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Tithe Joyfully and Fully

Prophecy 13:

Some of MY Children I hear now saying, "Oh no, I am not going to give any of MY money to a ministry, I don't believe in tithing" and others will say, "I give to a ministry, I don't like it and I admit I give grudgingly but I do give, not much but I do give." Here is MY answer to the first group who call themselves MINE. Check yourself, for if you're not obeying the Word of YAHUVEH, how can you say MY RUACH ha KODESH is within you? How can you say you love ME and not obey ME? For those that give sparingly and grudgingly I tell you this, I will also give back to you sparingly and grudgingly.

For the same measure you give, and the same attitude is the same attitude I give back to you.

I could make money rain from Heaven to support the ministers' needs, yet I chose to not do this for instead I want you to share in the blessing by being a part of giving your 10% tithe and offerings to support the work of YAHUSHUA. Many of you think the tithe is after taxes, after you pay your bills but read Malachi 3 carefully and you will see it's the best, not the leftovers. Repent, before you didn't know better, now you are held accountable for what you know. You will know you are truly MINE, when you desire to tithe and get excited as you get this into your Spirit. When you tithe you are only storing up your blessings in Heaven to be released when needed and quick answers to your prayers. Test ME and see if I am a GOD that lies. Read Malachi 3 then put ME to the test.

Those who support MY Ministries that speak forth MY Word, do it not for their praise, honor and glory, but for MY Praise, Honor and Glory. So that their goodness will be a reflection of the GOD they serve. What a joy you are to ME.

Oh, the shame I have for those of you who do support MY Ministers and yet do it for a tax deduction. Truly there will no other blessing than this. Beware of those who give to the charities so they can get money back on their taxes. I know your hearts,they are far from ME. This is a stench of a sacrifice not pleasing unto MY nostrils. REPENT TODAY! I have many millionaires yet so few support those that dare to be MY Messengers. They will be held accountable on Judgment Day. REPENT TODAY!

Prophecy 103:

I speak to MY First Fruits. I speak to those that are the 144,000. I grade by the percentage, not "if" you obey ME, but how quickly you obey ME. Not "if" you obey ME, but by what attitude you have that you obey ME; how quickly you obey ME and the degree of the performance, how fully you obey ME.

Do you do things in your time? Or do you do things in MY time? When I tell you that you are to do something do you do it with a cheerful heart? When I tell you to support this Ministry do you just throw them your leftover change like you would tip a waitress or a waiter? Do you make sure that the prophets that minister to you, that feed you are fed and lodged? For this ministry travels the world. They only stay in one place until I, YAHUVEH, tell them they must move on. Do you know how many times they've had to leave everything behind? How many of you could live a life like this? How many would be willing to leave their loved ones behind? Back behind in a country they'll never see again because I, YAHUVEH, have said so. It is not by MY hand they shall ever return. Everyone, everyone, everyone, who accept YAHUSHUA as your MASHIACH, everyone who calls YAHUSHUA the Only Begotten Son of YAHUVEH, should each day be striving to please I, YAHUVEH.

I judge you by the percentage of the time you obey ME, again how quickly you obey ME. Do you give ME your best? Or do you just get by? Oh how sad when some of you just throw crumbs at ME. You see I, YAHUVEH, judge your heart. I not only listen to your mouth, I know whether you begrudgingly do something for ME or whether you rejoice. Just like I have raised up those to be helpers to this Ministry, you started out as a friend to this Ministry. You were praying and you prayed and prayed as a new convert wanting to please YAHUSHUA more each day and said, "ABBA YAHUVEH, what can I do to help this Ministry, what can I do to make my life count in this world? Give me a job ABBA YAHUVEH. Make my life worth living." So I hand you a job.

Oh how much I grieve for those who say, "Just give me a job to do. Give me a job to do. What is my job on this earth ABBA YAHUVEH." And I give them their job and they should be honored and they say they're honored and they start out with the right attitude and then the testing gets too hard and their flesh raises up and they throw the job back in MY face and they betray this Ministry once again. Do you not know, I judge you for this? I judge your very heart.