Prophecy 11:
Stop fearing the gifts I have given you. I won' t force you to feed MY Sheep and you will still go to Heaven, but your rewards will not be as great and I shall raise another up to fill the place you should have been. There are souls waiting for you to minister to them.
Again I speak forth the confirmation, but don't keep testing ME, for that which already has been confirmed. Time is short. MY coming is shortly, do what you're going to do for ME now, not later.
Now is the time of salvation, tomorrow may be too late. So many of that called wait until tomorrow till conditions are just right for them. Yet tomorrow and the right conditions never come for them. WAKE UP, this is a trick of the enemy.
I am separating MY People now, and MY coming is eminent. Do what you are going to do for ME quickly.
Prophecy 13:
Tell them MY Child, tell them for ME, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH IS COMING QUICKLY!
Tell Them MY Child, Tell Them for ME for I Am Coming Now Oh So Quickly.
Prophecy 21:
Quickly do what I have ordained and called you to do.
Prophecy 22:
Quickly do what I have ordained and called you to do.
Prophecy 31:
MY Beloved think not I am saying none of you will suffer, for in this world there is pain and suffering but I have sent a way of escape. I am sending MY Son as I have promised. Yet, that does not mean sit back now and do nothing. Now is the time you must gather in the end time harvest while there is yet time. Use your paper and plastic as seed to bring ME Glory. Support with your prayers and alms, ministries I have you intercede for and labor with. Not so these ministries can store up riches on earth, for these ministries that do this, I will personally see to it that all they do become stubble fit only for destruction.
Prophecy 83:
But remember this, when they recognize who they are, you shall see things in this earth happen in such a way as I tell them to start releasing in the spiritual realm the words I will have given them to say. So right now Bride of YAHUSHUA, pray that they will receive and believe the anointing I have placed upon them. Remember this, it is one woman it is one man. Do the work you have and do it quickly. I say again, do the work I have given you to do and do it quickly.
Prophecy 99:
This is why I am on a countdown of MY patience now. That which you think is years away, all of you, all of you have a rude awakening coming. I am commanding this Ministry to do that which they are to do and do it quickly. There is no time any longer to mollycoddle (over protect) the babies. It's time for them to grow up. It's time for men to be men. This is why I have put women in the leadership. This is why I raised up a Deborah! The men are Baraks! They are cowards! Not all MY men. I have MINE, MY own. And they hear MY voice and they speak forth MY Words but oh how few, how few. And you women who have been browbeaten in these unequally yoked marriages and the Scriptures have been used against you to say, "Keep silent." I only told you to obey that husband as he lines up with MY Word. If he does not, kick him to the curb! Enough is enough! Enough is enough!