Prophecy 31:
Don't just recite the prayers you speak Israel, but believe the prayers you recite. Don't just celebrate 'Passover' believe it is your 'Passover.' This goes for all MY Beloved Children who seek to please ME, who obey ME, who serve ME, worship ME, putting ME the great GOD 'I AM"' and YAHUSHUA above all things. I am sending forth this message and have already spoken it to multitudes through MY RUACH ha KODESH. If you want Passover deliverance from the hands of the enemies, then you must celebrate and believe and encourage one another. This is your Passover and you will be counted worthy to escape the wrath of 'I AM' that is to come. The plagues will Passover you and not touch you, all the plagues, as in the time of Moses it shall be again but you will have a way of escape. You shall have a Passover once again. The Blood of YAHUSHUA is your 'Passover.' If you're reading this then you're held accountable for what you know. What will you do with it?
The 'Passover' is your promise. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the great GOD 'I AM' will deliver you once again in ways you think not if only you can believe. Where your faith is that is where your Passover is. Those who live in America and I have prophesied the wrath to come, this is true but those that believe 'I AM' the Passover and like Moses, I will provide a way of escape for you, you shall not be ashamed that you believed. I will prove the great GOD 'I AM' cannot and will not lie to you. Where your faith is there will be your 'Passover.'
As in the time of Lot and Moses so it shall be again, 'I AM' will send you your Passover. YAHUSHUA is your Passover. Don't let March 31, 1999 sunset go by without praying for your 'True Passover, YAHUSHUA', to come. Observe this day not in legalism but do what you can. Study and show thyself approved to know what to do on this day. Is it really too much to ask you not to eat Leaven for 8 days? To eat the Bread of Affliction to remind you of the one who paid the price as the Bread of Affliction to bring you your Passover.
I purposed that the Israelites would not have time for the bread to rise. I purposed it for they knew it not but it was no accident I caused them to flee so this would take place. For again the Jews partook and were offered the Bread of Affliction first which is called Matzoh Bread and now I give the knowledge they were given this even then, for it was YAHUSHUA who was to come, given as a reminder. YAHUSHUA is both the Jew and Gentiles PASSOVER. There was and is no other perfect Sacrificial Lamb that can be slain for the remission of sins, washing them away as though they never were but one. His NAME is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, HIS NAME is SALVATION! HE alone is your Passover. Celebrate this on March 31, 1999 sunset and learn the true meaning of the Passover that was and the Passover that is to come.
For those that love, serve, try hard to obey 'I AM's commandments, knowing when you fail you have a PASSOVER Lamb whose Blood was shed at Calvary for your sins, yet you also know you do not test ME and purposely sin because you think you can. 'I AM' is not mocked and every person must work out their own salvation with fear and trembling for only 'I AM' knows your true heart and motives and intentions. Now I have spoken, what will you do with your PASSOVER? For many of you reading this there will be no more chances to celebrate the PASSOVER. It is time for you to decide, it is your choice. Beware I already know what you have chosen. Will you honor ME on this PASSOVER?
Prophecy 53:
So you eat this Passover feast, you do not murmur or grumble because instead you do it with a grateful heart and remember what happened with the children of Israel. Remember the children of Israel who wandered for 40 years. It would not have been so if they had not murmured, complained and grumbled. But I made them walk around and around, as some would say, in circles. I made them walk around and around and tested them again and again.
MY Children enjoy this Passover feast that I have provided for you this day. My Son, Chuck, thank you for obeying ME, thank you for listening. For the blessing of this Passover prophecy was meant for others and not only for you. Tell them if they missed doing the Passover Seder, even in a humble way, as long as they acknowledge ME, that I am the same YAHUVEH that delivered the children of Israel from the Egyptians and from the curses and the plagues that did come. Tell them if only MY children would do it in a humble way and acknowledge ME, no matter what the calendar day, where their Passover is, is where their faith will be and where their faith is, their Passover will be.
Prophecy 75:
I, YAHUVEH, give MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, those who feed on MY Spiritual Meat to eat and recognize I, YAHUVEH speak forth out of MY Handmaiden and through her I give this mandate to you. You are to celebrate all the Jewish Holy Days and the coming days of Sukkot as a reminder you are only living in a temporary dwelling place. Earth is your temporary dwelling place until you come home to Heaven. You are just a traveler passing through until you accomplish the job I have sent you to earth to do. Destruction is coming to this world, along with it death and disease and weather disasters created by man playing God. You are to observe this Sukkot even if you have never celebrated it before. You are to keep all the coming Holy Days. Where your faith is your Passover will be. You are to fast on Yom Kippur, humbling yourself before I, YAHUVEH and fasting for the evil in your land so you will be spared when death visits MY enemies who set themselves against all that is Holy.
I will bless you and protect you in ways you think not, when the time of destruction and testing comes, if you will obey all I, YAHUVEH say this day. Keep the Jewish Holy Days Holy before I, YAHUVEH. Remind ME on Passover as you celebrate and remove the leaven from your houses as I protected the Children of Israel as they put the blood of the lamb on their door posts, how much more will I protect those that have the Blood of YAHUSHUA covering them and their homes. On Sukkot as you set up your temporary shelters, it will be a symbol to ME how you depend on I, YAHUVEH to protect your body, for in it dwells your Spirit and MY RUACH ha KODESH, the HOLY SPIRIT, as you are a stranger to this temporary shelter called earth and just passing through to get to your Heavenly home called Heaven.
Prophecy 85: When I tell you to sell what you have, escape while you can yet flee. Multitudes of you still question ME. Why do you think I told you to do Passover? Even if you have never done it before, I warned you to do it so the angel of death would pass over you and not touch your families or homes and the curses could not come upon you. How many of you listened when I spoke forth out of this Ring Maiden and gave you a mandate to do this. After the Passover comes an exodus. Elisheva had no idea her exodus would come without a warning in advance. I have warned you though. They go before you.
Prophecy 95:
I have more to say but the Words I have to say will not be for the world to hear. It is for you five. Oh MY beloved Little Ones, you need a Passover. Those reading these Words, those who will hear these Words, you need a Passover. You need to be delivered of your burdens, of your enemies. No matter how humble of a Passover that you do, just do it. Just acknowledge the fact you need a Passover. You need a new beginning. You need miracles from Heaven. You need deliverance from the enemies' hands for I warn you of this, your worst enemies are your own governments and your own land. I warn you of this. America, you are doomed. I prophesied it again and again and again and again! So America, I'm going to give you a leader after your own heart. You are a bully. You are brutish. You once were so blessed and now you are a curse unto ME and all who follow in America's footsteps, all you nations, I speak through this Prophetic Handmaiden, so you shall be a curse unto ME. So you are a curse unto ME. I warned you Canada, don't follow in your sister's footsteps. But you sold yourself, the government of Canada, oh Canadians, for the price of gold, sold itself. Now embraces immorality, embraces the spirit of atheism.
And all of you, all of you, all of you listening, all of you, all of you, all of you who receive, don't forget you need a Passover and for so many of you, if you can but just do the most humble I will honor it as another Passover approaches.
You organized churches, I laugh at you. You have MY Ressurrection before the Passover. Foolish, foolish manmade religions. Foolish, foolish manmade religions, how many souls have been taken to hell because of you? But not one do I loose whose names are found written in the LAMB'S Book of Life, again I say, before the foundation of this earth.