when you see sin even behind the Pulpit for the sake of that Pastor's
soul, don't stay quiet. Who will rebuke them if you don't? But speak
only after you have prayed to ME and sought how to approach this
this message is for those who sit in the churches where the pastors
sin and yet dare anyone to speak about it. How many of you reading
this I have shown evil error in your churches yes in your own
pastors. Yet you sit there and say nothing intimidated by who he or
she is. They are no better than you are. You hear who am I to correct
the pastor, at least it's a church. But when I show you wrong you are
to speak it forth.
are withholding a blessing from that spiritual leader. What if they
would repent? What if they truly don't know they have offended ME?
Instead you worry because your friends and family attend that church.
You don't want to make waves. You may not be accepted anymore. Beware
the yeast of the Pharisee's it's already contaminated you. You sow
your seed into unfertile soil I am not blessing with MY RUACH ha
KODESH. You see no signs wonders or miracles that follow after them
that believe. So instead these Pharisee's must put on a carnival
atmosphere to entertain the congregation. Beware the yeast of the
Pharisee's. No wonder you count the seconds until church is over
with. Can't you see MY RUACH ha KODESH is not moving there?
will bless those that obey ME. Read these prophecies to your pastor
and ask permission to share them. So you will share MY blessings with
others. If you feel intimated by doing this then ask yourself, why?
Warn the congregation and pastor what I speak. MY Words are not just
for few to hear but the majority to hear.
it is true I have a few churches, OH
but so very few are full of MY RUACH ha KODESH. So very few are full
of MY love, so very few preach the truth, but any church on a Sunday,
I speak to the people in them now go to your pastors and tell them
the truth. Remind them of the Ten Commandments I have given you.
Remind them the Sabbath was set up from creation when I formed this
world. Then that pastor will be held accountable whether he teaches
the congregation the truth. This
is a Babylonian religion, the one that despises the True Sabbath. For
this man made Sabbath MY True Children will shun. Go
to your pastors and warn them and if they will not listen, then flee.
For you will have proven that the RUACH ha KODESH has truly spoken
through thee. Flee
children from the churches of Babylon for there coming crashing down.
The Crystal Cathedrals are a stench to MY nostrils. These pastors who
won't even speak the truth, homosexuality is an abomination unto ME.
Abortion is murder; sexual intercourse without marriage is
no mistake, this affects all religious freedoms, even the Moslems.
All those serving a false god but desiring to be of a moral character
will regret they did nothing but stand by and watch.Those
of you who are prayer warriors, start insisting your pastors stop
compromising and speak out at all costs.
The greatest mockery of MY NAME yet will be done by Ellen DeGeneres
by the ultimate blasphemy to portray I, YAHUVEH the GOD of Creation.
She will pay with her soul for this and all those that take part in
this film. I, YAHUVEH will send forth MY wrath on those that call
themselves the greatest to the least. This includes not only the
studio, producers, script writers, actors, wardrobe, caterers; make
up artists, even the stand-in actors and actresses. I, YAHUVEH will
pour out MY wrath on even the state this is filmed in. I, YAHUVEH
warn any advertiser I, YAHUVEH will command MY Babies, Bride, Chosen
Ones and Elect as well even those who do not serve nor obey MY Holy
Word but know there is a GOD YAHUVEH to fear, to protest and boycott
your products.
this, MY Children, one with ME, YAHUVEH; through the shed Blood of
YAHUSHUA are a majority, a million even ten million without ME,
without MY Son YAHUSHUA's Blood covering them is in the minority. You
can do all things through I, YAHUVEH that strengthens you.
So this is just one of the new births, MY Children that I have sent
you forth. Walk not into their churches smug and even on a Sunday. Do
not despise them for what they do not know, do not condemn them for
what they do not know, for I have forgiven them for it is only after
they know that they are held accountable for what they know, just
like you are.
you compromise? Did you share what you had? Did you offer a place of
sanctuary? Did you so much as give a drink of water to a Prophet in
MY NAME? In MY Son YAHUSHUA's NAME? Did you just say, "God bless
you, I will pray for you" or were you a blessing? These are the
questions I'M going to ask you when you stand before MY throne. Did
you take these words; did you take them to the Sunday churches so the
pastor would be held accountable for what he knows? Did you go in as
a Jeremiah's army, at least two by two? Did you go to the
congregation and explain to them about the Sabbath feasts? What did
you do? Did you teach MY Hebrew NAME? Did you teach the power and the
anointing in the sacred Hebrew NAMES of I, YAHUVEH of MY Son