Prophecy 12: Be ye not unequally yoked in anything you do.
Prophecy 20:
Thus saith YAHUVEH, "In times past I dealt with MY unequally yoked children, MY servants, those called by MY NAME that have yoked themselves up with children of satan through unequally yoked marriages, friendships, partnerships, institutions, churches and all other forms. For your sake I have dealt with you with patience and long suffering. I waited for MY Children to realize where MY RUACH ha KODESH is not respected, nor loved nor welcomed whether it be marriage, family, friends, institution or anything else that is not of ME, you are not truly part of them and they have never been one with you.
So many have made wrong choices and then I get the blame. For when they are wounded and come to Daddy and say, "Father look at my bloody wounds, look what those that I love did to me, those that I trusted, those that I yoked myself with. Daddy, why did you allow this to happen, don't you care?" Oh MY Little Ones yes, yes again I say unto you I care and I will say unto you as I open MY arms for you to run into them and you climb on your Daddy GOD YAHUVEH's lap and I cradle you in MY arms, allowing you to weep bitter tears. For you have been storing them up for along time and when they are released, when you finally realize I am not the one that yoked you, that joined you with ungodliness.
Prophecy 25:
I am separating MY Sheep from the goats and the wheat from the tares as I separated Abel from Cain, David from Saul and the Egyptians from the Israelites. I did it before and I shall do it again. Keep your faith in YAHUSHUA. Let no one rob you of your BLESSED HOPE.
Prophecy 26:
As MY Son approaches earth, the dividing of MY Sheep and satan's goats will become more evident.
Prophecy 34: I spoke to her in her dream and told her to tell you this; the time has come when it is dangerous to live in the same dwelling as the unbelievers. For spouses shall betray one another, children shall betray the parents and so on. You who have been unequally yoked and yet manage to live together with both serving different Gods although the unbeliever may claim to believe in a God, it is not the God you serve and worship and put first. Pray now for a way of escape before you are delivered up to be a sacrifice. For those who have no way of escape and yet have prayed for a way of escape I will make a way of escape for you. I understand, only speak it in prayer and I will do what I have not done before I will crash the wall of Jericho down for you and the unbeliever shall be no longer a hindrance to you in worshipping and serving ME. You will truly be able to say, "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord!"
Many of you I have provided a way out financially and yet you have not moved when I said, 'FLEE NOW!' Many of you have places to go and yet choose to remain with the unbelievers. You have made your bed and will lie in it. I grieve for this. Many of you have begged and wept for a way of escape and have found none. These are the ones I will deliver in ways they think not. Not one tear that you have shed at the wickedness that surrounds you in your home, through another in your home, through your spouses or children have gone unnoticed. All the tears are stored up and I will wipe away your tears and bless you in ways you have never deemed possible. AM I NOT YOUR PASSOVER? Did I not say in MY Holy Words, "What does Lightness have to do with Darkness?" MY child there will either be darkness or Light there can not be both. Where lightness is I dwell, where darkness dwells satan dwells. Speak up now and prove to ME which God you serve! As you have been patient so have I been patient but now the time is drawing close and the year is coming close to the end and if you do not listen now next year you will pray you can obey ME and depart from workers of inequity, again for multitudes it will be too late.
Prophecy 35:
The enemies of MY Gospel say they believe yet have no idea of who "I AM" is. "I AM" is someone they read about not someone they live for. "I AM" is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I change not for any man or woman or child. "I AM" is not amused as I see MY sheep dwelling with goats. "I AM" will separate the sheep from the goats. For those that have stayed in these homes and been a witness to the goats in hopes they would desire to become a sheep. Things have changed in these end times. "I AM" is bringing a sword that will rightly divide the chaff from the wheat, the wheat from the tares. "I AM" grieves and is angered when I see the tears of MY sheep and as in the days of old. "I AM" will deliver those who seek to be delivered and who have struggled against the spirits of ungodliness that have risen against them in bondage. Where there has been no way of escape, I shall lead you to the exit.
Did I not say in MY Word your worst enemies will be found in your own home? Did I not say MY Son YAHUSHUA would divide with a sword! Read MY Word. Study MY Word. The Sword of MY RUACH ha KODESH is the Sword of Truth and MY enemies seek not to know the truth, but rather believe the lies that are soothing like a finger in an itching ear or eye. When MY finger of conviction comes upon the ungodly ones, they seek to instead point that finger of conviction back in your direction and turn it instead to a finger of accusation, accusing you of prejudice, or insanity, or stupidity. Your enemies accuse you of hate crimes when I have put no spirit of hate in you except for satan and ungodliness.
The sheep will find it harder than ever to dwell peacefully in homes or families where the goats are. For you see, does not MY Word say in these end times that the Holy will become more Holy and the unholy will be come more unholy. You are a bright light shining forth. The sins are done in darkness. The children of darkness do not want their sins exposed as sin. For those of you in dwellings where you have been, that light is on a hill for all to see. Tell those who deny ME as Lord and refuse to live for ME or live Holy before ME, that now the God you serve "I AM" and YAHUSHUA will be taking those filled with the truth of Heaven away from the darkness, leaving them in darkness with their sins, and it has been those who are MY children I call MY sheep, that they have been the reason that the goats dwelling with them have not felt MY wrath. When the sheep are taken the goats shall feel MY wrath in full measure.
Be concerned for your very souls for discouraging MY true Apostles and Prophets that speak forth words of warning and you have hung yourselves by your own words just as surely as Judas hung himself. What is the price of your soul? Don't you yet see? MY enemies are seeking to find where your strength is. Your enemies seek to take your strength, your desire to serve ME, to destroy you and yes even to kill you if possible. Your enemies seek to confuse you and cause you doubt like Peter did when I told him to walk upon the water. Did Delilah betray Samson with a sword? NO, but with a KISS in the name of love she betrayed him after finding his source of strength. Did Judas betray MY Son with a sword? NO, but with a KISS. So to your enemies that live within your own homes and families will say, "I just want to help you" and then betray you with a KISS of DEATH to your freedom and your lives if I so allow.
Prophecy 36:
I have plainly stated, "What does a believer and an unbeliever have in common?" The things of this world corrupts if not balanced with holiness. Again I say seek ME while you can yet hear ME. Seek ME in MY Word. Get to know who "I AM" is. Seek MY RUACH ha KODESH and get to know who YAHUSHUA is. HE is coming for HIS Bride. Are you the Bride or a guest of the Bride? Are you one of those who were invited and yet refused the invitation throwing it away? There is more than one coming of MY Son but there is ONLY ONE WEDDING reception. One BRIDE, WHICH ARE YOU? Remember, "I AM" already knows who has accepted YAHUSHUA as Lord and MESSIAH! "I AM" already knows for it was already written in the Lamb's Book of Life before this world was formed. I know which choice you would make before you made it! I am omnipotent all knowing and all seeing.
For the sake of the elect I will shorten the time of WOE but I will still do what must be done. As the battle increases in the the Heavenlies, so to the battle of good and evil increases in the earth. I am separating MY sheep from the goats, darkness from light. It will not be pleasant for you MY babies, Bride, chosen ones and elect for some of the goats you have loved and desired to fellowship and live with even marry. I am not commanding you to divorce instead I ask you to put these relationships on the altar of sacrifice, tell me you desire for ME to save them no matter how low I have to take them, what I have to do. Get serious about this. Tell ME you desire MY WILL in these relationships and ask me to remove what I do not want in your lives.
Prophecy 49:
Just as in the times of the Evil Pharaoh, when the spirit of the evil pharaoh comes again, so too will the miracles come again, like Moses and the children of Israel. If thou can believe, then miracles yet untold you will see. I will still have martyrs for it is predestined and they already know in their spirits and are prepared, but MY Children who put their faith in 'I AM' and hearken to MY voice, will know what to do, and where to go, and will escape the hand of the enemy time and again. Not all will get Glorified Bodies, for not all believe. Some want to test ME and stay with their unsaved loved ones. Have faith for the miracles needed, to try and warn them not to accept the Mark of the Beast, others know they are going to get Glorified Bodies, this is why there is such division, both are right. I have already put it in your spirit if you are MINE, whether you will be martyred, or whether you are to be the dead in MESSIAH, and you will die first, arise, or whether you are caught up to meet ME in the air while you are yet alive.
Prophecy 51:
Those seeking to hear MY voice clearer than any other voice, these are MY true treasures on earth. All who call out to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, and rely on MY RUACH ha KODESH to guide them through a most unusual anointing unlike anything yet seen, must realize I am now pruning them, and removing all in their lives that must be removed. Yes, even your loved ones must be pruned, or removed by YAHUVEH's hand, for I must protect MY Beloved ones. If they are not a help to you, and instead are a hindrance, then know that I will remove them, for they will betray you even unto death if YAHUVEH does not divide what was never meant to be joined as one.
Prophecy 60:
I know the names of every one that weep and wail as they [cry], "Come, YAHUSHUA, come!" But don't do it out of fear, MY Children. Do it out of love, for I am still separating and I am still dividing the sheep from the goats worldwide and the goats shall go to everlasting fire and MY Sheep I will continue to shepherd. Yes, MY Children, hold on tight the hem of YAHUSHUA's garment and do not let go as you stand in the fiery furnaces. Remember, I am with you always even unto the ends of the earth. Remember, MY Children, even those of you who will die for MY Son's NAME sake, they can only kill the body, they cannot kill the soul and you will be with ME in Heaven in your eternal home. And when you hear the words, "World War III," you will see the greatest level of iniquity.
Prophecy 68:
This you have in common and this is the reason you should have love for one another. It is not important what your name on earth is called. You shall recognize each other by the anointing of the Spirit, you shall behold the love of YAHUSHUA in each others eyes and you shall recognize the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH inside. I am separating the sheep from the goats and I am ripping off the masks of the goats, as they have been masquerading as a sheep or a lamb, this is part of separating the chaff from the wheat, for the chaff is only fit to be burnt!
Prophecy 86:
Do you know how many still smoke cigarettes? Do you know how many still get drunk behind closed doors? Do you know how many still read porn? Do you know how many have lust in their hearts and yet they say, "I want to be part of the Bride." Away from ME you disobedient so-called Bride! When I tell you to lay everything down, when I tell you to lay your finances down, when I tell you to join together with the others, to depart from the unbelievers, when I tell you that lightness and darkness do not go together. Instead you keep going trying to find a Prophet for your itching ears. Well, you're not going to find it here.
Prophecy 96: MY beloved son, there is one more thing I have to say. You must make a new rule, "As for me and my house, we will serve YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA." Anyone who sleeps under your roof, this rule must apply. They either do it MY way, and you tell them this is MY rule, your ABBA YAHUVEH, or they're kicked out to travel the world's highway. Remember your name is not YAH. You can only do what I tell you to do. Do not take any burden on unless you know that I have placed that burden on you. And then you take the burden and leave it at the cross. Do not try to carry any more for you have been traveling and carrying burdens I have not placed upon you far too long. You already know and you will know, as you take these Words to ME in prayer, exactly what I speak of. You are MY treasured son. Now I kiss your brow. And I end this with Words of MY love. Stand on MY Word for it cannot lie. As you abide in MY Word, I abide in you.
Prophecy 102:
Be encouraged MY precious Bride. You're going to see these enemies fall. I warn you MY precious Bride, your worst enemies will be found in your own household. Those that have not surrendered their life and their love to ME, those who do not put ME first in their life and their love, those who refuse to believe the Truths in the Holy Scriptures, those who refuse to admit there's only one way to Heaven, through MY Name and shed Blood, those who refuse to believe there is a hell to pay for the consequences of unrepentent sin.
Your worst enemy shall be found in your own household for these are the ones that can inflict the most pain. That's why I'm bringing MY dividing sword! It is not anything new. Read the Word. I am protecting you for there's coming a day and it's only a matter of time, those that you look upon as your loved ones will betray you, will offer you up to the courts of the law of the land, will answer to the bounties on your head when they ask, "Where are they?"