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Families with holiness and unholiness

Prophecy 84:
You see, it's not enough to care about your own soul. I'm going to ask you, did you care about anyone else's besides your family? For who did I, YAHUVEH say was your family? Did I not say through MY own Son YAHUSHUA's NAME who your family was and it's those who belong to ME, those who accept YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH as Messiah as MY only begotten Son. (Mark 3:31-35) Do you want to know why your family is not saved? Do you want to know if your family will be saved? Just as that jail keeper said, "As for me and my house, we will serve YAHUSHUA." Oh, I know you were taught, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." But again, they blotted out the NAME of MY Son. Read the Holy Manuscripts and you will see MY Son's NAME was there. That meant, not only did that jail keeper have to turn his heart to YAHUSHUA, but his family also. That is not a 'carte blanche,' a free pass for a family. Everyone is working out their own salvation with fear and trembling. Before they were put on earth, their soul already knows whether their name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life or not or whether they're in the Book of the Blotted Out.

Prophecy 99:
It would be so easy for ME .......... to do it the easy way for you but how would you have passed your test? How would you prove obedience? How would you prove who you love more? This goes for all the men right now. And all the women right now who are in unequally yoked marriages. It was not by MY hand they were put together. What will you do when the time of the Great Tribulation comes and if you are not found worthy to be called MY Bride, if you are not found worthy to be the Bride of YAHUSHUA? For remember whatever is YAHUSHUA's is MINE. And whatever is MINE is MY Son YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's. What will you do when you are left behind? Will it be worth it? For the very ones that you have yoked yourself to will be the very ones that will betray you. What will you do? You think it's hard now? You don't have a clue. At that time husbands shall betray wives and wives shall betray husbands. Children shall betray parents and parents shall betray children. There will be no loyalty. The only family that will count will be the family in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. These are the only ones you will be able to trust. Even when you meet a stranger, you will recognize who they are. It will be evident for all to see.

So men, I am not going to cancel your tests. That's what you want ME to do. All are tested. Does not MY Word say, "The trials of your faith are more precious than gold." The one I speak through now, these five that represent the Five Wise Virgins, all have been tested. Adam walked away from that which he called his home for many, many years. He walked away from a lucrative job and oh how long he waited for it to become union, yet I told him to walk away. Joainneyah, she had to leave her biological family, her own child from her loins. All of you, all of you, all of you, the mother's heart that comes before ME so battered and broken and bruised. You miss your children but you laid them on the altar of sacrifice and you [parents] said, "Do with them as YOU will for they are not my children, they are YOURS." So I raise you up spiritual children that cry to you like a Momma and a Daddy and they desire your mentorship and they desire your love. They want to obey ME and I tell you to lead them and to guide them. And I am about ready to give you a shock, these spiritual children love you more than your biological children could ever love you. They respect you. They honor you. Take none of them for granted. As you have patience with your biological children, have patience with your spiritual children. Do not throw up your hands and say, "I have had enough."

I am not concerned with manmade marriage vows to marriages I did not even put together and now you see each other for who you are. I am only concerned with those marriages that have been ordained from Heaven. And how do you know they are ordained from Heaven? Because you are one in ME. It is true that the Word says the husband should be the spiritual leader of the household and when that husband is not fit to be the spiritual leader of the household, then I shall have a leader of the household, whether it be the woman or whether it be a child, I will have someone speaking forth MY Words. I will have someone speaking forth MY Words! Even if it be a little child, I will have someone that speaketh forth MY Words! MY Glory shall be evident for all to see! You in these organized churches, you know that they are a stench in MY nostrils but you say you have to have a building to fellowship in. What happened to fellowshipping with ME one on one? What happened to fellowshipping one on one with MY Son? You are in the countdown of the Omer. You are in the countdown of MY patience.

Prophecy 102:
Be encouraged MY precious Bride. You're going to see these enemies fall. I warn you MY precious Bride, your worst enemies will be found in your own household. Those that have not surrendered their life and their love to ME, those who do not put ME first in their life and their love, those who refuse to believe the Truths in the Holy Scriptures, those who refuse to admit there's only one way to Heaven, through MY Name and shed Blood, those who refuse to believe there is a hell to pay for the consequences of unrepentent sin.

Your worst enemy shall be found in your own household for these are the ones that can inflict the most pain. That's why I'm bringing MY dividing sword! It is not anything new. Read the Word. I am protecting you for there's coming a day and it's only a matter of time, those that you look upon as your loved ones will betray you, will offer you up to the courts of the law of the land, will answer to the bounties on your head when they ask, "Where are they?"

Hold on tight to the hem of MY garment! Don't, don't look through the eyes of the flesh! Look through the eyes of your precious RUACH ha KODESH, your IMMAYAH! Look through the eyes of your MOTHER WISDOM! Pray for more Wisdom! Pray for more Wisdom because you need it now! And oh, you who are the Guests, pray for more Wisdom! Pray for more discernment for you not only need it now, you are going to need it in the time of Jacob's Trouble. You are going to need it in the Great Tribulation when mere man is looked on and worshipped and adored! You have your idols now oh world. You call them movie stars or evil demonic politicians but I tell you this, there's coming a man who is going to be the son of perdition, the very son of satan. Beware! You've been warned! Be warned! Be wary! Be very wary! Be alert! Be on guard! Because those you think you can trust if they're not full of MY Spirit, if they've not bowed their knee to ME, if they're not living obedient unto ME, if their heart is filled with rebellion now, think how much worse off it will be. You've been warned!

You complain because I'm breaking up marriages but these are marriages I never ordained. It was your flesh that put you together. And for the safety, for the safety of MY Bride, for the safety of even the Guests I take MY dividing sword and I separate mother and father and children, those that call themselves husbands and wives, sisters and brothers, members of the family and friends, I separate those who are unequally yoked in business, in all ways. You can only trust those who call out in MY Name.

It's only a matter of time. It's only a matter of time.

Prophecy 105:
Again I say everything and anything that can be shaken will be shaken, so be prepared now as I warn you in 2008. Take nothing for granted, take not your water for granted, take not your food for granted, take not your income for granted, take not your house for granted, take not your family for granted and the family are those who belong to the body of YAHUSHUA MASHIACH. For you will find your worst enemies can be found in your own household through your own bloodline but not through the bloodline of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH. This is your true family, these are the ones who will not betray you.  

Prophecy 106:
MY Beloved Son, this is nothing that I can't forgive but you must choose, you must choose this day. For that biological sister and that biological father only want to take you to hell with them.

For those who speak against this Ministry, for those who call Elisheva a false prophet, examine their fruit (Elisheva and the Ministries fruit). Do they make excuses to sin? Do they make excuses not to follow the Torah laws, such as MY Shabbat? Examine their fruit, your answer lies within. Do they puff themselves up with pride and say, "No one is going to tell me what to do". You see, I have given you permission to be fruit inspectors. By their fruit you shall know them. I have already forewarned your worst enemies can be found in your own physical bloodline.