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Gift of prophecy

Prophecy 90:
Beloved Daughter Elisheva, I have given you the anointing to speak forth and interpret what the Heavenly Holy Tongues are speaking. You speak in languages of Heavenly Holy Angels and diverse languages of men. You can understand the languages only as I give you the gift of interpretation in your own language. At times I protect you, so you do not know what you are praying, for it would overwhelm your flesh.

As you speak in Heavenly Holy Tongues other times I choose to speak forth out of you in the Holy Tongues of the languages of men that you have not learned (Acts:2) but most of the time it is the languages of the Heavenly Holy Angels, as the scriptures state in the Book of 1 Corinthians 13:1.

When I choose to speak forth from you in tongues of a Holy Angel, and no interpretation is given to you, it is because satan and his demons cannot understand what is being prayed or spoken, it is not for their ears to hear. It is not always necessary for you to receive the interpretation of the tongues but YAHUVEH hears and HE answers your prayers, though you know not what you are praying for many times.

Sometimes, you are praying for people you do not even know, you are interceding for Holy people around the world. Many times you are praying for your own personal needs, or healing for you or others. Many times you are praying for blessings on the Holy Bride and guests or mercy and salvation for the black sheep to return to the only Good Shepherd YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

Other times you are praying for judgment and vengeance of YAHUVEH on the servants of satan, and those fit for YAHUVEH's Winepress of Wrath. There is no distance in prayer. (1 Corinthians chapters 12, 13, 14) Study and show yourself approved. Did not MY SON YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH say, "John baptized you with water, but I baptize you with the Fire of the RUACH ha KODESH?" I AM also called the HOLY SPIRIT and HOLY GHOST. YAHUSHUA uses ME to fill up those that are Holy, to overflowing with MY anointing which is Holy signs, wonders and miracles for those that truly LOVE and put YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first in their lives and love. This includes YAHUSHUA's Bride, who sacrifice all to follow and obey the Holy Mandates laid out in the Holy Manuscripts, and do it out of love for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and do their best to obey and live Holy. MY HOLY SPIRIT resides within their earthly Temple called a Body.

I am called 'Wisdom' MY fruit is the Seven Spirits. Study the seven pillars spoken of in the Book of Revelations. I AM called patience, long suffering; I am mercy, and so much more. Learn and study now who the one who anoints you is. I AM so much more than a Holy Wind or Holy anointed Fire, or a sweet fragrance in the air. I am more than speaking in Heavenly Holy Tongues, and prophecy, and signs, wonders or miracles. I AM your MOMMA SHKHINAH, also called the RUACH ha KODESH, that leads souls to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Messiah).

I AM the one that anoints with Heavenly Powers and pours forth MY New Wine and fresh manna from Heaven. I AM your MOMMA SHKHINAH and I share MY Glory with no woman or man. YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and I are ONE. When you worship YAHUSHUA you worship all 3 of us at the same time. If you prefer you can call ME MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH, others can still call ME the HOLY SPIRIT but I desire to reveal more to those who desire more intimacy with ME. I warn now, anyone that denies or insults what Shaul (Apostle Paul) taught about the reality of the Holy gifts of the RUACH ha KODESH, Repent now! For you have insulted and grieved to the extent your soul is at stake! I now speak forth in the NAME you recognize as YAHUSHUA, if you do not repent you are eternally damned!

For those who insist on denying and mocking the HOLY SPIRIT, (RUACH ha KODESH) and the GIFTS of the HOLY SPIRIT your names have either never been in the Lambs Book of Life, or it is blotted out, because before you were born on earth it was already decreed in Heaven, if your name is in the Book of Damnation or the Book of the Blotted Out, then hell will be your next home.

It is not a sin to not understand the Gifts of Prophecy, or speaking in Holy tongues of men and Holy Angels, but do not speak against what is Holy just because you have not experienced it, or you had a bad experience with the counterfeit. Some reading this have had an experience of being filled with demonic tongues, so do not deny the genuine just because you opened yourself up to the counterfeit through sin or your blood line is full of the occult.

Elisheva, I am your MOMMA SHKHINAH GLORY. I AM the one that anoints you for signs, wonders and miracles that includes prophesying and praying in Holy tongues of men and Holy Angels. I AM your MOMMA SHKHINAH GLORY. I AM the one that intercedes for all the Holy Children as I carry your prayers to the throne of YAHUVEH like a Kiss is blown in the air, when it is done in the NAME of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH this also includes the name of JESUS CHRIST for now, but beware, because the son of satan in the Great Tribulation will counterfeit the name of JESUS CHRIST. I will not be able to send the prayers at that time in JESUS' name, because the devil's spawn will also be using the name of JESUS CHRIST. Teach now the Sacred Hebrew NAME of YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH to all who have spiritual ears to hear, listen and obey. Learn and become accustomed to use the true Hebrew name of the one most call JESUS CHRIST, now before it is too late. Tell the people don't wait until the Great Tribulation to learn it the hard way.

Prophecy 91:
Satan always has a counterfeit. Beware of the counterfeit, pastors who preach like this John Hagee - he's no pastor at all - follow not this evil wolf or any ministry that has named themselves after a man or a woman. Follow not the prosperity teachings! For what I give you is greater than gold or silver. I give you gifts from your MOMMA WISDOM. MY Glory fills your faces. I'm not angry at you. Continue to wait and to watch! Look up for truly your redemption draweth nigh!

Prophecy 92:
Sherry Shriner also did Elisheva's name in bible code, which she normally charged a hundred dollars, she let Elisheva know. She spent days doing her bible code for free and let her know that both of them are generals and leaders. However she let Elisheva know there were the words "gibberish tongues" in Elisheva's bible code. Elisheva rebuked her and reminded her of what is written in the Book of Acts, that speaking in Holy unknown tongues is speaking in tongues of men and angels. Sherry Shriner argued back and said, "Paul taught that and you have to throw it out."

Sherry Shriner mocks speaking in Holy tongues. She mocks because satan at one time, by her own testimony, gave her demonic tongues. This is because Sherry Shriner had head knowledge and no heart knowledge of the one she called Jesus Christ at the time. Now to confuse people, she calls what the Book of Acts calls speaking in an unknown tongue, the work of the devil. Sherry Shriner is a false prophet, time and again this has been proven as she has given bible codes with dates and nothing comes to pass.

Prophecy 93:
And those of you who will read this Prophecy and who believe that you are to be part of YAHUSHUA'S Demon Stompers, you've already put YAHUSHUA first in your love, and your life. You sacrifice all to HIM. You do not get tempted with sin. Write, introduce yourself, but woe be unto any enemy that seeks to creep in. Be warned, this group has discernment and the wolf shall die for I will not allow this group to be contaminated. There's innocent little sheep and lambs that try to creep in and as a little child they'll say, "I want to fight. I want to fight." I just pat them on the head and just say, "Wait till you grow up a little bit more. For you need to be ministered to, more than you are fit to be a minister. You need to be prayed for more than you are a prayer warrior. Continue to grow MY little ones. Do not take it as an insult for you just can't take the fire of the front lines." That is why this is an elite force assembled by Heaven. The Holy angels came themselves and told Elisheva of the birth of this new ministry, YAHUSHUA'S Demon Stompers. For the Glory goes to HIM alone. Only through HIS Name, only through HIS Blood is any prayer answered. These are the Words that I have to say this day. As [it's] read?the false prophecy of a Linda Newkirk?and Elisheva [Elisheva] felt MY Anger stir up, she went to go speak in English. Instead MY Holy tongues of anger came forth. This is how this Word came forth. On this date of December 26, 2007, so it is spoken and so it shall be written each Word that has been spoken underneath the anointing and through the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and through the Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

Prophecy 102:
Oh the hateful, hateful, hateful, hateful letters, how dare, how dare some of you call yourself MINE? When you hear this Message you'd better fall on your face before ME. You'd better repent and you'd better be sending a letter to this Ministry and try to soothe the wounds that you have inflicted because she dare warns about hell, because this Ministry preaches on Holiness, because this Ministry warns of the consequences of sin, because this Ministry prophesies the future in advance.

What do you think a Prophet is? And for those who laugh and scorn and say, "There's no such thing as Prophecies;" "There's no such thing as Prophets anymore," what will you do with MY Holy Scriptures? Do you not realize I am the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY! What will you do with MY Holy Scriptures?! I am PROPHET OF THE PROPHETS! I am PROPHECY! The Prophets prophesied I'd come! If there was no such thing as Prophets what are you going to do with the book of Revelations? How foolish, how foolish, how foolish so many of you are, for John the Revelator prophesied what is to come.

This Ministry lays everything down, every finance down, sacrifice upon sacrifice in ways you cannot begin to comprehend just to reach one soul in ways that none of you will know. How many of you have helped? How many of you have even given a widow's mite? How many can say they have a part of this Ministry? How many of you even come back to say, "Thank you"? It is no different as I healed ten lepers, only one came back to say, "Thank you." You see when I tell you to support this Ministry so it can continue to do what I've called it to do I don't do it just to be a blessing unto them, I do it because I want to bless you! You who read all this, you who listen, you've not had to sacrifice, you've not had to pay the price, for with every Prophecy spoken through Elisheva there is a price to pay, for the greater the Anointing the greater the price is paid. True Prophets know what suffering is.

Prophecy 106:
I speak forth MY judgments through this Prophet. (Hosea 6:5) I speak forth MY love and MY guidance through this Prophet. I speak forth MY truths through this Ministry that carries neither the name of a man or a woman but only the Name of the Holy Trinity. I shall always have a mouthpiece. (Amos 3:7) I sent YAHUSHUA to this earth to be MY mouthpiece. The Prophet that is above all Prophets for YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH is the very Spirit of Prophecy.

For those of you who say you want to be a prophet. Are you willing to pay the price? Are you willing to pay the price for the anointing? Are you willing to pay the price to be called MY friend? For I tell MY secrets to the Prophets. Do you really want to know MY secrets? I will only tell MY secrets to the Holy.  

Prophecy 110:
So I want no one having to search for this. I want it right in the enemies face for this is a day of great victory. Elisheva, when I put you on this internet how few, how few and far between were the women Prophets. You paved the way and I use you to do what has never been done for you Prophesy in Holy Tongues. You can not even conceive the impact this has over the enemy as it is carried all over the airwaves to the four corners of the earth. Your voice full of MY anointing, full of MY power, stored not only in printed matter, not only on computers and cd's but on ipods, on tape recorders for it is not just the written, it is spoken.