Prophecy 1:
It's a fearful and terrible thing to fall into the hands of a living GOD. MY wrath can be as great as MY love, but no one speaks of this.
The year of 1997, I will prove I am a GOD of fire and that which stands in MY Ministers' ways shall be consumed in MY anger. They who dare to stop the Gospel of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH shall suffer the worst.
I am a LION from the tribe of Judah to MY enemies. I am a warrior and not a wimp. I turned the other cheek once. But when I come again to MY enemies, I bring MY fury. Woe unto them that call themselves MY enemy and dare to destroy the good works that I am doing through MY servants. A lion rips and tears before it devours its prey. So does the eagle, which your heavenly Father represents. You shall see MY fury in 1997.
I am going to prove I am a GOD to be greatly feared. I am still a GOD who demands Holiness from MY Children.
They are afraid of losing their tax-exempt status, and let the government silence them for the sake of fear. Now they will have someone to fear, I YAHUSHUA. Because you stayed silent, and did not speak up and say repent or else Hell's fire consumes you. The one thing you pastors and ministers feared shall come upon you suddenly. You shall no longer have your tax-exempt status. I am going to allow the government to take it away so once again you will speak out without fear, what sin is.
Touch not MY anointed, neither do MY Prophets harm. Don't stone this messenger for giving MY message. Because harm will come to the one who raises a word against MY Messenger. Test ME and see if I am not a GOD of consuming fire. Hell's fire is MINE anger that is kindled. Let it not be kindled against thee.
Prophecy 4:
Tell them MY child; tell them I no longer can hold back MY Father's rage.
A chain of volcano's are going to go up at one time, it will be MY red hot lava that spews forth that symbolizes MY anger.
The great YAHUVEH is angry and even MY Son, the one I gave to you as a Savior cannot appease MY anger much longer. I am about to vent some of MY anger, beware all who have mocked ME and the word of YAHUSHUA and silenced those who have the anointing of MY Messengers and abused, tortured and imprisoned in mankind's prisons. I AM angry! I warned Sodom and Gomorrah and I am warning you now once again. The world is a modern day Babylon, this world.
I am coming in a mighty way and this year though your local news stations refuse to admit the destruction and anger I have already exhibited this year. I will start demonstrating in ways that they no longer will be able to ignore.
I will not only send the volcano's that will erupt in a chain reaction, but I will shake the earth as a parent shakes a disobedient child. I am going to shake not one section of the earth at a time, but many sections of the earth at a time. I am going to send forth MY feet that will stomp the ground in rage. For MY anger is great toward the rebellious who have shaken their fist in MY face, and said they refuse to obey a book and rules written so many thousands of years ago. For those who use MY NAME as a curse word. For those who mock MY Son's Blood that was shed for them at Calvary. I am going to send forth the hurricanes to demonstrate the tears I have shed over MY unrepentant children and over those that I created that should have been MY Children but refused to acknowledge ME as Father.
Floods will come and will cover many sections of the earth at one time. These will symbolize MY tears, as so many have Hell over Heaven. Those that chose satan over YAHUSHUA. I will send forth the tornadoes and it will be MY fist sending forth the flying wind. I will demonstrate this not in one place, when you see many come together you will know I am speaking and I am angry and MY anger is not easily appeased.
There have always been earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes here and there but when you see them like a chain reaction, many at the same time then you will know this is the time I have warned you about.
Prophecy 8:
As you (bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASIACH) trust ME to keep you from hell, trust ME also to keep you from the coming horror of the great time of woe, to come upon this earth in the undiluted wrath of Almighty YAHUVEH.
Prophecy 9:
But now I am no longer that meek, mild, Lamb. When I come again to destroy those that oppose ME and Holiness you will see I am Almighty even in war. MY Children need not fear, but MY enemies will tremble, and do tremble for they know I am a GOD that will take vengeance on MY enemies. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I have held back MY rage, building it for that day. None will stand in MY way.
Prophecy 11:
As the evil gets more rampant in this world, and evil ones flaunt the sin in MY face saying, "What you gonna do about it YAHUSHUA? I will show them what I am going to do about it. As I show MY Children when I spank them, I will punish those flaunting MY commandments, homosexuality, immorality, and Bible in MY face and daring to mock ME. It's coming, MY wrath is coming to this earth undiluted.
I tell you look to the volcanoes and earthquakes, the terrors in the sky and you will know how soon MY coming is. As I control the one thing man cannot and never will control, the elements in the sky and the weather. Man cannot stop the volcanoes, earthquakes, snow or cold or heat, tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding from torrential rain as evil gets more evil and good becomes more Holy.
Prophecy 13:
Although I rejoice at coming to take MY Children out of this wicked world, to carry MY Bride home in MY arms, I weep and I sob for I am torn in half. So many will be left, so many that call themselves MINE and yet MY Spirit is not in them. They will be left to suffer the wrath of Almighty GOD YAHUVEH.
Then the judgment of YAHUVEH will fall on this earth in a way that has never been dreamed of nor ever will happen again and it will happen to this heathen land.
Prophecy 15:
I am going to prove once again I am not a GOD to be mocked or ignored. America get ready, world get ready and enemies of the Gospel of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH get ready. Those that are not MINE will again see a separation between those that worship ME, those that hate ME and all that is Holy. You shall see how I will punish the heathen and see with your eyes the way I protect the Holy and punish the unholy and all those condoning sin. All your riches will not be able to stop what Almighty GOD YAHUVEH is going to do.
Prophecy 18:
You will pray to die but there will not come death easily.
Prophecy 20:
All people in the clinics partaking of this evil fruit of murder will die and the earth shall open up and a great earthquake shall rumble and the abortion clinics shall fall into the earth deep within the earth and then the earth shall close up over them. All those in the clinic shall descend to the bowels of Hell in a way I have not done since times of old. The world will shake their head for they will have to acknowledge this was not a bomb from earth but a bomb from Heaven and the GOD of all Creation, The Great GOD YAHUVEH shall do these things and more for this is a land full of evil and your pornography and your prostitution and all manner of evil.
I will do signs and wonders to show forth MY wrath on anyone that dares to flaunt this spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah in MY face. TV stations that have made a profit from porn and all manner of mocking ME and radio stations beware for you have built a Babel tower and think no one can knock it down but I will. The GOD of all Creation will show how puny your towers and receivers are.
Men and women shall get this from ONE sexual encounter with anyone that has it, I say again, if this be MY Prophet that speaks forth and your Spirit will have already witnessed this fact by now, ONE, do you hear ME, ONE, I repeat ONE sexual encounter is all it takes and this plague will come upon them in the same way that this miracle sex drug has come upon the world unexpectantly and in a rush and there will be NO CURE I repeat even after they repent on their death beds.
I have healed AIDS but this end time plague, none will be healed. Though they repent and accept the saving blood of YAHUSHUA they will be saved but still shall die for they shall reap what they had sown. Although the body dies, the soul will go to Heaven if they truly have turned away from sin, love and serve YAHUSHUA, knowing HE paid the price for their sins and washed them clean with HIS Saving Blood.
Prophecy 21:
The earth shall see and feel these contractions just as a woman giving birth. There shall be hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanoes, and earthquakes and they shall become greater in proportion as MY SON's coming gets closer. You have always had these things, true, but now you will see a change in the atmosphere, for I alone am ALMIGHTY GOD YAHUVEH and I will prove how you can not trust the calendar as to what season will appear. Take note of the planets as I shift what you have believed and show what you have not yet seen.
Take note of the sun and the moon and the stars for again I have surprises in store for this earth. I will prove I alone am ALMIGHTY GOD YAHUVEH! I will provide I shall no longer be mocked. That which the heathen said is impossible I will show with ALMIGHTY YAHUVEH, all things are possible. The heathen's gods shall crumble to debris. The earth will open up and swallow Buddha. I will show what puny gods the heathens have put their trust in. I shall have no other gods before ME. Those worshipping other gods shall die with their gods unless they repent today.
Prophecy 24 part 1:
There is coming a flood, but not only a flood of water, but a flood of the bowls of curses being poured out I will overflow this earth with a flood of MY wrath since the time of Adam and Eve's sin against ME. As I had a Noah to warn of the flood, Moses to warn of the curses and LOT to warn that the fire of Heaven would fall, so too I will do it again, I am warning now through MY Handmaiden.
Woe be unto the earth for it shudders and shakes. Not only does the sky convulse as YAHUSHUA approaches earth but the earth shakes in fear and quakes in fear for it knows the evil that has been done. The earthquakes are the earth quaking in fear and they shall intensify and storms become more fierce and the lava in the mountains will spew forth for the lava is heated by MY wrath. It boils hotly against the heathen of this earth who refuse MY commandments, who refuse YAHUSHUA's gift at Calvary and who hate all that is Holy. The earth shall quake harder as the SON of GOD approaches. The sky shakes with the anger of satan and the war in the Heavenly. The sky labors as a woman giving birth. It will be as though the stars fall from the sky. The prince and power of the air shakes the sky, for satan knows.
I warn you in that time you will walk by faith and not by sight more than any other time in history. No one who is lukewarm in faith will survive MY wrath. If you find it hard now to have faith, how much harder you will find it to believe that I will rescue you and yet the majority of faith will die and they will willingly give their lives as a martyr, prefer this to continue living by faith alone. They will be beheaded for their beliefs and prefer death over suffering. Yet all those who refuse the Mark of the Beast in the Tribulation shall be saved.
Prophecy 24 part 2:
Tell them this, just as in the days of Noah so it shall be again. A flood of MY bowl of curses that will overflow on this earth and no one will escape except those I have already sealed. Fire from the sky, fire that consumes all it touches. One third of the earth shall be destroyed. The EARTH SHAKES IN FEAR as I the SON of YAHUVEH approaches. MY wrath shall consume the earth.
Prophecy 25:
Oh MY Babies, Oh MY Bride, I am coming to bring you home by MY side. You shall not walk in destruction, MY Babies, MY Bride. You who are ready, waiting and living Holy, I will bring you home. The ones who are not ready, waiting, and living Holy, you shall see destruction on this coming day.
You have dared to shake your fist at ALMIGHTY GOD YAHUVEH and I shall wad you up and those that are not ready for MY coming. You shall walk a path that I'd rather you not walk. You have been warned. If you think that it is hard to walk in faith now, how much harder do you think it will be when you see the horror that is to come? OH America, the flames of MY wrath shall encompass thee.
For those that say they cannot trust ME now to save them, for you lack the faith, you will have to walk in faith or you shall die. You shall walk a path that I should not have you walk. You will walk where MY Bride will not walk. You ask where you shall walk? You shall walk in a path of tribulation and only through walking by faith and not by sight shall you survive. I call to you today, come in quickly before it's too late. I want you to have faith today. I want you to have faith. Come into the Ark. Come into MY arms.
Do you have any idea of the sufferings?
Prepare for the coming war you who say that you are meant to stay and walk in MY wrath. I am coming to take MY Bride away. She is MY virgin and has trimmed her wick, and has oil in her lamp, and extra oil. For those that insist to see the horror to come you, shall walk by faith and not by sight. Multitudes will be put to death and many will not take the Mark of the Beast. They shall learn the hard way since they refuse to listen now. The ones not walking by faith will die. Do not fear for there will be those that will not doubt ME when there is no food or no water. Do you have the faith to pray to a stone and believe for water? Do you have faith to believe that mud is bread?
Prophecy 26:
As the sinful world you live in continues to teach rebellion, trashing or editing MY Ten Commandments, as in the days of Moses I will show what I do with a people with a rebellious heart.
The earth quakes in great fear of the coming judgment. Hell spews forth molten lava. The lake of fire is MY wrath that overflows. Hell is kindled by MY wrath. The river of life flows forth from MY throne with great love and mercy. For MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect 1999 will be a year full of deliverance for those who put ME first. MY Children will know great blessings for boldly keeping MY Sabbath Holy and who know the importance of keeping MY Commandments. MY Children also know when they sin against ME and repent; turning away from that sin only YAHUSHUA's Holy Blood shed at Calvary will wash them clean again.
Signs in the sky and fearing what none thought to fear. Even atheists will shudder at what I am going to do in 1999 and 2000. But remember, not all the wrath you will see will be coming from ME. Satan is very angry, his time is short. Satan will send his servants forth and steal, kill and destroy in a greater way. What satan cannot accomplish, in satan's name he will deceive and accomplish using MY Son, Jesus' NAME. Satan will even deceive using MY NAME YAHUVEH. You MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, will recognize the evil done in the name of science, government and religion. Hear and fear, ye enemies of the Gospel of YAHUSHUA, I will always have a people! MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect when I say FLEE it will be as when I open the Red Sea and I will show you the way. DO NOT FEAR, JUST FLEE as Lot fled, DO NOT NOT LOOK BACK!
Prophecy 27:
Great tragedies shall take place on MY Sabbath as a SIGN this is a law that has not changed. You will know when you hear them. I change not for any man nor woman, time or season, I am the same GOD yesterday, today and forever. MY Commandments are written in stone by the finger of I the GREAT GOD 'I AM' and I apologize not to anyone.
Prophecy 31:
Undiluted and in full measure will this world reap what it has been sowing. I warned the evil Pharaoh and I am warning MY enemies again. REPENT! Turn away from Evil. I warned Ninevah and they were spared but in the end they turned back to evil and I had to destroy what I had predestined to destroy. For I know the hearts of the reprobate. Those like Evil Pharaoh who speak like they are sorry and will cease their wicked ways only to compound the evil in the next breath by lying to ME and MY People. In the reprobate there is no truth in them. No matter what I do to them they will not serve ME or worship ME.
Every time you pray remember now is the time to pray you will be counted worthy to escape the wrath that is to come on this earth. The wrath of 'I AM' is not just a temper tantrum, it has been building and it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a Living GOD.
Prophecy 33:
GREAT HORROR! GREAT HORROR! GREAT HORROR will come to those that have flaunted MY laws in MY face spit upon MY Torah and defiled the Holy Word and ripped it in shreds.
GREAT HORROR! GREAT HORROR! GREAT HORROR! GREAT HORROR! GREAT HORROR! GREAT HORROR will come upon those that mocked the word of YAHUVEH that has been trashed and labeled garbage.
GREAT HORROR! GREAT HORROR! GREAT HORROR! You say I am a God of mercy and love and when I speak rebuke or in harsh tones through MY Prophets, you say "That is not my loving and merciful Father." Do I not say, "I chastise those I love? What parent disciplines their child without raising their voice?" FOOLISH, FOOLISH, FOOLISH ones. I will slap you, I will strike you on the right and the left, I will stomp on you. But for the sake of your souls, I will allow satan to kill the flesh, because of MY love and mercy, call upon ME when that time comes, I will save your souls.
GREAT HORROR! GREAT HORROR! GREAT HORROR! GREAT HORROR! GREAT HORROR! GREAT HORROR such as this world has never seen. But listen, I give these words not for MY Bride, Babies, Chosen Ones and Elect to fear. They are not for those who hear MY voice and fear ME.
There is coming great devastation. The earth will shake and quake in fear. Can the sun outshine MY brilliance as I come closer to the earth? The lava will run, it cannot contain the anger of YAHUVEH anymore. Oh but you will see MY angels encamp about those who love ME, you need not fear. Those of you who hear MY voice need not fear when it is time to go you will know. Did I not open the Red Sea? I did it then, so I will do it again. Just as the evil pharaoh and his troops chased MY children of Israel who just wanted to be free to live Holy and worship ME.
Fall on your faces and REPENT! Get the gold ripped out of your mouths before satan rips it out for just as Hitler did, they shall do it once again. The anti-christ shall call them extermination camps. Before he killed 6 million Jews, now it will be 666 million christians and Jews. Multitudes will be lukewarm in their faith, but before their life is taken, extinguished like a match flame, they will be on fire with the love of YAHUVEH. What they do not have now, they will have then. Wouldn't it be easier now to sacrifice your mind, body, spirit and soul giving ME your will, doing it MY way or would you really rather wait to endure the HORROR that is to come?
When you are rounded up like herded cattle, pressed against one another where you can't move left or right, while you are still alive, the gold shall be ripped from your mouth. The gold shall be ripped from your mouth. The gold shall be ripped from your mouth and the jewelry from your body. That is what you get for following the false deceptions, great signs and wonders. I sent this prophet to warn you. Satan plays you; you are bait on the hook. Look and weep as spiritual leaders I once trusted dangle MY people like bait on a hook over the jaws of hell. The evil spiritual leaders line their pockets with gold as hell fills the people's mouths with gold so the evil ones can rip it out like they did to the Jews. What you reap you will sow.
Prophecy 34:
All of the earth will tremble for "I AM" has begun to stomp this earth and it is only with one foot. When I stomp on this earth with BOTH FEET it will be in such a way no nation or city or land will be spared from the shaking! But again those who are mine and keep MY Sabbaths Holy, who worship ME in power and in truth I will spare, I will shelter you. Learn who "I AM" really is. I have not even begun to blow on this world yet but you shall see what happens when the creator of Heaven and earth and all that lies in between and around, blows on this world with the breath of "I AM" in ANGER and fierce WRATH!
Now I speak about this coming earthquake that is prophesied to come that will devastate this earth like never before. I now release this prophet to speak what I told her days ago. What shall I do stomp both MY feet now at the wickedness of this world and allow the man made evil to go ahead of MY schedule? What shall I do? I have seen the fasting and heard the prayers to postpone what I was going to allow. But does not MY Word say "If MY people will humble themselves and fall on their faces I will head their land?" Not very many are doing this and this grieves ME but what should I do with the few who grieve over wars and grieve over the wickedness of this land? What should I do? If I allow this, then MY people who trust that I will not do this and it happens will think their prayers and fasting have been in vain. Even satanic followers and worshippers, those bowing their knee to Baal know there is power in fasting in unity, how much more power when MY people who are called by MY Name do so. D o not MY Holy Scriptures say some things only change by fasting and prayer.
Yet if I don't do this and show forth MY rage, stomping on lands around this world at one time, MY Prophets will be mocked and called false prophets! They will be labeled as Jonah was labeled when the people of Ninevah thought he prophesied falsely. He became angry with ME. Yet I tell you those who did prophecy of the great devastation to come on May 8 did not lie to you. Yet because of the prayers and fasting and clean hearts and tears I have delayed Judgment but for a very short time! There will be stomping but not to the degree that was spoken not at this time, you have been given a stay of execution, use it wisely. Dare not slander or mock MY Prophets who warned you. Instead be very grateful. If they had not warned then May would have been a month like none other on the face of this earth thus far.
Now for the bad news because I have withheld MY Judgment for a short time MY anger only grows fiercer for I am holding back MY wrath but it only grows hotter against the evil of this world. Your prayers have only delayed the inevitable just like Nineveh. Dare not mock for those who mock MY Prophets will see what happens when I mock them. Those who mock and are not grateful for this stay of execution, BEWARE. No matter what others think of you I will judge you by the words you speak. You will not have a stay of execution but at an appointed time the God of Heaven will destroy you and all your household that mocks with you and all you have, I will give the blessings to MY beloved who dare not mock but instead praise ME for this stay of execution.
I do this so many can see I am a God of Mercy and love as well as wrath. I do this so you will see the power of prayer and fasting when combined in the Name of YAHUSHUA will move MY hand and delay MY coming judgments. But darlings, as the judgment is delayed so too is MY coming. When I come again great devastation will be taking place on this earth like at no other time. No warnings will be given other than what the prophets speak and according to MY Holy Scrolls which you call scriptures.
Prophecy 36:
Oh, I grieve and I wail for the fate to come for those that insist on following the path of rebellion, denying MY authority and existence, denying the need to live Holy as "I AM" is Holy. The darkness! The darkness! The darkness! I shall cover the land with darkness to show forth MY anger at your sin. I shall cover MY eyes when all manner is done against you from the pits of hell for those that insist on walking down the path of rebellion and disobedience. This warning is spoken to not only MY enemies, but MY children for they must realize should their foot stray from the path of MY Holiness and start walking in willful disobedience then they too shall find themselves out of MY umbrella of safety from the storms to come.
The darkness that is to come shall symbolize the anger of "I AM" when I cover MY eyes at your calamities, wars, famines, death, destruction, pestilence, poverty, disease and the list goes on. Warn MY enemies they have brought this shame upon their own nations, upon their own selves! MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones, and Elect need not fear but they shall wail and grieve also with ME as they see these things come upon those that choose not to serve the God they serve. They shall see these upon those that do not have the redemption seal upon their foreheads. The Blood of YAHUSHUA covering their sins.
When you hear accusations of hoarding and governments that never rationed start rationing, when even the water is doled out as though it were a gift from man, then know this is the beginning of what I have prophesied above. When war is on all sides, and your country is ambushed know that I have forewarned those that were to FLEE and told them where to FLEE and if they obey they are under MY umbrella of safety, if they do not obey then although I love them and grieve for them they shall suffer in ways that would not have been necessary Have one fear and that fear is not hearing MY voice.
He plans on cutting up MY land as though it was a cookie cutter but I shall have the last say. I speak in the drought, I speak through the violent winds that will blow across the lands, I speak through the earthquakes that will topple the tallest buildings and I speak through the floods as MY tears are torrent for MY rebellious children. I speak and the earth quakes at MY anger. I speak and the lava pours forth at MY anger. The nations that want to butcher the unborn, selling body parts to the highest bidder BEWARE!
The Darkness that is about to descend on various parts of the earth will unleash demons in all directions. The eclipse that is coming in the sky also is a sign that evil battles the good. Satan, YAHUSHUA and MY angels are battling and I have placed that sign in the sky. There is a foreboding in the spiritual realm even those that do not acknowledge ME as Almighty God and bow to other foreign gods know that this eclipse is like none other. Satan will place in man's mind the idea to conquer and to rob, steal, destroy in a greater magnitude.
Satan will unleash the spirit of war on MY children to a greater degree. You have been warned. Say not that "I AM" did not warn you. Fear not, just call upon ME and I shall deliver you by MY ALMIGHTY HAND! But I shall only protect those that are covered in MY Son's shed Blood. There is only one remission for sin, one Blood that is Holy and pure that can wash the stench of sin away. No one is perfect; all must be covered in the Holy Saving Blood of YAHUSHUA, the only way to MY throne of grace. The coming months will only get worse in the eyes of the world but for MY babies that lay in the palm of MY hand I shall shelter and protect them with MY other hand.
For the sake of the elect I will shorten the time of WOE but I will still do what must be done. As the battle increases in the the Heavenlies, so to the battle of good and evil increases in the earth. I am separating MY sheep from the goats, darkness from light. It will not be pleasant for you MY babies, Bride, chosen ones and elect for some of the goats you have loved and desired to fellowship and live with even marry. I am not commanding you to divorce instead I ask you to put these relationships on the altar of sacrifice, tell me you desire for ME to save them no matter how low I have to take them, what I have to do. Get serious about this. Tell ME you desire MY WILL in these relationships and ask me to remove what I do not want in your lives.
Prophecy 37:
Only by calling upon MY Name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH during the coming Tribulation will you be saved. Only by loving, obeying, and looking for ME can you be called MY Bride as I catch you up to be by MY side. I am the only deliverer of this world, the only redeemer, there is no other. So I speak not only to Jerusalem, but to this world, get ready for what is to come you will not survive if you don't call upon the Name of YAHUSHUA! Loving just MY Father YAHUVEH is not enough! He sacrificed ME not only for MY Jewish people, but for people of all kindred's and tongues he gave HIS only Son to this nation so you would have a covering for your sins, all have sinned and all have fallen short of YAHUVEH's Glory!
Israel shall lack the water for they lack the Living Water to which I will send others, to bring that Living Water and to all that drink, their thirst will be quenched not only in the spiritual but in the physical. All those that refuse MY Son YAHUSHUA, their tongues will hang out like a parched man in the desert. As YAHUSHUA thirsted, so shall those who reject his gift at Calvary. How many will go forth like the woman at the well? How many will be willing to offer the nation of Israel MY Living Water? For they thirst and know not what they thirst for? They are called a Holy Land, yet only a small remnant is Holy before ME.
Prophecy 42:
HORROR, HORROR, HORROR, weeping, lamentations, death and so many burials that there will not be room enough to put them in cemeteries. The hand of MY judgment, that once slapped you, now will turn into a fist and I will smash you. I the Great Elohim "I AM," in MY mercy, warn every nation, every people, every kindred, every tongue, leave MY beloved Jerusalem alone. The blood of the fallen soaks into the ground and cries out to ME. The blood of the fallen in Israel has not been in vain. I hear the weeping and profound lamentations, of the people who love I, YAHUVEH. I hear MY Name called out by those that are slain.
Prophecy 47:
YES, the temperatures in Hell are rising. Don't you yet realize the infernal heat from Hell is MY temper that is past the boiling mark? There is no gauge that can measure either MY almighty love and no gauge can measure MY almighty wrath. Neither can be measured for it is without measure.
TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Mankind is about to experience MY wrath, but it is this earth that will suffer, not the other planets. For it is true that you live atop of Hell. Hell is deep under the ground, but you walk atop of Hell and walk atop of where the demons dwell, and souls suffer endless torment. Is it any wonder you're constantly bombarded to sin in someway?
TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! MY anger is greatly stirred, and will pour forth in greater measure through the storms, hurricanes and tornadoes, and as 'I AM' hits MY fist on the earth it shall crack open to a greater measure, and as MY anger heats up so will the volcanoes and so will Hell. MY Children who love and serve ME put ME first in their lives; know how to appease a Father's anger, for it is not them I am angry at. They need not fear, they are not appointed unto MY wrath, only MY Love. They are not appointed unto MY curses, only MY Blessings. TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! I warned what would happen in MY Word when mankind would play GOD for that is all they can do is play. They don't understand for this they will pay as they seek to become a GOD a creator, This GOD of Creation is going to show them for I will take the very knowledge given to them and turn it against them.
Prophecy 48:
The blood of the martyrs is like mortar that holds the stones of the coliseum together, blood that cries out for vengeance on MY enemies. Be not deceived, those who sit so high up and think they are as an Elohim for 'I AM' is not a ELOHIM to be mocked for long. The ones killing MY Children will be in those coliseums in Hell. It will be reenacted and the ways the enemies kill and torture MY Children, shall be done unto them for eternity again and again and again. MY Son YAHUSHUA did not take vengeance, but instead prayed, for not only the ones crucifying, beating, torturing, and humiliating him but for all of Yisrael and the world. You believe I HaShem ADONAI, speaks forth from Prophets of Old, why can you not believe I HaShem ADONAI and YAHUSHUA, speak forth from MY Servants, Apostles and Prophets?
Prophecy 49:
America, stop testing ME. Woe be unto an infant that shakes their fist in the face of the Almighty Living GOD YAHUVEH, there is no other. 'I AM' who 'I AM' and there is no other GOD. America, if you don't stop waving that red, white, and blue flag in 'I AM's face and start living Godly, raising up the bible, obeying the Torah, which is a Godly standard against the evil in this world, as well as the evil that comes against your nation. 'I AM' is going to release MY hold again on you and allow satan to give you a beating, where the tears will not stop, nor the wails of this nation that will be heard around the world. A satanic nation will beat you and make your bodies look like they were whipped red, white, and blue.
I will allow satan to inflict such wounds on you, if you don't cease this prideful, arrogant attitude. This attitude, that this nation is perfect and has done no harm, or wrong. Your pride is a stench to Heaven and causes ME such shame, as all of Hell rejoices and you cause satan to mock ME reminding ME how much MY grace and blessings have been poured out on America. For doing this beware for the price you will pay if you continue will be that of Babylon, and you will not rise up again. Truly Babylon will fall but it need not be now. Satan seeks to go ahead of MY time and I am waiting for true repentance America.
Prophecy 55: DEVASTATION is coming, get ready, DEVASTATION is coming! That's why I'm telling MY Daughter now; speak it forth in a spoken word. It is not only in the power of the written word. Years ago I commanded these words to be spoken forth and yet I knew the site managers would not obey. Now is the time, though. These prophetic words are spoken forth. Each day a new one will be added. All of them will be where they are heard, not only read.
Tell them, "Get in the Ark." Find out where they're to be. Tell them to seek MY face. If they don't know where they're to be, fast and pray and wail and lament but find out where their Ark is. As long as they are aware of where they are supposed to be, as long as they are underneath the umbrella of MY safety, then they are in their Ark, no matter where they are in the world. But I tell you again MY Children, call forth the Apostles and Prophets to interpret the dream I gave Elisheva. DEVASTATION IS COMING!
MY Son Chuck, you must post the dream and I will give you one interpretation of the dream. But call forth the Apostles, and call forth the Prophets, for each one will have a part if they will but obey and they will tell you the full revelation of that dream. For, MY Children, the heathen bring devastation and I allow it. But those that cry out to ME, in MY Son YAHUSHUA's NAME, they will be in the Ark of MY safety, I will protect them from devastation and pain. In big letters put this date and time down along with the dream and tell them, just as in the days of Noah, just as in the days of Lot, DEVASTATION IS COMING!
Did they help feed MY Prophets? Did they offer water? Did they offer an encouraging word? Did they offer shelter? I ask Prophets of Old again and again in the Word that's been foretold and I always sent them with MY message and it was always their choice whether the people would hear or whether they would respond in godly fear or would they chase the Prophets away? Nothing has changed this very day. So tell them, MY Daughter, tell them for ME so they won't say they weren't warned. DEVASTATION IS COMING! Are they ready? Ask them what they have done for ME?
Prophecy 58:
Do you think I am impressed, with your new laws? I have showed you judgment on America and I tell you just wait until you see the signs in the sky, and the effects on the earth as the volcano's, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, all join together as if in a chorus, singing the song of the doomed. If you think this is horror you have not even yet seen MY wrath begin to fall. And I speak not just to America for she is just a young baby thumbing her nose at ME.
Prophecy 60: The earthquake fault lines are already there, but think not when this happens to a region that any of the wicked will escape for they shall go down and it shall be I, the Great GOD 'I AM' that tramples them underground. But the righteous ones that stand forth in MY NAME, the ones who are not ashamed of the NAMES of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, the ones that honor MY Sabbath Days and keep them Holy, the ones that know to love ME is to obey ME, the ones that love MY Scriptures and hide the word in their heart. These are the ones that have built their homes on the solid rock and they will not sink deep into the sand. For I am shaking this world in MY rage and in the days coming you will see earthquakes unprecedented as any time before, for they will be shaking in a greater magnitude as a parent that has lost it's temper and shakes that child. This is how I will shake this earth and say, "WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!"
How long, how long, how long must you try the patience of the Creator? How long must you try the patience of the Redeemer? I shall stomp MY foot on the ground and everything that can be shaken will be shaken; everything that can be uprooted will be uprooted. I shall shake up your politicians and I don't care what country you're in, you're no longer going to look to a government to provide. MY Children's going to know there is but One provider. It's the same One that poured water from a rock, that put manna on the ground. It is the same One that says I will supply all of your needs according to MY riches and Glory [Phil. 4:19] and I have no lack in Glory. In MY fury I breathed upon not only the United States but in various parts of the world MY hot breathe. Temperatures rose as MY temper rose. Droughts came as MY Living Water was refused.
You think when you eat cloned meats, you are nourishing your body, but how can that be when there was no life in that meat? You eat damnation to your own bodies. I prophesied through this Handmaiden that water would be rationed years ago and now you see it come to pass in places it's never been rationed before. Temperatures are soaring in countries it's never soared before. The earth is shaking in places it's never shook before.
Pray for Israel, do not forsake Israel. For I love Israel so much. I sent MY Son YAHUSHUA there. HIS Blood was poured into the ground. Do not give up on Israel, for I do have a remnant there. Hide yourself, MY Children. Yes, even hid yourself from the Great GOD 'I AM's wrath. For although I'm not angry at you, you're going to hear ME shout, you're going to hear ME stomp, you're going to see ME shake where even the very earth is going to be in fear and quake. You're going to see the flood of MY tears and you already have begun for when the floods came, that was MY tears.
Prophecy 62:
Hide yourself, MY Children, for yet just a little while. For all of Heaven rages, and against satan and his demons war rages. It is waged, for the KING IS COMING! The Earth quakes and shutters in fear in various parts of the world. You are seeing floods, these are MY tears. Remember when the floods came in the time of Noah. Remember how he was mocked and they mocked up until the time the rains came. But I told MY Children, Noah and his family to get in the ark and bolt the door, and when the floods came the ungodly ones pounded on that door. Then they wanted in, then they believed who 'I AM', but it was too late for them and the floods swallowed them.
So repent now MY Children before it is too late. For a great evil is coming. It's on a huge tidal wave, a tidal wave of ungodliness. But look up, MY Children, for I will raise up a standard against it if you can but believe and if MY Son's love, forgiveness and mercy and truth you receive. Repent, this should be your cry to all far and wide for KING YAHUSHUA IS COMING!
Prophecy 65: Get ready, get ready, get ready, get prepared MY Children for the evil times are coming upon you. I am not sending forth this nation to go into war. If they want a war, they shall get a war but it will be MY weapons the weapons of Heaven the arsenal of the weather, the arsenal of the elements. I shall shake the nations up, those that dare to defy ME and boast in their own strength will see that their strength has come to naught, is void and is powerless. The leaders of this nation wrestle not against man. The leaders of the United Nations wrestle not against man; instead they wrestle against I YAHUVEH the Great GOD 'I AM'.
MY Children, the churches teach a lie for only the most Holy are called MY Bride! There are requirements to be YAHUSHUA's Bride and one of them is, all though you are in this world you are not to behave like this world. You are to remain Holy and Pure before ME, washed in MY Sons Blood at Calvary. I have anointed you MY Daughter to speak forth from this ministry to help prepare the Bride for that Wedding Day, to help them get their lamps filled with MY Holy Oil and even have more left over to spare. I am using you MY Daughter as the truth is spoken forth. I am using this mighty ministry to separate the chaff from the wheat. Yes the attacks have been great. Oh, but the rewards are so much more. Remember MY Children I said "Go and hide for just a little while, while MY storm passes over." For as I've given you the dreams tornadoes shall come like has never been seen. The earth shall quake and shake as I take both of MY feet and stomp.
For I am angry and I am full of wrath for did I not say, "Put no other gods before ME." What you did before in ignorance I do not hold it against thee, but what MY Church does with knowledge that truly makes ME angry. Tsunami waves shall come; it will be MY hand that stirs them up in the sea. Again and again I give these warnings, what will it take for your knees to bend to ME? No longer will I stand for a form of godliness. Those of the lukewarm church your prayers are an abomination unto ME. I have warned and I have warned what I do with the lukewarm, I will spew them and vomit them out of MY mouth. You are like bile that rises in MY throat. You sicken ME and 'I AM' YAHUVEH and satan mocks ME and says, "Behold your lukewarm churches that preach lies and they do it in YAHUSHUA's NAME and they do not repent nor turn away from following this pagan way."
Prophecy 67: I YAHUVEH will declare War from Heaven with giant Meteors of Mass destruction. I YAHUVEH will release these Meteors in showers like you have never seen. As stated in the book of Revelation. No weapon of warfare will be able to stop it! I YAHUVEH, declare war on earth for its sinfulness, vast Meteor destruction will come; only Holy prayers will delay it. Judgment cannot be stopped but it can be delayed. As you fire your missiles from earth I shall fire MY missiles from Heaven. Who can fight against YAHUVEH and win?
Meteor Destruction is coming forth just as I, YAHUVEH, told MY Daughter Elisheva's son who is called Prophet Boy Elijah. He wouldn't give the warning, so I am speaking it forth from MY Daughter again. Warn the people that only mighty prayer intercession will delay Judgment to America and this world. War from Heaven, giant Meteors, will be released and no weapon of warfare will be able to stop it! Only prayer warriors will delay MY Judgment as they cry out for mercy on this land that deserves no mercy. I prophesied the storms and earthquakes would come and they did. What do I have to do before people will realize I am warning the Apostles and Prophets to tell the people to repent before I send Judgment?
You nations that develop weapons, fine tuning them, so you can shoot down one another's missiles, ask yourself this, "How can you defend yourself against a war from Heaven as I throw upon earth, including America , Meteors that will crush your homes, businesses, capitals and tell you enough of your foolishness." I, YAHUVEH, will show you a war of unmagnitude proportions if you don't repent, turn away from your wicked ways, live Holy and Be Holy and call upon MY NAME in the NAME of MY Son YAHUSHUA. You can pass all the ungodly laws you want but I, YAHUVEH, am the only lawgiver and there are stiff consequences for those who call themselves lawmakers and are really Lawbreakers. I YAHUVEH am not amused; neither shall you be when I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA are through with you.
Prophecy 68:
MY Beloved Children I'm not angry with you. I am grieving at the pain this world causes ME. First I get silent and I grieve then you're going to see MY wrath unleashed. A word of warning to MY enemies, so you dare to mock ME (YAHUVEH), so you dare to mock the 2nd coming of YAHUSHUA? Go ahead and mock and you shall see MY wrath come down in such a way it will be like a torrent, a storm, a gust of wind and truly it shall sweep the chaff away. I shall bring forth waves as the waves of ungodliness has reached Heaven, the waves of the ocean and seas shall roar, the storms from Heaven unlike anything that anyone has seen. Hail and brimstone once again shall fall just like I showed you in your dream, for when the meteors start to fall, they shall explode in fire. Just like in the dream that I gave you this night, hail shall come like never seen before combined with winds. It shall shatter windows. The iciness that those have shown against ME the Creator against MY Son YAHUSHUA I shall pour forth that same ice back upon them.
Ice shall fall from Heaven. Fire shall fall from Heaven. The earth shall quake and shake. Blindness shall strike man as they have been spiritually blinded, as they have been blinded to the truth and refused it, as they have been blinded to Holiness. Just as in the days of in Sodom and Gomorrah once again brimstone and hail and blindness shall come upon them. So go ahead I dare you to mock. I speak to MY enemies now; you're only digging to your own level, to the pit of the fire to Hell that is waiting for you, to the level into which you will descend. With every word that proceeds out of your mouth that mocks and scoffs, that rejects MY mercy and MY love that rejects MY Son YAHUSHUA. Go ahead and mock, you enemies of MINE that defile MY Shabbat. You that mock the Shabbat, you that mock the Jewish people, you that hates Israel, those that betray Israel, those that betray MY Own Chosen Ones, MY Babies, MY Bride and MY Elect. Go ahead and mock.
Prophecy 69:
You who live in pomp and glory, fame and fortune, you look down upon MY Prophets and Apostles, for you have your bellies fed, the best clothes are laid upon your backs, you have your incomes exceedingly and abundantly, you have been blessed. But you see you have not known the word suffer. But in 2003 you shall. It shall be the beginning of suffering to those who think they are above MY wrath. MY wrath on them shall spill. I will not repeat myself again, to tell you how the earth is going to shake and quake for as YAHUSHUA comes closer I have already prophesied the earth is going to shake and quake for even the earth shakes in fear. Oh foolish man and woman, when even the earth shakes and quakes in fear and you mock and deny that I am here.
You have the warning; he was the temperature and barometer on the very day he died. As you behold the Sodom and Gomorrah's speak forth, as you saw evil arise. Count down now until Doomsday. Doom to MY enemies and yours, although they think they are the heads, truly they are less than the tail. The coming of the changing guards MY Children, those that held positions for so long, those that wrote your laws now find themselves without a job. Grieve and wail MY Children as you see the changing of the guards. For they which were Holy will be replaced and are replaced with those who are unholy. Those that you could trust, be it your banker or your policeman, your postman, the guards are changing. Your doctors the guards are changing. Your governments the guards are changing. Your Spiritual leaders beware the changing of the guards.
Prophecy 71:
California, Phoenix Arizona, Montana, Canada and all over the world you have felt the heat of MY wrath one way or another. Why do you not put your Creator and Savior first in your life and love? Why do you love your homes more than the Creator that gave you your homes land wealth and possessions? Do you not realize how not only did the fires come but how many lives I spared because of MY mercy and love? This is only a sample of what is to come before the Great Tribulation. Get your priorities straight now before it is too late. (Deut 9:3)
Now this world and people are experiencing labor pains. The earth travails in pain as the ground quakes and shakes before I, YAHUVEH birth the Great Tribulation that will be unlike any horror yet seen. (Matt 24) (Mark 13:8) Not one soul before the foundation of the world who defended I, YAHUVEH then, will I forsake. MY great wrath is for MY enemies, as it was then, so it shall be again.
I speak this again through her; you must put action behind your words. You must not only say you care, but prove you care. Rebuke and warn those who do abominations and love and support those that are putting action behind MY Holy words. Faith without works is dead. Woe be unto a creation who doesn't worship the Creator of all. Only the Potter has the authority to destroy His clay vessels. Some vessels were created to bring ME Glory; some were only fit for destruction. Look around you, even the sun explodes with MY fiery rage like never before.
Prophecy 72:
Foolish man to think you can use mathematics to calculate the date that I, YAHUVEH will use a planet in MY wrath to cause mass destruction to MY enemies. A word of prophetic warning to the rich and powerful who think they will be safe in the underground cities full of your treasures stored up, delicacies of food, etc. The underground cities you built and are still building will be your watery tombs and you shall die with your treasures of earth and I, YAHUVEH, have delayed that judgment for the prayers of the true believers in YAHUSHUA's NAME, those obedient, walking Holy before ME will be spared and I have had mercy thus far for the sake of MY Children that call out for more time to reach more souls for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Prophecy 73:
JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT! You who will not receive the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. I speak to all those who mock ME. I speak to all those who blaspheme ME. I speak to all those who reject MY Son YAHUSHUA, you who will not receive the shed Blood that was shed for you, then I shall pour blood down your throats. I shall gorge you with your own blood. I shall gorge you for the sins that you have done in America alone. Think not the other nations of this world have not displeased ME. Because this Prophet is from America, so I say, I speak forth the judgments that shall come to America. If she were from Germany, I would speak forth the Judgment on Germany. If she were from Australia, I would speak forth the Judgment reserved for Australia. If she were from Canada, I would speak forth the Judgment reserved for Canada for there is not one nation on the face of this earth that I have not reserved Judgment for.
Blood shall flow in your streets. Blood shall come to your very shores. Diseases, sicknesses and infirmities that, which you have never even heard of before, shall come upon MY enemies, those who decreed they are MY enemies. So you want to take MY symbols of anything Holy out of your view, off of the seals, out of the pledges, off of the flags. You want to evict ME from your nations, I will show you, I will gorge you with your own blood.
But I have a few, oh so very few, who I call MY Children and MY Treasure, who weep and who wail before ME, who say, "Let not this sin be counted against us." And just as surely as I spared Noah and his family, just as surely as I spared Lot and his family except one, just as surely I will provide a way of escape, a way to bless, a way to hide MY Beloved Ones. Go and hide yourselves, MY Children. You had better crawl underneath the shelter of MY Wings; you had better make sure the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA is covering every sin. For MY wrath is mighty, as mighty as MY NAME and the Great Tribulation that is to come is not so very far away.
You want to start wars on those who have not instigated wars. You want to trample them underfoot just because you can. I have seen the weapons of man but they cannot compare with the weapons of Heaven. You mock at a movie called 'The Passion of Christ', now you mock yet another movie ('The Day After Tomorrow') that tells you ahead of time, for I put it in the mind of a heathen to show you the Judgment that is to come. And your politicians raise up and say, "Don't listen, this is preposterous, this will not happen" but who are they to say? How do they know where I store up the rain?
How do they know where I store up the winds? Oh, they have there man-made machine they say can control the weather, but I am I and I alone will show what I do to this machine. I will break the very strings of their HAARP! I will confound those that think themselves wise. For am I not the author of all wisdom and you have created nothing, it is I that am the inventor. I alone am the Creator and I will show you what I do to the weapons of mass destruction, for you shall see destruction from Heaven just as surely as Sodom and Gomorrah and the seven cities did.
So you want to mock ME? Now I will show you what happens when I the Creator mock you. The institution of marriage was created so we would be one. It certainly was never created for same sexes to be one. You even mock the institution of marriage. Hurricanes shall come that are unproportioned, like as never seen before. Tsunami waves shall wash upon the shores, they shall be MY tears. The earth shall quake in waves all around the world at the same time. As your eyes are fixed upon the skies, horror you shall see as satan comes in disguise. For you are on a collision course and you shall reap MY wrath for I AM the GOD YAHUVEH Almighty there is but one.
Satan mocks ME in all ways, the greatest mockery is trying to steal MY True Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect away. Hell overflows and the signs shall come forth from the lava that shall spew forth from various parts of this world. The earth quakes and shakes at MY wrath, at the approaching of MY True Son for MY Bride doth know the Bridegroom comes. So satan mocks and tries to go before MY Son and strip anything and everything that is Holy away from the peoples sight so they will forget the price MY Son paid. For YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is your only MESSIAH is your only guiding Light.
I warned you in the sky, I gave you this year sign after sign. I gave you wonder and amazement as comets came in different sizes. How few looked up and realized that the redemption draweth nigh. But for MY enemies, judgment, judgment, judgment is all you will know. Judgment on those who made man made famines. Judgment on those who created the diseases, sicknesses and infirmities, judgment on those who polluted the air with diseases, judgment on those who put poison in the food and water.
JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT for I alone am the Supreme Judge and you will see that I am not a GOD to be mocked. You will see what I do to the enemies, those who sit so rich and pompous and kick the poor in the dust. Judgment, judgment, judgment as I force open your mouth, to pour in MY wrath. Those who shout, "I am homosexual, I am gay and I am proud." Diseases shall come upon you, plagues shall come upon you, people will run in fear from you and you will hide and you will cower and you will shout, "Kill me for this pain I can no longer bare."
JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT not only in America but in every Nation that has defied ME, in every city in every state I don't care how small you are, from the city, to the rural to the suburbs, I know where you are. I will find you there.
First I weep and then I am angry and now MY Children hide yourself for a little while longer for your ABBA is very angry. But not at you MY Little Ones, not those that call upon MY Son, not those that try to do their very best to bring a smile to MY face and MY Son. Not those who say, "Oh, we are so ashamed that we are part of this human race that brings our Heavenly Father such disgrace." I stroke your heads, I kiss your brows, I say, "Hide yourself MY Children for just a little while longer" while Judgment comes upon MY enemies. Around this world sea to sea, Judgment shall come upon MY enemies.
Prophecy 74: I, YAHUVEH have decreed war on this earth. Fire is coming from the sky and no one can stop ME. Need I remind you of what happened at the Tower of Babylon? So it shall be once again and your towers of Babylon shall fall. I have given you chance after chance to repent. I have told the people to take back the freedoms that are being stripped away. They just shrug their shoulders and say, "What can we do, Nothing." Your newspapers are censored, your news is censored. But still you can protest. Why do you not even offer up a prayer?
Oh foolish, foolish man, what will you do when you realize too late, war has been decreed from Heaven. But those who truly belong to ME, those who take the Torah literally, those who believe I am able to protect, those who have put ME first in their life and their love, those who have laid everything on the altar of sacrifice, you will find I am YAHUVEH that cannot lie. Oh foolish earth, the evil ones that dwell on this earth, it is true as I told this Ring Maiden long ago when she saw the earthquakes, when she saw the wind with it combined and the floods and the volcanoes, those that survived that were evil and even those who are righteous through MY Son she heard these words, "Now, end of round one, now for round two." It is as a boxing match, how many rounds? And this will happen when you are least aware, that is why I told you MY Children "Hide yourself for just a little while." Hide yourself in the presence of MY bosom; hide yourself underneath MY Wings for it is only I, YAHUVEH that will protect you then. The same one that protects you now, I will protect you then.
So pray ahead of time for this force field MY Children, pray ahead of time for those being martyred around this world in MY NAME, in MY Son's NAME. Do not just assume for when you assume need I remind you what the first 3 letters are? Listen to the voice of this Ring Maiden for truly I warn you as I do again and again, destruction is coming from Heaven, a sight so frightening the world shall cover their eyes.
You who invent these diseases and plagues they shall come upon you and your own households. You will not be able to figure out why. But the RUACH ha KODESH and the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA is your anti-bodies that MY Children shall use and the plagues shall not come nigh their dwellings, all those that are found pleasing unto ME. This is MY promise to MY Beloved Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect. So hide yourself MY Children for a little while, for again I say, "I, YAHUVEH have decreed war from Heaven on MY enemies, on those who mock ME, on those who rewrite MY Laws, for those who try and lead MY Sheep to slaughter." I, YAHVEH have decreed war from Heaven but you know not which time destruction shall fall. So many dead and no time to bury your politicians will wail. They shake their fist at ME, now I shake MY fist at them. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hand of the Almighty Living YAHUVEH for I am the beginning and I know no end. But you on the other hand oh enemies of MINE, you are just frail women and men.
Foolish, Foolish, Foolish people of this world, what does it take for you to listen? For I speak to you in the weather, you just shake your head and say, "Isn't that strange?" I told you that I speak to you in the floods; you pay no attention even in the hurricanes. How many people must die before your eyes turn to ME? It just seems like if it is only buildings and casualties you do not even acknowledge ME. So you shall see your weather turn stranger. Man thinks he can control weather. Oh, you boast America you have the machine but you forget; who is the one who stores up the hail, who stores up the snow, who stores up the rain, who causes the volcano's to blow. You forget the one who shakes the earth and I need no machine.
The stench of the sins of this earth have reached Heaven and now I have no alternative but to proclaim war on this earth from Heaven. Your eyes will see in the sky that which you will not want to see. But it won't be by any weapon of man, so do not be deceived for I, YAHUVEH give this proclamation of war as I did in times before, so I will do again. So MY Children, I forewarn you of what is to come, see that your hands are not to blame, see that your mouth has warned, so the blood of the wicked will not be on your hands. It is only by MY mercy that I even have the Prophets warn for even MY own Children shake their heads and these Prophecies some scorn. But I do nothing without first telling the Prophets, so again I speak forth from this Ring Maiden this is a proclamation of war!
Those that repent before ME, those that shed tears of remorse, those that turn to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, those who will obey and turn from their evil sins this day, I am faithful and I will forgive before it is too late. But I tell you this MY Children; it is only a small remnant of this human race. Oh, America and England and all those who are puffed up with pride. Need I remind you, pride cometh before a great fall and a great fall is coming and no one will be able to save you? So Children you have been warned. You will know what it means when you see the fire in the sky. So hide yourself MY Children for just a little while.
Prophecy 79: If you are not keeping MY Holy Sabbath Day now, what makes you think you will do it then, during the Great Tribulation which is only a breath away. This is why I am now speaking through this Ring Maiden of MINE who is ordained to be a Prophet to the nations so this warning will ring around this world. Do you not know those who teach that it is impossible to be obedient and to be holy unto ME make excuses for their own sins? I, YAHVEH, SAY, PEOPLE YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT." This is not open for debate. You will either do what I, YAHUVEH say or in the Great Tribulation with your souls you will pay. Those who have raised up and said, "I will be Elisheva's judge, I shall be Elisheva's jury" repent now or you shall face ME and I shall say, "Depart from ME you worker of iniquity," for I am YAHUVEH and I take no part in any debate. I alone am judge, I alone am jury. I alone am referee.
As MY Son YAHUSHUA spoke and HE said to "Partake of this wine and this bread, do this in remembrance of me". In the soon coming Great Tribulation, don't you know that the son of satan will say to all those who accept his Mark, "Do this in remembrance of me." They will drink the blood of the martyrs from the goblets. It shall be filled with blood and like vampires, they shall drink that blood. And just as surely as a communion plate is passed, just assuredly, they shall pass the plate and the son of satan will say, "Do this in remembrance of me". Roasted flesh of the martyrs will they eat. They shall mock MY communion and YAHUSHUA's Bride. They truly will despise YAHUSHUA's Bride for they know the prayers of the righteous held the son of satan back until it was time to call YAHUSHUA's Bride out.
Prophecy 80:
Yisrael, you will return to your Creator and love and obey ME once again. Yisrael, remember King David of old and remember what he did to win the battles that he won. He humbled himself before I, YAHUVEH and praise and worship is what brought the victories to the Yisraelites of old. Bride of YAHUSHUA, you must pray that Yisrael again desires Holy rulers that love and obey I, YAHUVEH. When Yisrael again loves and obeys I, YAHUVEH as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did, then I will return what has been stolen from Yisrael, then I shall redeem Yisrael from the hands of the enemies. Yisrael is a cup of trembling terror to the entire world, for it is where the end time battle will be fought, good against evil. Satan will send his son to rule the world from this one nation because satan mocks ME and counterfeits all I, YAHUVEH do.
I, YAHUVEH have decreed war on planet earth where unholiness abounds. I, YAHUVEH give this new authority now when prayed to ME in MY Son YAHUSHUA's NAME. Come boldly before ME and ask that Yisrael's enemies be thrown into the Winepress of MY Wrath. The time is coming oh so shortly, so I warn the Bride of YAHUSHUA and the Guests to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb now through this Ring Maiden of YAHUSHUA. Satan will send his false peace, first to mock the true Prince of Peace, trying to deceive and MARK the world with his MARK. Satan has even set a day of the week for this MARK to be given. Those with ears to hear and listen, Beware of the man-made Sabbath. I have sent MY Prophets to warn the time would come when all must choose which GOD they will serve. There is coming very shortly a son of perdition that will kill more than your worse dictators. This son of perdition will come in a form you think not. This son of perdition will come with a hatred for anyone that acknowledges another Messiah. This son of perdition has a hatred for all that is truly Holy and who have accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH.
From this year on, you shall see the betrayal of this world's governments more than you have ever seen before. Whatever I, YAHUVEH have decreed as an abomination unto ME shall be flaunted in MY face by the reprobates for all the world to see. Nations shall turn on one another in words and wars with a thirst for power, greed and blood. With an insatiable thirst as unto leeches or blood sucking vampires, politicians making poor excuses to murder one another and making wars. Oh, how long rebellious people of this earth, do you think you can shake your fist at your Creator I, YAHUVEH and MY Men and women of Holiness while trampling MY Holy scriptures under your feet in mockery and hatred for all that is Holy? How long do you think I will wait before you people of rebellion will suffer the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah?
You other nations watched and refused to listen and obey, so I covered your ears and closed your eyes as I spoke and roared through the fires, hail, hurricanes, floods, tornados, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. You refused to listen when I stomped MY one foot on the ground and caused the earth to quake in fear so great now that the very rotation of the earth staggers like a drunkard. What will you say when I stomp both feet in rage? Nations who slaughter MY Holy People as if they were sheep being led to be slaughtered now weep for themselves when I sent the earthquakes and tsunamis and judgment for murdering innocent Christians who had no blood on their hands, men, women and children were and are being murdered because of one reason, they refuse to deny YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH who they called Jesus Christ who is the MESSIAH and I, YAHUVEH's only begotten Son.
Prophecy 80:
From this day forward I command the Bride of YAHUSHUA, MY Esther of new, to observe the Feast of Purim and make merry. Celebrate and praise ME for delivering Esther, for without her how would the blood line of YAHUSHUA come forth? There would not have been any Hebrews on the face of the earth left if Haman had succeeded. What Haman attempted to do once will be tried again in the same way. Bounties will be placed on all Jews and believers in YAHUSHUA. That same spirit came again through the spirit of Hitler, so it will be done again, when the son of perdition comes, who is the son of satan. Bride of YAHUSHUA, study the book of Esther.
Prophecy 83:
I, YAHUVEH have been so pleased as the prayers of the Bride of YAHUSHUA have come before ME on this Day of Purim. As a sweet fragrance they came to ME. As sweet incense the angels opened them up and I am so pleased. And that is why I have had more mercy and I said, "How much longer do you want ME to delay?" But the end is nigh. When the sealed prophecy is released [78], one of the seals will be broken. Woe be unto this world when Elisheva speaks forth what I have hidden. Oh, but MY Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA, those who are the members of Rev. 14 and Rev. 7, you need not fear. All the Guests who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, it is true you will have to suffer for HIM [YAHUSHUA]. Oh, but the rewards that you have coming.
Warn them now so they will become accustomed to using the Hebrew NAME YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH and the RUACH ha KODESH. Satan does not want to counterfeit the NAME YAHUSHUA with MY NAME YAH in it. There are millions reading this that will be the Guests at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb and blessed you shall be. However, you will see all or part of the Great Tribulation and your eyes shall be forced to behold the horror. Remember this, MY wrath is not appointed unto you, it is appointed to MY enemies. Stay holy and don't compromise and call upon the NAME of YAHUSHUA and rely on HIS strength and anointing and hang on tight to your faith, for it will not be easy. For there will be mind waves in the air that will try and brainwash you. Learn Holy Scriptures now to use as a weapon during that time, for Bibles will be banned, but even satan will not be able to burn all the bibles.
Prophecy 85: And in the coming days of darkness, it will be the Holy that will be a target of theirs (home land security). Just as surely as I showed no force is greater than I, the Great 'I AM' YAHUVEH when you come to ME in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's NAME, I will open up the Red Sea. I will stop those who try and pursue you, you who are MY Holy ones who cry out in the NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH just as in the times of old, I will deliver you.
Prophecy 86: You can try and impress others, you can pray in MY NAME, Oh, but I know your hearts. You will weep and you will lament one day, when you find out how many of you I had to call away and I will say, "Away from ME, you disobedient ones who call yourself MY Bride."
For there is coming meteors and they shall fall from the sky, all over the world they will run and hide. The earth shall quake not in just one place and the volcanoes shall blow like a chain reaction it shall blow. And only those who are truly stayed in ME, in the Living Rock shall stay protected. Storms like you have never seen, this is just the beginning that shall come. But those who have stayed in ME and in MY Father Abba YAHUVEH you shall remain protected when you are protected in MY NAME. You want to close your ears when I say, "Honor the Sabbath Day and I don't mean the man-made one." You want to cover your ears when I say, "Honor the Holy feasts" and I don't mean the man-made ones, the pagan holidays instead you would rather honor, instead of MY Father Abba YAHUVEH Holy Days. WE are the same yesterday, today and forever MY Father and ME. Just because you change your idea of sin, doesn't mean that WE have.
Prophecy 90:
For all the people who did pray and intercede and encourage this man, and wept with him, and grieved with him, your tears are also recorded in Heaven. He sacrificed everything because he refused to compromise the truth. Why did not every church around this world, especially in Alabama and the so called Bible belt support this man and protest with him? I will tell you why, "You feared you would be attacked also." You let your brother in YAHUSHUA be out numbered by the heathens. You made excuses and said, "Well he did break the law and not remove the monument when he was told to do so." Howdare you! You were tested and you failed the test. How many storms, droughts, heat waves and floods, will it take to wake you up and fight for what you know is Holy and right. Just wait until YAHUVEH stomps HIS foot and your earth quakes in fear. Just wait until famine, pestilence and disease cover your states and you will pray and ask why?
Prophecy 91:
Hold on MY Little Ones. Hold on MY Babies. Hold on MY Treasures, you who sparkle as no gem even in Heaven can. Hold on, it won't be much longer. Keep praying that you'll be counted worthy to escape the Great Tribulation to come. But I tell you this, it is like no one has ever written. It's more of a horror tale than you can even begin to conceive for such as in the days of Noah, so it shall be again, multiplied seven times worse off. I'm not telling you I'm going to flood the earth with water. But I'm telling you there's going to be a flood of ungodliness such as never has been. But as I had a way of escape for Noah, so too I have a way of escape for you. As you see the weapons with high technology, know that MY Heavenly weapons are greater, for I have a way of protecting you. So just hang on tight to the hem of YAHUSHUA's garment. Do not let go. Do not let go. For it is only faith that is going to save your soul.
Prophecy 92:
Shelby Corbitt though your intentions were originally good, you were deceived by others, and a lying deceiving spirit you received from Kenneth Copeland and Choo Thomas and among others you listened too. I have warned through Elisheva Eliyahu that a false rapture is being planned even now, where people will be taken away, or vaporized by governmental weapons in disguise. Satan's elite forces will come in the form of UFO's and USO's (Unidentified Sea Objects) and remove people in a way you think is only science fiction. Remember, much science fiction is a warning of satan's plans.
All of the above will come to pass and at separate time intervals in history, and all over the world, not just America. I gave this Prophet writing a warning in a dream about portals of hell opening up and a UFO invasion happening, TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. Only those crying out in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will be spared at that time. Seek ME while you can yet find ME!
Prophecy 94:
Beware of the thoughts that will come as you study these Scriptures that I've commanded Elisheva this day to read and meditate on. When you hear a voice say, "YAHUVEH wouldn't do that," just know this, oh yes I will. Do not underestimate MY power. Do not underestimate MY anger for it's been building up as a raging inferno. It has caused hell to get so much hotter. They talk about global warming, the very flames of hell warm this earth. Combined with that which is buried and hidden in the coldest part of the earth. Combine all this with manmade pollution, chemicals in the air, for it is more than one.
Prophecy 99:
It would be so easy for ME .......... to do it the easy way for you but how would you have passed your test? How would you prove obedience? How would you prove who you love more? This goes for all the men right now. And all the women right now who are in unequally yoked marriages. It was not by MY hand they were put together. What will you do when the time of the Great Tribulation comes and if you are not found worthy to be called MY Bride, if you are not found worthy to be the Bride of YAHUSHUA? For remember whatever is YAHUSHUA's is MINE. And whatever is MINE is MY Son YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's. What will you do when you are left behind? Will it be worth it? For the very ones that you have yoked yourself to will be the very ones that will betray you. What will you do? You think it's hard now? You don't have a clue. At that time husbands shall betray wives and wives shall betray husbands. Children shall betray parents and parents shall betray children. There will be no loyalty. The only family that will count will be the family in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. These are the only ones you will be able to trust. Even when you meet a stranger, you will recognize who they are. It will be evident for all to see.
This is why I am on a countdown of MY patience now. That which you think is years away, all of you, all of you have a rude awakening coming. I am commanding this Ministry to do that which they are to do and do it quickly. There is no time any longer to mollycoddle (over protect) the babies. It's time for them to grow up. It's time for men to be men. This is why I have put women in the leadership. This is why I raised up a Deborah! The men are Baraks! They are cowards! Not all MY men. I have MINE, MY own. And they hear MY voice and they speak forth MY Words but oh how few, how few. And you women who have been browbeaten in these unequally yoked marriages and the Scriptures have been used against you to say, "Keep silent." I only told you to obey that husband as he lines up with MY Word. If he does not, kick him to the curb! Enough is enough! Enough is enough!
MY darling I anoint you this day to speak forth the words in boldness to these men so they can remember what a man is supposed to be! They are to please ME before they please any woman, before they please any child and for the women who are unequally yoked in a marriage, I remind you of the spirit of Deborah! You are to please ME. You are to please YAHUSHUA! Before you try to please any man! Before you please your children. Obedience, obedience, obedience is better than sacrifice! Take away your tithes and take away your offerings and take away your praise, if you are not obeying ME! For if you do not obey ME now, what makes you think you will obey ME in the Great Tribulation when it will be rare to hear a Prophet speak as this? Learn to obey now! How do you prove that you love YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH? Does not MY Word say, "If you love ME, you will obey ME."?How did YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH prove that HE loves YAHUVEH? By obedience to every Word I say. Do not make promises to ME that you never intend to keep.
Woe, woe, woe, woe be unto this earth when MY patience is done! Pray that you will be counted worthy to escape MY Wrath! This should be your constant prayer each and everyday. I am not angry at those who are obeying ME. I am not angry at those who are trying to obey ME. I am not angry at those who will say, "I am listening for YOUR voice. Lead me and guide me." I am not even angry at those who will say, "Please forgive me." I am angry at those who refuse to obey. And Judgment starts at the House of YAHUVEH. The heathen do not know how to hear MY voice. But I am angry at those who claim they are MINE and belong to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and refuse to obey!
Prophecy 101:
Woe be unto the evil, evil men who call themselves pastors. You who have taken the name church and use the spiritually hungry people to build your own financial empires. You shall scorch and you shall burn and your financial empires I, YAHUVEH shall tear down with MY own hand and you shall be exposed for the evil that you are. I will not apologize to Sodom and Gommorah, woe be unto the world who are following in their footsteps! You are at the edge of a cliff and only those who truly have a loving and obedient relationship with I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will be rescued. Repent today for tomorrow may be to late.
Prophecy 102:
Everything that has been prophesied through this Ministry shall come to pass!
The fallen angels are going to raise up. The fallen angels will say, "No longer believe in this Bible, it's passe! It's just a book of fairy tales! This is the, 'Modern Age'. "Homosexuality and same sex marriages… they will scream they're right to kill the unborn babe in the mother's womb.
Political leaders, where satan has filled their heart to overflow, will rage and will scream, "You who believe in this YAHUSHUA, your heads shall roll!"
It's only a matter of time.
And now I don't speak to the Bride. I speak to those who will be the Guests at the Marriage Supper of the LAMB. You must be willing to lay down your life for ME. You will be in the Great Tribulation. For those of you who say, "It's too tough, too hard to live, to be Holy, I'll get it right by the Great Tribulation." I'll tell you this, if you cannot do it now and there's no sacrifice thus far you've had to make, you've not been told to lay down your life, to put your head in a guillotine, what makes you think that you can do it then when you cannot even do it now? What makes you think you'll have more faith then when starvation and death and devastation, when horrors uncomprehendable you shall see all around you? When the roads, you will have to wade through the blood! What makes you think you'll have more faith then? Now it costs you nothing other than to be called a "Bible thumper". And I do not speak to the lands now that it costs you so much more, I speak for the majority of this earth where they have said, "Oh, it's too hard for me to live Holy! Oh, the devil tempts me so with porn! Oh, I cannot lay the cigarettes down on the altar! Oh, I cannot lay the booze down! Oh, it's too hard to live Holy! I cannot stop the cursing coming from my lips! I cannot live Holy! Pray for me, I cannot live Holy!"What makes you think it's going to be any easier then?
Now, you're stomachs are full! Now, your tongue isn't parched with thirst! (YAHUSHUA is weeping through Elisheva.) And yet you cannot praise ME now? What makes you think it's going to be easier then?!
Woe be unto those who are not found worthy to escape the Great Tribulation! Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe! Woe be unto those who are not found worthy to escape the Great Tribulation! You do not know what you've done. You do not know what you've done! But you will then. Some will be the Guests. Oh how much you've hated this Ministry! At that time you'll cry and you'll repent for the spirit of destruction that you sent. Oh, you'll repent…, but it's going to cost you your life. And you're going to have to look at Elisheva in the eyes in Heaven, you'll have to admit how much I love her. And you will thank her for the price that she paid. And all those that preach this Truth. All those that you scorned and mocked, you'll look them in the eye and you'll apologize.
It's only a matter of time. It's only a matter of time…
It's only a matter of time that the giants fall from the skies. (YAHUSHUA is weeping throughout all this end part.) Oh, satan mocks and he says, "This date the spaceship shall come." He mocks knowing that it's MY time and not his. And the giants shall fall from the skies.
It's only a matter of time that the giants fall from the skies. (YAHUSHUA is weeping throughout all this end part.) Oh, satan mocks and he says, "This date the spaceship shall come." He mocks knowing that it's MY time and not his. And the giants shall fall from the skies.
I do not allow just any dream to be posted at this Ministry. These are Holy Intercessors. And I have given them dream upon dreams forwarning of what is coming from the skies when man shall look at the skies and their hearts shall faileth them with fear. You have no idea! You have no idea what is being sent here! So when you hear lies being spoken forth, blasphemous lies spoken against his Prophet and this Ministry, discern the fruit from whence it comes and you will see I have cursed it.
The lambs are being led to slaughter. The Slaughterhouses shall be the Sunday churches. In the Great Tribulation these will be the Slaughterhouses. Martyrs will be fed like communion bread. The wine in their goblets shall be the blood of the martyrs. I've warned you what the Mark of the Beast is. The Truth is here. How many of you will block your ears? How many of you will cover your eyes? How many of you will say, "I don't want to hear?"
But, to the Guests I now speak. The Great Tribulation is on the horizon. You stand at the edge of the cliff. And you shall be here. And it's only a matter of time. Then I speak to the Guests. You better fine tune your faith now for if you don't have faith enough now to believe ME for the small things, how will you believe ME for the larger things in the Great Tribulation? Will you have the faith to say to a stone in MY Name this is bread? For those that I hide and for those that I provide, it shall be like manna, like dew drops on the grass in your backyard. But only your eyes shall see and that's only if you have faith and believe in ME. You better fine tune your faith now. Otherwise your faith will only be enough to give your life.
It's only those who cry out to ME now that are protected from the Mind Control waves that are in the air. They control your mind through the water and through the food you eat. They put the chips when you least expect it to track you like a dog to know exactly where you are. If it's this bad now, can you imagine what it will be in the Great Tribulation?
Hold on tight to the hem of MY garment! Don't, don't look through the eyes of the flesh! Look through the eyes of your precious RUACH ha KODESH, your IMMAYAH! Look through the eyes of your MOTHER WISDOM! Pray for more Wisdom! Pray for more Wisdom because you need it now! And oh, you who are the Guests, pray for more Wisdom! Pray for more discernment for you not only need it now, you are going to need it in the time of Jacob's Trouble. You are going to need it in the Great Tribulation when mere man is looked on and worshipped and adored! You have your idols now oh world. You call them movie stars or evil demonic politicians but I tell you this, there's coming a man who is going to be the son of perdition, the very son of satan. Beware! You've been warned! Be warned! Be wary! Be very wary! Be alert! Be on guard! Because those you think you can trust if they're not full of MY Spirit, if they've not bowed their knee to ME, if they're not living obedient unto ME, if their heart is filled with rebellion now, think how much worse off it will be. You've been warned!
Prophecy 106:
To those who refuse to walk holy, even to those by MY own hand I put together, by MY own hand I shall divide. Not only in this household do I speak forth but to all those who claim they belong to ME. (Luke 12:51-53) Do you want to be left in the Great Tribulation? Do you want to go to hell or do you want to obey ME? I can't make it any simpler than that. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of YAHUVEH, to know that you are nothing but dust and by MY mercy I took that dust and created a man and I breathed into that man. (Psalm 111:10)
I'm shaking this entire world. Judgment starts at MY house. (I Peter 4:17) Holiness will only desire Holiness. Sin must be kicked out. A repentant spirit is not someone who only repents with their mouth, it is someone that repents with their head and their heart and determined not to displease ME. I told you, (this world) you are on the verge of a holocaust. Do you want ME to hide you? Do you want ME to protect you? Do you want ME to bless you? For no enemy can pluck you out of YAHUVEH's hand, or do you want ME to SMASH YOU? Do you want ME to CRUSH YOU? Do you want ME to BREAK YOU? Do you want ME by MY own hand to cast you into the flames of hell?
Do you want ME to love you? Do you want ME to comfort you? Do you want ME to mentor you? What do you really want? Do you want to be like Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego as they walked and were tossed in the fiery furnace? (Daniel 3) Yet, I did not even allow that which bound them to be burned. I did not allow their clothes to be singed, their own clothes that bound them for you see it was the enemies that got burned up. It was only that which tied and bound their hands that was burned up. Do you want to be like a Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego? That walked in the fiery furnace but the 4th man was there and that 4th man is YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH.
Do you want to be as Daniel when he was thrown in the lions den? He was not eaten though the lions were ravenous. (Daniel 6) It's your choice. Do you want MY protection? Do you want to be like the widow of Zarephath? (I Kings 17:10) The one I sent the Elijah of Old too. When it comes down to your last morsel of bread, do you want ME to multiply it for you, so you will never go hunger? So you will live to Glorify ME.
In this year how man marks time, they say it is 2009. You see I don't only ask these questions to you, I ask these questions to all those that believe the Truth comes forth from this Ministry and that I speak forth. What do you want ME to do? Do you want ME to open the Red Sea again so you can safely cross over as the enemies pursue you? (Exodus 15:4) Do you want these enemies to be drown so they can not harm you? What do you want ME to do?
Prophecy 107:
How long, how long, how long, how long MY rage and fury has been pent up. Just know this, by the time that which you call the Great Tribulation comes this earth will have deserved that Great Tribulation and MY rage and MY fury and the bowls of wrath will be poured out. (Psalm 110:5-6, Rev. 14:10, 16:19) All of you hearing and all of you reading had better start praying now that you are counted worthy in YAHUSHUA MASHIACH's eyes that you will escape this time of MY wrath.
Prophecy 108:
Nothing has changed, but be prepared Elisheva for another word is yet to come and it will be full of MY FIRE but again this is not the time for it to be released. Just know this, I, YAHUVEH, will never apologize for what I did to Sodom and Gomorrah and the other cities that followed their example and I, YAHUVEH promise this, I'M about to loose the spirit of destruction on this earth and I'M about to allow things to take place that has not happened before to the magnitude it shall take place.