you shut up the mouths of the apostles and prophets telling them they
are not important enough to support, you silence MY voice to be heard
on this earth in a loud, clear, bold voice.
It's the true Apostles and Prophets that lay their lives on the altar
daily, who are hated and rejected for MY NAME'S sake yet how few of
you even support an Apostle or Prophet. They go in need while you
support what you deem more worthy ministries.
the ministries, although they seem lowly compared to the big ones
with lots of financial support, do you think I will bless you for
giving to ministries that don't need your money. Your money only makes them more greedy and powerful in their own
name, for their own fame. I am
commanding you to give to the Prophets and Apostles who rely on ME to
support them by sending the seed through MY People, the one I am
speaking this to doesn't even know where the next dollar will come
from, but she trusts ME and I will supply. For
daring to speak what I have not spoken forth from any other Prophet
thus far, MY Daughter, Elisheva Eliyahu will be persecuted for speaking
it forth, and mocked even from her own peers.
24 part 1:
Prophets and Apostles' job is neither easy nor popular. MY Prophets
get frustrated trying to get people to listen knowing these words are
not their words. They give their own finances to preach forth the
prophetic messages as I always have a remnant that will hear MY voice
and obey. I always have a remnant that will desire to hear what the
Prophets are speaking. Yet, how I grieve how few are willing to labor
with MY Prophets by their sides, sharing their burdens. Does not MY
Word say, "Believe a Prophet and so shall ye prosper," I
now say unto you, "Reward a
Prophet and you shall receive the same rewards as they do in the
Kingdom of Heaven and on earth." When paper currency becomes
worthless paper and has no value any longer, I will remember if you
helped MY Prophets or let them go in need.
the Widow of Zarephath, if you doubt this. Did I not already know who
would be willing to share Elijah of Old's burdens? Did I raise up a
woman of wealth to sustain Elijah? Nay, I raised up someone that was
in need such as he. They both were hungry were they not? They both
had no physical wealth did they not and yet
I chose the little Widow of Zarephath for I knew her heart. She was
not selfish and though she was concerned, it was her and her son's
last meal and then she would die and her son. Yet she trusted the
Prophet and believed this Prophet and so she did not go in lack
anymore. She put the needs of the Prophet before her own needs.
Remember how I multiplied her Cruz of oil and it did not run dry.
Remember how I multiplied her meal barrel so it was not empty.
Remember how I asked her to
use her faith to give the last of what she had. Remember
this MY Children, she had to borrow pots and jars from neighbors and
when they asked her what she was going to put in it she had to say
her GOD was going to fill the empty vessels. As I did for her so I
will do again. Only believe! Faith
without works is dead. I will do this for those who believe I
will provide for them also as I did the widow of Zarephath for those
who bless MY Prophets. You
will want ME to bless you when your paper money and cards are
worthless. I will remember now whether you tithed and gave alms when
I told you to share. Does not MY Word say, "Store up your
treasure in Heaven where thieves cannot steal nor rust corrupt."
Store up your blessings the way you would store up your treasures. Where your heart is, what you put your trust in, is your God.
tell you this; anyone that helped Noah was spared. But who labored
with Noah? Only his family, so too it shall be again. Only MY True Children will desire to help the Prophets to speak forth
and not muzzle the Prophet or tie the oxen feet as they pull the
plow. Pray for the Prophets especially the Handmaiden speaking this
forth. Satan seeks to silence MY voice on this earth for the Prophets
always warn before I send MY wrath or before satan attacks. It is MY
Prophets I share MY secrets with. Never do I send MY wrath and
judgment until I send the Prophets to speak and warn to REPENT! Satan
especially hates the Prophets. The office of the Prophet is not easy.
No one is a Prophet unless they are familiar with suffering. They
have suffered for the anointing to prophesy.
So now I say,
"Bless MY Prophets and I will
bless you. Protect MY Prophets and I will protect you. Labor with MY
Prophets and great shall be your blessings especially when you're in
need. Offer to hide MY Prophets and I will hide you. Share with MY
Prophets and I promise you will never starve or go homeless."
The time is here when it is dangerous to call oneself a prophet. It
is getting more dangerous as YAHUSHUA approaches to come for HIS
Bride. I shouldn't have to tell you to what I have spoken, you should
know this already. Shame on you for not doing what you know I have
spoken to your Spirit to do. Many times I have said, "Help
them," and yet you have refused. How
can you say you love ME when you don't obey ME?
Get into the Ark of MY Son YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.
24 part 2:
these ministers boast about their Rolex watches of fine gold. Tailor
made clothes on their back, take the Holy tithes and offerings and
use it for their personal salary and boast about it. The
tithes and offerings belong to YAHUVEH. You are to give your alms
where MY RUACH ha KODESH leads you and not always where you attend
Church. Plant where I tell you to plant. Hear MY voice and open your
ears and you will be amazed I am not telling you to pay for bigger
and better buildings, redecoration, luxury gifts for the pastor.
Beloved think not I am saying none of you will suffer, for in this
world there is pain and suffering but I have sent a way of escape. I
am sending MY Son as I have promised. Yet, that does not mean sit
back now and do nothing. Now is the time you must gather in the end
time harvest while there is yet time. Use
your paper and plastic as seed to bring ME Glory. Support with your prayers and alms, ministries I have you intercede
for and labor with. Not so these ministries can store up riches on
earth, for these ministries that do this, I will personally see to it
that all they do become stubble fit only for destruction.
do MY true prophets have to gain by speaking forth words that the
majority refuse to listen to? They
certainly are not rewarded financially even by those who deem them
prophets for how few will help them when the time is necessary. But these trusted messengers of mine have gained the trust of their
creator. The few who have blessed
this prophet speaking, I will continue to protect and what is MINE is
thine and what is thine is MINE. I protect and bless all that bless
and pray for blessings upon the ones who speak MY messages as this
prophet is doing now. I will share MY secrets with them and warn
before the enemy can strike, so they can move out of the way and warn
others to do the same. Holy
Scriptures are spoken out of context by false prophets and leaders.
I not tell a man who was doing all he could to please and obey ME and
yet when he came and said, "What should I do to be your
disciple?" Do you not remember YAHUSHUA said to him, "Sell
all you have and follow ME?" I said this for I knew he was a
very wealthy man and his eyes were upon his wealth and although he
loved ME and obeyed MY laws he had another God before ME and it was
his wealth. Does not MY Word say the man turned and walked away for
what I had asked him to do he refused to do. This man could have been
MY disciple but chose the wealth of the lust of this gold to entice
him and put his wealth before the God he worshipped. How many of you
do the same thing?
those of you who are not doing this I know who prays, Father
show me how I can use this money to glorify you? How can I use these
blessings you have given ME to glorify you? I know your hearts and
they are pleasing unto ME. You have not put the riches of this world
above your God and you I call MY disciples. Where your treasure is
there your heart is also. You cannot serve two masters. You will hate
one and love the other or love one and hate the other. I am not
telling you to sell all and follow ME but rather offer it up to ME as
a pleasing sacrifice. I will bless you for doing so. Continue to
build your treasures up in Heaven and not on earth for one is eternal
and the other is temporal.
Elijah of Old was not the one in true need for he blessed the widow
more than she blessed him. Elijah never was in true lack for how can
one so anointed be lacking in anything? How can you be lacking any
good thing when you are blessed with more anointing and gifts than
you have yet even realized? Study and read carefully the scriptures I
have told MY 'Elijah of New' to give to you. As you have blessed her
now she has been told to speak these blessings unto you. Can you not
yet discern one another? You two are more alike than you both know. I
have chosen to introduce you both for MY purposes and there are no
accidental meetings, your ways are not always MY ways, but MY ways
are always for your good and no good thing will I withhold from
either of you. Both of you stand before ME and both of you have tried
to tell the Master Potter how to mold you and use you and both of you
have said I am not worthy of such a task.
Beloved Son, do you know you never have anything to fear, for I have
given you the strength of a Samson. In the Spiritual realm you are MY
anointed Samson. There is no good thing will I withhold from you MY
Beloved Son. Trust ME and keep your eyes upon ME. As you sow seeds
into this ministry that shall be used to not reach thousands as she
thought, but as I have brought confirmation upon confirmation and
even showed you MY son this truth what the enemy does not want her to
know. You have heaped blessings also upon yourself. As you realize it
is tens of millions this ministry shall reach. As you obey ME and
defend that which is MINE under MY full anointing.
are to help this Handmaiden that will speak forth MY Words that
demonstrate manifesting MY full anointing saving, healing,
delivering, and resurrection power in MY NAME alone will she
accomplish that course I have set before her. But this same seed
shall also water your ground and the ministry I have ordained and set
before you MY Son. Together you shall plow the harvest field. I send
MY minstrels before I send MY warriors out to do battle. Lift up your
voice and get ready for I shall send you out together in MY full
anointing and in MY Spirit to war as David did against Goliath and in
the NAME of YAHUSHUA you shall both be more than Conquerors.
the enemy comes in, like a flood I will raise up a standard against
him. Because you have not yet seen it, do not fear that I have
forgotten MY promise to do so. MY Beloved fear not, again I, YAHUVEH
say fear not, MY Beloved little ones. I have not raised you up for
this hour and endued you with the knowledge that I, YAHUVEH have
given you to forsake you now. You are one of MY anointed hidden ones.
Now is the time to arise and come forth to aid your brothers and
sisters in YAHUSHUA. I have given you lands, properties, ships,
islands, houses and finances. I have secret millionaires; yes even
multi-millionaires and you have not been much use to MY Kingdom for
you have stayed in the world's eyes and yet tried to walk MY fine
line. You have loved and served ME in secret, for you said to
yourself, "What can I do for the Kingdom of YAHUVEH? How can I
promote the Gospel of YAHUSHUA?" So you stay quiet and hidden,
yet pray for someone else to do what you feel you cannot do. Soon, it
will be too late to help MY apostles and prophets. Do you not yet
understand the price even the one I am speaking through must pay the
attacks that must be fended off, not only in the physical realm, but
the spiritual realm? Are you helping or are you being a hindrance?
Are you one of these that
hear YAHUVEH's voice speaking forth and that will love, and desire to
help, and support MY true apostles, and prophets; to open your homes
to them, and to help ease the burden to reach MY people with the
messages from heaven? MY true
apostles and prophets pay the price for the anointing and are
accustomed to grief, suffering, rejection, and persecution.
tell you this, you must give others the opportunity to
bless thee. How many do not know that you are in lack? How do you not
know that I will not raise them up? There are those that I have used
in the past. How would the widow of Zarephath know that Elijah of Old
was hungry if I had not sent him to her to tell her. And the widow of
Zarephath would not have been blessed. The widow of Zarephath and her
son would not have lived. If I did not send MY prophet with a need so
she could have the chance to supply it, so I could have a chance to
prove that I AM YAHUVEH, the same GOD, yesterday, today and forever.
It is not that you go to them and beg. It is a blessing to them to be
able to receive the rewards that come to those who help this
ministry. It is a curse upon their heads when I send you to them with
your petitions and needs and they turn a deaf ear. It's them that one
day will fear as they see no one is there in their hour of need. I've
put it upon MY Daughter's heart and today you would not hear. But
today now I speak it forth. The ones I tell you to tell. Even your
sister Olga would have helped. None of them would let you be without
a home. I ask you this, MY Children, when YAHUSHUA fed the 5,000, did
HE not say, "What is there at hand?" And there was that
little fisher boy. Did the disciples not have to go and ask that lad
to share his lunch? And did He not use it to multiply to feed the
5,000 even more? So how much left over was left over?
you hearing from ME to help this Ministry and are you ignoring what I
tell you to do? Whatever
they're going to do for ME, whatever they have promised to do for ME,
have I laid it on their heart to help this ministry? Have they put it off and said, "Oh, tomorrow or perhaps another
day, I'll just come and I'll just read, I won't even contact them."
They have gifts and yet they choose not to share because they say,
"Oh, on another day." But I tell you this and I speak this
forth DEVASTATION IS COMING and whatever they've done for ME,
whatever they've done in MY Son's NAME; however they've helped the
Good News to be proclaimed, these are the ones I will hear their cry.
mock the Apostles and Prophets for they don't have a church. Yet the
church is not the building, nor the pastor, the church, MY Temple, is
the Body of YAHUSHUA, and that is MY People who hear MY voice and
obey and love and put I, YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH
first in their lives. Even before the wishes of their families, even
though it means a dividing sword separates them from their loved ones
that deny ME and MY Son YAHUSHUA and the anointing of the RUACH ha
KODESH. Woe be unto you if I did not send MY Apostles and Prophets to
intercede and warn you like I am doing now. Woe be unto you for I
send MY Apostles and Prophets to warn before I send MY wrath and
judgment. But how few even bother to thank them? How
few have even cared to try and help sustain the one even now that
types MY Words.
YAHUVEH ask you this question since you refuse to help her in her
hour of need, "Why will you help the rich and famous ministers
that steal MY Glory by putting their names on the ministries?"
They are operating under strange fire that is not the RUACH ha KODESH
anointing that I have given to this
Apostle and another Apostle. They will be a blessing or a curse depending on what they have done with YAHUSHUA and whether
they received the Apostles and Prophets as a blessing and not a
curse. (Matt 10:41-42) I, YAHUVEH tell you this, to those that have
shut their eyes to her suffering and deafened their ears to her
cries, I, YAHUVEH am going to do the same to you when you call upon
ME for prayers to be answered in MY Son's NAME, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.
I, YAHUVEH ask you this, tell ME if you dare, "How many
have been saved, healed, delivered and encouraged, how many would
have committed suicide and gone to Hell (Luke 17:11-18) if I had not
raised up this ministry?" You
have personally been blessed and yet so many never have once tried to
be a blessing back to MY Daughter and yet again and again she has
poured her mind, body, spirit, and soul, pouring out the last of her
strength, finances and ignoring her health as she is told to rest and
yet does not even know the meaning of rest. Why does she do this? For I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA's Glory and for
your sakes.
YAHUVEH ask you this, think carefully for I will hold you accountable
for what you say and do, "What is the price of your soul, your
health, who would have ministered to your wounds if I had not had
anointed her to speak forth MY words?" How
many are blessed with this ministry? Do you think I will allow this
to continue without holding you accountable? You who come and mock and send her messages that a woman is not to
teach a man. Do you not yet realize it is satan that speaks forth out
of your mouths to discourage her and other women with similar
callings? Hand chosen by 'I AM'. Do you not realize those who think
they know the scriptures and yet do not, the letter killeth and the
Spirit giveth life? (2 Cor 6:3)
I am YAHUVEH and I anointed
Elijah of Old as I have anointed MY Handmaiden who I call MY Elijah
of New. You
will be held responsible whether you are a blessing or a curse to
I am anointing her to speak forth Prophetic messages that few would
dare to speak in fear of ridicule, but those who dare to mock and
deny this is 'I AM' speaking know this, you have stuck a finger in I,
YAHUVEH's eye. Don't believe ME just wait and watch and see if what I
have Prophesied comes to pass, then it will be too late, for those
that curse and deny her now, woe unto those that dare to test I,
YAHUVEH! 'I AM' knows you read the Prophetic messages to your
congregations and lie and say, "YAHUVEH speaks it to you!"
You have not paid the price for the anointing like she and others
have and yet you dare to speak forth the words and not even invite
her to come and speak them forth in the anointing I placed upon her
and others when I spoke it to them under the anointing. You are no
better then a thief and a liar.
REPENT, turn away, warn and
run from such ministries, for you are only encouraging these
ministries that do this to continue on offending ME and blessing them
at the same time. Woe unto anyone that rewrites MY Commandments and
teach MY People to break them and lead others astray with false
doctrine and only applaud the Apostles and Prophets that speak
soothing words like honey so they can slide smoothly down their
throats and in their ears and not offend. When you are truly MY
Apostle and Prophet, you will fear 'I AM' being offended more than
any person on the earth. 'I
AM' the one you are held accountable to. 'I AM' has warned you this
day, be grateful and bless MY Handmaiden that has a mandate to help
prepare the Bride of YAHUSHUA for the Bridegroom doth come sooner
than any of you think.
have anointed MY Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu to be a blessing
unto you and not a curse, and there is no in-between. She
has a mandate to not bless what I, YAHUVEH have cursed and not curse
I, YAHUVEH has blessed.
What will you do with the words you have read this day? I am YAHUVEH
and I will protect the few that have heard MY voice and will be a
blessing unto her in YAHUSHUA's NAME. As I blessed the widow of
Zarephath in a time when you think not, in a way you think not, I
will sustain you with miracles.
not MY Word say, "Those that preach MY Gospel, should be able to
live off that Gospel." But how can you say you love ME when
you're selfish and you're greedy and all you think of is your own
needs. This Handmaiden pays a price,
her husband pays a price, all MY Children who are anointed, the
greater the anointing, the greater the suffering in this world. The
greater the attacks of the enemy and if you're not there to protect
them, to intercede and fast for them, I will want to know why and I
ask you now, "How can you say you love ME?"
now, MY Children, get ready. I remind you, you are your brother's keeper. For those of you who
have cared when you've seen your brother or sister go in lack, just
remember that I've taken notes and someone will be raised up when you
are in lack.
For those of you that closed your eyes and ears to a brother's or
sister's cry, just remember this, your very cries, one day and
prayers I will despise. You have been tested, and I know those who
have passed the test. Ohhhh, but how I grieve for those of you who
claim they belong to ME when I tested your love and compassion. And
I've used this ministry time and time again as well as others to do
so and yet you were found wanting, greedy and selfish, only caring
for your own needs. And now you will find out what happens when you
pray and Heaven will not listen to you when you plead.
YAHUVEH sent MY Holy Ones to fight on top of Hell, to fight against
satan and all that is unholy. To be a witness for YAHUVEH and
YAHUSHUA's Glory and to prove MY Children are more than conquerors
through YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH the NAME and the Blood of MY only
Begotten Son. Many
say they care but how few prove they care. I told this to MY
Handmaiden when she and her husband where praying and asking ME why
the majority of the people who say this ministry and the prophecies
and teachings I, YAHUVEH speak forth is a blessing and yet many don't
do anything to help lift the heavy load or be a blessing in anyway.
will be your excuse when you stand before I, YAHUVEH in the not too
distance future? You have been warned; those that bless this Jewish
Handmaiden bless not only her but I, YAHUVEH and MY Son YAHUSHUA.
Elisheva is the one I call MY Elijah of New. I, YAHUVEH have sent
her to the widows of Zarephath and they know it not. You who refuse
to help in this worldwide harvest field have no financial needs now,
but you shall. I sent Elijah of Old to be a blessing to one widow,
though the land was full of widows from the drought and famine. I
knew in advance of a widow that would need a blessing and was willing
to share her last meal with a Prophet named Elijah even though she
believed she and her son would eat it and die. She lived and was
financially blessed and her cruse of oil did not run dry. I, YAHUVEH
desire to do the same for you. It is no accident you have come to
this Ministry and are reading these words now.
what you do for MY Son, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is going to count. What
you do with the money that I have allowed you to have. Only the words
you speak with your mouth next to your confession, your repentance,
your praise and your worship, only your witness, only your witness as
you warn others what I have spoken will count, only your witness to
the price MY Son YAHUSHUA paid, with the words I, YAHUVEH say will
count. When you stand before ME and
you brag and say, "I gave to that charity," was it based in
ME? Did you feed MY Holy ones? Did you help MY Prophets out or did
you let them go without? Those are the questions I'M going to ask
you. Even those of you who are called by MY NAME, even those of you
who put YAHUSHUA first in their life and their love, I'M going to ask
you, "What did you do to help this ministry speak forth these
words? You heard MY voice, you believed ME. What did you do?
you compromise? Did you share what you had? Did you offer a place of
sanctuary? Did you so much as give a drink of water to a Prophet in
MY NAME? In MY Son YAHUSHUA's NAME? Did you just say, "God bless
you, I will pray for you" or were you a blessing? These are the
questions I'M going to ask you when you stand before MY throne.
Did you take these words; did you take them to the Sunday churches so
the pastor would be held accountable for what he knows? Did you go in
as a Jeremiah's army, at least two by two? Did you go to the
congregation and explain to them about the Sabbath feasts? What did
you do? Did you teach MY Hebrew NAME? Did you teach the power and the
anointing in the sacred Hebrew NAMES of I, YAHUVEH of MY Son
This goes for every
nation around the world that hears these words. What did you do? I'm
going to ask you. Did you help this Ring Maiden in any way? Did you
help her fight the enemy? How many times did you pray? I'm going
to ask you. When you know and you read Revelation and you know how
many martyrs there are going to be, did you pray for them ahead of
time? Are you praying for them now? I'm going to ask you. When I
command you to pray for the Two Witnesses, that they will believe and
receive who they are, I'm going to ask you, were your prayers amongst
those who prayed for them? I'm going to ask you. How many souls did
you lead to Heaven? How many times did you witness YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH? The price HE paid at Calvary and how HE arose again on the
third day so for eternity you could be set free? How many times did
you tell people that they must be Holy, that they must be obedient?
I'm going to ask you.
for those of you, who are to remain in America and Canada, I give MY
peace that passes all understanding and I have MY Holy who are to
remain, this is where your faith must remain strong. But you better
know that you know that you know I told you to stay and not go.
thank you for allowing ME to use you as a blessed gift to this
ministry. And as they walk in a greater anointing and are blessed and
protected, so too are you anointed, blessed and protected. The chess pieces are on the board now, everything is in place. To MY
enemies and the enemies of this ministry, now very shortly I, YAHUVEH
will be saying, "CHECKMATE!"
the future days, prophecies will come forth for Europe and other
nations. America, you refused to listen. Canada, you refused to
listen. When MY Daughter left along with her husband and son, they
shook the dust off their feet and I gave them their instructions. Do
not enter in again, for that would be as Lot had entered back in to
Sodom and Gomorrah when I told them to flee. I
will remember favorably all who have been a blessing to this
Ministry, all who helped make this way possible to gather with the
International Bride. The more you have done, the more protection I
will give you, the more mercy for you shall share the same blessings
as this Ring Maiden that is speaking forth.
again I sent you forth, you came from Vancouver to go to Seattle at
great expense. You came in MY
anointing, you came in MY love. I knew that I could trust you, for
you are the one I sent as they left Seattle and went to Alaska. So I
knew I could trust you again and, Adam M., you never let me down and
oh, how I am blessing you. And there are two Kathy's. You know your
last names. As much as you are a blessing to this Ring Maiden, you
are a blessing to I, YAHUVEH and MY Son YAHUSHUA. MY Dearest Beloved
Daughter Kathy A., you labor to get all the prophecies I have given
Elisheva released in books which will be as a hidden valuable
treasure house of faith during the time of the Great Tribulation.
Kathy A. you who have gone the extra miles and sacrificed in all
ways, again I say before the world, "You are such a blessing."
I decree your name is greatly honored in Heaven along with your
prayers and tithes and offerings.
have sent the wealthy to this Ministry and you know MY voice and yet
you stand afar off, never even introducing yourselves, and yet it is
the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH that draws you here. Are you
willing to share what I have blessed you with to help labor in this
harvest field with this Ministry? Do you not yet realize that your
wealth will not heal or sustain you in the Great Tribulation? Do you
not yet recognize that the truths you learn here will feed you and
will sustain you? And when you need faith to go on or wonder what
will happen next, I have already prophesied it. Have
I not convicted you time after time, to be a blessing to this
Ministry, so that I can be a greater blessing to you?
blessings, blessings on everyone who has been a prayer covering for
this ministry. You have wondered what has been wrong. For Elisheva's
voice has been silent since the last prophecy. How few even wrote for
they were in such fear. Other letters have been stolen, so the
encouragement she could not hear. How
many of you heard MY voice and tried to donate to this ministry? Yet
your credit cards were blocked but why did not any of you inquire,
have been unable to support this ministry as you did in the times
past. Why do you not go the extra mile? Why do you not say, "There
must be another way?" Do you not know that the powers that be in
this world seek to strangle her? For she has refused to take the
tax-exempt status, she has refused to be muzzled as a Prophet. You
say this ministry means so much to you. You pant for the next word
and yet why have not any of you, except for a select few, gone the
extra mile to say, "Is there another way we can get finances to
I speak unto those that I had told to give and your finances returned
back to you. Now you shall give again pressed down, shaken together
and running over shall men heap treasure to her bosom. For it is I,
YAHUVEH who handed a decree that you are to be a helper and when one
door is shut, always seek to see where there is another for you know
the words that come forth are of ME.
know this ministry is for the, 'Last Chance Destiny.' As you are a
blessing to this ministry, so too I shall be a blessing unto you. For
those of you who are a curse unto this ministry, who have listened
and done nothing to help, who have fed off of it, grown fat
spiritually and yet have been no help. I speak forth now, out of this
message, you are held accountable.
There is more than one way
to get finances to her. You see them in a foreign country. You see
them do what you should have done. But you would not give up the
comfort of your homes, of that of your family, so I raised up another
one. You know not and you cannot even conceive the price that they
pay for the anointing you have heard this day.
SSee, this
ministry is for all the Holy. It carries no name of no man, no woman.
These words are not hers. This
anointing is unlike any other. If you want to share in this
anointing, if you want to share in the blessings, if you want to know
you're protected like I protect her and the others of the Bride, no
longer stand idly by. For the churches of Babylon are whores; they
take the tax-exempt status. They allow themselves to be muzzled. They
refuse to speak against abortion, homosexuality, they refuse to speak
against what their governments do, but not this ministry. There is no price tag on it, for it belongs to Heaven and who dares
try to muzzle 'I AM' YAHUVEH? Who dares try to muzzle MY SON
YAHUSHUA? Who dares try to muzzle the RUACH ha KODESH? You shall
surely pay.
it not say in the Holy Manuscripts and proven by the Prophets of Old,
'YAHUVEH shares HIS secrets with the Holy Prophets,' this is a secret
I have now released through her, to be a blessing unto those who have
desired to know the NAME of the HOLY SPIRIT and have a greater
intimacy and love with ME. There will
be those reading this that are filled with MY HOLY SPIRIT and they
will realize thus far they have done nothing to help this Ministry,
or encourage this Prophet, but in gratitude from hence forth they
will do all they can to be a blessing unto this Holy Prophet and this
Ministry. Great will be their blessings as they labor together in
this Harvest field.
be unto those reading this that give finances to the Mega Churches.
I, YAHUSHUA, will hold you accountable where you sow your seed,
whether it be in fertile ground with
uncompromised truth where you are nourished,
or if it be in barren ground with manmade doctrines, where only the
Pastors get fat off your tithes and offerings.
those of you who think you can attack, you have only fallen into
satan's traps and he laughs at you for he knows what I will do to
you. To
those of you who say, "I will give you land. Here Amightywind,
here Elisheva Eliyahu, here I will give you land. I will give
you houses. I will give you islands. I will tithe forever into your
Ministry, just do it my way." Away
from ME!
There is no strings attached to any gifts you give this Ministry! All
you have done is taken a rope and hung yourself!
Every, every, every Prophecy that I have spoken forth from this
Ministry, ought to be transcribed into Afrikaans and others of Africa
for I have placed in the very midst of you Prophets that you do know
their spirits.
darling I anoint you this day to speak forth the words in
boldness to these men so they can remember what a man is supposed to
be! They are to please ME before they please any woman, before they
please any child and for the women who are unequally yoked in a
marriage, I remind you of the spirit of Deborah! You are to please
ME. You are to please YAHUSHUA! Before you try to please any man!
Before you please your children. Obedience,
obedience, obedience is better than sacrifice! Take away your tithes
and take away your offerings and take away your praise, if you are
not obeying ME! For if you do not obey ME now, what makes you think
you will obey ME in the Great Tribulation when it will be rare to
hear a Prophet speak as this? Learn to obey now!
How do you prove that you love YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH? Does not MY Word
say, "If you love ME, you will obey ME."ン/SPAN>How
did YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH prove that HE loves YAHUVEH? By obedience to
every Word I say. Do not make promises to ME that you never intend to