Prophecy 80: From this day forward I command the Bride of YAHUSHUA, MY Esther of new, to observe the Feast of Purim and make merry. Celebrate and praise ME for delivering Esther, for without her how would the blood line of YAHUSHUA come forth? There would not have been any Hebrews on the face of the earth left if Haman had succeeded. What Haman attempted to do once will be tried again in the same way. Bounties will be placed on all Jews and believers in YAHUSHUA. That same spirit came again through the spirit of Hitler, so it will be done again, when the son of perdition comes, who is the son of satan. Bride of YAHUSHUA, study the book of Esther.
Prophecy 83: That is why the Bride had to come before ME on this Purim and be Holy before ME before MY eyes. That is why I said, "YAHUSHUA get your Bride ready without spot or wrinkle, for the evil has grown more evil, and the Holy has gotten more Holy before MY eyes." MY eyes went to and fro especially at this time of Purim. In the so called Christian churches this Holy time was not even mentioned, or some did with but a passing glance.
Prophecy 108:
For the Words I will speak will be of FIRE. Just know that you do sparkle before ME, all of those who walk in MY holiness and MY truth, who truly know what Purim represents, what it is about. Just know this, you sparkle before ME, you wear the finest garments for there can be no finer garment than the Robe of Righteousness that MY Son YAHUSHUA puts around you. Just know this, as the enemies plot the destruction of the holy, so I also know how I will destroy the unholy.
I, YAHUVEH command all the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH let every prayer you say from now on cover them. That they will be in divine health while they are in these mortal bodies of flesh, that they will speak forth more boldly, that their enemies will be destroyed before their very eyes. Just as Elijah of Old prayed, so too will the same anointing be upon these two. The enemies shall cower in fear for they are going to recognize the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is here. So it is at this Holy time of Purim I show you how close the end is near, for already I am telling you to cover the Two Witnesses that are on this earth. Yes, they are already here but they are so humble, and they say, "Surely not I, if it is, I don't want to know."
I, YAHUVEH have been so pleased as the prayers of the Bride of YAHUSHUA have come before ME on this Day of Purim. As a sweet fragrance they came to ME. As sweet incense the angels opened them up and I am so pleased. And that is why I have had more mercy and I said, "How much longer do you want ME to delay?" But the end is nigh. When the sealed prophecy is released [78], one of the seals will be broken. Woe be unto this world when Elisheva speaks forth what I have hidden. Oh, but MY Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA, those who are the members of Rev. 14 and Rev. 7, you need not fear. All the Guests who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, it is true you will have to suffer for HIM [YAHUSHUA]. Oh, but the rewards that you have coming.
These are the words of encouragement I have to say to you on this Purim day of 2009. It matters not MY children, fret not amongst yourselves whether it's this day or that day for times have been changed by man, but I know your heart. It honours ME that you would approach MY throne as an Ester and I hold out MY Sceptre and HIS Name is YAHUSHUA, MY only begotten Son and I receive you and your worship and your praise has come to ME as a sweet fragrance. So keep sparkling for ME in the midst of this dung heap of earth, I look from heaven and I see you sparkle and I am honoured.