Prophecy 2:
Last but not least in every aspect you will see ME unyoke what I did not yoke together, you yourselves did it. But it will take MY hand alone to unyoke what was never meant to be yoked.
Then accept however I choose, and whoever I choose to be unyoked from you.
Offer up to ME all that you are, and all that you're not and watch ME do a mighty delivering miracle in your lives and that of your loved ones. This year I will give you the desires of your heart for I know the desires of your heart are the desires I have given you.
Prophecy 34:
I now speak to MY children who recognize this evil as evil. You are to be MY Joshua's and do as Joshua did and whatever evil stands in your way to keep you in bondage march around it for six days one time. On the Seventh day march around it SEVEN times blow the Shofar horn if you have one then SHOUT what I tell you to say! You will see victory if you do this and obey all I tell you to do. Make sure your hearts are pure and not hiding treasures of this heathen world like that of Jericho. Make sure you are sincere and whatever has held you in bondage, if you have the faith to believe and you're living Holy before ME, you will see VICTORY in ways you never dreamed of.
Is it a pack of cigarettes that hold you in bondage? Is it alcohol or pornography? Is there a person who holds you in bondage? What is it MY child? What wall of Jericho do you want to see come crashing down? But beware, for remember DEATH came to Jericho. DEATH came to MY enemies and also to the ones who disobeyed. Those who did the marching I gave the victory! Read MY book Joshua 6, the walls of Jericho will come crashing down as those who have faith to believe they will see once again not by the hands of a woman or man but by the hands of Almighty God, "I AM" who "I AM" there is none other!
I spoke to her in her dream and told her to tell you this; the time has come when it is dangerous to live in the same dwelling as the unbelievers. For spouses shall betray one another, children shall betray the parents and so on. You who have been unequally yoked and yet manage to live together with both serving different Gods although the unbeliever may claim to believe in a God, it is not the God you serve and worship and put first. Pray now for a way of escape before you are delivered up to be a sacrifice. For those who have no way of escape and yet have prayed for a way of escape I will make a way of escape for you. I understand, only speak it in prayer and I will do what I have not done before I will crash the wall of Jericho down for you and the unbeliever shall be no longer a hindrance to you in worshipping and serving ME. You will truly be able to say, "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord!"
Many of you I have provided a way out financially and yet you have not moved when I said, 'FLEE NOW!' Many of you have places to go and yet choose to remain with the unbelievers. You have made your bed and will lie in it. I grieve for this. Many of you have begged and wept for a way of escape and have found none. These are the ones I will deliver in ways they think not. Not one tear that you have shed at the wickedness that surrounds you in your home, through another in your home, through your spouses or children have gone unnoticed. All the tears are stored up and I will wipe away your tears and bless you in ways you have never deemed possible. AM I NOT YOUR PASSOVER? Did I not say in MY Holy Words, "What does Lightness have to do with Darkness?" MY child there will either be darkness or Light there can not be both. Where lightness is I dwell, where darkness dwells satan dwells. Speak up now and prove to ME which God you serve! As you have been patient so have I been patient but now the time is drawing close and the year is coming close to the end and if you do not listen now next year you will pray you can obey ME and depart from workers of inequity, again for multitudes it will be too late.