Prophecy 85:
Canada, your fate is the same as America. When I look at America and I look at Canada, there is no difference. You are sin, you are stench, you are dung in MY eyes. Oh, I shall begin to prophesy to the other nations, but right now MY eye is upon the one that led so many astray. America, you will pay. Now this Prophet can speak forth the words of fire I stored up. In the coming days, as you approach the day of Pentecost, everyone who belongs to ME, everyone who calls upon MY Sacred NAME had better start quoting Psalm 91 again and again, because he has known MY NAME, he will call upon ME in trouble and I will answer him and I will deliver him, I will not lie.
Prophecy 86:
I give this word to you as the Day of Pentecost approaches; expect the anointing to only grow stronger. Meet with ME on the Day of Pentecost. Expect a greater anointing; expect to hear from ME, and greater revelations you will see.
Prophecy 98: You are in the countdown of the omer and I am in the countdown of MY patience! The more they try to destroy this Ministry, I have put you on notice again and again, and two that are only fit for MY Judgment, shortly now this Prophetic Warning will go forth as I name names and this is just the beginning! I told you 2008 was going to be like a war like none other! I am YAHUVEH and I DO NOT LIE!!! You cannot kill MY Ringmaiden! You can do your sacrifices, your voodoo, your witchcraft, your hoodoo, you can make your contracts with satan but you cannot kill MY Ringmaiden! You cannot stop the Eternal Light that shines so bright through the Aleph and the Tav and the Almightywind RUACH ha KODESH Fire Ministry!
Prophecy 99:
The time is so short. I've been weeding them out one by one. There's no more free rides. I told you I am on a countdown of MY patience. Why do you think I keep asking you, "Are you counting down the Omer?"? If you cannot hear ME now, how will you hear ME then? This Ministry has the anointing to give the desire to the people whose names are written in the LAMB'S Book of Life to hear MY voice, to do MY will, for you are an example unto them. What will you do .......? I already know.
I am not concerned with manmade marriage vows to marriages I did not even put together and now you see each other for who you are. I am only concerned with those marriages that have been ordained from Heaven. And how do you know they are ordained from Heaven? Because you are one in ME. It is true that the Word says the husband should be the spiritual leader of the household and when that husband is not fit to be the spiritual leader of the household, then I shall have a leader of the household, whether it be the woman or whether it be a child, I will have someone speaking forth MY Words. I will have someone speaking forth MY Words! Even if it be a little child, I will have someone that speaketh forth MY Words! MY Glory shall be evident for all to see! You in these organized churches, you know that they are a stench in MY nostrils but you say you have to have a building to fellowship in. What happened to fellowshipping with ME one on one? What happened to fellowshipping one on one with MY Son? You are in the countdown of the Omer. You are in the countdown of MY patience.