What YAH has to say about unequally yoked marriages
Prophecy 20: It is you yourself that yoked to the sin of this world for you became one with sin when you chose to marry without asking ME if this was the right spouse for you. If this was the one I ordained before the foundation of the earth for you? When you yoked yourself with sin, when you became leaders over the heathen who chose to remain heathens you closed your eyes so your Daddy YAHUVEH has had to rip your eyes open forcing you to see what you did not see before. You yoked yourselves to satan and when your children go astray and they deny ME when they were raised up the way they should go, I said, "When they were older they would not depart from it" and yet you see your children you raised godly and you wonder what is happening? It is because you allowed your children to be yoked to the ungodly through the TV they watch, the music they listen too, the games they play, the friends they call peers and the schools they attend.
Prophecy 23:
You who are unequally yoked I say unto you this day. LISTEN CLOSELY, incline your ears to every word I say. Oh, there are so many marriages that I have not ordained. There are so many marriages and in MY eyes I tell you this, I cannot bear the stain of the sin that covers MY Bride for they are the ones that have done this. I tell you this, listen close to what I am about to say.
I speak unto the heathen that they are married to, who cover them with every kind of perversion, evil, guilt, and sin. LET MY BRIDE GO! You have contaminated her with SEXUAL SIN! You are out there whoring and then you come to her. I tell you this; you husbands who have been led astray. I tell you this, those who have husbands who have gone a whoring. Satan seeks to contaminate MY Bride, that which is suppose to be Spotless and White and I tell you this right now. I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS ANYMORE! I tell you this right now; I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS ANYMORE! I am taking MY Sword and I am dividing marriages. Those who are Godly will stand; those which are not will fall. I am not in Divorce it is only more bondage.
Marriage is meant to be Holy. Don't you understand? Marriage is meant to be Holy. It is between a woman and a man. The marriage bed is meant to be Holy for it represents the Oneness in ME.
For when you are together, truly Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul then you are one with ME and the Holy Trinity. But how can you be one with one that goes whoring around? How can you be one whose mind thinks of every kind of sin? How can you be one that hates MY very NAME? Oh, I tell you this and I am going to make it very plain. I will no longer tolerate MY Bride being contaminated by sexual sin. I will no longer tolerate this and you better take these words seriously, for you see, I am not a GOD that can be mocked and you know MY very voice and I tell you this, be you the husband or the wife, you are not betraying them you are betraying YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Especially you so called Christian husbands who claim to be MINE and yet MY Spirit you cannot hear and your spiritual eyes are blind. You have not just betrayed that husband and you have not just betrayed that wife. I tell you this ONCE AGAIN YOU HAVE BETRAYED YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! I am going to hold you up to open SHAME. It was the beginning when this President of this nation went before the people and said, "Although I have done wrong, it's none of your business" and the people agreed.
If you marry a heathen there is always going to be a struggle whether it's lightness trying to take over darkness, or darkness trying to take over lightness. But I have heard the cries of MY Children who are in unequally yoked bondage and I am telling you this day, through this Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu, I am speaking it forth in a mighty way! I AM GOING TO REQUIRE THE LIFE OF THE ONE THAT CONTINUES TO CONTAMINATE MY BRIDE OF YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! MY Children, those that truly know ME you are to live in this world yet not become like this world. Be ye Holy as I am Holy, live Holy, talk Holy, think Holy and act HOLY! Separate from all that is unholy. Unholiness should have no place in thee. Children pray in the NAME of YAHUSHUA for I will set you FREE. Then have faith it is done and just believe.
Prophecy 27:
What is thine is MINE, what is MINE is thine. Give it to ME so I can give it back in a greater way. Tell MY People. Write this, not only for your partners to join you, but also to MY People for the same commandment goes forth in these end-times. Tell them, "LAY EVERYTHING YOU HAVE ON MY SACRIFICIAL ALTAR." Say, "DARE TO TRUST YOUR FATHER YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH!" Dare to be willing for ME to prune what should not be in your lives. Dare to trust that I will multiply the blessings I give back. Do this now, before I have to take it without your permission. Do this, be it husband, wife, children, finances, home, car, ministries the list goes on. Do this with anything you value business, partnership, churches. You will know what it is.
Anything that you know I do not approve of, your cigarettes or any other vice you use to bring you peace, when instead, it is just a counterfeit, for I am the Prince of Peace. You need nothing else. Give it to ME, sacrifice to ME and if it is meant to bless you, I will return it. If it is not meant to bless you, I will REMOVE IT! Because you, that call yourselves MINE, I have the right to take away what I have given you, as well as what was given to you by satan or by yourself, anything that hinders your walk with ME. Do you want ME to save you in the coming days ahead? Then OBEY ME and do this. Pray if you don't know the meaning to this. Even lay your marriages on this Altar of Sacrifice. The Godly will stand. In fact, I will bless you in a way you dare not have believed.
Prophecy 34:
I spoke to her in her dream and told her to tell you this; the time has come when it is dangerous to live in the same dwelling as the unbelievers. For spouses shall betray one another, children shall betray the parents and so on. You who have been unequally yoked and yet manage to live together with both serving different Gods although the unbeliever may claim to believe in a God, it is not the God you serve and worship and put first. Pray now for a way of escape before you are delivered up to be a sacrifice. For those who have no way of escape and yet have prayed for a way of escape I will make a way of escape for you. I understand, only speak it in prayer and I will do what I have not done before I will crash the wall of Jericho down for you and the unbeliever shall be no longer a hindrance to you in worshipping and serving ME. You will truly be able to say, "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord!"
Many of you I have provided a way out financially and yet you have not moved when I said, 'FLEE NOW!' Many of you have places to go and yet choose to remain with the unbelievers. You have made your bed and will lie in it. I grieve for this. Many of you have begged and wept for a way of escape and have found none. These are the ones I will deliver in ways they think not. Not one tear that you have shed at the wickedness that surrounds you in your home, through another in your home, through your spouses or children have gone unnoticed. All the tears are stored up and I will wipe away your tears and bless you in ways you have never deemed possible. AM I NOT YOUR PASSOVER? Did I not say in MY Holy Words, "What does Lightness have to do with Darkness?" MY child there will either be darkness or Light there can not be both. Where lightness is I dwell, where darkness dwells satan dwells. Speak up now and prove to ME which God you serve! As you have been patient so have I been patient but now the time is drawing close and the year is coming close to the end and if you do not listen now next year you will pray you can obey ME and depart from workers of inequity, again for multitudes it will be too late.
The unbelievers will offer you up as a sacrifice and I forewarn you now of what is to come. I ordered MY prophet of old as stated in the Holy Scriptures to command MY priests to divorce from the heathen who worship other Gods did I not? The priests had children by these heathen women and yet I did not decree these marriages. You have seen a house divided against itself cannot stand. As it was then, so it will be again. The priests resisted and I had MY prophet slap their faces and pull their beards. Do you want ME to do this again? Only this time it won't be a prophet but Almighty God "I AM" who does this and far worse! Despair not MY children; those who desire to be free and yet know not how to do this.
MY Handmaiden speaking forth this word has paid the price for the anointing to speak forth this prophetic message to set the captives free in the Name of YAHUSHUA! Only I know the price she pays and those that will rise up against her, for satan will be forced to loose multitudes in unequally yoked marriages and households.
Fasting and prayers once again and Jericho Marches will force the walls to come tumbling down. But MY people who do this will not be left in a spirit of poverty for read again MY book of Joshua see how I blessed them, taking the wealth of the wicked and giving it to the righteous. This wealth is not used for pleasures of this world but for MY Kingdom to continue to support those few prophets I have like this handmaiden who dares to speak what no prophet has yet dared to speak so boldly despite the consequences. How many of you will hide MY Prophets and disciples when the time comes?
Prophecy 35:
The enemies of MY Gospel say they believe yet have no idea of who "I AM" is. "I AM" is someone they read about not someone they live for. "I AM" is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I change not for any man or woman or child. "I AM" is not amused as I see MY sheep dwelling with goats. "I AM" will separate the sheep from the goats. For those that have stayed in these homes and been a witness to the goats in hopes they would desire to become a sheep. Things have changed in these end times. "I AM" is bringing a sword that will rightly divide the chaff from the wheat, the wheat from the tares. "I AM" grieves and is angered when I see the tears of MY sheep and as in the days of old. "I AM" will deliver those who seek to be delivered and who have struggled against the spirits of ungodliness that have risen against them in bondage. Where there has been no way of escape, I shall lead you to the exit.
"I AM" speaks forth this warning as MY enemies held swords to Samson and tortured and blinded him, so too "I AM" raises MY SWORD and will cut the cords the ungodly has bound you with! "I AM" will use MY sword to kill MY enemies in many different ways. "I AM" will chase MY enemies and they shall run in fear in seven different directions. "I AM" will set the captives free who cry out for ME for their Passover! "I AM" will blind the eyes and deafen the ears further of those that refuse to listen though they have been warned again and again, they want to be blind so they shall like the evil pharaoh be seven times off worse till the latter will be greater than the former and they would have been better off not knowing so they could not have mocked MY apostles and prophets I send. No longer will the sheep be content to lay with the goats. The time has come where there will be great danger in thus doing so. Pray for a way of escape. See the walls of evil come crashing down as the walls of Jericho did. March for your victory as Joshua did, each for your own need.
Prophecy 36:
I have plainly stated, "What does a believer and an unbeliever have in common?" The things of this world corrupts if not balanced with holiness. Again I say seek ME while you can yet hear ME. Seek ME in MY Word. Get to know who "I AM" is. Seek MY RUACH ha KODESH and get to know who YAHUSHUA is. HE is coming for HIS Bride. Are you the Bride or a guest of the Bride? Are you one of those who were invited and yet refused the invitation throwing it away? There is more than one coming of MY Son but there is ONLY ONE WEDDING reception. One BRIDE, WHICH ARE YOU? Remember, "I AM" already knows who has accepted YAHUSHUA as Lord and MESSIAH! "I AM" already knows for it was already written in the Lamb's Book of Life before this world was formed. I know which choice you would make before you made it! I am omnipotent all knowing and all seeing.
For the sake of the elect I will shorten the time of WOE but I will still do what must be done. As the battle increases in the the Heavenlies, so to the battle of good and evil increases in the earth. I am separating MY sheep from the goats, darkness from light. It will not be pleasant for you MY babies, Bride, chosen ones and elect for some of the goats you have loved and desired to fellowship and live with even marry. I am not commanding you to divorce instead I ask you to put these relationships on the altar of sacrifice, tell me you desire for ME to save them no matter how low I have to take them, what I have to do. Get serious about this. Tell ME you desire MY WILL in these relationships and ask me to remove what I do not want in your lives.
Prophecy 45:
The ones that seek to harm MY Beloved Servants they shall pay with their very lives and souls if they do not repent. You do not take vengeance but instead forgive and know "Vengeance is MINE saith YAHUVEH!" She has a man that holds her in bondage in all ways the new can't come till the old is removed. Pray for her freedom now as if it were your own. You don't need to know his name only read her testimony with MY spiritual eyes and ears and I shall show you that which you did not know, that which she does not speak. This man is her Goliath and she has been unable to be freed so I sent MY Son who has MY RUACH ha KODESH like unto David of Old and I say, "But speak unto this Goliath and he shall be no more. Speak unto your Goliaths and they shall be no more. Speak in the NAME of YAHUSHUA and the mountains will become chaff in the wind."
Prophecy 60:
I'M angry, but not at those who can hear MY voice. I'M angry at those who refuse to hear for Hell was not created for a human not even the Lake of Fire was created for a human. I sent a redeemer, MY own Son, to keep you out of these places. I gave MY Son, for I love you so much. I redeemed what the first Adam had done and yet how many of you are Hell bent. How many of you are afraid to witness to your family? How many of you live in houses unequally yoked with a spouse that hates MY very NAME? With a spouse that hates all that is Holy and yet they say, "I am doing this for YAHUVEH's and YAHUSHUA's NAME."
You do not honor ME. In fact you dishonor ME. For Jacob I loved and Esau I hated. Ohhh, how I want to shout this, should I not hate those that hate and despise all that is Holy? Should I not hate those that blaspheme MY RUACH ha KODESH? What fellowship does YAHUSHUA have with liars, with Beelzebub's? What fellowship can lightness have with darkness, yet you insist in staying in these marriages that are not a marriage in MY eyes. It is a bondage that I despise, for I never joined them together and yet you think you've done ME a favor and all you've done is grieve MY Soul. As the children are raised in heathen homes, and I've told you a house divided cannot stand and the spouse cries out to ME, "Deliver ME!" Oh, if they only would have listened all along. If only they would have realized I divided long ago.
Prophecy 61:
Where are all MY Holy Men that lift up their Holy hands to ME? Why are they not the spiritual head of the households? Why are the wives ruling the marriages? Why are the men cowering in the corners? Again I have to raise up the Deborah's around this world to do the jobs the men are supposed to be doing. It is the women who know MY Word, not all, but in so many cases it is the women that say, "This is the True Sabbath Day, we will honor it." It is the women who take the children and raise them up spiritually. And then you wonder why the homes fall. You wonder why juvenile delinquency rises, you wonder why your schools are a place even the most hardened criminal would fear. You wonder why the children rule the parents. It is because MY voices you will not hear. MY voice you will not hear.
Prophecy 65:
Oh MY Daughter I know these words you did not want to speak, for those you once called friend you will call enemy, but know this you have done it MY way and not yours. I use this ministry to prepare the Bride of YAHUSHUA. I told you once I am telling you again; I am not coming for a disobedient Bride. MY Son is not coming for a disobedient Bride. Either you're MY Children or you're not. Lightness and darkness must depart, I am taking MY dividing sword and I am separating that which I have never joined together. But I do it for the safety of MY Children, those that truly seek to follow YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, those that are filled with MY RUACH ha KODESH.
Prophecy 69: Now I have warned you about unequally yoked marriages, but you insist on hanging onto that mate. Knowing that MY very NAME and the NAME of YAHUSHUA they abhor despise and hate. So hang onto your mates. Do what I have forbidden you to do. You do not yet see MY Children that I have the best waiting for you. That which I have not joined together, that who's name is not found in the Lambs Book of Life. That which you still claim to be your husband or your wife, they will sell you to the highest bidder in the coming evil times ahead. That will be MY Children that will not realize they were wrong until they lost their heads.
Prophecy 86:
Do you know how many still smoke cigarettes? Do you know how many still get drunk behind closed doors? Do you know how many still read porn? Do you know how many have lust in their hearts and yet they say, "I want to be part of the Bride." Away from ME you disobedient so-called Bride! When I tell you to lay everything down, when I tell you to lay your finances down, when I tell you to join together with the others, to depart from the unbelievers, when I tell you that lightness and darkness do not go together. Instead you keep going trying to find a Prophet for your itching ears. Well, you're not going to find it here.
Those who are in unequally yoked marriages that I never yoked, it's like it is a rope around their neck and you are being hung, but when I come to cut the rope you say, "No, no let me hang." Away from ME you disobedient so-called Bride. You are a Bride no more. In your eyes you call yourself a Bride, in your prayers you claim to be a Bride, but I test your obedience for I know your heart. I know who you love the most.
Prophecy 92: Some of you reading this now have suffered through divorce, child custody battles, unhappy marriages, drug addictions, alcohol addiction, other addictions, jail, sexual diseases, diseases, children born out of wedlock, nervous breakdowns, suicidal attempts or thoughts of suicide, depression, mental illness, confusion, adultry, fornication, homosexuality, pornography, lust, robbery,stealing, murder, abortion, unemployment, and poverty. This list is but a small example of what the spirit of rebellion against YAHUVEH's will, brings. All of you reading this now know what MY Love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness has delivered you from, only after you repented to YAHUVEH in I,YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's Name and turned away from the sin of rebellion.
Prophecy 95:
Some of you have your greatest battles in your own homes. You can get along with your spouse in every way except when it comes to the Truth of what I say. This is your test. This is your trial. Who will you love more? Who do you desire to please more? Who will you obey? Will you listen to the words they say? Or will you obey the Words that I say? What is the price of your soul? For if you cannot make this decision now, I guarantee you, you will not make the right decision in the Great Tribulation to come. This is your soul. What woman, what man is worth your soul? I gave MY Body and MY Blood. I arose again from the dead for all to see that satan did not have victory over ME. So you'd no longer be unequally yoked.
Prophecy 99:
It would be so easy for ME .......... to do it the easy way for you but how would you have passed your test? How would you prove obedience? How would you prove who you love more? This goes for all the men right now. And all the women right now who are in unequally yoked marriages. It was not by MY hand they were put together. What will you do when the time of the Great Tribulation comes and if you are not found worthy to be called MY Bride, if you are not found worthy to be the Bride of YAHUSHUA? For remember whatever is YAHUSHUA's is MINE. And whatever is MINE is MY Son YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's. What will you do when you are left behind? Will it be worth it? For the very ones that you have yoked yourself to will be the very ones that will betray you. What will you do? You think it's hard now? You don't have a clue. At that time husbands shall betray wives and wives shall betray husbands. Children shall betray parents and parents shall betray children. There will be no loyalty. The only family that will count will be the family in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. These are the only ones you will be able to trust. Even when you meet a stranger, you will recognize who they are. It will be evident for all to see.
This is why I am on a countdown of MY patience now. That which you think is years away, all of you, all of you have a rude awakening coming. I am commanding this Ministry to do that which they are to do and do it quickly. There is no time any longer to mollycoddle (over protect) the babies. It's time for them to grow up. It's time for men to be men. This is why I have put women in the leadership. This is why I raised up a Deborah! The men are Baraks! They are cowards! Not all MY men. I have MINE, MY own. And they hear MY voice and they speak forth MY Words but oh how few, how few. And you women who have been browbeaten in these unequally yoked marriages and the Scriptures have been used against you to say, "Keep silent." I only told you to obey that husband as he lines up with MY Word. If he does not, kick him to the curb! Enough is enough! Enough is enough!
MY darling I anoint you this day to speak forth the words in boldness to these men so they can remember what a man is supposed to be! They are to please ME before they please any woman, before they please any child and for the women who are unequally yoked in a marriage, I remind you of the spirit of Deborah! You are to please ME. You are to please YAHUSHUA! Before you try to please any man! Before you please your children. Obedience, obedience, obedience is better than sacrifice! Take away your tithes and take away your offerings and take away your praise, if you are not obeying ME! For if you do not obey ME now, what makes you think you will obey ME in the Great Tribulation when it will be rare to hear a Prophet speak as this? Learn to obey now! How do you prove that you love YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH? Does not MY Word say, "If you love ME, you will obey ME."?How did YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH prove that HE loves YAHUVEH? By obedience to every Word I say. Do not make promises to ME that you never intend to keep.
I am not concerned with manmade marriage vows to marriages I did not even put together and now you see each other for who you are. I am only concerned with those marriages that have been ordained from Heaven. And how do you know they are ordained from Heaven? Because you are one in ME. It is true that the Word says the husband should be the spiritual leader of the household and when that husband is not fit to be the spiritual leader of the household, then I shall have a leader of the household, whether it be the woman or whether it be a child, I will have someone speaking forth MY Words. I will have someone speaking forth MY Words! Even if it be a little child, I will have someone that speaketh forth MY Words! MY Glory shall be evident for all to see! You in these organized churches, you know that they are a stench in MY nostrils but you say you have to have a building to fellowship in. What happened to fellowshipping with ME one on one? What happened to fellowshipping one on one with MY Son? You are in the countdown of the Omer. You are in the countdown of MY patience.
Prophecy 102:
Hold on tight to the hem of MY garment! Don't, don't look through the eyes of the flesh! Look through the eyes of your precious RUACH ha KODESH, your IMMAYAH! Look through the eyes of your MOTHER WISDOM! Pray for more Wisdom! Pray for more Wisdom because you need it now! And oh, you who are the Guests, pray for more Wisdom! Pray for more discernment for you not only need it now, you are going to need it in the time of Jacob's Trouble. You are going to need it in the Great Tribulation when mere man is looked on and worshipped and adored! You have your idols now oh world. You call them movie stars or evil demonic politicians but I tell you this, there's coming a man who is going to be the son of perdition, the very son of satan. Beware! You've been warned! Be warned! Be wary! Be very wary! Be alert! Be on guard! Because those you think you can trust if they're not full of MY Spirit, if they've not bowed their knee to ME, if they're not living obedient unto ME, if their heart is filled with rebellion now, think how much worse off it will be. You've been warned!
You complain because I'm breaking up marriages but these are marriages I never ordained. It was your flesh that put you together. And for the safety, for the safety of MY Bride, for the safety of even the Guests I take MY dividing sword and I separate mother and father and children, those that call themselves husbands and wives, sisters and brothers, members of the family and friends, I separate those who are unequally yoked in business, in all ways. You can only trust those who call out in MY Name.
It's only a matter of time. It's only a matter of time.
Prophecy 103:
YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH is your MASTER. For what percentage have you been willing to lay everything down? When I have divided by MY Divine Hand marriages I did not ordain, where you were unequally yoked, what is your attitude? I have done it for your own sake as they have yoked themselves to satan and his lies. How much off worse will it be in the Great Tribulation, the Time of Jacob's Trouble, where that betrayal will cost the other Holy one's life, what has been your attitude? Do you have an, "Oh woe is me," attitude? Do you have a grumbling, angry attitude? What is your attitude? I know your fruit, by that I judge you.
Prophecy 106:
To those who refuse to walk holy, even to those by MY own hand I put together, by MY own hand I shall divide. Not only in this household do I speak forth but to all those who claim they belong to ME. (Luke 12:51-53) Do you want to be left in the Great Tribulation? Do you want to go to hell or do you want to obey ME? I can't make it any simpler than that. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of YAHUVEH, to know that you are nothing but dust and by MY mercy I took that dust and created a man and I breathed into that man. (Psalm 111:10)
You who call yourselves YAHUSHUA's demon stompers and prayer intercessors, some of you have secret sin. I have not revealed it yet, but be assured it will be exposed if you do not quickly repent. You have to choose this day who you will serve. This secret sin could be hanging on to a mate I told you to let go for your own souls sake, for your own lifes sake. Where you showed your allegiance more to them than you have to ME.