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Fear love and obedience to YAHUVEH

Joyful/full obedience

Prophecy 13:
Some of MY Children I hear now saying, "Oh no, I am not going to give any of MY money to a ministry, I don't believe in tithing" and others will say, "I give to a ministry, I don't like it and I admit I give grudgingly but I do give, not much but I do give." Here is MY answer to the first group who call themselves MINE. Check yourself, for if you're not obeying the Word of YAHUVEH, how can you say MY RUACH ha KODESH is within you? How can you say you love ME and not obey ME? For those that give sparingly and grudgingly I tell you this, I will also give back to you sparingly and grudgingly.

For the same measure you give, and the same attitude is the same attitude I give back to you.  

Prophecy 27:
You MY Children say you want MY perfect will? Do you really? Will you really give ME one day a week? The Sabbath, FRIDAY SUNSET UNTIL SATURDAY SUNSET you are to rest in ME, rejoice in ME, learn of ME. Lay aside your work and instead do only MY work, if any work is to be done. Pray and I will show you what to do and what not to do. I am a GOD of perfect balance. I abhor anything unbalanced. Even the Sabbath must be kept in balance. This is a day of rejoicing in ME, not a curse; this is a day to be a blessing unto you a day not to be dreaded but to be looked forward to. The Sabbath is not a day of bondage but a day of liberty in I, YAHUSHUA. MY Disciples and I are an example of what to do on the Sabbath. Learn this not from the Pharisee's that say this is a day to be in bondage that say this is a day to suffer. Yea, I say great will be your blessings for observing MY Sabbath Day and keeping it Holy.

Prophecy 103:
I speak to MY First Fruits. I speak to those that are the 144,000. I grade by the percentage, not "if" you obey ME, but how quickly you obey ME. Not "if" you obey ME, but by what attitude you have that you obey ME; how quickly you obey ME and the degree of the performance, how fully you obey ME.

Do you do things in your time? Or do you do things in MY time? When I tell you that you are to do something do you do it with a cheerful heart? When I tell you to support this Ministry do you just throw them your leftover change like you would tip a waitress or a waiter? Do you make sure that the prophets that minister to you, that feed you are fed and lodged? For this ministry travels the world. They only stay in one place until I, YAHUVEH, tell them they must move on. Do you know how many times they've had to leave everything behind? How many of you could live a life like this? How many would be willing to leave their loved ones behind? Back behind in a country they'll never see again because I, YAHUVEH, have said so. It is not by MY hand they shall ever return. Everyone, everyone, everyone, who accept YAHUSHUA as your MASHIACH, everyone who calls YAHUSHUA the Only Begotten Son of YAHUVEH, should each day be striving to please I, YAHUVEH.

When YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH walked this earth HE had one, one, one desire that HE pleased I, YAHUVEH. Constantly HE reminded you that the things that HE did, HE did to glorify I, YAHUVEH. This is what MY Bride does. This is what YAHUSHUA's Bride does. To the new baby converts, you are but in elementary school but just as a child in elementary school wants to get to the new grade, so too, you should strive.

There will be those that will hear this Message that will just get into Heaven on their last breath. They will do all they can do just to keep the Ten Commandments, to be Holy before ME in that way. On that day they shall be in Paradise. But you see there are levels to Heaven and the Bride's sole desire is to be able to come right into the Throne Room. These are the 100 percenters.

I judge you by the percentage of the time you obey ME, again how quickly you obey ME. Do you give ME your best? Or do you just get by? Oh how sad when some of you just throw crumbs at ME. You see I, YAHUVEH, judge your heart. I not only listen to your mouth, I know whether you begrudgingly do something for ME or whether you rejoice. Just like I have raised up those to be helpers to this Ministry, you started out as a friend to this Ministry. You were praying and you prayed and prayed as a new convert wanting to please YAHUSHUA more each day and said, "ABBA YAHUVEH, what can I do to help this Ministry, what can I do to make my life count in this world? Give me a job ABBA YAHUVEH. Make my life worth living." So I hand you a job.

I speak to one that used to handle the mail to this Ministry. I gave you a job. You started out in rejoicing. You started out that you couldn't do enough, knowing the mail must be forwarded entails a job, a Holy job I gave unto you. Those that handle the mail, those that handle the finances are sorely tested. Those that are told to give of their finances to support this Ministry are sorely tested. But do you become stronger? Or do you become weaker? Do you betray the job I gave you to do?

YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH is your MASTER. For what percentage have you been willing to lay everything down? When I have divided by MY Divine Hand marriages I did not ordain, where you were unequally yoked, what is your attitude? I have done it for your own sake as they have yoked themselves to satan and his lies. How much off worse will it be in the Great Tribulation, the Time of Jacob's Trouble, where that betrayal will cost the other Holy one's life, what has been your attitude? Do you have an, "Oh woe is me," attitude? Do you have a grumbling, angry attitude? What is your attitude? I know your fruit, by that I judge you.  

So I have spoken this day through MY Ringmaiden once again. What you do with this Word is up to you. Just know that you shall be judged for I know and I discern your heart even as you've read and you've heard. Are you determined more than ever to please ME? Or will you throw your hands up in despair? I know your fruit. This is what I grade you on. I know your fruit. This is whether you'll know you're going to Heaven or hell. This is a new day for many of you as your eyes have been opened up and now you know what pleases I, YAHUVEH.

Prophecy 104:
I, YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH promise you, that I shall never leave nor forsake you, you shall not go hungry, thirsty, or without shelter. You shall be covered as a baby chick in the palm of MY hand, hidden and protected as you continue to lay down your fleshly desires and walk in MY HOLY SPIRIT, in obedience to MY Holy Scriptures out of love and gratitude, more than fear.  

Prophecy 106:
I told you that in 2009 anything and everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Do not stand amazed Elisheva for you are going to see those that you call the YDS' shaken, we will see just how firmly they are of ME, we will see how many want to pay the price to be called MY Bride. We will see as you have seen what happens in New Zealand. It is easy, it is so easy when there is no testing, it is so easy to say, thy will be done oh YAHUVEH. When MY will though goes against your will, will you still say, thy will be done oh YAHUVEH?  

Your secret sin is not doing the work I called you to do. When I hand you a task and I say, "Do this to reach the tongues of your people" and you say, "Oh no, I have too much of my own personal problems now" and your eyes are focused on the heathen more than the souls, more than the sheep and the lambs that need (to be) fed. This is sin in MY eyes, for you put your hand to the plow and you looked back. You took your hand off the plow. You stopped tilling that soil and seeding it and speaking forth these Words in your own native tongue so others can be fed. The spirit of selfishness has come upon you. You know who I speak of. You know what translators have let ME down. I will not continue to wait. I will raise up someone else to take your place. (Elisheva saw a vision at this time with the word China)  

Prophecy 107:
I am YAHUVEH and I tell you all this for the purpose of not only knowing, for you knowing how valuable you are to ME. Those who love MY Son YAHUSHUA. Those who call and honor HIM as MASHIACH, King of Kings, almighty God MY only begotten Son. I tell you all of this to let you know, am I not able to take care of you when I know all things? Where I know where the next trap satan lays for you is. Am I not able to tell you, do not walk that way? Just trust ME. Just trust MY Son. Trust MY Spirit that lives within you. Right now I do not speak to the heathen. Trust the precious RUACH ha KODESH. Lean onto ME, rest you head on MY shoulder. I am your Abba YAHUVEH, trust ME. I know who are MINE and I know whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.(Psalm 37:3) Just as I know whose names are written in the book of the damned and these are those who are the spawn of satan.

Lean not unto thy own understanding but in ALL, ALL, ALL of your ways trust ME and I promise you I will direct thy path.(Proverbs 3:5-6) Seek ME while I can still be found. Call upon the Name of YAHUSHUA MASHIACH, HE will not forsake you, HE will not let you down.(Romans 10:13) Obey ME. Submit your will to ME.(Act 5:29) Study and show thyself approved. Study the Holy Scriptures. Know what pleases I, YAHUVEH, (Ephesians 5:17) and most of all accept MY only begotten Son as the only righteousness and the only Blood and the only Name that will get you back to Heaven.(John 8:29) For those whose names are written in the Book of Life. Heaven is your only true home. On this earth you have just roamed.(2 Corinthians 5:1-2)

Listen to the words through Elisheva's mouth I have spoke. Strive to be more Holy each day. Strive to be pleasing unto ME more each day. Anything that displeases ME ask for the Blood of YAHUSHUA MASHIACH to cover and wash away. Ask HIM to change you. Ask HIM to change your heart.(Psalm 51:10) Ask HIM to change your mind. That which pleases ME, should please you. For if you can not worship ME and you can not praise ME and you can not obey ME here on this earth.(Psalm 50:23) What makes you think you will do so, or desire to do so in Heaven? I give you this desire now on this earth so you will have the desire for all eternity to please I, YAHUVEH, MY Son YAHUSHUA and your IMMAYAH the RUACH ha KODESH called the Holy Spirit.(Philipians 2:12-13)