinton and the heathen hear your cries of outrage. Don't you
think if YAHUSHUA was walking the earth still he would protest. Where
are MY Children who have been given the Spirits of Jeremiah, or John
the Baptist? Come forth MY Children who have the Spirit of
the Living GOD within, all those who know, and have the power of the
RUACH ha KODESH, come forth all those who know you are more than a
conqueror in YAHUSHUA's NAME. Come forth, you who know what is right
and what is wrong. Come forth you who understand. The government who
seeks to give free abortions to the poor and also the majority are
Spanish or black will be attempting to commit genocide on those who
cannot save themselves.
I created all life. All life is
precious in MY sight, rise up, speak up, and show the heathen all
life is precious in your sight. The poor don't realize the government
is doing genocide. It's cheaper to pay for a baby to be ripped from a
mother's womb, pretending it's for the mother and baby's best,
instead the real reason is the government doesn't want to pay 18
years for that poor mother and child's expenses. The poor must wake
up and realize they are being exploited. How long before the poor
will be forced to have abortions?
WAKE UP! How long before
the government will force Christians to have abortions? Never could
happen? They already did it to the Jewish people. Hitler almost wiped
out an entire race of people. Who is next? What race? What age? Now
they say kill the elderly, they've outlived their usefulness. The
unborn never lived so what does it matter? It matters to ME, the
Great GOD of all Creation charge you, don't stay the silent majority
Wake up MY People. You've slumbered too long. The
nightmares have only begun. The dung hills are now in your yard,
together we can clean it up. One voice alone is hard to hear, but
millions of voices joined in one accord, in one Spirit, in one name,
the NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, not only will the world hear but
all of Hell will hear also. Come forth MY Children, rise up, speak
up, tell the heathen and devils to shut up in YAHUSHUA's NAME and you
have the power, use it wisely for MY Glory and the sake of all
is little time so warn the people.
of the mercy of MY Son I have held MY rage back. When you see one
nation under GOD, the last of the seals go, you will have truly
evicted even the word, the generic word GOD from your nation. You
let a select few, handpicked by satan to take one freedom after
another away. You remain silent yet you come to ME and pray? The
enemy does not stay silent, the enemy roars and makes itself known as
satan goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
So for those who do not have their sins washed in the shed Blood of
YAHUSHUA, for those who have not made ME and MY Son first in their
life and their love, you will see these calamities come.
why do the masses stay silent? For even some of the heathen know that
the laws now that are being passed are making them shudder and shake.
'I AM' YAHUVEH and the evil ones of this earth I do hate. I am the
same yesterday and forever. I will not change just for the whim of a
man. America, you say you need no God? When even the heathen nations
bow to a foreign God. For they know by in themselves they are
nothing, for they desire a higher power and although it be false, at
least they acknowledge they are not a God. Oh, but you evil, evil,
evil nation of America. I speak not of MY Children, MY Sheep and MY
Lambs. I speak of you evil politicians and warmongers who go to try
and conquer space as well as every nation in this land, around this
world from sea to sea, America if you had your way you would say, "It
belongs to me." I, YAHUVEH have decreed war on this earth.
Fire is coming from the sky and no one can stop ME. Need I remind you
of what happened at the Tower of Babylon? So it shall be once again
and your towers of Babylon shall fall.
I have given you chance after chance to repent. I have told the
people to take back the freedoms that are being stripped away. They
just shrug their shoulders and say, "What can we do, Nothing."
Your newspapers are censored, your news is censored. But still you
can protest. Why do you not even offer up a prayer?
stench of the sins of this earth have reached Heaven and now I have
no alternative but to proclaim war on this earth from Heaven. Your
eyes will see in the sky that which you will not want to see. But it
won't be by any weapon of man, so do not be deceived for I, YAHUVEH
give this proclamation of war as I did in times before, so I will do
again. So MY Children, I forewarn you
of what is to come, see that your hands are not to blame, see that
your mouth has warned, so the blood of the wicked will not be on your
hands. It is only by MY mercy that I
even have the Prophets warn for even MY own Children shake their
heads and these Prophecies some scorn. But I do nothing without first
telling the Prophets, so again I speak forth from this Ring Maiden
this is a proclamation of war!
this, MY Children, one with ME, YAHUVEH; through the shed Blood of
YAHUSHUA are a majority, a million even ten million without ME,
without MY Son YAHUSHUA's Blood covering them is in the minority. You
can do all things through I, YAHUVEH that strengthens you.
So this is just one of the new births, MY Children that I have sent
you forth. Walk not into their churches smug and even on a Sunday. Do
not despise them for what they do not know, do not condemn them for
what they do not know, for I have forgiven them for it is only after
they know that they are held accountable for what they know, just
like you are.
run, run, MY Little Ones run, run, run away, run from FEMA, and run
from any bureaucracy that tells you to take away your faith in ME.
Protest while you still have a voice,
protest. Jam the capitol's lines, say, "You will not take away
our provisions to give to you this city, you will not ration our
food, you will not ration our water, you will not ration our
emergency supplies." Can you not see if you stay silent, the
illusion will win? Did I not warn you, how many prophecies ago, that
the homosexuals were in the minority but now you believe the
illusions lies. America, you are the
fabricator of the illusion's lies. Now you've taken that lie across
this world and you've spread it far and wide and yet it is a lie.
Homosexuality is still in the minority and yet they pass laws and
they change laws to approve of that which I said was an abomination.
America, you will reap what you have sowed, just as surely as Sodom
and Gomorrah did.
Holy have become more holy and the evil have become more evil, now is
the time for a greater anointing and revelations through prophecies,
and words of knowledge. Take not the communion for granted it is a
daily weapon to be used against satan as you put him in remembrance,
he has no claim on you! Rebuke sin
and sinners and don't fear what others think when you speak forth and
warn. Would you rather offend mere humans or YAHUVEH? It is so sad,
how freedom to speak against the evils of this earth is being
silenced because so many of MY Holy Children remain silent. One
freedom after another is stripped away from you all over the world!
have used this Ministry to warn, when you see the mandatory Sunday
worship law passed, DO NOT enter into the Sunday Churches or you will
lose your soul. I have warned to learn now what the True Sabbath Day
of rest is (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset). This
has been a hard message for Elisheva to deliver because the
Christian Churches don't want to hear it. However, to those of you,
who have been faithful and spoken forth these truths, you know you
have been given the mandate of Ezk. 3: 17-21.
for a Holy leader to raise up for at least then you'll have a choice.
For the Republicans and the Democrats are the same. They work
together; they plan together; they pass laws together that are an
abomination unto MY NAME! Again I
say, "Stand up, Speak forth and Shout!" and tell satan and
his servants, "Enough is enough!"
Because I tell you this, all these new laws that have been passed are
an abomination unto ME! They're telling you America , put your trust
in them and not your trust in ME, the good "I AM" and I am
the ANCIENT OF THE DAYS. I know the beginning from the end and I know
exactly how each nation will pay. These are the Words that I have to
say this day.
who desire to have a heart after MY own heart, you please ABBA
YAHUVEH. I have put a boldness in you
where others have refused to use this gift of boldness for MY GLORY
or used it for evil purposes for their own motivations.
you think because you decree new laws, because of the stench that
rises to heaven from your sins, because you change the laws of the
land, it changes the laws in Heaven? You shall reap hell and the Lake
of Fire for doing this. You cannot erase MY Name so easily or that of
YAHUVEH. America and Europe, you
embrace the heathen gods now because you have forsaken your one and
true God YAHUVEH and I, YAHUSHUA. Your hearts are full of every evil.
Not enough Holy People rose up to protest against the abominations
that became laws. Now it is a race to see which politician can speak
the most abominable lies and pass the most abominable laws.
is why I am on a countdown of MY patience now. That which you think
is years away, all of you, all of you have a rude awakening coming. I
am commanding this Ministry to do that which they are to do and do it
quickly. There is no time any longer
to mollycoddle (over protect) the babies. It's time for them to grow
up. It's time for men to be men. This is why I have put women in the
leadership. This is why I raised up a Deborah! The men are Baraks!
They are cowards! Not all MY men. I have MINE, MY own. And they hear
MY voice and they speak forth MY Words but oh how few, how few.
And you women who have been browbeaten in these unequally yoked
marriages and the Scriptures have been used against you to say, "Keep
silent." I only told you to obey that husband as he lines up
with MY Word. If he does not, kick him to the curb! Enough is enough!
Enough is enough!
darling I anoint you this day to speak forth the words in
boldness to these men so they can remember what a man is supposed to
be! They are to please ME before they please any woman, before they
please any child and for the women who are unequally yoked in a
marriage, I remind you of the spirit of Deborah! You are to please
ME. You are to please YAHUSHUA! Before you try to please any man!
Before you please your children. Obedience, obedience, obedience is
better than sacrifice! Take away
your tithes and take away your offerings and take away your praise,
if you are not obeying ME! For if you do not obey ME now, what makes
you think you will obey ME in the Great Tribulation when it will be
rare to hear a Prophet speak as this? Learn to obey now! How do you
prove that you love YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH? Does not MY Word say, "If
you love ME, you will obey ME."
did YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH prove that HE loves YAHUVEH? By obedience to
every Word I say. Do not make promises to ME that you never intend to
know this, this famine is not of MY making. It is the manipulation of
those who are full of greed. As they heap the gold and the silver to
themselves and plot to kill those that are in need. It started with
abortion and then it went to those too sick to defend themselves.
This was the genocide that I speak of. There is death in the
vaccinations. I have warned again and again. Because this world does
not think it needs poor children. I warned you it would go to the
elderly. All of it is genocide. All of this is so the rich can be
provided for in their own eyes. And now you wring your hands and you
wonder why teenagers suicide is so high. Your only hope is in
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Your only hope
is in repentance and obedience. Your only hope is in MY mercy. For I
am long suffering. So continue on what you are doing. Continue on
warning. While you have the freedom to speak forth for there are
powers that be that seek to silence you, that seeks to silence MY
true Prophets. So speak while you can.
is the time to stand up and take a stand for Holiness while you still
can. Stop compromising with the devil and with the servants of satan.
Fear offending I, YAHUVEH more than offending mere mortal men.
time you write that letter of support out, I judge you and the
percentage. When a Word comes forth that offends the flesh, just like
this Word is going to do, I judge your heart. Do you thank ME? Do you
thank the Messenger? Do you put action behind your words? Do you do
anything to help this Ministry? I, YAHUVEH, judge you for you see,
the Holy Scriptures say, you're held accountable for what you know.
(Are you) afraid of offending your loved ones' flesh, your neighbor's
flesh, stranger's flesh more than you are afraid of offending I,
Do you speak up and speak out against homosexuality,
that which is an abomination you call, "same sex marriage"?
That is no marriage! Satan mocks ME through this!
Do you
defend the unborn? Do you stand up for morality? Who did you vote for
during the 2008 elections? Do you compromise with sin?