Prophecy 62:
YAHUSHUA is on the way, the KING IS COMING! HE is your atonement for sin. He is the perfect Lamb that was sacrificed. No spot, no blemish, no sin was found in HIM. HE paid for this world, HE was ransomed for this world for all those that can believe and receive the Blood that was shed at Calvary. He paid the atonement for your sin. HE is your High Priest for those Jews that deny Him, for the Muslims that deny Him. They acknowledge Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but they will not accept HIM as MESSIAH, when it comes to the NAME YAHUSHUA.
Then they will be judged by the laws of Moses and they had better have not broken one commandment. How many find it hard to obey ten. Try 613, why do you think I gave you a High Priest who will be touched by your infirmities and weaknesses? For MY desire is that none will perish. But for those who insist to be judged by Moses, then Moses will judge them and woe unto those that are judged by Moses for there is no mercy in him.
So in these ten days of awe, rejoice for those who know YAHUSHUA as Lord, rejoice that HE is your MESSIAH, your Deliverer, your Healer, the One that I Bless you with when you call out to ME in HIS NAME. For I YAHUVEH am glorified through MY Son YAHUSHUA and YAHUSHUA is glorified by HIS Father YAHUVEH. And I take great delight in protecting MY Children and confounding the enemy in many different ways.
Prophecy 101:
Stop testing the RUACH ha KODESH, stop grieving MY Spirit. This world now stands at the edge of a cliff, the cliff is the Great Tribulation. Call upon YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH now while there is yet time. On Yom Kippur during these 10 Days of Awe remember, I only hear the prayer of the humble at heart. Do not be smug in your own salvation.