don't want any to perish or be damned, please warn them. Sound the
trumpet blast that the anointing I have given you. As a mother or
father warns before they spank their children, I in MY infinite mercy
and love say warn them. For when I let loose MY anger it will be hard
to appease ME.
them, and you will be doing your part. All those who are receiving
this have a part to warn those that have ears to hear and listen, and
yes for those who choose to remain deaf. At least they won't be able
to say they weren't warned.
them of a GOD in Nahum 1 that says HE speaks in the storms and
earthquakes. Warn them that YAHUVEH is a jealous GOD and he will not
allow any other God's before HIM. Warn them, that YAHUVEH's anger is
not easily appeased. WARN THEM!
have forewarned you so when these things come to the earth you
already have been forewarned, so you can repent and warn others
before MY anger is vented.
Word within you burns as a blazing sword. The two edged blade will
cut deep. There is much fire shut up in your bones and you don't know
what to do with it. Start speaking it forth.
sound the trumpet once again, those who have spiritual ears to hear
will hear MY voice clearly and all others will remain deaf and blind.
It is their choice not yours to make.
for MY voice, speak MY Words. I do not judge or condemn you, but
those that have falsely accused you will be judged.
it; teach it, so others will believe it. I am a GOD that not only
brings salvation, but damnation to those that choose to oppose and
deny MY Saving Blood and Saving NAME.
matter who stands behind the pulpit and says, "God is love he
will understand." SIN IS SIN! I am a GOD that does not change,
man changes, I, the great 'I AM' do not change. Preach it; teach it,
so others will believe it.
it; Teach it, so others will believe it.
know it will seem like so few are listening and more will cover their
ears, than hear. But nothing has changed. Did they not also do the
same to ME? Did they not watch ME crucified at Calvary? Did not the
same ones that saw the miracles I did, shout crucify him on that
tree? When all I wanted was to be a blessing to them and thee, and I
died for all from satan's grip to set you free for all eternity. And
yet how many lips still curse, deny, disobey, mock and blasphemy ME?
You will be a like a voice crying in the wilderness and MY
Daughter, it will seem as though you can hear only your own echo
coming back unto your own ears. Yet it is not your echo, but MY echo
the world shall hear coming forth out of your lips that I have
ordained and anointed to speak forth MY Words, not your words.
them MY Daughter, tell them for ME. Warn them, many will listen and
obey this prophecy.
this reason I will spare them on the Day of Judgment. MY Children are
not afraid to stand up for Holiness. They will speak out against
homosexuality, abortion, pornography, and all manner of sin. Did I
not love enough to even warn the Pharisee's? How much more should
you? Did I not send Moses to warn the evil Pharaoh? How much more
should you?
them MY Child, tell them for ME, YAHUSHUA paid the price at Calvary.
I have done all I can do; now I leave the choices up to you. Tell
them, all who have ears to hear, and eyes to see, pass on these
messages I have spoken to thee, so you will on the coming day be
worthy, as I gather MY Elect in MY arms and take them home, you will
know because of your words you're not going alone.
them MY Children, tell them for ME. Together let your voices echo
with this Prophet of MINE while there is yet time. Tell them MY
Children, tell them for ME. Tell them MY Child, tell them for ME.
must start somewhere, so sign petitions; take them everywhere you go,
churches, mall, employment, go door to door, there is power in great
loudly until Clinton and the heathen in the White House recognize,
you MY People have more than a form of godliness, you have godliness
you think if YAHUSHUA was walking the earth still he would protest.
Where are MY Children who have been given the Spirits of Jeremiah, or
John the Baptist?
is little time so warn the people.
(YAH's children) see the wrong, and said, "It's not my
concern. Let someone else speak it forth." The enemy and MY
Children will hear this trumpet blast whether they want to or not.
They will hear. Don't hinder MY Prophets from speaking.
telling of MY mercies and love but warn of MY wrath and vengeance and
coming doom if they don't turn from their wicked ways and apply the
Blood Shed for them at Calvary, washing away every stench of sin and
turning away from them.
24 part 1:
in the Days of Noah, I warned Noah the rain would come. Though Noah
knew not what a flood was he believed ME. I told Noah to build an Ark
though the work was hard and mockery and persecution great. Though
the work took many years to do, what I had Noah to accomplish because
of his obedience, you are here today. The animals he saved, except
for those you made extinct, have replenished the earth. I knew ahead
who I created to have the boldness to speak forth messages, with MY
RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) power and anointing that convicts the
hearts of those with spiritual ears to hear and eyes to see.
Beloved Children, who are MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect,
the heathen calls you narrow minded when you say there is but one way
to GOD the Father's throne and in one NAME, the NAME of YAHUSHUA,
that I will answer prayers. You tell them, "Yes, I am narrow
minded for the Word of YAHUVEH cannot lie and YAHUVEH says, only in
the NAME of YAHUSHUA will I hear your prayers and the pathway to
Heaven is narrow and he road to Hell is broad!" You tell them
"It is the broad-minded that will end up suffering in agony,
first in Hell, then in the Lake of Fire! Because you love YAHUVEH and
YAHUSHUA and them, warn them MY Children. Love them enough to incur
their wrath. Love them enough to be an offense. I, YAHUVEH and
YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH speak the truth, the majority
doesn't want to hear and we are an offense to many.
I say to reach a people that you will fear offending them, but by not
speaking will be the greatest offense of all.
on all of you who held your silence and did nothing to take away the
reproach of this being done on the airwaves. So I your Father GOD
YAHUVEH would not be angry with America again, I put it on Pat
Robertson's mind, to pray for the pastors, but he didn't say why I
did this. He knows the pastors compromised and yet feared angering
them more than angering 'I AM'. Woe to the pastors in America and
around this world, I admonish you, 'No longer behave like cowards.'
Don't call yourself a Pastor, Prophet, Apostle, Teacher, Evangelist,
a Spiritual leader if you're a coward. Step down now before your held
anymore accountable for leading MY flock astray. Stop teaching MY
People to compromise for in the times of old they fought the right to
serve 'I AM'. Those that followed YAHUSHUA were killed but they did
not compromise.
Church, rise up once again and become the living Temple of MY RUACH
ha KODESH. Stop feeding MY Sheep and lambs Pabulum that is only fit
for the tiniest of babes. Shame on you. I will hold you accountable,
you pastors who compromise and will not call unholiness what it is.
Those who compromise will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. You fear
your own deacons, congregations, and government more than 'I AM'. How
can I continue to pour out MY blessings, and protection if you
continue to compromise what you know to be true, backed up with the
Holy Bible and scriptures.
America, do not so easily give up your freedoms, I have given you. Oh
America, do not so easily forget there is but one GOD and it is 'I
AM' that covers and protects you. 'I AM' the same Creator that
created you for MY own purpose. I use you to test the other nations
of this world. Will they follow your sinful ways, and yes MY young
child America, you have sinful ways, and because of your example you
have pervaded this world with the example of unholiness. You send the
evangelists out with the message of Salvation, and yet how many in
your own nation eat the fruit of damnation, unrepented sin. Calling
what is Holy, unholy, blasphemy in MY eyes.
is coming! MY Son Chuck, find that dream the last one that I gave MY
Daughter. DEVASTATION is coming! Label it this. Warn
the people. Tell them I send forth
MY Apostles and Prophets to warn the people before devastation comes.
Devastation is coming but not to MY Babies, not to MY Bride, not to
MY Chosen Ones and not to MY Elect. I am going to protect them just
as surely as Noah and his family were protected in the ark, if they
can but believe. Tell them I will protect them from the flood of
ungodliness. I will protect them from the flood of the dangers that
Tell them, "Get
in the Ark." Find out where they're to be.
Tell them to seek MY face. If they don't know where they're to be,
fast and pray and wail and lament but find out where their Ark is. As
long as they are aware of where they are supposed to be, as long as
they are underneath the umbrella of MY safety, then they are in their
Ark, no matter where they are in the world. But I tell you again MY
Children, call forth the Apostles and Prophets to interpret the dream
COMING! Just warn the people that DEVASTATION IS COMING!
they help feed MY Prophets? Did they offer water? Did they offer an
encouraging word? Did they offer shelter? I ask Prophets of Old again
and again in the Word that's been foretold and I always sent them
with MY message and it was always their choice whether the people
would hear or whether they would respond in godly fear or would they
chase the Prophets away? Nothing has
changed this very day. So tell them, MY Daughter, tell them for ME so
they won't say they weren't warned. DEVASTATION IS COMING! Are they
ready? Ask them what they have done for ME?
this Elisheva, Warn Them! Those that
mock you and say, "Oh you've been warning of judgment every day.
Warn Them! Just as in the days of
Noah, how few paid attention 'til the flood came. Just as in the days
of Sodom and Gomorrah. No one paid attention 'til it was too late.
Warn Them! America, you think you're flying so high. But you don't
understand, for only one purpose have I protected you, America, and
that is because of those who call out in MY Name and pray, "Spare
America, give America more time!" But where is the repentance,
America? Where is the covering of your face in shame? For the
atrocities still go on and MY Son's Name is damned.
I have mercy, they throw the mercy back in MY face. When I have
mercy, because the prophets pray, "Please don't do it now,"
because when I have mercy and the people rise up and pray, then MY
apostles and prophets are branded false because I did not loose
judgment that day. Warn Them, MY Daughter. Do not be surprised how
few will listen. Warn
Them, MY Daughter so the blood will not be on your hands.
Tell them the dream below, but they do not understand, for their ears
are deaf. Satan fills them with wax. Their eyes are dim, satan covers
their eyes. Their mouth can only speak slander and destruction to
those that I deem are MINE. But those that are MINE are sealed; those
that are MINE are protected. But warn them, MY daughter, so they will
not say I did not warn them, I did not send an apostle and a prophet
to warn them to repent and pray.
YAHUVEH say, "People you must repent, stand in the gap, weep,
fast and pray for America before judgment falls on her again."
Please post a prayer for America. I,
YAHUVEH instruct you to post all Prophecies pertaining to America.
Don't be afraid of offending America, but if you don't obey be afraid
of offending ME. I, YAHUVEH say to
you President Bush, "You must call a national day of fasting,
mourning, day of repentance, and you must fall on your face before
ME, before the world, you must humble yourself, repent, weep, fast
and pray so MY hand of judgment will be lifted off of America."
Christians and Jews, listen to the scriptures "If MY People who
are called by MY NAME will humble themselves, and pray and seek MY
face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven
and will forgive their sin and heal their land." (2 Chron 7:14)
angry, but not at those who can hear MY voice. I'M angry at those who
refuse to hear for Hell was not created for a human not even the Lake
of Fire was created for a human. I sent a redeemer, MY own Son, to
keep you out of these places. I gave MY Son, for I love you so much.
I redeemed what the first Adam had done and yet how many of you are
Hell bent. How
many of you are afraid to witness to your family? How
many of you live in houses unequally yoked with a spouse that hates
MY very NAME? With a spouse that hates all that is Holy and yet they
say, "I am doing this for YAHUVEH's and YAHUSHUA's NAME."
MY Children, of poison injected in your veins. Beware, MY Children,
of the very air you breathe. Beware, MY Children, of the very water
you drink. Truly if it were not for MY mercy, life would be erased
off the face of the Earth. Beware, MY Children, of what you have
injected in you. Remember where your faith and your trust is. Stand
up for what is right. Stand up for your freedoms now. Preachers,
stop taking the bribes, for you've been silenced far too long. I will
hold you accountable for not warning MY Sheep!
speak this again through her; you must put action behind your words.
You must not only say you care, but
prove you care. Rebuke and warn those who do abominations and love
and support those that are putting action behind MY Holy words. Faith
without works is dead. Woe be unto a
creation who doesn't worship the Creator of all. Only the Potter has
the authority to destroy His clay vessels. Some vessels were created
to bring ME Glory; some were only fit for destruction. Look around
you, even the sun explodes with MY fiery rage like never before.
this, MY Children, one with ME, YAHUVEH; through the shed Blood of
YAHUSHUA are a majority, a million even ten million without ME,
without MY Son YAHUSHUA's Blood covering them is in the minority. You
can do all things through I, YAHUVEH that strengthens you.
So this is just one of the new births, MY Children that I have sent
you forth. Walk not into their churches smug and even on a Sunday. Do
not despise them for what they do not know, do not condemn them for
what they do not know, for I have forgiven them for it is only after
they know that they are held accountable for what they know, just
like you are.
doesn't mean that all Sunday churches are evil now, but you are so
close now, the end is nigh, you must
warn the people where the pastors are failing to do so. You must
teach the truth of the Hebrew Sacred NAMES of I, YAHUVEH and MY Son
YAHUSHUA the only MESSIAH, the only Blood shed for humanity for the
remission of sins. I will accept no
other blood sacrifice, and no other intercessor can intercede for
you. That includes no so-called dead saints. Not even YAHUSHUA's own
mother, Miryam (Mary), for even she needed YAHUSHUA as her MESSIAH.
Warn them now so
they will become accustomed to using the Hebrew NAME YAHUSHUA and
YAHUVEH and the RUACH ha KODESH. Satan does not want to counterfeit
the NAME YAHUSHUA with MY NAME YAH in it. There are millions reading
this that will be the Guests at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and
blessed you shall be. However, you will see all or part of the Great
Tribulation and your eyes shall be forced to behold the horror.
Remember this, MY wrath is not appointed unto you, it is appointed to
MY enemies. Stay holy and don't compromise and call upon the NAME of
YAHUSHUA and rely on HIS strength and anointing and hang on tight to
your faith, for it will not be easy. For there will be mind waves in
the air that will try and brainwash you. Learn Holy Scriptures now to
use as a weapon during that time, for Bibles will be banned, but even
satan will not be able to burn all the bibles.