1999, the words 'Fear of Flying' will take on a new meaning. MY
Babies and Bride will not fear. Rumors of war will no longer be
rumors and will be more than one country at a time. I see and hear MY
Babies, MY Children, I feel your pain as you listen and run in terror
in every direction or you are overwhelmed and paralyzed, as if in
shock and your faith draining daily at the world's news reports. Many
of MY Little Ones are in a panic for they say, "I cannot hear
YAHUVEH's voice." They weep and wail in fear and pray, "Please
YAHUVEH, tell me where to go and what to do." MY
Children, hear ME, you have not heard what to do or where to go for
it is not yet time. Tarry a while longer, I will speak and confirm to
your Spirit in many different ways.
I have not forsaken MY Beloved Babies, Bride, Chosen ones or Elect.
Nor will I. Your names are engraved on MY Palms.
I am speaking forth out of this Handmaiden now to tell you MY Beloved
you need not fear the wolves or snakes. I have told you I have always
had a people that worship, serve, and obey the Great GOD 'I AM' and
always will. I, YAHUVEH and MY Son YAHUSHUA quietly watch and survey
what the enemy is doing and we report it through our Prophets and
they in turn not only warn you but encourage you like now, to
let you know in MY timing I will tell you when to leave, what to do,
how to avoid the boa constrictors, and the deadly cobras. Merely wait
on ME, for I the Lord your GOD am never too early or too late. I will
rescue MY People in such a way you will find miraculous.
Yes, there will be those that will be and are being martyred but
their blood falls into the ground and only raises up others to speak
forth and do greater works in MY Son YAHUSHUA's NAME. Grieve not for
the ones I allow to be killed for MY sake but rather grieve for the
one that did the killing and torturing. They will have eternity to
suffer for what they have done, for what they have done to MY
Children who laid their lives down for ME. They will be tortured the
same way in Hell for eternity. Those who are martyred suffered in
life but for eternity shall never suffer again. Their rewards are
GREAT in Heaven.
is coming great devastation. The earth will shake and quake in fear.
Can the sun outshine MY brilliance as I come closer to the earth? The
lava will run, it cannot contain the anger of YAHUVEH anymore. Oh but
you will see MY angels encamp about those who love ME, you need not
fear. Those of you who hear MY
voice need not fear when it is time to go you will know.
Did I not open the Red Sea? I did it then, so I will do it again.
Just as the evil pharaoh and his troops chased MY children of Israel
who just wanted to be free to live Holy and worship ME.
one fear and that fear is not hearing MY voice. Seek the God of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob the God of Israel while I can yet be found.
I am speaking not in a loud voice to your Spirits but a still small
voice for those that care enough to incline their ears to ME and
strain you shall hear ME speak. Is it worth it to you to care enough
to lean closer to ME as I whisper MY instructions to you? Is
it worth it when MY RUACH ha KODESH says to fast, you are to fast to
be able to hear ME more clearly?
and meditate on the below scriptures and you will know if this word
of knowledge is meant for you. MY sheep know I am the only Good
Shepherd's voice for what child does not know the voice of his
Father? If you do not hear MY voice then this message is not for you
but copy it for you will be reminded when the time comes to send it
to another person. This is a one on one word although originally
given to another it is not meant only for one man or woman or child.
I tell MY children where to walk, you walk. When I tell you where to
run, you run. When I tell you what to speak, you speak. When I tell
you to be silent, you be silent. When I tell you to stand still,
don't move. When you don't know what to do, do nothing, until you
have peace that "I AM" has spoken.
days you should worship ME, but there is but one True Sabbath and
that is the day that YAHUSHUA gave you as he set the example and
became Lord of the Sabbath. Worship and praise YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA
every day, but especially on the True Hebrew Sabbath rest in YAHUVEH
for I rested after I created the world. Who are you, a mere human to
think you also need not rest. Follow MY Torah. Honor the True Sabbath
day and keep it Holy before ME. Rest on this day. Seek to hear from
ME on this day, ask ME what I want you to do on this day, come apart
from the world and honor the GOD of your creation and Salvation. Will
a man rob GOD? Yes, even the true Sabbaths set apart for you and 'I
AM' for you see this will be for now and eternity a day of rest.
YAHUVEH am now joining you with others, for these also will be MY
hidden ones that I have hidden under the shelter of MY wings. Wait
until you see the miracles that I, YAHUVEH will do. You will see, it
will be your finest hours as once again you see YAHUVEH deliver those
that others seek to destroy, all because of MY NAME. I, YAHUVEH have
chosen this prophet to call forth the Clarion Call of the 144,000.
Learn the song of Moses. In it is the victory in the NAME of YAHUVEH!
MY new mandate to this apostle daughter of MINE is: now is the time
for you to seek YAHUVEH's face and YAHUVEH's will and YAHUVEH's
marching orders. Walk when YAHUVEH says walk, run when YAHUVEH says
run, speak when YAHUVEH says speak and do nothing when you are told
to just stand and wait. No matter how small of a decision, learn to
pray for ME to reveal MY will, not your will.
you this, will you forsake the promises I have given you? The blessed
hope that I have given you? Why would I say you are not under MY
wrath, but mercy and you teach others that I, YAHUVEH will allow no
escape for the Christians who call out to ME in YAHUSHUA's NAME? I,
YAHUVEH do have an ark for you. All MY children who trust ME, will
hear MY voice clearly, just believe, and keep asking ME. Do you think
that I, YAHUVEH have brought you thus far to fail you now? I, YAHUVEH
will not spare Israel because her people are more holy. In truth her
sin runs just as rampant, the stench rises to Heaven, as it does in
nations around the world! Not one nation or people are better than
the other. I, YAHUVEH will not allow Israel to be destroyed
completely, for I, YAHUVEH have made a covenant with Abraham, and his
Beloved Children of MINE how many of you cry out to ME with wails and
tears and try and hide your fears from the world and your friends,
yet confide in your Daddy YAHUVEH and MESSIAH YAHUSHUA. You come to
us with tear stained faces in the NAME of MY Son YAHUSHUA saying,
"What do we do now? Where do we
go?" Darlings of MINE, Oh I am
not angry with you at this time, it is the evil ones that I am livid
with anger. I see the evil one's plots and schemes, and it is just
like in the time of old with the serpent in the Garden of Eden,
seeking to beguile you, and make you think that you cannot win
without worldly knowledge. Your FATHER I, YAHUVEH is all knowledge
and when you seek I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH you
are seeking truth, and knowledge.
assured, as long as you are seeking, you will find the answers when
the time comes.If you do not know what to do, then be assured, it is not yet the
time for you to know where to go, nor what to do. I, YAHUVEH will not
give you the ticket to ride until it is the time to leave. I, YAHUVEH
am never too early or too late, but I am always there right on time.
Not a second to spare at times. But I, YAHUVEH will never leave you,
nor forsake you. I, YAHUVEH am the Creator of all mankind. You need
not fear what the evil ones will do, for I, YAHUVEH am using the
simple things, like your prayers, to confound the so-called, wise of
this world.
that insist on celebrating holidays and that are not Torah observant
to recognize, to esteem the True Holy Days will find out they will
feel MY wrath in a mighty way, even those who are called by MY Sons
NAME because this truth has set them free, that they are to be Holy
as 'I AM' Holy. But
instead they insist on participating and are anticipating and
reciprocating these pagan holidays, then they shall not feel MY
presence, they
shall not hear MY Spirit speak to them,
they will find they are no longer in MY Ark where I set MY Children
gave MY Daughter the dream this day that she was poisoned and every
time that you eat food MY Children you do not realize what you have
taken in. The hormones that you ingest, the pestilence, so ask ME how
to cleanse it and I will show you MY Children for the body is the
Temple of the RUACH ha KODESH and it must be cleansed. You
will find out that you will even hear from ME more easily.
There is a war within your bodies, it is not just spiritual it is
physical, for I not only cleanse your spirit, I not only cleanse your
blood, I will wash the toxins out of your blood, out of your body,
out of your bowels.
evil seek to take your will but they forget MY Beloved, it is MY
will, it is MY Spirit, MY RUACH ha KODESH and they cannot touch it.
It is not your mind for you have given it over to ME, so your Creator
can speak to you, so you can hear ME and I have raised up Prophets
after MY OWN Spirit. The false ones say, "Listen not to the
Prophets." But I have always had
a Prophet, I sent to this earth the Prophet of the Prophets, HE is MY
Son YAHUSHUA. HE did not leave this earth until the Comforter came
who imparted the true gift of prophecy, so MY Children can hear
Do you want to know why you can't hear? For so many
struggle and say, "I'll just listen to what this Prophet says."
But you must learn, seek ME for yourself, desire with all of your
heart for MY voice for you to hear and I will not disappoint you.
Even the Bible Codes, some are real, some are counterfeits but even
words here and there, if you do not have discernment satan will take
it and lead you astray. So beware of who you listen to, does it line
up with MY Word?
give this word to you as the Day of Pentecost approaches; expect the
anointing to only grow stronger. Meet
with ME on the Day of Pentecost. Expect a greater anointing; expect
to hear from ME, and greater revelations you will see.
is not yet the time to speak forth Words of FIRE MY daughter. Be
patient. I just give these few words of encouragement to you. That I
your Abba YAHUVEH am pleased. I am pleased with MY spiritual Israel,
those who walk in the footsteps that I ordain for them as holy, those
whose ears are inclined to every word I speak.
MY Children, MY Babies, MY Bride, MY Chosen Ones and MY Elect, you
who take no pride in who you are or what you can accomplish but your
pride is in what I, YAHUVEH do, what I, YAHUVEH accomplish through MY